SYMONS'S MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. VOLUME THE NINETEENTH. 1884. LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, CHARING CROSS, S.W., AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. INDEX. PAGE PAGE Absence of Dew beneath a Cloudless English Earthquake, The Great ... 49 Nocturnal Sky ..................... 85 Errata in Meteorological Magazine, Air Bubbles, Formation of, in 1883............... .................... .. 48 Water by Drops of Rain ......... 109 Eruption, The Krakatoa ..... ........ 10 American Meteorological Journal, Extraordinary Phenomenon on the The.............. ........ ...........43 184 Dee ..................... ........ ....... 21 Atmospheric Disturbance, Dec. Forecasting Weather, Spectroscopic 40 10th-16th, 1883, The, and its Formation of Air Bubbles in Water effects upon the Barometer and by Drops of Rain ... ............ ... 109 Underground Water at Maghull, Forth Bridge, Wind Pressure at.. 16 26 Liverpool .............................. 4 Frost, White, followed by Gales ... 41 August, 1884, The Thunderstorms Gale of October 13th, 1881, Heavy of . ... ................ ......135, 149 186 Rain during the ..................... 141 Barometer, A Natural ............... 26 Gales, White Frosts followed by... 41 Barometric Disturbances and Glows, Sun ....................... ...... 36 Storms, Jan. 20th to 26th ......... 1 Great English Earthquake, The ... 49 British Empire, The Climate of the, Greenwich, Visitation Day at ...... 74 during 1883 ........................... 142 Guyot, Professor Arnold, "In Brocken Spectre, in Scotland, The 180 Memoriam " ...... .................... 17 Bubbles, Formation of in Water by Health Exhibition, The Inter­ Drops of Rain ........................ 109 national, and Meteorology, 4, 115, Carbon, A Cloud of ..................... 80 125 133 Cause and Effect, Curious Case of... 187 Heavy Indian Rainfall, A, and its Ceylon, The Distribution of Rain Results...........................76, 96 123 in, during the Decade 1871-1880 171 Heavy Rain during the Gale of Climate of Manitoba, The ............ 80 October 13th, 1881 ... ........ ..... 141 Climate of the British Empire Heavy Rain in the North-West of during 1883 ........................... 143 Scotland........................ ........ 167 Climatological Tables for the British High Level Station, Another ...164 187 Empire, 11, 27, 28, 44, 78, 79, Hoffmeyer, Capt., N.H.C., "In 94, 128, 144, 175, 176 188 Memoriam" ........................... 17 Cloudless Nocturnal Sky, Absence Hydrology................................. 93 of Dew beneath a ..................... 85 Hydrology and Hydro-Geology..... 84 Cloud of Carbon, A ..................... 80 Hygrometry ................. ..... ...... 89 Clouston, The Rev. Charles, LL.D., Indian Rainfall, A Heavy, and its L.R.C.S. Edin., "InMemoriam" 165 Results.. ........................76, 96 123 Colonel Ward on the Sunsets... 9, 22 43 "In jfKemoriam" Curious Case of Cause and Effect.. 187 Clouston, The Rev. Charles, Dee, An Extraordinary Phenomenon LL.D., L.R.C.S. Edin. ......... 165 on the... ................................. 21 Guyot, Prof. Arnold ............... 17 Dew, Absence of, Beneath a Cloud­ Hoffmeyer, Capt. N.H.C. ......... 17 less Nocturnal Sky ..... ......... .. 85 International Health Exhibition and Distribution of Rain in Ceylon, The, Meteorology ...... .....4, 115, 125 133 during the Decade 1871-80......... 171 January, 1884, in the United States Drops of Rain, Formation of Air 33 63 Bubbles in Water by ... ......... 109 January 20th 26th, 1884, Barometric Dust, Another Source of Volcanic 18 Disturbances and Storms ........ 1 Earthquake, The Great English ... 49 Japan, The Rainfall of........ ......... 123 Earthquake, The Java...... ........... 10 Japanese Weather Maps... ........... 187 Easter at the Sorbonne ..,.,,......... 69 Java Earthquake and Sunsets ...9, Ely, A Tornado at ....,.....,.....,.., 160 10, 18, 22 36 IV. PAGE PAGE Journal, The American Meteoro­ Rain, The Distribution of, in Ceylon, logical.............................. ..43 184 during the Decade 1871-80...... .. 171 July, 1884, The Thunderstorms of Remarkable Rain.............. ......... 93 95, 101 117 REVIEWS : Krakatoa ani the Sunsets......9, 10, Transit Tables for 1884 ............ 8 18, 22 36 Manual of the Transit Instru­ "Magdeburg News," The Meteoro­ ments as used for obtaining logical Observatory of the ......... 169 Correct Time........................ 8 Maghull, Liverpool, Effects of A Manual of Practical Hygiene... 9 Atmospheric Disturbance of De­ Royal Meteorological Society The, cember 10th-16th, 1883, upon 6, 24, 39, 73, 87, 115, 125, 174 183 Barometer and Underground Scotland, Heavy Rain in the North- Water, at .............................. 4 Westof ..................... ........... 167 Manitoba, Th e Climate of ............ 80 Scotland, The Brocken Spectre in... 180 Meteorological Journal, The iimeri- Semicircle, Pink, opposite the Sun 9 can ........... .....................43 184 September, 1884, The Thunder­ Meteorological Magazine 1883, Er­ storms of ............................ 153 rata in.................................... 48 Sky, Absence of Dew beneath a MeteorologicalNotes on the Months, Cloudless Nocturnal ............... 85 14, 31, 47, 67, 83, 99, 114, 131, Sorbonne, Easter at the .. ............ 69 147,' 163, 179 191 Source of Volcanic Dust, Another... 18 Meteorological Observatory of the South Australia, The New Mountain "Magdeburg News," The ....... 169 Station in ................ ......164 187 Meteorological Society, The Royal, Spectre, The Brocken, in Scotland 180 6, 24, 39, 73, 87, 115, 125, "174 183 Spectroscopic Weather Forecasting 40 Meteorology and the International Station, Another High Level... 164 187 Health Exhibition ...4, 115 125 133 Station, Rainfall at the Wettest Mild Winter, The, of 1883-84...3, known .. .................. .. ...... 21 26, 38 77 Storms and Barometric Disturb­ Mountain Station in South Aus­ ances, Jan. 20th to 26th ......... 1 tralia, The New ............ ..164 187 Sun, Pink Semicircle opposite the... 9 Natural Barometer, A.................. 26 Sunsets and Krakatoa...9, 10, 18, 22 36 New Time, The......... ................. 181 Sunsets, Colonel Ward on the... 9, 22 43 Nocturnal Sky, Absence of Dew Sun Glows ........ .. .................. 36 beneath a Cloudless .................. 85 Supplementary Table ..12, 29, 45, Observatory, The Meteorological, of 65, 81, 97, 112, 129, 145, 161, 177 189 the " Magdeburg News" .. ...... 169 Thunderstorms of 1884...... 95, 101, October 13th, 1881, Heavy Rain 117, 135, 149 186 during the Gale of .................. 141 Time, The New........... ............... 181 Phenomenon, An Extraordinary, on Tornado at Ely, A ..................... 160 the Dee ................................. 21 Underground Water and the Barom­ Pink Semicircle opposite the Sun... 9 eter at Maghull, Liverpool, the Prognostics, Popular .................. 185 Effects of Atmospheric Disturb­ Rain, A Remarkable .................. 93 ance, December 10th-16th, 1883, Rain Drops, Formation of Air Bub­ upon .............. ..................... 4 bles in Water by .. .................. 109 United States, Jan,, 1884, in the 33 63 Rainfall and Temperature, Monthly Uppingham, The Rainfall at ......... 40 13, 30, 46, 66, 82, 98, 113, 130, Visitation Day at Greenwich......... 74 146, 162, 178.. ....................... 190 Volcanic Dust, Another Source of 18 Rainfall at the Wettest known Volcanic Eruption at Krakatoa...... 10 Station ................. ..... ......... 21 Water, Formation of Air Bubbles Rainfall at Uppingham, The ......... 40 in, by Drops of Rain ............... 109 Rainfall of Japan, The ............... 123 Weather Forecasting, Spectroscopic 40 Rainfall, A Heavy Indian, and its Weather Maps, Japanese ............ 187 Results ........................76, 96 123 Wettest Known Station, Rainfall at Rain, Heavy, during the Gale of the .... .... ......................... ... 21 October 13th, 1881 .................. 141 White Frost followed by Gales...... 41 Rain, Heavy, in the North-West of Wind Pressure at Forth Bridge...16 26 Scotland .................. .............. 167 Winter of 1883-84, The .. 3, 26, 38 77 SYMONS'S MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. CCXVII.J FEBRUARY, 1884. THE STORMS & BAROMETRIC DISTURBANCES JANUARY 20TH—26TH. WE have often expressed our strong objection to duplicate work. There is little doubt that as the most striking phenomena during the above period occurred in Scotland, we shall in due time receive an exhaustive report from the Scottish Meteorological Society. In the interim a short article, presumably by Mr. Buchan, has appeared in Nature, and Mr. Marriott is preparing an outline of the phenomena for the meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society on February 20th. "We have therefore transferred to him the communications which we have received upon the subject; and also many of the references to the storm of the 26th which would otherwise have appeared in the " Remarks on the Month." But it would scarcely be right to issue this number without a few words as to the unusual phenomena. I. At Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, off the N.W. of Scotland, on January 20th, at 6 p.m. the barometer was 30'17 in., by 10 p.m. it had fallen to 29-21 in., a fall of 0-96 in. in four hours; it is said to be, and probably is, the greatest fall in so short a time yet recorded in the British Isles. II. During the passage of this storm across the Orkneys, the anemometer at Sandwick Manse indicated a rate of 88 miles an hour, which is said to be " the highest speed at which wind has been known to travel
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