E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1995 No. 10 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the CONNECTICUT'S WOMEN'S BAS- pore [Mr. STEARNS]. gentleman from Virginia [Mr. MORAN] KETBALL TEAM f come forward and lead the House in the (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given Pledge of Allegiance. permission to address the House for 1 DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Mr. MORAN led the Pledge of Alle- minute and to revise and extend her re- TEMPORE giance as follows: marks.) Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, on Mon- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- day, the University of Connecticut's fore the House the following commu- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, women's basketball team beat top- nication from the Speaker: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ranked Tennessee to become the No. 1 WASHINGTON, DC, team in the Nation. I join fans from all f January 18, 1995. across our State in congratulating the I hereby designate the Honorable CLIFF players, coaches, and the university for STEARNS to act as Speaker pro tempore on CONTRACT WITH AMERICA this day. this impressive achievement. We are so NEWT GINGRICH, (Mr. BOEHNER asked and was given proud of you. Speaker of the House of Representatives. permission to address the House for 1 On Monday, the UConn fans proved minute.) themselves to be tops in the Nation, f Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, our too. They call it Husky Mania, but it is Contract With America states on the much more. Before anyone imagined a PRAYER first day of a Republican Congress, our 13 and 0 start, 6,500 season tickets were The Chaplain, Rev. James David House will force Congress to live under sold; Monday's game sold out in De- Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- the same laws as everyone else, cut cember; students camped out overnight er: one-third of committee staff, and the to get their hands on tickets; and, on Teach us, O God, to know how to live congressional budget, and, ladies and Monday, 8,241 fans packed the Gampel with the ironies of daily life. May we gentlemen, we have done that. Pavilion to cheer the Women Huskies know the time to speak and the time In the next 86 days, we will vote on to victory. to listen, the time to learn and the the following 10 items: A balanced It seems that the age-old sports rit- time to instruct, the time to reflect on budget amendment and line-item veto; uals once reserved for men's teams the past and the time to plan for the a new crime bill to stop violent crimi- have begun to take hold in the wom- future, the time to heed the inner spir- nals; welfare reform to encourage en's game. I am proud that the Univer- it and the time to enter the fray, the work, not dependence; family rein- sity of Connecticut and their fans both time of anguish and the time of joy. forcement to crack down on deadbeat men and women, are helping to lead Give us, O gracious God, a heart of wis- dads and protect our children; tax cuts that trend. I expect we will see equal dom that we will discern the transient for families, to lift Government's bur- enthusiasm when UConn's men's bas- from the eternal and so do justice and den from the middle-income Ameri- ketball team moves from No. 2 to No. 1. serve people everywhere. In Your cans; national security restoration to Go Huskies. name, we pray. Amen. protect our freedoms; the Senior Citi- zens Equity Act to allow our seniors to f f work without Government penalty; Government regulation and unfunded IT'S THE SPENDING THE JOURNAL mandate reforms; commonsense legal (Mr. GOSS asked and was given per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The reforms to end frivolous lawsuits; and mission to address the House for 1 Chair has examined the Journal of the congressional term limits to make minute and to revise and extend his re- last day's proceedings and announces Congress a citizen legislature once marks.) to the House his approval thereof. again. Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, the budget Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- This, ladies and gentlemen, is our problem in Washington is not caused nal stands approved. Contract With America. by too little revenue. The problem in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 299 H 300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 18, 1995 Washington continues to be that tax- product. This is far beyond what the The American people are not con- payers' dollars are wasted on low-prior- founders could ever have imagined. cerned about book deals. They are con- ity, redundant or unnecessary pro- Fueling this unconstitutional expan- cerned about the Federal Government's grams. The dollars in fraud, waste, and sion of the size and power of the Fed- unbalanced books. They don't care abuse total billions annually. eral Government has been deficit about GOPAC. They want big spenders The basic message from November 8 spending, which unfairly asks future to pack up and go home. was that people understand their Gov- generations to pay for the Government Mr. Speaker, the Contract With ernment is too big and spends too spending binges of today. America makes the Democrats squirm. much. This historic Congress is now be- But on January 25, we are going to They don't want a balanced budget ginning to clean out the cobwebs left have a historic opportunity to reestab- amendment because they want to con- by 40 years of one-party rule. We can- lish constitutional limits on the power tinue to spend without fear. Democrats not turn our backs on 40 years of mis- of the Federal Government when we don't want unfunded mandates reform management overnight, and we cannot vote on the balanced budget amend- because they like telling the American turn back those mistakes. But in these ment. As Thomas Jefferson clearly people what to do. sought in 1798, ``If there is one omis- first 100 days we will take the nec- The reason why the Democrats are sion I fear in the document called the essary first steps, voting on the bal- attacking the Speaker of the House is Constitution, it is that we did not re- anced budget amendment, considering clear. Republicans want to change the a line item veto, and beginning the strict the power of Government to bor- row money.'' Let us correct that next Congress. Democrats want to change hard but necessary work on cutting the subject. back on Federal spending. week. As the Clinton campaign has been f f fond of saying, ``It's the economy, stu- BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT pid,'' Now America has told us, ``No, SLOW DOWN ON UNFUNDED it's the spending, stupid.'' So let us cut (Mr. KLECZKA asked and was given MANDATES LEGISLATION out the stupid spending and balance permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mrs. CLAYTON asked and was given the budget. permission to address the House for 1 f marks.) Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, over the minute and to revise and extend her re- UNFUNDED FEDERAL MANDATES past years I have supported various marks.) versions of the balanced budget amend- Mrs. CLAYTON. Mr. Speaker, this (Mr. FARR asked and was given per- week the House will consider unfunded mission to address the House for 1 ment. However, I have not been willing to support just any version. After mandate legislation, H.R. 5. It is a pro- minute and to revise and extend his re- posal that admittedly has very popular marks and include extraneous mate- studying all of the proposals that will be coming up next week, I find them support, and I as a former government rial.) deficient in two areas, and I am intro- official understand what it is about. Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise this ducing today an alternative amend- But I am compelled to ask, what is the morning with concern on the much- ment along with the gentlewoman from rush? The bill will be voted on without needed debate on unfunded mandates Oregon [Ms. FURSE] and the gentleman the benefit of hearings. that is being conducted by the Repub- from Florida [Mr. DEUTSCH]. I should The committee met last week, where lican leadership. Everyone agrees in point out it is identical to the contract people asked a number of questions principle that mandates should be paid balanced budget amendment, except that were not answered. The sponsors for. But before we leap, let us look. for two critical points. I just returned from the California refused to have these questions an- First, it excludes the Social Security swered. Yet the committee has been floods. All the talk was about help to trust fund, which our Nation's senior bail out the families affected by those unable to tell us certainly whether this citizens depend on.
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