Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 31, Number 28, July 16, 2004 Highlights of Schiller Institute’s Activities 1984 rial Conference to promote the SDI: “The Initiative: Its Military, Economic, and Age of Reason in a World of Mutually Scientific Dimensions” in Tokyo. July 3-4: “Rescue the Western Alli- Assured Survival and Space Coloni- Sept. 16: Publication of “Ibero- ance”—founding conference of the Insti-zation.” American Integration: 100 Million New tute in Arlington, Virginia. July 15-17: “Stop the IMF’s Geno- Jobs by the Year 2000.” Sept. 25: Board members tour West cide! For the Integration and Develop- Berlin and call for the reunification of ment of Ibero-America”—first Conti- East and West Germany and the fall of nental Conference of the Schiller 1987 the Berlin Wall. Institute Trade Union Commission, held Feb. 13: Concert in the Mexico City Nov. 26: “For the Inalienable Rights in Mexico City. Cathedral by the Schiller Institute chorus, of Man”—international conference en- Nov. 1-3: “Saint Augustine, Father singing music of Bach and Vivaldi. dorses the Declaration of the Inalienable of European and African Civilization”— April 3-4: Conference in Lima, Peru Rights of Man. More than 3,000 people international conference in Rome, with celebrating the 20th anniversary of the from 50 nations bring declaration to the 800 participants from five continents. encylical Populorum Progressio. Theme White House steps. is “Development Is the New Name for Peace.” Co-sponsored by the Schiller In- 1986 stitute and the College of Saint Au- 1985 gustine. Feb. 2: “Towards the Creation of a Dec. 12-13: Seminar in New Delhi Jan. 15: Ten thousand demonstrate North-South Action Committee for a on “The Campaign of Lyndon LaRouche on Martin Luther King holiday in Wash- New World Economic Order against the for a Solution to the Worldwide Eco- ington, D.C., for a just new world eco- IMF”—international conference in Paris nomic Collapse.” nomic order. attended by 500 Europeans and Africans. June 15-16: Krafft Ehricke Memo- April 22-23: “The Strategic Defense 1988 Jan. 30-31: “The New Name for Peace is Development”—Bretton Woods, New Hampshire international conference to call for a new just eco- nomic order, replacing the bankrupt Bret- ton Woods system. April 9-10: Milan, Italy conference on “Music and Classical Esthetics,” at Casa Verdi. Musicians from all over Italy attend, launching the international fight to lower the modern so-called standard pitch (A = 440 or higher) to the “Verdi” pitch of C = 256 cycles per second (A = 432). July 13: Press conference in Rome on Verdi pitch campaign. Sept. 3-4: Food for Peace organiza- tion founded at Chicago conference. Del- egates pledge to fight for increased food Ten thousand citizens, including many inner city youth, demonstrated for economic production worldwide and an end to the development, the SDI, and an end to the IMF at a Washington, D.C. march on Jan. 15, destructive GATT free-trade policies. 1985, after the fourth international Schiller Conference. 18 Feature EIR July 16, 2004 © 2004 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. 1989 Jan. 16: Four thousand people from 25 states and dozens of nations march in Washington, D.C., demanding eco- nomic justice for people all over the world, against the IMF bankers’ dicta- torship. Jan. 19-20: International Martin Lu- ther King Tribunal on Crimes Against Humanity founded in Rome. Major focus is to free Lyndon LaRouche from prison. (LaRouche was unjustly sentenced and imprisoned on Jan. 27.) May 5-6: “For a New Council of Florence”—international conference in Rome’s Sala Borromini, on the 550th an- Helga Zepp-LaRouche was the keynote speaker at a Schiller Institute conference niversary of the 1439 Council of commemorating the year of St. Augustine, in Rome, Nov. 1-3, 1985. Florence. October-December: The Institute is deeply involved in support for the revolu- tions sweeping Eastern Europe. Sponsors Beethoven concert at the former Berlin Wall by violinist Norbert Brainin and pi- anist Gu¨nter Ludwig dedicated to Ger- many’s reunification. 1990 Jan. 21: The Lubo Opera Company presents the first American performance of Beethoven’s opera Fidelio at the “Verdi” pitch, in Alice Tully Hall, Lin- coln Center, New York City. Lyndon and Helga LaRouche addressed a conference commemorating the 20th anniversary of the papal encyclical Populorum Progressio, which was held in Lima, Peru Sept. 15-17: Helga Zepp-LaRouche in 1987. leads Schiller Institute delegation to Po- land. Polish Schiller Institute is launched in the room where Solidarnosc was emy of Science in Prague. founded in 1980. 1992 July: Bridge Across Jordan, a book about the life of civil rights heroine Ame- May 26: “Christopher Columbus: 1991 lia Boynton Robinson, is released by the Science and Evangelization in the Discov- Schiller Institute. ery of the New World”—conference at May 10-12: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Oct. 7: Demonstration at the United Rome’s Urbaniana Pontifical University. releases a call to governments of the Nations releases policy proposal “For a July 1-6: Vice Chairman Amelia world to implement Pope John Paul II’s True Fourth UN Development Decade: Robinson tours war-torn Croatia at invi- encyclical Centesimus Annus. A Concrete Solution to the World Eco- tation of “Mothers for Peace.” June: Institute helps to found and nomic Breakdown Crisis.” August: “World Appeal for Africa: propagate the activities of the CommitteeNov. 22-23: “The Productive Trian- Help Save 40 Million People” urges an To Save the Children in Iraq. gle: Centerpiece of an All-Eurasian In- emergency program to stop the pending June 27: The Productive Triangle isfrastructure Program, Locomotive for a mass death in Africa due to drought and officially presented to the Institute of New, Just World Economic Order”—in- famine. Economics of the Czechoslovak Acad- ternational conference in Berlin. Aug. 19: Helga Zepp-LaRouche ad- EIR July 16, 2004 Feature 19 Anderson in DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. Nov. 9: Institute co-sponsors concert at Fisk Memorial Chapel in Tennessee, “Let Freedom Sing,” with Robert McFer- rin, Sylvia Olden Lee, the Fisk Jubilee Singers, and the Nashville Boys Choir. 1994 April 25: Institute launches global drive against the United Nations Interna- tional Conference on Population and De- velopment in Cairo. May 24: First seminar in Ukraine on On Jan. 31, 1988 the Schiller Institute sponsored a conference on a New Just World Economic Order in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, scene of the founding of the 1944 the global financial crisis and reconstruc- Bretton Woods System. Above are Helga LaRouche, former Guyanese UN Ambassador tion policies. Fred Wills (center), and Lyndon LaRouche. May 27-28: “For a Marian Anderson National Conservatory of Music Move- ment”: Gala Concert and Music Confer- ence at Howard University in Washing- ton, D.C. Aug. 7-14: Lyndon and Helga LaRouche address educational-cultural seminar in Smolenice Castle, outside Bratislava, Slovakia. Nov. 26: First Washington, D.C. per- formance of “Through the Years,” a mu- sical drama by Amelia Boynton Robin- son, with cast and choir drawn from local children. Dec. 17-23: The LaRouches visit Su- Following the launching of its campaign for returning the concert pitch to C=256, the dan to discuss ways out of the economic Verdi pitch, the Schiller Institute held a press conference in Rome, shown here. From left: and strategic crisis there. organist Arturo Sacchetti, Senator Mezzopeso, Schiller Institute representative Liliana Gorini, famous base Piero Cappuccilli, and Senator Boggio. 1995 dresses the UN Human Rights Commis- at the Russian State University for the June 5-9: Lyndon and Helga sion, Sub-Commission on Prevention ofHumanities. LaRouche in second visit to Russia; he Discrimination and Protection of Minori- April 8: “Save the Art of Bel speaks at the State Duma of the Russian ties, meeting in Geneva, on the case ofCanto—Return to the Verdi Tuning”: Federation, the Institute of Economics of political prisoner Lyndon LaRouche. Forum and Master Class by Italian tenor the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Oct. 30-31: Conference of the Insti-Carlo Bergonzi at Weill Recital Hall at Methodological University, and Mos- tute in Moscow, co-sponsored by the Carnegie Hall, New York. cow State University. Moscow State Humanitarian University April 26-30: Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 11: Former Ugandan President and the Ukrainian University in Moscow, in Khartoum, keynotes international Godfrey Binaisa, joined by a delegation on LaRouche’sProductive Triangleas al-Conference on Religions, sponsored by of the National Constitutional Confer- ternative to IMF austerity policy. the Sudanese government, “For an Ecu- ence of Nigeria, discuss Binaisa’s initia- menical Dialogue based on an Economic tive to form an African Civil Rights 1993 Science in Cohesion with the Laws of Movement, at Paris conference on God’s Creation.”“Peace, Development, and the Rights of April 6-10: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Aug. 27: Concert of Lieder, spirituals Man.” in Moscow, lectures on Nicholas of Cusa and opera in tribute to soprano Marian Aug. 31-Sept. 1: Independent hear- 20 Feature EIR July 16, 2004 ings in Vienna, Virginia, to investigate allegations of gross misconduct by the U.S. Department of Justice. The panel of state legislators, religious and legal fig- ures is chaired by former Congressman James Mann (D-S.C.) and civil rights at- torney JL Chestnut of Selma, Alabama. 1996 Jan. 26: “A Call to Save the Children in Bosnia-Hercegovina” urges United States and Europe to adopt Marshall Plan for economic reconstruction in Bosnia. April 24: Lyndon LaRouche ad- dresses round table discussion in Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a presentation at a Rome conference commemorating the Moscow, sponsored by the Institute for 500th anniversary of the Council of Florence, in May 1989.
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