Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 17 OCTOBER 1974 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy .Ministerial Statement [17 OCTOBER 1974) :Hinisterial Statement 1399 THURSDAY, 17 OCTOBER 1974 requested the concurrence of the Queens­ land Government in such a proposal within three weeks in order that substantial building work on the hospital take place early in Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. W. H. Lonergan, the New Year. Flinders) read prayers and took the chair Leaving aside for the present any com­ at 11 a.m. ment upon the inordinate haste which he sought to impose on the Queensland Govern­ PAPERS ment in arriving at a decision on a matter of such importance, I have to tell honour­ The following papers were laid on the able members that there are reasons of great table, and ordered to be printed:- weight which impelled us to suggest for the Bdance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account Prime Minister's consideration an alternative of the Public Curator for the year proposal to h!s request that we surrender 1973-74. the Mt. Gravatt project to the Common­ The following papers were laid on the wealth. table:- Mr. Hrom!ey: It is over 25 years since a Report of the Legal Assistance Committee major hospital was built in Brisbane. of Queensland for the year 1973-74. Mr. TOOTH: Mr. Speaker, the statement Orders in Council under- that I am making is an extremely important Money Lenders Act 1916-1973. one. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Act 1967- Mr. SPEAKER: Order! The honourable 1973. member for South Brisbane will cease The State Electricity Commission Acts. interjecting. 1937 to 1965. Mr. TOOTH: The development of a major The Southern Electric AuthoTity of hospital at that location with the has!e Queensland Acts, 1952 to 1964. which the Commonwealth clearly has m Regulations under­ mind were it possible of accomplishment, Elections Act 1915-1973. which I gravely doubt, would dislocate the Hospitals Act 1936-1971. entire forw;trd-planning programme of hos­ Fire Brigades Act 1964-1973. pital construction in the metropolitan and south-east region of this State. Planning is currently under way, and in ;;ever~] areas construction is well advanced which w1ll MINISTERIAL STATEMENT provide for this region within the next five MT. GRAVATT HOSPITAL; ALTERNATIVE TO to seven years approximately 1,000 addi­ COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL tional acute beds. These include 200-230 beds in stage l of a ne\> hospital at Mt. Hon. S. D. TOOTH (Ashgrove-Minister Gravatt as well as major additions at Royal for Health) (11.5 a.m.): In late September, Brisban~, Princess Alcxandra. Redcliffe, the Premier received from the Prime Minis­ Nambour, Ipswich, Southport, and Cherm­ ter a letter, outlining certain proposals for side. These activities are all inter-related in for a Development Programme for Austra­ a co-ordinated plan which also takes lian Hospitals. This w'as based upon the cognisance of proposed developments in ''Report on Ho-;pitals in Australia" made by church and private projects and of com­ the Hospital and Health Services Commis­ munity health services centres which sion and outlined the Prime Minister's views Queensland IS providing as rapidly as regarding preliminary moves towards the possible. implementation of that report. The provision of ho'>pital beds today is In addition. the Prime Minister indicated very costly both in terms of money and of his desire to undertake certain initiatives in trained professional personnel, and it is respect of the construction of what he economically necessar: and essential from described as Australian Government Hospi­ a staffing-resources point of view to time tals to be located in Sydney, Melbourne, and the provision of additional beds with the Brisbane. These proposals had been released changing needs of the populations they are to the Press on the previous week-end, and to serve. For example, the planning to date received widespread publicity. They were at Mt. Gravatt has been directed towards an additional to, and indeed in marked conflict area of special need-an obstetrical unit with, recommendations in the "Report on which will ultimately form part of the Hospitals in Australia", and in consequence over-all Mt. Gravatt complex, and a new were received with considerable surprise both teaching hospital, completely up-to-date in in official and unofficial circles. concent to integrate with a new university In respect of Queensland, I refer in par­ medic~{ school, which it is envisaged may ticular to a statement in the Prime Minister's come into existence at Grifflth University, letter that he saw clear advantages in the Mt. Gravatt, in the 1980's. Commonwealth Government's assuming full This brings me to another point of responsibility for the development of the major importance, namely, the fact that the major acute hospital at Mt. Gravatt, and new Griffith University at Mt. Gravatt is 1400 Ministerial Statement [17 OcTOBER 1974] Questions Upon Notice being established on very modern educa­ beds in its general paediatric and obstetrical tional principles, involving innovations both wings. 1t is a teaching hospital for purposes in planning and structure on the campus of the Queensland University at St. Lucia. and in the academic approach to university The Mater Hospital authorities have been work. lt is hoped in developing the teaching recognised by this State as partners in the hospital to be able to relate as closely as provision of public hospital facilities in the possible to the university, consistent with metropolitan area of Brisbane. The funds adhering to the primary purpose of the of the Order have not been sufficient up to hospital, the provision of patient care, and the present to enable them to moun! ~ny the provision of such care at the time when major capital rebuilding or refurbtshmg the need for it becomes apparent. programme in respect of their general acute These considerations obviously conflict hospital, which now urgently needs to be with any hasty development at Mt. Gravatt completely rebuilt. They have, however, in advance of community needs and with provided plans for this purpose, and these the type of stereotyped and uniform pattern plans are well advanced-so far advanced, which I understand is envisaged for the indeed, that it would be possible to begin so-called Australian hospitals in the three operations before Christmas this year. eastern capitals. If the Commonwealth Government were My justification for making this comment to offer financial assistance to the Mater lies in the fact that I have become aware of Misericordiae Public Hospital authorities to approaches made to firms of architects in enable them to proceed with their major Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane for the reconstruction and redevelopment pro­ provision of plans for rapid implementation gramme, we feel sure that this offer would of Australian Government hospitals, and it be favourably regarded. Not only would appears that, to save time, uniform planning the assistance of the Commonwealth then is contemplated. It is apparent that the prin­ be directed to a most worthy organisation, cipal criterion is to be speed to enable the but it would merge into the total prog1 amme Prime Minister or some other Common­ for the State without creating any imb:1lance wealth dignitary to turn sods or lay stones or distortion and would provide the quickest early in the New Year. Attempts to provide avenue by ~hich Commonwealth assistance instant, uniformly designed hospitals must could be made available to Quee;1sland be deplored and cannot effectively be inte­ patients. grated into the careful professional planning of our hospital programme. It is devoutly hoped that this suggestion will commend itself to the Prime Minister. In addition to the foregoing, the Queens­ The need for rebuilding at the Mater is land Government has strong reservations as urgent and the State Government has already to the constitutional rights of the Common­ committed approximately $2,000,000 for wealth to enter in this manner the field of capital assistance towards extensions and health delivery services, which has always renovations at the Mater. Further State been accepted as an area of State responsi­ assistance has been the subject of negotia­ bility. tion, but our resources are committed over Having in mind, however, the expressed a wide field, and progress would therefor.e desire of the Prime Minister to assist State be slow. If the Prime Minister will commtt Governments in the financing of the building the $20,000,000 he has reserved, and make and operation of hospitals, we have suggested it available for the Mater, the rapid for consideration an alternative proposal restructuring on Mater Hill will be of early which would allow the Commonwealth to and immense benefit to Brisbane and contribute substantially towards the develop­ Queensland. ment of essential hospital services in this State and would provide the means whereby Government Members: Hear, hear! Commonwealth money could be used in this State almost immediately in this financial year. QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE I speak now, of course, in respect of the ADVERTISEMENT OF Po·;niONS IN special finance which has been announced CORPORATE AFFAIRS OFFICE in the Press as being available for the con­ Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The struction of a hospital in this State-a figure Premier,- of $20,000,000. For the information of honourable members, I outline the alterna­ ( 1 ) What was the cost of the advertise­ tive suggestion which the honourable the ment in The Courier-Mail of October 12 Premier has submitted to the Prime Minister. calling for legal and accounting practi­ tioners in the Corporate Affairs Office? As members know, the Sisters of Mercy conduct a completely public hospital in (2) ln what other media was the adver­ Brisbane in the Mater Misericordiae Hospi­ tisement inserted and at what cost in tals complex at South Brisbane.
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