DIRECTORY.] "NORTHAMPTONSHIRE EAST FARNDOY. 81 Peck Henry, farmer Prestidge Charles, boot maker Tyrrell J oseph, tailor Pettlfer Thomas & Co. horse, Rhodes WilIiam, baker &:. shopkeeper Walker George, tailor sheep &:. cattle medicine manufac- Spencer Samuel, sheep dipper Weston John Henry, frmr. :Manor h~ rturers, "the (}riginal firm" estab- Taylor Percy Frank, butcher Wright Thomas, farmer lished over 60 years; &:. atNorthamp- Thompson Charles James, farmer, &:. Wright William, miller (steam &; ton &; Banbury land steward to Viscount Valentia water), Farndon mill -Pick Wallis, baker &:. grocer Tomkins Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress mkr EYE is a parish on the road from Peterborough to Wis- I erected in 1895, and used for meetings and entertainments, bech, with a station on the Peterborough and Wisbech and seating about 300 persons. A cemetery of I acre was sectioB of the :Midland and Great Northern joint railway, formed in 1866, at a cost of £100, and is under the con· 4 miles north-east from Peterborough, in the Northern trol of the parish council. New brick fields have recently -1livision of the county, Nassaburgh or Peterborough been opened here, the clay is of superior quality, and a liberty, otherwise in the county of the Soke of Peter- considerable trade is a~ready being carried on. The Bis­ borough, petty sessional division, union and county court hop of Peterborough is lord of the manor. The Duke of district, rural deanery of Peterborough (first por- Bedford K.G. the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Henry tion), archdeaconry of Oakham, and dioce3e of R. Knipe esq. of Tunbridge Wells, are the principal "Peterborough. The church of St. Matthew, partly landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, stiff clay and erected in 1846 on the site of the old church, part fen land. The surrounding country is flat and and completed in 1857, is a building of stone principally arable land. The area is 2,710 acres, 60 acres • in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts of which is road, 30 railway and 30 lanes; rateable value, and a western tower with spire 140 feet in height and £6,194; the population in 1901 was 1,366. -containing a clock and 2 bells: the tower and spire were Sacristan, William Pask. :added in 1857 from designs by the late :Mr. Basevi: tLe Post &:. M. O. 0., T. 0., S. B. &:. A. &:. T. O.-Thomas 14th ce!ltury font and a piscina (now built into the south Harrod, sub-postmaster. Letters are received through wall of the sanctuary) belonged to the original church: Peterboro' and delivered at 7 a.m. &:. 12.IO p.m.; dis- ihe stained east window was presented by Miss Moore, patched at I&;8 p.m. and two other windows by Mr. Daniel Griffin of this Wall Letter Box, Eye Green, cleared at 7.40 a.m. &:. 6.20 parish; in the south transept is a memorial window to p.m. &:. 9.45 a.m. sundays :Major John Beecroft J.P. erecterl in 1889, and there are 'Wall Le'tter Box, West End, cleared at 7.30 a.m. &:. 8 others to the Hanger and Harboard families: in 1900 p. m.; sundays, 10.5 a.m the church was thoroughly restored and the spire Schools (damaged by lightning) repaired, the interior was like- . "Wise renovated and the total cost amounted to about National (mixed), bmlt III 1855 on a SIte gIven by MISS ch~rch £350 : the affords about 500 sittings. The Moore, for 208 children; average attendance, 148 ; register commences in 1543, and with the exception of a .Joseph Y~tes: master . 'few years during the period of the civil war is complete Infants', bmlt III 1870 , at a cost ~f £430, for 108 chIld- and in excellent preservation. The living is a vicarage, ~en; a;-er8;ge attendance, 80; MISS Sarah .Ann Sanders, "Ilet yearly value £290, including 30 acres of glebe, with mfants mIstress residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Peterborough, and Railway Station, Ely Green, Jas. Thompson, station mastr held since 1894 by the Rev. Henry James Sibthorp M.A. Police Station, John Thomas Dillworth, constable of Trinity College, Dublin. There are Primitive Methodist Carrier to Peterborough.-Arthur Thompson puts up at .and Indepen"dent Wesleyan chapels, and an iron room I Old yard, Cumbergate, daily . Brookes G'laude Copeland Samuel, boot & shoe maker Love Geo. wheelwright &:. carpenter Brookes Miss Culyer George, grocer Maidens George, beer retailer Buckworth Rowland Egar Samuel Murley, farmer Moore John Whitehead, farmer Farrow :Mrs Firmedow John, wheelwright &:. crpntr Moore WilIiam George, farmer )loore John Whitehead Forth George, blacksmith Murden James, Red Lion P.H Moore William George Fowler Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer NeaJ George Lawrence, blacksmith 'Page Arthur, Manor house Fowler William, beer retailer Neaverson John, farmer "Perkins Layton Freeman John, shopkeeper, West End Norman James, farmer "Sibthorp l'tev. Henry J ames M.A.. Greenfield Mary (Mrs.), beer re· I Northam Brick Co. Limited (The). (vicar), The Vicarage tailer, Eye green brick manufacturers Temperton Miss Griffin John Robert, brewery agent, Oldham By. baker &:. grocer, Eye gm Stone villa Oldham William, miller (wind) COMMEROlAL. Griffin Joseph (exors. of), butchers &:. Parker John, saddler, harness &:. collar .Aldridge Albert John, grocer & farmer coal merchants maker; &:. at Thorney, Cambs Andrews James, boot & shoe maker Griffin Philip, frmr. Powder Blue frm Pask William, jobbing gardener -lndrews Sarah Ann (Mrs.),confectionr Bales Thomas, chimney sweeper Pawson George Thomas, Spade & AshIing Alfred, tailor Harris William, farmer, Singlesole Shovel P.H lBainton George, tailor Harrod Thomas, baker, Post office Peacock Joseph, beer retailer Beeby Alexander &:. Son, coal m!'r- Hill Benjamin Tebbut, grocer Pedley Alfred, baker, West End chants; depflt, Railway station Borrell John, farmer, Tanholt Preston Frederick James, drpr.&:. grocr "Boniface SidneyHerbert,Greyhoundp.H Jones Kewborn, blacksmiths Roberts Thomas, frmr. Eastwood frm "Bonser Thomas, relieving officer, Jones Thomas, beer retailer Skells Barry, insurance agent rpgistrar of marriages fur Crowland Langley Geo. Wm. Chadband, farmer Steels William Thomas, saddler, to- diiltrict, Peterboro' union, &:. school Lang-ley William, builder &:. wheelwright bacconist & generel dealer attendance officer Leeds Alfred Nicholson, farmer, Eye- Stimson William, farmer !Brown James, grocer bury house Taylor Samuel, Blue Boar inn -Cemetery (J. W. Buckle, Peter- Little George Pauer, farmer Twigg Henry, blacksmith borough, derk; Wm. Pask, curator) Love James William, farmer, joiner &:. Warwick, Potter &:. Southam, auctnrs (;oles Joseph, farmer wheelwright, machine oWner <& black- Williamson Sarah (Mrs.), bak8r Copeland Christopher, baker smith, Eye green Yates Jsph.derk to the ParishCouncil EAST F ARNDON is a parish and a village, 2 miles yearly value £385, with residence, in the gift of St. John'8 ~outh-west from :M:arket Barborough station on the Great College, Oxford, and held since 1895 by the Rev. James Xorthern and London and North 'Western joint railway, Trengove Nance B.D. late fellow and tutor of that college. -and 13 north-west from Kettering, in the :Mid divisic:l of ~firl.dlemore's charity ')f £7 yearly, derived from a house the county, hundred of Rothwell, petty sessional division and land in the parish. left in 1701 by Mrs. .Anna Middle­ of Little Bowden, union and county court district of more, of Stanton, is for fuel; Balford's charity consists 1Iarket Harborough, rural deanery of Rothwell (third of the interest of land at Mowsley, now about £12 yearly, 'Portion), archdeaconry of Northampton and diocese of left in 1640 by Mrs. Margaret Balford. and is med in Peterboro~gh. The church of St. John the Baptist is an apprenticing poor children of the parish: the cnurch ancient edifice of stone, partly in the Decorated style and land of 12 acres .produces about £16 yearly for church consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, south aisle, repairs. The hell'S of the late Rev. Hanmer Morgan vestry, north porch and an embattled western tower with Stratford, Lord Barnard and Thomas Grosvenor Lee esq. 'Pinnacles, containing a clock and 4 bells, rehung and a of Clent House, Wore. are the principal landowners. The iifth added in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee soil is clay; subsoil, clay and gravel; the land is prin­ m 1897 of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. The register cipally pasture. The parish contains I,538 acres; rate· ~ates from the year I502. The living is a rectory, gross able value, £2,885; the population in 190I was 204. r\ORTHA~TS • • • 6.
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