H6454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 24, 1998 H.R. 4078: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. ABER- following Members: Greg Ganske, John D. Petition 6 by Mr. OBEY on House Resolu- CROMBIE, and Mr. FORD. Dingell, Michael R. McNulty, John W. Olver, tion 473: Lee H. Hamilton, Ike Skelton, Neil H.R. 4095: Mr. BONIOR, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Sherrod Brown, Bob Filner, Alcee L. Abercrombie and Darlene Hooley. Mr. MENENDEZ, and Mr. BEREUTER. Hastings, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Lois H.R. 4121: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. ENGLISH of Capps, Elijah E. Cummings, Jesse L. Jack- f Pennsylvania, Mrs. THURMAN, Mr. GREEN- son, Jr., Gregory W. Meeks, Barney Frank, Karen McCarthy, Lynn C. Woolsey, Anna G. WOOD, and Ms. SANCHEZ. AMENDMENTS H.R. 4134: Mr. BALDACCI. Eshoo, Frank Mascara, David E. Skaggs, Ron H.R. 4167: Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Kind, Maurice D. Hinchey, Barbara Lee, Eliz- Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro- H.R. 4188: Mr. BILIRAKIS. abeth Furse, Eva M. Clayton, Carrie P. posed amendments were submitted as H.R. 4204: Mr. MCCOLLUM, Mr. NUSSLE, and Meek, Bill Pascrell, Jr., Max Sandlin, Chet follows: Mr. BLUNT. Edwards, Nydia M. Velazquez, Robert E. H.R. 2183 H.R. 4206: Mr. DINGELL, Ms. ROYBAL-AL- Wise, Jr., Barbara B. Kennelly, Nick LARD, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. MARKEY, Lampson, Lloyd Doggett, Ruben Hinojosa, OFFERED BY: MR. SALMON Ms. MCKINNEY, Mrs. MORELLA, Mr. PALLONE, Steve R. Rothman, Dale E. Kildee, Jane Har- (To the Amendments Offered By: Mr. Mr. PAYNE, and Mr. MATSUI. man, Earl Blumenauer, Robert A. Borski, Hutchinson) H.R. 4209: Mr. ENGEL. Thomas C. Sawyer, John F. Tierney, James P. McGovern, Robert A. Weygand, Bart Stu- AMENDMENT NO. 173: Add at the end the fol- H.R. 4211: Mr. EHLERS, Mr. HASTINGS of lowing new title: Florida, and Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. pak, Lynn N. Rivers, Patsy T. Mink, Scotty ll H.R. 4213: Mr. FOLEY and Mr. RILEY. Baesler, Albertr Russell Wynn, Thomas J. TITLE ÐPOSTING NAMES OF CERTAIN H.R. 4224: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. BAES- Manton, Sidney R. Yates, Zoe Lofgren, Rosa AIR FORCE ONE PASSENGERS ON L. DeLauro, Jim Turner, Ellen O. Tauscher, LER, and Mr. BONIOR. INTERNET Loretta Sanchez, Vic Snyder, Marion Berry, H.R. 4233: Mr. SABO, Mr. STARK, Mrs. CLAY- SEC. ll01. REQUIREMENT THAT NAMES OF PAS- Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Karen L. Thurman, TON, Ms. FURSE, Mrs. TAUSCHER, and Mr. FIL- SENGERS ON AIR FORCE ONE AND Debbie Stabenow, Jay W. Johnson, Howard NER. AIR FORCE TWO BE MADE AVAIL- L. Berman, Cynthia A. McKinney, Gene ABLE THROUGH THE INTERNET. H.R. 4250: Mr. BLUNT, Mr. KNOLLENBERG, Green, Ken Bentsen, Darlene Hooley, Sheila and Mr. HILL. (a) IN GENERAL.ÐThe President shall make Jackson-Lee, Steny H. Hoyer, Bart Gordon, H.R. 4258: Mr. CANNON and Mr. BURR of available through the Internet the name of John J. LaFalce, David E. Price, Jim Davis, North Carolina. any non-Government person who is a pas- Danny K. Davis, Robert E. Andrews, Jose E. H.R. 4265: Mr. NORWOOD, Mr. EDWARDS, Mr. senger on an aircraft designated as Air Force Serrano, Brad Sherman, Melvin L. Watt, HILL, Ms. GRANGER, and Mr. INGLIS of South One or Air Force Two not later than 30 days Julia Carson, Martin Olav Sabo, David E. after the date that the person is a passenger Carolina. Bonior, Ciro D. Rodriguez, Esteban Edward H.R. 4275: Mr. ROGERS, Mr. HOUGHTON, Mrs. on such aircraft. Torres, Vic Fazio, Bruce F. Vento, John M. (b) EXCEPTION.ÐSubsection (a) shall not EMERSON, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. WATTS of Okla- Spratt, Jr., Diana DeGette, Charles E. Schu- homa, Mr. NEY, Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. RAHALL, apply in a case in which the President deter- mer, Calvin M. Dooley, Carolyn McCarthy, mines that compliance with such subsection Mr. PETERSON of Minnesota, Mr. BALDACCI, James E. Clyburn, Robert Menendez, Edward Ms. DELAURO, Mr. WISE, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. would be contrary to the national security J. Markey, Thomas H. Allen, Nita M. Lowey, interests of the United States. In any such SANDLIN, Mr. LAMPSON, Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. LI- James P. Moran, Ron Klink, Jim case, not later than 30 days after the date PINSKI, Mr. BORSKI, Mr. HOLDEN, Ms. NORTON, McDermott, Jerrold Nadler, Bob Clement, that the person whose name will not be made Mr. WALSH, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. BUNNING of Paul McHale, Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr., available through the Internet was a pas- Kentucky, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. BOEHLERT, and Corrine Brown, George Miller, Sam Farr, Mi- senger on the aircraft, the President shall Mr. WICKER. chael F. Doyle, Robert A. Brady, Xavier submit to the chairman and ranking member H.R. 4281: Mr. GOODE. Becerra, Nick J. Rahall II, Norman D. Dicks, of the Permanent Select Committee on In- H. Con. Res. 122: Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. Frank Pallone, Jr., Gerald D. Kleczka, Sand- ENGEL, Mr. FORBES, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. ROS- er M. Levin, Neil Abercrombie, Dennis J. telligence of the House of Representatives LEHTINEN, Mr. SPRATT, Mr. WAXMAN, and Mr. Kucinich, George E. Brown, Jr., Leonard L. and of the Select Committee on Intelligence YATES. Boswell, Tom Lantos, Peter Deutsch, Jerry of the SenateÐ H. Con. Res. 148: Mr. FRANKS of New Jer- F. Costello, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, (1) the name of the person; and sey. Chaka Fattah, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, (2) the justification for not making such H. Con. Res. 184: Mr. MCGOVERN. John Elias Baldacci, Thomas M. Barrett, name available through the Internet. H. Con. Res. 185: Mr. UNDERWOOD, Mr. MAR- Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Henry A. Waxman, (c) DEFINITION OF PERSON.ÐAs used in this KEY, Mr. HOYER, Mr. OLVER, Mrs. MALONEY of William D. Delahunt, Patrick J. Kennedy, Act, the term ``non-Government person'' New York, Mr. SABO, Mr. PITTS, and Mr. Robert Wexler, Paul E. Kanjorski, Tony P. means a person who is not an officer or em- LAMPSON. Hall, Marcy Kaptur, John Conyers, Jr., Jo- ployee of the United States, a member of the H. Con. Res. 203: Mr. PETRI. seph P. Kennedy II, Eliot L. Engel, Sam Armed Forces, or a Member of Congress. H. Con. Res. 239: Ms. KILPATRICK. Gejdenson, David R. Obey, Fortney Pete H.R. 4194 H. Con. Res. 299: Mr. STUMP, Mr. CAMPBELL, Stark, Lane Evans, Earl Pomeroy, Tim OFFERED BY: MR. COBURN and Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Holden, Ralph M. Hall, James H. Maloney, AMENDMENT NO. 33: At the end of the bill, H. Con. Res. 303: Mr. HINCHEY. Bobby L. Rush, James A. Barcia, Ike Skel- insert after the last section (preceding the H. Con. Res. 304: Mr. CARDIN, Mrs. KELLY, ton, Peter A. DeFazio, Bernard Sanders, Luis short title) the following new sections: Mr. MILLER of California, and Mr. BONIOR. V. Gutierrez, Robert T. Matsui, Donald M. SEC. The amounts otherwise provided by Payne, Benjamin L. Cardin, Major R. Owens, f this Act are revised by reducing the amount Bill Luther, William J. Coyne, Silvestre made available under the heading ``DE- PETITIONS, ETC. Reyes, Carolyn B. Maloney, Ted Strickland, Charles W. Stenholm, Martin T. Meehan, W. PARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE- Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions VELOPMENTÐFEDERAL HOUSING ADMINIS- and papers were laid on the clerk's G. (Bill) Hefner, William O. Lipinski, Rich- ard A. Gephardt, Lucille Roybal-Allard, TRATIONÐFHAÐMUTUAL MORTGAGE INSURANCE desk and referred as follows: Glenn Poshard, John Lewis, Earl F. Hilliard, PROGRAM ACCOUNT'' for non-overhead admin- 69. The SPEAKER presented a petition of Martin Frost, Gary L. Ackerman, Edolphus istrative expenses necessary to carry out the Peter Strzelczyk, M.D., citizen of Katowise, Towns, Bennie G. Thompson, Juanita Mutual Mortgage Insurance guarantee and Poland, relative to a demand for damages for Millender-McDonald, Adam Smith, Rod R. direct loan program, and increasing the the estate of his wife, Ewa Strzelczyk, re- Blagojevich, Charles B. Rangel, Solomon amount made available for ``DEPARTMENT sulting from the Cavalese, Italy tragedy; to Ortiz, Lee H. Hamilton, Robert C. Scott, OF VETERANS AFFAIRSÐVETERANS the Committee on the Judiciary. Louis Stokes, Christopher John, William J. HEALTH ADMINISTRATIONÐMEDICAL CARE'', by 70. Also, a petition of Peter Strzelczyk, Jefferson, John S. Tanner, Ed Pastor, Mike $199,999,999. M.D., citizen of Katowise, Poland, relative to McIntyre, William (Bill) Clay, Rick Boucher, SEC. The amounts otherwise provided by a demand for damages for the estate of his Julian C. Dixon, David Minge, Allen Boyd, this Act are revised by reducing the amount son, Filip Strzelczyk, resulting from the and Collin C. Peterson. made available under the heading ``DE- Cavalese, Italy tragedy; to the Committee on f PARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE- the Judiciary. VELOPMENTÐFEDERAL HOUSING ADMINIS- TRATIONÐFHAÐGENERAL AND SPECIAL RISK f DISCHARGE PETITIONSÐ ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS PROGRAM ACCOUNT'' for non-overhead admin- DISCHARGE PETITIONS istrative expenses necessary to carry out the The following Members added their guaranteed and direct loan programs, and in- Under clause 3 of rule XXVII, the fol- names to the following discharge peti- creasing the amount made available for ``DE- lowing discharge petition was filed: tions: PARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRSÐ Petition 7. July 20, 1998, by Mr. GANSKE Petition 1 by Mr. YATES on House Resolu- VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATIONÐMEDICAL on House Resolution 486, was signed by the tion 141: Earl Pomeroy and Frank Mascara. CARE'', by $103,999,999..
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