University of California, Irvine Volume I, Number 14 "HONEST DAN STEERS AN HON'EST COURSE" Thursday, February 9, 1967 ANTHILL IN DESPERATE NEED OF AID Contrary to popular opinion, tbe tion and occasional "extras" which ducing a weekly, with tbe hope Anthill is not going to fold. This tbe writers have been proud of. of eventually producing a bi- or may mean academic death for staff The work, however, has gotten tri-weekly, has kept the newspaper members, psychological deteriora- to the point wbere it is no longer going. This has been at the ex- tion for editors and continued frus- fun. The newspaper this year faces pense of study time. The editors tration for the Premier Printing one of the same problems wbich of tbe Anthill average 20 to 40 C01npany, but nonetheless, it is not crippled the journalistic attempts bours a week on the newspaper - going to fold. last year: it has lacked dependable a ridiculous and dangerous amount This doesn't mean, however, that staff writers and workers. of time wben their primary role everything is running smoothly: Consequently, the burden of at the University is that of a stu- tbe Los Angeles Times of the Ir- gathering ne·ws, writing stories, lay- dent. vine set is presently suffering the ing out pages, dummying make- The tin1e burden is beginning to pangs of two grave maladies - too ups, proofing copy, distributing edi- sbow - most of the regulars have smallitis and acute disorganization tions and running a business de- been forced to drop to a three- - and needs a short recuperation partment as well, has fallen on six class work load, and even in those period. Consequently, staff mem- or seven "never-say-die" journal- classes they are generally two or bers will be subject to "limited ists. three weeks behind classmates. Last activity" for the next three weeks, The staff this year does bave quarter three of the editors receiv- publishing only a two-page fly- the advantage over the Spectrum ed incompletes in classes, and one sheet instead of the regular four-, and tbe Tongue of being able to student failed a course because he six- or eigbt-page paper. pay regular staff wi·iters and edi- bad spent so much time on the This action comes from the Ant- tors a weekly stipend. This, bow- paper to keep it going. A more hill staff out of necessity rather ever, seems to be insufficient in- drastic example is the fact tbat than cboice. Since the beginning centi-ve - the monetary returns editor Pbil Pearlman was forced of the scbool year, the nucleus of don't seem to make up for tbe two to resign his post two 'Weeks ago WRETCHED CONDIT I 0 N S - students who comprise the staff or three hours per week loss of because he had dropped so far SHE COULDN'T TAKE IT-News Working under the most try· /:Jave spent long hours working on study time that writers must en- behind in his academic work. Editor Patsy Truxaw flipped ing conditions and with a very the paper. Tbe task bas been diffi- dure. No member of the staff pre- her lid when sh.e was told her minimum of s u p p I i es, the cult, riddled with frustration and Because journalism and newspa- sumes that his role at lrvine is first emotionalism, but it has been fun. per work is tbe "life blood" of tbe as a journalist and second as a stu- page was cut. A N T H I L staff relentlessly l The result bas been a weekly edi- steady members of tbe staff, pro- (Continued on Page 2) forg.es on. ASUC Presidents Faculty Members Meet R.R. Today Newly-elected ASUCI President Earn Fellowships Jack Lewin and representatives Two Irvine f a c u 1t y members from the other UC campuses are have been named for Alfred P. meeting today with Governor Rea- Sloan Foundation research fellow- gan at the Capitol in Sacramento. ships. The m e e t i n g was confirmed They are Dr. My r o n Bander Monday, February 6 by Jay Jeff- and Dr. Lu J. Sham, both assistant coat, student body president at professors of physics. The awards Santa Barbara. The students will were announced to d a y by Dr. discuss controversial budget and Kenneth Ford, UCI chairman of tuition proposals with the Gover- physics and Larkin H. Farinholt, nor. Sloan Foundation vice president. When questic;med Monday about Bander and Sham, both appoint- his preparations for the meeting, ed to the UCI faculty in July Lewin stated that he was gathering 1966, were selected on the basis and computing figures on the num- of the "exceptional promise and ber of UCI students who are self- extraordinary intellectual p ow e r, supporting and the number receiv- imagination and scientific insight." ing financial aid. The awards are to help support a The president intends to request continuation of basic research by documented information on how the pair for a two-year period, be- the University can maintain quality ginning in September 1967. in view of the budget cut. He Bander came to UCI from the ATTENTIVE STAFF - Enthusiastic, industrious and hard-working staff members pay strict at· has also prepared several questions Stanford Linear Accelerator Facil- tention to a calm, mild-ma.nnered and unemotional editor. regarding the financial aid which ity. He earned his Ph.D. at Col- will be needed for students unable umbia University. Sham was for- to afford increased tuition expen- merly at UC San Diego and earned ses. his doctorate at Cambridge Uni- "Since the Governor's budget cut versity. VISTA Seeks Applicants; and tuition proposals would, in effect, deny those segments of our society who most need a Univer- sity education a chance to get one," Exchange Club Lewin stated, "I fear rather that Representative To Visit UCI in the 'creative society' the natural Recruiters for VISTA (Volun- cruiters will now invite qualified Islands. law may be 'survival of the fat- Meets Today teers in Service to America) will students to training programs while The projects are located in ur- test'." UCI's chapter of the Exchange be on campus February 15. we are on campus," he said. ban slums, rural areas, Indian reser- Institute will hold its first meeting Over percent of VISTA vol- vations, migrant camps, Job Corps John Herbert, assistant field dir- 75 today on the 3rd floor of the Com- unteers are drawn from college centers and mental hospitals. VIS- mons at 7:30 p.m. ector for the program, stated that campuses. This year VISTA will TA volunteers may express a pre- Committee Drafts The agenda for the meeting will VISTA has a .new accelerated pol- recruit 4,500 volunteers to serve in ference for location and type of include the Institute's overseas stu- icy for students who have received one of 300 different projects from assignment. Questionnaire dy program, plans for speakers and their bachelor's degree or expect coast to coast and in Hawaii, Alas- The volunteers tr a i n for six films for the rest of the year and to receive it this year. "Our re- ka, Puerto Rico and the Virgin weeks and serve for one year. They The Student Committee on the proposition of an International receive a monthly. allowance to Teaching has prepared a rough Trades Fair at UCL cover basic living expenses. At the draft of its questionnaire on the "As far as any special groups end of service they receive in a quality of teaching at UCL The which might be interested in us lump sum a stipend of $50 for each questionnaire will be used later this goes," explained interim President lnterf aith Offers Services month served. quarter to gather student opinions I .ange vVinckler, "foreign language The Interfaith Center is offering conducting a program on "Prepar- Anthony King, 22, of San Fran- on courses and instructors. students and international students many religious a<;tivities to UCI ation for Marriage" each Thurs- cisco will represent the organiza- Copies of this questionnaire are should be first on the list." students. day, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the tion at Irvine. King served as a available for inspection by students A weekly Holy Communion ser- Lounge room of the Center. VISTA Volunteer until August, in the Activities Office. Comments Mass is held each Wednesday 1966 and '"as assigned to the Youth and suggestions for the final draft Selectiv~ service material and vice for Episcopal students will be held every Tuesday. This change at 5 p.m. in the Center with Father Consultation Service in Newark, of the questionnaire are welcomed. information can be obtained in was made at the request of stu- Raymond A. Saplis. New Jerse) . A graduate of Stan- Later in the quarter students will the Dean of Students' office, dents who wanted a morning Euch- The Women Associates of the ford University, he is presently be asked to fill out the final draft room 1415, Lib-Ad. Student arist, but who found the Thursday University Interfaith Foundation trying to choose between a Peace of the questionnaire. copies of the SSS Form 109 can held a general membership meeting Corps assignment and a teaching Student comments a b o u t this also be obtained in the office morning schedule a hard one to meet. Tuesday, February 7, at 10 a.rn. in post at Harvard, since his VISTA rough draft may be written direct- from Jan Jenkins. Father Raymond A.
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