CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-22 ORISSA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B JHARSUGUDA DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Manoranjan Saran of the IndIan Admtnlstratlve ServIce Director of Census OperatIons, Orissa The maps Included In this publication are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India The territorial waters of India extend Into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line The Interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown In tl'1IS publication are as Interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified The state boundaries between Uttaranchal & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & jharkhand and Chhattlshgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by government concerned © Government of India, CopYright 2007 Ib Thermal Power Station, Orissa Power Generation Corporation Orissa Power Generation Corporation was incorporated on 14th November, 1984 under the Companies Act, 1956. EarLier, the entire share capital of the Company was owned by Government of Orissa. During January, 1999, Government of Orissa has disinvested 49% of its stake in favour of a private investor, nameLy, AES Corporation, U.S.A. The main objective of Orissa Power Generation Corporation is establishing, operating, maintaining large ThermaL Stations independently and/or in joint sector. As its main venture, the Company has set up 2(Two) Thermal Power Plants with a capacity of 210 MW each in the lb Valley Area of Jharsuguda district at an estimated project cost of Rs.11350 million. It has undertaken the construction of 7 (seven) Mini Hydel Unit Stations having a totaL capacity of 5075 KW as a technoLogicaL demonstration. The Location of Thermal Power Plant at the pit heads and their proximity to the main reservoir at Hirakud faciLitate easy supply of coal and water respectively. This gives the Company the distinct advantage of lower cost of inputs and hence lower cost of generation. The management of affairs of OPGC vests in the Board of Directors comprising 6 (Six) Directors. As per the share holders' agreement with the private investor, the Board will comprise equaL number of nominees from the both the parties. The Chairman and Director, Finance are nominated by Government of Orissa while the Managing Director and the Director, Operations are nominated by the private investor. The Principal Secretary to Government, Department of Energy, Government of Orissa is the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Company. The day to day affairs of the Company are managed by the Managing Director, Director, Operations and the Director, Finance. They are assisted by a team of experienced professionals having expertise in the field. iii) CONTENTS Pages }<orcword Preface XI Acknowledgcment XIII District lIighltghts - 2001 Ccn~us xv important statistics XVII Ranking of Policc Stations ill the District XIX Statcmcnt J Namc of thc headquartcrs of DIstrict/TahsIl, thclr rural/urban status and cltstance from district headquarters, 2001 XXI Statement 2 Name of thc headquarters of dIstrict/CD block theIr rural-urban status and dIstance frolll d istnct headquartcrs, 200 I XXI Statement 3 Popu lation of the district at each census from 190 I to 200 I XXII Statement 4 Area, number of villages/towns and population in district and police station, 2001 )(,XIII S tatemcnt 5 CD Block wisc number of vIllages and rural populatIon, 2001 XXIV Statcmcnt G Population of Urban AgglomeratIons/towns, 200 I XXIV Statement 7 Villages WIth populatIon of 5,000 and above at CD Block level as per 200 I census and amenitIes available xxv Statement 8 Statutory towns with popUlation less than ),(100 as per 200 I cenSllS and amenIties available XXV Statcmcnt 9 Iiouseless and InstItutIonal population of police stations, rural and urban,2001 XXVI Analytical Note I. HIstory and s~opc of thc District Ccnsus ~ Iandbook 3 2 Brief history of the district 4 3 Admlllistratlvc set-up 5 4 PhYSical features Location, size, physiogtaphy, relief, dralllage, clImate, soils, agricultme, industry and cropping pattern 5 5 Placcs of reitgiolls, hIstorical, archaeological and tounst importance 111 villages and towns of the dlstnct 16 6 Major characteristiCS of the dlstnct 111 the form of any hlstoncal figure associated With the distnct 16 7 Censlls concepts 16 9 2001 Census findings - Population and its dlstrihution 27 10. Brief analysis of PCA data hased on inset tables 1 to 36 28 11. Brief analysis of the Village DIrectory and Town Directory data hased on inset tables 37 to 47 49 12. Brief ,}nalysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Houselist1l1g Operations, Census of India 2001 based on inset tables 48 to 52 55 13. Scope of Village Directory 64 14. Scope of Town Directory 66 PART A-VILLAGR AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION - I - VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the VIllage Directory 71 List of Villages merged in Towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 74 CD B10ckwise presentation of Village Directory data I. K.Laldlanpur C.D. Block Map 75 Alphabetical list of Villages 78 Amenities and land use 82 2. Jharsuguda C.D. Block Map III AlphaQetical list of Villages 114 Amenities and land lise 116 3. Kirimira C.D. Block Map 133 Alphabetical list of Villages 137 ~ Amenities and land use 138 4. Laikera C.D. Block Map 147 Alphabetical list of VIllages ISO Amenities and land lI,se 152 5. Kolabira (1)) C.D. Block Map 163 Alphabetical list of Villages 167 Amenities and land lise 168 Appendices to Village Directory (Appendix I to VIII) 177 - 193 SECTION -II - TOWN DIRECTORY Note ewlaining the abbreviations lIsed in Town DIrectory 197 (VI) TOWIJ DircctQ"Y Statcmcnts : STATEMENT I - Status and Cirowth Illstory 201 STATEMENT II - PhysIcal aspects and location of towns, 1999 202 STATEMENT III - MunIcIpal finance, 1998-99 203 STATEMENT IV - CivIc and othel amenities, 1999 204 STATEMENT V - Medical, EducatIonal, Recreational and Cultural Factlltles, 1999 205 STATEMENT VI - Traue, Commcrce, Indu~try and Banklllg, 1999 205 STATEMENT VII- CivIc and other amenities In sluIns, 1999 206 PA]~r B- PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT BrIef note on Primary Census Abstract 210 DIstrIct Primary Census Abstract 214 AppendIx to District Primary Census Ahstract i.e.Urban blockwisc figurcs of Total, SC and 5T PopulatIon 222 Primary Censlls Abstract for Scheduled Castes 230 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes :38 C.O. B10ckwise Village Primary CenslIs Abstract Prtmary Census Abstl act - K.lakhanpur C D Block 46 Primary Census Abstract - .lharsuguda CD Block .66 Primary Census Abstract - K i rim ira C. [) Block 280 Prtmary Census Abstract - LaIkera C.D. Block 288 Primary Censlls Abstract - Kolabira (P) C.D. Block 296 Urban Primal'Y Census Abstract 304 Annexurcs Annexure I - Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat (CD Blockwlse) 312 Annexure II - Ferttlity and Mortality. 1991 Censlls 314 Annexure III - Various measures of Fertility and Mean age at Marriage.1991 Census 314 Annexure IV - Percentage distribution of migrants by place of blrth/ place of last reSIdence, 200 I Census 316 Annexure V - Brief aC~Olll1t of malll religiolls 111 the district as per 200 I Censlis 317 Annexure VI - Marital Status of populat ion as per 2001 Census 318 Annexure VII - Age, Sex and Education In the State and Dlstnct. 2001 Census 319 Annexurc VIII - Mother tonguc. 2001 CCllSU:', 322 (VII) Foreword he Distl ict CensLls Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 cE"nsus, is one Tof the important publications in the context of plannmg and development at grass-root level The publication, which IS brought out for each (lIstrlct, contains several demographic and socia-economic charactenstlcs village-Wise and town-wise of the dlstnct alongwith the status of availability of Civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc The scope of thc DCHB was II1ltlally confined to a fcw Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged The DCI-IB published at the 1961 Census provided a descriptive account of the district, adlllllllstrative statistiCS, census tables and a village and town directory II1cludll1g PCA The 1971 Census-DCIIB senes was III three parts' Part-A related to Village and town dIrectory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C compriscd analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 Census DCHS was III two parts. Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town includll1g the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith re~~ructurrng of the for~llats of vrllage and town directory were added into It [n Village Directory, all amenities except electrrcity were brought together and If any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place havlllg such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adu It I iteracy centres, primary health sub-centres and commun Ity health workers in the Village were proVided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minir"num Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inacccssible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to proVide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns. The 1991 Census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 Census, except the format of PC A was restructured.
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