SAS and Pivotal (formerly EMC Greenplum) Big Data Analytics Faster on The SAS and Pivotal Partnership Flexible, Scalable Analytics Platform SAS and Pivotal are strategically part- Analytics is one of the most compel- nered so you can build deep insights ling competitive differentiators today. rapidly, create competitive advantage As data volumes grow in size, variety and become truly data-driven. Our Top Challenges and speed, deriving insights from partnership combines engineering data becomes complex. To address know-how to offer flexible architectures • Analytic complexity is growing exponentially due to increases in data this complexity, you must ensure that that meet growing data demands with volume, variety and velocity, which your technology infrastructure can a combination of SAS® Analytics, a slows data movement and analytical keep pace with the need for business Pivotal massively parallel database and computations. insights and ensure flexibility and scal- a variety of hardware options. • Disjointed analytic and IT ability as data grows. infrastructures hamper analytics- The solution uses HAWQ – a powerful supported decision making. Organizations must step out of data query engine with the parallel database • The need to improve agility and and analytics environments that were technology of Pivotal Analytic Database speed in analytical development and designed long before the era of big – to analyze massive amounts of data in deployment processes. data, to a more scalable, flexible Hadoop with standard SQL for leading- environment where data from different edge scalability and performance. silos can be brought together as needed to make the best use of new SAS and Pivotal offer several paths to architectures for data storage and analytic modernization depending on management to analyze virtually the organization’s needs and analytic unlimited amounts of data. maturity. SAS and Pivotal help organizations SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Pivotal is a modernize their analytics environment solution that provides direct connec- by using a technology platform that is tivity between SAS and Pivotal Ana- both flexible and scalable. SAS and lytic Database, going beyond ODBC’s Pivotal solutions take advantage of new standard interfacing capabilities. Pivotal architectures such as Apache Hadoop Data Computing Appliance manages, and inexpensive hardware options to stores and facilitates the analysis of lower the total cost of ownership. petabytes of data. Users can take advantage of Pivotal’s “shared-nothing” massively parallel processing archi- tecture, high-performance parallel data-flow engine, and advanced gNet interconnect technology. Benefits Instead of using only a subset of the Benefits • Integrate data stored in Pivotal with data in traditional architectures – ob- • Quickly and confidently seize new data from other sources. scuring critical insights – the integrated opportunities, detect unknown risks solutions from SAS and Pivotal provide • Access data directly, easily and and make the right choices. the data scale and compute capacity securely with native interfaces. • Use all data (including unstructured) needed to analyze the largest possible with advanced modeling techniques • Gain faster performance and reduce data sets and identify the relevant and and perform more model iterations network traffic. related variables in all of your data. This to get answers to your difficult ques- • Minimize data movement. approach – analyzing all the data all the tions. • Support both technical and business time – enables you to discover unex- • Derive insights at breakthrough users. pected and valuable patterns hidden deeply in complex, multisource data. speeds for high-value and time- ® SAS Scoring Accelerator for Pivotal sensitive decision making. combines the statistical transforma- Delivering consistent analytics to the • Take advantage of Pivotal’s highly tion and modeling methods available organization demands increased avail- scalable and reliable analytics infra- in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ with the ability of analytics systems. structure to test more ideas and mul- scalability and in-database processing tiple scenarios with all your data. speed of the Pivotal Analytic Database Integrating SAS and Pivotal software to dramatically accelerate the model- and appliance products brings enter- SAS® Visual Analytics on Pivotal deployment process. prise-level redundancy and reliability. SAS Visual Analytics on Pivotal helps Protecting the analytics infrastructure Benefits you explore all relevant data quickly through redundancy and disaster- and easily no matter the size of the • Achieve higher model-scoring perfor- recovery technologies from Pivotal helps organization – or the data. Now you can mance and faster time to results. ensure that the flow of analytics to the look at more options, uncover hidden • Enhance the productivity of your data business continues around the clock. mining and IT groups. opportunities, identify key relationships and make more precise decisions to • Reduce data movement and latency, ® drive success faster than ever. Self- and streamline analytic deployment. SAS High-Performance Analytics on Pivotal service, ad hoc visual data discovery • Better manage, provision and govern and exploration put lightning-fast data. While data continues to grow, decision insights within everyone’s reach. makers need answers faster than ever. • Make better use of IT resources and SAS High-Performance Analytics on reduce costs. Benefits Pivotal is an in-memory solution that • Explore all relevant data quickly and allows you to develop analytical models All the Data, All the Time easily and share meaningful insights using complete data, not just a subset using the Pivotal Data Computing Good business decisions demand or aggregate. You can develop models Appliance or Pivotal Analytic deep analyses of all available data. that use thousands of variables and Database. Your transactional systems capture millions of documents to produce more interactions with customers, generat- accurate and timely insights. • Whether you’re a business user with ing rich data sets that are stored in the limited technical skills, a statistician or warehouse as large database tables. With models that can run in minutes a data scientist, powerful analytics are Burgeoning external sources – web- or seconds, you can perform more at your fingertips. sites, industry information services, frequent modeling iterations and use social media, etc. – provide additional sophisticated analytics to get answers valuable sources of information about to questions you never thought of or customer behavior, public sentiment had time to ask. and market behaviors. ® SAS on Pivotal Hadoop Key Customer Benefits SAS on Pivotal HD addresses the Business users: complexity and implementation costs • Find answers quickly to take advantage of fleeting opportunities. of Hadoop by enhancing it with the • Remove latencies and inefficiencies to accelerate the analytic process. expressive power of SQL. The combi- nation accelerates deployment, data • Focus on exploring and solving the business issues – not connectivity and data exploration, model development and consistency issues. application development, while increas- • Analyze more data and build more detailed models to raise insights and increase ing overall information availability. predictive accuracy. • Leverage vast compute performance to permit detailed data exploration and Benefits faster model execution. • Reduce cost with a price per terabyte • Increase analytics’ contribution to the business while consolidating the analytical that is 20 times less when compared infrastructure. to an enterprise data warehousing • Experiment with multiple models to find the best fit. solution. • Performs better in situations where IT users: databases have a limit on the number • Reduce data movement and analytical computation latency for improved perfor- of variables. mance. • Takes advantage of the tremendous • Decrease IT project backlog by simplifying systems administration and systems open-source innovation of Hadoop. provisioning. About Pivotal • Reduce system bottlenecks to free IT from constant performance tuning and resulting tradeoffs. Pivotal is building a new platform for • Decrease labor costs by avoiding manual scoring; reduce the revalidation of a new era, setting the standard for code for scoring purposes. enterprise platform-as-a-service (PaaS). The company’s mission is to enable • Improve scalability and performance to respond to questions or issues in a customers to build a new class of ap- timely manner. plications, leveraging big and fast data, • Take advantage of new architectures like Hadoop and use commodity hardware doing all of this with the power of cloud to lower total cost of ownership. independence. • Protect the shared computing infrastructure with industry-leading redundancy and disaster preparedness. Uniting selected technology, people and programs from EMC and VMware, the following products and services are About SAS now part of Pivotal: Greenplum®, Cloud SAS is the leader in business analytics Foundry, Spring, Cetas, Pivotal Labs®, software and services, and the largest GemFire® and other products from the independent vendor in the business VMware vFabricTM Suite. intelligence market. Through innova- tive solutions, SAS helps customers at For more information, visit more than 60,000 sites improve per- www.gopivotal.com formance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®. SAS Institute Inc. World Headquarters +1 919 677 8000 To contact your local SAS office, please visit: sas.com/offices SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2013, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. 105788_S108640.0513 .
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