2016, Vol. 20(2): 63–72 Steciana doi:10.12657/steciana.020.008 www.up.poznan.pl/steciana ISSN 1689-653X LICHENS AS INDICATORS OF AIR POLLUTION IN ŁOMŻA ANNA MATWIEJUK, PAULINA CHOJNOWSKA A. Matwiejuk, P. Chojnowska, Institute of Biology, University of Bialystok, Konstanty Ciołkowski 1 J, 15-245 Białystok, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (Received: December 9, 2015. Accepted: March 29, 2016) ABSTRACT. Research using lichens as bioindicators of air pollution has been conducted in the city of Łomża. The presence of indicator species of epiphytic and epilithic lichens has been analysed. A 4-point lichen scale has been developed for the test area, on the basis of which four lichenoindication zones have been deter- mined. The least favourable conditions for lichen growth have been recorded in the city center. Green areas and open spaces are the areas with the most favourable impact of the urban environment on lichen biota. KEY WORDS: air pollution, biodiversity, lichens, urban environment INTRODUCTION terised by high resistance to factors such as extreme temperatures, lack of water and short growing peri- Lichens (lichenized fungi, Fungi lichenisati) are symbi- od, yet highest sensitivity to air pollution (Fałtyno­ otic organisms, created in most cases by an associa- wicz 1995). For more than 140 years lichens have tion of green algae (Chlorophyta) or blue-green algae been considered one of the best bioindicators of air (Cyanobacteria) and fungi, especially ascomycetes pollution (NYLANDER 1866). (Ascomycota) (NASH 1996, PURVIS 2000). They are Areas with particularly heavy impact of civili- mushrooms with a specific nutritional strategy, in- zation on the environment are cities. Lichens due volving the absorption of carbon from the autotroph- to their characteristics, including sensitivity to at- ic photobiont cells. Lichens are a polyphyletic group mospheric pollution by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen of organisms to be treated as an ecological, and not oxides occurring in urban areas, have become very as a distinct taxonomic unit (HONEGGER 1998). The popular bioindicators (GRIES 1996, MATWIEJUK & KO­ dual nature of lichens is expressed by numerous fea- robkiewicz 2012a, b, ADAMSKA 2014). tures. One of them is particularly high sensitivity One of the methods of bioindication that uses to changes in habitat conditions caused by natural lichens as indicator organisms is lichenoindication. and anthropogenic factors (Fałtynowicz 1995, Purvis Among the lichenoindication methods four basic 2000). The main reasons causing the extinction, the groups can be distinguished: floral methods (in- disappearance of stands and shrinking ranges of the volving the study of diversity and abundance of li- native ingredients of lichen biota include: chens), anatomical-morphological methods (involv- – direct actions – the physical elimination of the ing the examination of changes in the morphology species as a result of the destruction of their posi- and anatomy of lichen thallus), physiological meth- tions, e.g. cutting down trees, ods (consisting of assessing changes in the activity – indirect actions – changing of environmen- of life processes) or methods of analytical chemis- tal conditions, e.g. air pollution, soil and water try (involving the analysis of the chemical compo- contamination with toxic substances, acquiring sition of lichens: i.e. micro- and macro-elements land for building and communications infrastruc- accumulating in their biological structure; Fałtyno­ ture, quarrying, surface mining, mass tourism wicz 1995, kłos 2007). Floral methods, indicator (czyżewska 2003a, b). species methods (Hawksworth & rose 1970, kiszka Lichen thallus is characterised by large hygro- 1990, Śliwa 2000, bojko 2007, Matwiejuk 2007, bie­ scopic properties, allowing to collect water from the LEC 2011, ADam SKA 2014), analysis of participation atmosphere. In contrast to plants, lichens are charac- of morphological forms (Fałtynowicz 1995, kePel 64 Anna Matwiejuk, Paulina Chojnowska 1999), as well as methods of analytical chemistry zowiecko-Poleski Divide, in Mazowiecki Subdivide, (Seaward 1973, kiszka 1991, Pišut & lackovičova in the Północnomazowiecko-Kurpiowska Region, in 1991, bylińska & seaward 1993, Matwiejuk 2007), Kurpiowska Subregion, in the Łomża Doab District anatomical and physiological (Brodo 1961, Pišut & (Matuszkiewicz 2008). The city is located in the mid- lackovičova 1991, Pustelniak 1991), and physiolog- dle reaches of the river Narew, situated in the mo- ical methods (Ferry & coppins 1979, Fabiszewski et raine hills, covering high, left bank embankment of al. 1983, Miszalski & niewiadoMska 1993) have been meltwater valley of the Narew. The city is adjacent to used in Poland and in many countries. the forest reserve “Rycerski Kierz” in the north and The most frequently used method in Polish cit- from the river Narew to the Łomża Landscape Park ies to assess the state of the environment by using of the Narew Valley. Nearby, approx. 25 km north- lichens is the floristic method – lichen scale, consist- east of the city, the Biebrza National Park is located ing in determining the distribution in the studied and approx. 20 km northwest the Kurpiowska Forest site of selected, arboreal indicator species that dis- (załuPka 2008). tinguish zones of different degrees of pollution (eg. The city covers an area of 32.72 km2 (3.271 ha), zurzycki 1950, cieŚliński 1974, kiszka 1977, 1990, including green areas of 29.91 ha. Among them there 1999, wilkoń­Michalska et al. 1988, Fałtynowicz are three city parks – the Jakub Waga Park, People's et al. 1991, kiszka & koŚcielniak 1996, kePel 1999, Park and Pope John Paul II the Pilgrim Park, which Matwiejuk 2007, Matwiejuk & korobkiewicz 2012b, cover an area of 17.78 ha (representing 0.91% of the MATWIEJUK 2014). Lichen scales link the occurrence city) and squares, green areas and places of national of the species of lichens with air quality in the study remembrance constituting 12.13 ha. Urban forests area. The first scale of sensitivity of lichens was a occupy 17 ha (which represents 0.52% of the total scale developed for the British Isles (HAWKSWORTH area of the city) and are only privately owned. The & rose 1970). Based on the occurrence of particu- largest area of the city is occupied by arable land and lar species of epiphytic lichens growing on trees of permanent meadows, which are respectively 29% two different types of bark – eutrophized and uneu- and 15% of the total area of Łomża. Residential areas throphized – HAWKSWORTH & ROSE (1970) developed occupy 13% of the total area of the city (jastrzębski a 10-point biological scale, in which for each grade 2004). they assigned the corresponding average concentra- Buildings in Łomża are evenly spaced on. The tions of SO2 in the winter months. With this scale it urban layout of the oldest district of the city – the has become possible to compare the distribution of Old Town presents the medieval assumptions, as it is zones in the different areas and the analysis of their characterised by a rectangular arrangement of streets changes over time. In Poland, the biological scale by and blocks of buildings (wikipedia.org/wiki). HAWKSWORTH & ROSE (1970) was modified and adapt- The city is located in the transitional temperate ed to the conditions of the southern Poland by kiszka climate zone. The average annual temperature is (1990, 1999) for the province of Kraków and Prze- 7.1°C while the humidity fluctuates in the range of myśl. Using the term “lichenoindication zone” the 80–82%. The growing season lasts about 200 days. author singled out seven zones. In the vicinity of Łomża west and south-west winds kiszka (1977), KEPEL (1999), MATWIEJUK (2007) prevail. The average annual wind speed varies be- developed lichenoindication scales including species tween 3.0–3.5 m/s (załuPka 2008). inhabiting anthropogenic rocky ground (concrete In 2014, in the city the population was 62 779, poles), and placed them as indicator species in the which places the city in this respect on the 3rd place lichenoindication zones. in the Podlaskie Voivodeship (GUS 2014). The aim of the work is lichenoindication assess- The location of Łomża in the region of an agri- ment by developing a lichen scale and preparing a cultural and forest character indicates the basic di- lichenoindication map for Łomża. rections of economic development, which are the sectors unobtrusive ecologically, i.e. food, brewing, STUDY AREA electronics, building materials, wood, furniture, pro- duction and processing of agricultural products, as Łomża is a town located in the north-eastern part well as tourism and agrotourism (jastrzębski 2004). of Poland, in the western part of the Podlaskie The main sources of air pollution emissions in Voivodeship, just 150 km from Warsaw and 81 km Łomża are point sources: urban heating plant MPEC, from Białystok. The city is located at 53°11'N lati- PEPEES JSC Food Industry Company, Łomża Brew- tude and 22°04'E longitude. According to the physi- ery, Food Plant “Bona” and the District Dairy Coop- cal and geographical division of Poland the city area erative in Piątnica. Traffic routes run through the city, is within the two mesoregions: the Łomża Doab such as the national road 61, 63 and provincial roads and the Valley of the Lower Narew included in the 645, 677, 679. The volume of emissions in Łomża in Północnomazowiecka Lowland. In terms of the geo- 2014 is presented in Table 1. botanical division the area of the city lies in the Ma- Lichens as indicators of air pollution in Łomża 65 Table 1. Emissions of pollutants in Łomża in 2014 Calogaya pusilla (A. Massal.) Arup, Frödén & Søcht- Emissions in 2014 (µg/m3) ing – concrete; localities: 1, 11, 15, 23, 25, 28, 31. Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. – concrete; lo- SO NO dust PM 10 dust PM 2.5 2 2 cality: 19. 6.5 15.9 29.5 28.0* Candelariella xanthostigma (Ach.) Lettau – bark of *Exceeding the permissible level. Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fraxinus excel­ Source: WIOŚ Białystok.
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