SUBJECT INDEX Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440. Page numbers suffixed by t and f refer to Tables and Figures respectively. Absorption cross section, neutron scattering inner v. outer sphere complexations, and, 2233 2563–2566, 2566f, 2567t Absorption spectra, of uranium dioxide, oxidation states of, 2525–2527, 2525f 2276–2278, 2277f stability constants of, 2558–2559 Absorption spectroscopy, resonance correlations, 2567–2577 effects in, 2236 trivalent, 2562, 2563t Accelerator transmutation of waste (ATW), Actinide (III), hydration of, 2528–2530, 2693–2694 2529f, 2529t Acetates, structural chemistry of, Actinide chalcogenides, structural chemistry 2439t–2440t, 2440–2445, 2444f of, 2409–2414, 2412t–2413t Acetylacetones, SFE separation Actinide chemistry with, 2680 complexation and kinetics in solution, Acidic extractants, for solvent extraction, 2524–2607 2650–2652, 2651f bonding, 2556–2563 Actinide cations cation-cation complexes, complexes of, 2577–2591 2593–2596 with inorganic ligands, 2578–2580, cation hydration, 2528–2544 2579t, 2581t cation hydrolysis, 2545–2556 with inorganic oxo ligands, complexation reaction kinetics, 2580–2584, 2582t 2602–2606 with organic ligands, 2584–2591, complexes, 2577–2591 2585t–2586t, 2588f, 2589t correlations, 2566–2577 correlations in, 2567–2577 inner v. outer sphere, 2563–2566 Gibbs energy, 2568–2570, 2568f–2569f redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 ligand basicity, 2567–2568 ternary complexes, 2591–2593 hydration of, 2528–2544 magnetic properties, 2225–2295 in concentrated solution, actinide dioxides, 2272–2294 2536–2538, 2537f 5f0 compounds, 2239–2240 hexavalent, 2531–2532 5f1 compounds, 2240–2247 in non-aqueous media, 2532–2533 5f2 compounds, 2247–2257 overview, 2528 5f3 compounds, 2257–2261 pentavalent, 2531–2532 5f4 compounds, 2261–2262 tetravalent, 2530–2531 5f5 compounds, 2262–2263 thermodynamic properties, 2538–2544, 5f6 compounds, 2263–2265 2540t–2541t, 2542f, 2543t, 2544f 5f7 compounds, 2265–2268 trivalent, 2528–2530, 2529f, 2529t 5f8 compounds, 2268–2269 TRLF technique, 2534–2536, 2535f, 5f9 compounds, 2269–2271 2535t–2536t 5f10 compounds, 2271 hydrolysis of, 2545–2556, 2545f 5f11 compounds, 2271–2272 hexavalent, 2553–2556, 2554f–2555f, metallic state and 5f-electron phenomena, 2554t–2555t 2307–2373 pentavalent, 2552–2553 basic properties, 2313–2328 tetravalent, 2547–2552, 2549t–2550t, cohesion properties, 2368–2371 2551f–2552f general observations, 2328–2333 trivalent, 2546, 2547f, magnetism, 2353–2368 2547t–2548t overview of, 2309–2313 I-1 I-2 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 Actinide chemistry (Contd.) phosphates, 2583 strong correlations, 2341–2350 sulfates, 2581–2582, 2582t strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 with organic ligands, 2584–2591, superconductivity, 2350–2353 2585t–2586t, 2588f, 2589t weak correlations, 2339–2341 carboxylates, 2584, 2585t–2586t, separation of, 2622–2769 2586–2587, 2590 applications, 2725–2767 catecholamine, 2590–2591 future of, 2768–2769 crown ether, 2590 historical development of, 2627–2631 fulvic acid, 2590–2591 systems for, 2631–2725 humic acid, 2590–2591 structural chemistry of, 2380–2495 hydroxypyridonate, 2590–2591 coordination compounds, 2436–2467 siderophores, 2590–2591 metals and inorganic compounds, overview of, 2577 2384–2436 redox reaction kinetics, 2597–2602 organoactinide compounds, 2467–2491 An-O bond breakage, 2598–2600, 2599t solid state structural techniques, complexation effect, 2601–2602, 2602t 2381–2384 disproportionation reactions, thermodynamic properties, 2113–2213 2600–2601, 2600t carbides, 2195–2198 electron exchange reactions, 2597–2598 chalcogenides, 2204–2205 ternary, 2591–2593 complex halides, oxyhalides, and hydrolytic behavior of, 2592–2593 nitrohalides, 2179–2187 modeling of, 2593 elements, 2115–2123 overview of, 2591–2592 halides, 2157–2179 use of, 2592–2593 hydrides, 2187–2190 Actinide compounds hydroxides and oxyhydrates, magnetic properties of, 2361–2362 2190–2195 thermodynamic properties of, 2113–2213 ions in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133 antimonides, 2197t, 2203–2204 ions in molten salts, 2133–2135 arsenides, 2197t, 2203–2204 other binary compounds, 2205–2211 carbides, 2195–2198 oxides and complex oxides, 2135–2157 chalcogenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 pnictides, 2200–2204 complex halides, 2179–2182 Actinide complexes, 2577–2591 group IIA elements, 2205, 2206t–2207t bonding in, 2556–2563 group IIIA elements, 2205–2206, coordination numbers, 2558–2560, 2206t–2207t, 2208f 2559f group IVA elements, 2206–2208, covalent contribution to, 2206t–2207t 2561–2562, 2563t halides, 2157–2179 ionicity of f-element, 2556, 2557f hydrides, 2187–2190 steric effects in, 2560 nitrides, 2200–2203 strength of, 2560–2561 nitrohalides, 2182–2185 thermodynamics of, 2556–2557, 2558t oxides, 2192–2195 cation-cation, 2593–2596, 2596f, 2596t oxides and complex oxides, 2135–2157 complexation kinetics, 2602–2606, oxyhalides, 2182–2187 2605f, 2606t oxyhydroxides, 2193–2195 americium, 2604–2605 phosphides, 2197t, 2203–2204 Eigen mechanism, 2602–2603 pnictides, 2200–2204 multidentate ligands, 2603–2604 selenides, 2203t, 2204–2205 simple v. complex, 2602 sulfides, 2203t, 2204, 2204f trivalent complexes, 2605–2606, tellurides, 2203t, 2204–2205 2605f, 2606t transition elements, 2208–2211 with inorganic ligands, 2578–2580, trihydroxides, 2190–2192 2579t, 2581t transition metal characteristics of, with inorganic oxo ligands, 2333–2334 2580–2584, 2582t Actinide elements carbonates, 2583 absorption cross section of, 2233 complex, 2583–2584 divalent, 2525–2526 nitrates, 2581 electrorecovery of, 2719–2721 Subject Index I-3 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 entropy of, 2539, 2542f, 2543t structures of, 2369f, 2370–2371, 2371f extraction of, reductive, 2719 superconductivity of, 2239 heptavalent, 2527 synthesis of, 2630, 2631t hexavalent, 2527 tetravalent, 2526 hydrolytic behavior of, 2553–2556, hydrolytic behavior of, 2547–2552, 2554f–2555f, 2554t–2555t 2549t–2550t, 2551f–2552f stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f lanthanide separation from, 2635, 2635f, thermodynamic properties of, 2113–2223 2669–2677, 2757–2760 in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133, 2128t Cyanex 301, 2675–2676 in condensed phase, 2115–2118, dithiophosphinic acids, 2676 2119t–2120t, 2121f LIX–63, 2759–2760 in gas phase, 2118–2123, 2119t–2120t process applications, 2670–2671 in molten salts, 2133–2135 separation factors for, 2669–2670, trivalent, 2526 2670t hydrolytic behavior of, 2546, 2547f, soft-donor complexants for, 2547t–2548t 2670–2671, 2673 stability constants of, 2571–2572, 2573f sulfur donor extractants, Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f 2676–2677, 2677t Actinide ions TALSPEAK, 2671–2673, 2672f, 2760 absorption cross section of, 2233 TPTZ, 2673–2675, 2674t in aqueous phase, 2123–2133 TRAMEX process, 2758–2759, 2759f electrode potentials, 2127–2131 magnetism in, 2354–2356 enthalpy of formation, 2123–2125, metallic state and 5f-electron phenomena 2124f–2125f of, 2307–2373 entropies, 2125–2127 basic properties, 2313–2328 heat capacities, 2132–2133 cohesion properties, 2368–2371 EPR measurements of, 2226 general observations, 2328–2333 for SFE, 2683–2684 magnetism, 2353–2368 thermodynamic properties of overview of, 2309–2313 in aqueous solutions, 2123–2133, 2128t strong correlations, 2341–2350 in molten salts, 2133–2135 strongly hybridized, 2333–2339 Actinide metals superconductivity, 2350–2353 Bloch states in, 2316 weak correlations, 2339–2341 cohesion properties of, 2368–2371 pentavalent, 2526–2527 magnetism in, 2353–2368 hydrolytic behavior of, 2552–2553 electronic transport and, 2367–2368 production of, 2729–2736 exchange interactions and magnetic around the world, 2764–2767 anisotropy, 2364–2366, 2365f–2366f bismuth phosphate process, 2730 general features of, 2353–2354 BUTEX process, 2731 intermetallic compounds, 2356–2361 CMPO, 2738–2752 magnetic structures, 2366–2367 DHDECMP, 2737–2738 orbital moments, 2362–2364, 2363f DIDPA, 2753–2756 other compounds, 2361–2362 DMDBTDMA, 2756 in pure elements, 2354–2356 extractant comparisons, overview of, 2309–2313 2763–2764, 2763t crystal structure of, 2312–2313, 2312f methods under development, 2760–2763 electrical resistivity of, 2309, 2310f neptunium partitioning, 2756–2757 Wigner-Seitz radius of, 2310–2312, 2311f PUREX process, 2732–2733 properties of, 2313, 2314t–2315t REDOX process, 2730–2731 Brillouin zones, 2317–2318 THOREX process, 2733–2736 complex and hybridized bands, TLA process, 2731–2732 2318–2319, 2318f trivalent actinide/lanthanide group density functional theory, 2326–2328 separation, 2757–2760 density of states, 2318f, 2319 TRPO, 2752–2753 electrical resistivity, 2324 in pyroprocessing, 2694 electron-electron correlations, separation of, rare earth metals, 2719, 2325–2326 2720t, 2721f electronic heat capacity, 2323 I-4 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 Actinide metals (Contd.) Alkali metals Fermi energy and effective mass, actinide oxides with, 2150–2153 2319–2322 enthalpy of formation, 2151 Fermi surface, 2322–2323 entropy, 2151, 2152t formation of energy bands, 2313–2317 high-temperature properties, 2151–2153 one-electron band model, 2324–2325 for pyrochemical processes, 2692 strongly hybridized 5f bands in, 2333–2339 Alkaline earth metals Fermi surface measurements, 2334 actinide oxides with, 2153–2157 photoemission measurement enthalpy
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