,f • •" - R-585-6-5-5 SITE INSPECTION OF BUSH VALLEY LANDFILL PREPARED UNDER TDD NO. F3-8405-44 ERA NO. MD-02 CONTRACT NO. 68-01-6699 •:' . FOR THE HAZARDOUS SITE CONTROL DIVISION U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DECEMBER 10, 1985 ,NUS CORPORATION SUPERFUND DIVISION SUBMITTED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED RICHARD CALLAHAN WILLIAM WENTWORTH G/R'TH GLENN' ENVIRON. ENGINEER ASSISTANT MANAGER MANAGER, FIT III •RRl'00039 ORIGINAL Site Name; Bush Valley LandfifP"' TDD No.: F3-8405-44 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1,0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 AUTHORIZATION 1-1 1.2 ' SCOPE OF WORK 1-1 1.3 SUMMARY 1-1 2.0 THE SITE 2-1 2.1 LOCATION 2-1 2.2 SITE LAYOUT 2-1 2.3 OWNERSHIP HISTORY 2-2 2.1. SITE USE HISTORY 2-2 2.5 PERMIT AND REGULATORY ACTION HISTORY 2-2 2.6 REMEDIAL ACTION TO DATE 2-3 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3-1 3.1 WATER SUPPLY 3-1 3.2 SURFACE WATERS 3-1 3.3 GEOLOGY AND SOILS 3-2 3.4 GROUNDWATERS 3-3 3.5 CLIMATE AND METEOROLOGY 3-3 3.6 LAND USE 3-4 3.7 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION 3-4 3.8 CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTS 3-4 4.0 WASTE TYPES AND QUANTITIES 4-1 5.0 FIELD TRIP REPORT 5-1 5.1 SUMMARY 5-1 5.2 PERSONS CONTACTED 5-1 5.2.1 PRIOR TO FIELD TRIP 5-1 5.2.2 AT THE SITE 5-1 5.3 SAMPLE LOG 5-3 5.4 SITE OBSERVATIONS 5-4 5.5 PHOTOGRAPH LOG 5.6 EPA SITE INSPECTION FORM 6.0 LABORATORY DATA 6-1 6.1 SAMPLE DATA SUMMARY 6-1 6.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW 6-2 6.2.1 ORGANIC 6-2 6.2.2 ' INORGANIC - 6-4 7.0 TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION 7-1 7.1 SUMMARY 7-1 7.2 DISTRIBUTION OF CONTAMINANTS 7-2 7.3 TOXICOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS •ARIOOO7-5 A ,W _, ii r.! £ ! *t H, i " ' i, n u Site Name; Bush Valley Landfill TDD No.: F3-8405-44 APPENDICES A 1.0 COPY OF TDD A-l B 1.0 MAPS AND SKETCHES B-l 1.1 SITE LOCATION MAP 1.2 SITE SKETCH 1.3 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP 1.* PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION MAP 1.5 OFF-SITE LOCATION MAP C 1.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE C-l SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION D 1.0 LABORATORY DATA SHEETS D-l E 1.0 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF REGULATORY E-l . EVENTS AT THE SITE ', F 1.0 STATE RESULTS OF SITE MONITORING F-l WELLS ANALYSES G 1.0 WELL LOGS G-l SECTION 1 ARIOOOW - ! :• ! (*>:•-') Site Name: Bush Valley Landfill TDD No,; F 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization NUS Corporation performed this work under Environmental Protection Agency Contract No. 68-01-6699. This specific report was prepared in accordance with Technical Directive Document No. F3-8405-44 for the Bush Valley Landfill site i located in Harford County, Maryland. 1.2 Scope of Work NUS FIT III was tasked to perform a high priority site inspection and sampling of the subject site and surrounding area. 1,3 Summary On 3uly 11, 1984, FIT III performed a site inspection of the 29-acre, inactive Bush Valley Landfill site. The subject site is owned by Mr. Lloyd Harris of Abingdon, Maryland. Allegedly, this site was used for the open burning of trash prior to 1977. The Bush Valley Landfill was then operated by Mr. Harris as a private landfill for Harford County from 1977 until 1982 under state permit no. 75-1201-02A. Mr. Harris insists that he never received any tank trucks or drums at his landfill. However, he did accept waste materials from American Cyanamid, of Havre de Grace, Maryland. This was confirmed by American Cyanamid, according to the preliminary assessment performed by the state of Maryland. This preliminary assessment describes the waste groups as imides, amines, amides, elastomers, and asbestos. In addition, American Cyanamid states that empty sacks which contained residues of strontium chromate and arsenic trisulfide may also have been disposed of at this landfill. Mr. Harris stated during the site inspection that he received waste materials from the Monsanto Company as well. ;JfRI0QOU3 1-1 ORIGINAL Site Name: Bush Valley TDD No.: F3-8405-4* In March, June, and September of 1983, the Maryland Waste Management Administration sampled 3 of 4 monitoring levels surrounding the Bush Valley Landfill. Their results indicated the presence of priority organic pollutants in parts per billion in 1 of the wells sampled. Mr. Harris received numerous orders, compliance notices, and, on 2 occasions, assessments as the direct result of the manner in which he operated his landfill. These notices of violations were issued as early as October 20, 1978 and continued through February 20, 1984 when the case was referred to the Attorney General's office. In May 1980, renewal of the state permit under which Mr. Harris operated the Bush Valley Landfill was refused due to his apparent inability to comply with state requirements. Violations following this date reflect an attempt by the state of Maryland to secure the proper and complete closure of the landfill. A preliminary assessment was performed on November 11, 1983 by Mr. Michael Broumberg of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (MD DHMH). The preliminary assessment described piles of topsoil which lay unspread along the top of the landfill, as well as numerous leachate seeps and erosion gullies which were observed on the northern and eastern slopes of the landfill. These conditions were still present during the FIT III site inspection. During the FIT III site inspection, a total of 10 aqueous and 6 solid samples were collected. These included up- and downstream aqueous and sediment samples of the adjacent Bynum Run Creek, 3 of the 4 monitoring wells surrounding the landfill, an aqueous and sediment sample of the northeast sediment basin, as well as a sample of each of 3 flowing leachate seeps. Up- and downgradient private wells were also sampled. A full priority pollutant analysis was conducted on all samples collected. Results of the analyses of these samples can be found in section 6 and a Toxicological Evaluation can be found in section 7. ARIQQOM 1-2 ,, . I T -i SECTION 2 AA1090U5 (Red) Site Name; Bush Valley Landfill TDD No.: F 2.0 THE SITE 2.1 Location The Bush Valley Landfill site is located on the east side of Bush Road, 3/4 mile south of Route 7, just east of the town of Abingdon, Maryland. The site location can be seen more accurately on the United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.), 7.5 Minute Series, Edgewood and Perryman, Maryland Topographic Quadrangles in appendix B, figure 1. 2.2 Site Layout The Bush Valley Landfill site is a mound that rises 20 to 25 feet and extends 25 feet below the surrounding terrain to within 5 feet of the water table. The site is rectangular in shape, and measures approximately 1,500 feet long and 800 feet wide. The landfill is bordered to the west by Bush Road. The area beyond Bush Road is a sparsely populated, primarily wooded area. Bynum Run Creek borders the site to the north, flowing in an eastwardly direction through a predominantly wooded area. Bynum Run converges with Bush Creek approximately 1,000 feet northeast of the site. Bush Creek flows in a southwardly direction 1,500 feet to the east of the site. In this vicinity, Bush Creek is fed by a ISO-acre marsh. Immediately to the south lies a small farm which Mr. Harris suggested was under consideration for development. The southern slope of the landfill is vegetated, while the remainder is not. An estimated 6 inches of soil cover the landfill. The required 2-foot cap has not been placed over the Bush Valley Landfill, and several piles of cover material sit unspread on the top of the landfill. Two sedimentation basins were constructed on the east side of the landfill in an attempt to collect surface water runoff from the landfill itself. Figure 2 in appendix B shows the approximate boundary of the landfill as observed by FIT III. 2-1 ORIGINAL" Site Name: Bush Valley Landfill TDD No.:.F3-84Q5-44 2.3 Ownership HIstoiry The Bush Valley Landfill site was owned by Mr. Harris, of Abingdon, Maryland, from 1977 to 1982. It was during this period that waste materials were received for disposal. Information regarding the ownership of the property prior to 1977 was unavailable at the time the site inspection was performed. As, of this site inspection, the site ownership is retained by the aforementioned party. 2.4 Site Use History According to the preliminary assessment prepared by Mr. Michael Broumberg and the MD DHMH, the Bush Valley Landfill site was used prior to 1977 for the open burning of trash. Between the years of 1977 and 1982, Mr. Harris owned and operated a private landfill which served Harford County, Maryland. One company known to have used the Bush Valley Landfill is American Cyanamid of Havre de Grace, Maryland. Mr. Harris stated during the site inspection that he had received waste materials from the Monsanto Company as well. The 47-acre property was to be broken up into 2 separate areas. Twenty-nine acres were to be used for municipal refuse. This portion of the plan was completed. However, the 18-acre segment, located between the existing landfill and Bynum Run Creek, was to be used for the disposal of construction rubble (i.e., concrete and brick).
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