232 1949-1THACA DIRECTORy-1949 QUALITY DIAL W.A.MUNSEY FURNITURE 2006 FOREST HOME ITHACA, N. Y. FLOOR COVERINGS ITHACA SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO Jerome A "John A (Edna M) window shades 115 N Fried gen mgr scientific apparatus mfrs Albany res Brooktondale RDI 207 S Tioga see p 118 " Kenneth K (Louise) physician 214 EState n Sign Works-see Stanford Crowell Co (5) h119 Columbia ITHACA SPORTING GOODS Jess C Shoemaker "Laura L wid Thomas r103 Fourth prop 420 Eddy see p 97 " Lynn E emp NYTelCo r303 Hillview n Tallow Co (Syracuse Rendering Co) Ells- "Mattie Mrs emp HMB Mem Hosp r119 worth H Arthur mgt" 726 W Green Cleveland av " Textiles Inc rnfrs rayon and cotton under- "Mamie A wid Floyd M dam h315 Linn wear pres David M Abbott sec and treas "Muriel G (Mrs Reginald) emp GLF ]"523 Theodore M Focht 438 W State E Buffalo " Theatre (William P, James A and John F "Reginald 0 (Muriel) student h523 E Ryan) 413 W State Buffalo " Tire Co (Morton C Post, Morton C Post, "Robert I (Carol) student CU h527 Buffalo Jr and Mrs Julia C Post) 318 W State "Robert L lab h112 Cleveland av " town of highway dept storage Inlet Valley "Stonewell janitor CU r329 Center rd RD5 " Ulise (Elizabeth) r316 Monroe " Unity Center pastor supplied 113 S Cayu- Jacob Ethel cook Ideal Rest r220 N Plain ga " George (Ethel) retired h220 N Plain " Vending Machine Co (Joseph B Reilly "Helen J tchr r220 N Plain and Frances N Leander) 140 College av "Walter C assoc prof CU res Riverhead ITHACA WELDING SERVICE Earl Adams prop Jacobs Ernest (Marie) prop Froz-N-Gold res portable electric and gas equipment 110 RD3 Fifth tel 7992 " Eugene S (Marguerite) student CU h109 ITHACA WHOLESALE HOUSE INC wholesalers DeWitt pI clothing sports apparel sporting goods "Fern tchr Henry St John Sch h319 S dry goods 209-211 EState pres-treas Albany David A Saperstone see p 63 " Halsey sten CU r136 Cascadilla pk " Window Cleaning Co (Peter and Clemens "Marguerite Mrs sten CU r109 DeWitt pI Piech) 515 EState " Mary Mrs r41231 W Buffalo " Yellow Cab Henry S Cummings prop 401 "Samuel painter r112 Sage pI Titus av " Stephen L (Anna) emp CU r509 Lake n Youth Bureau chairman Adv Council "Ward emp MCCo r525 S Albany Samuel III Woodside dir Edgar Sebring Jacobsen Flora L clk MCCo h218 N Aurora Jr 203 E Seneca " Jacob carp CU res Brooktondale RDI Ithacan The Ithaca College Publication "Sophie C wid Ole r28 Cornell (student) 123 E Buffalo Jacobson Annette emp CU r616 Utica !valo Veikko emp AWAMCorp rIll Monroe "Betty receptionist CU Infirmary r202 N " Victor emp MCCo and student h111 Mon- Cayuga roe " Stephen (Annette) student CU h616 Utica Ivan Edmund (Beverly) parts man Lincoln Jacobus Susanna J Mrs tchr Sr HS h602 N Mercury h514 Cliff Cayuga Ives BL sten CU res Canton Jacoby Burton C Jr (Alice) emp Auto Body " George S student CU h518 Dryden rd & Radiation Wks h Delaware av RD4 (AI H) " Burton C Sr mech r106 Second " Merrill H (Mrs Robert A) rooms 204-206 "H E prof emeritus CU res Washington DC N Cayuga h do Jamarusty Joseph (Patricia H) emp AWAM " Robert A (Merrill H) mech eng h204-206 Corp hllO Auburn N Cayuga " Marguerite (Mrs Peter J) emp AWAM Corp h206 E Lincoln JACKLES SIDNEY prop California Whole­ " Peter J (Marguerite) emp NYSE&GCorp sale Fruit Co res Syracuse h206 E Lincoln Jack50n Building 208-210 EState James Cecil R (Mildred) clk United Cigar " Carol (Mrs Robed; I) asst mgr Cafeteria Store r635 W State CU h527 E Buffalo " Dorothy Mrs nurse rl07 W Tompkins " Carrie S wid Charles hl027 W Seneca " George K (Margaret A) athletic coach CU " Donald B (Gladys E) student h214 Stew­ hl0l Delaware av art av " Harold J (Agnes) emp NYSE&GCorp " Donald E emp AWAMCorp h103 Forth h765 S Aurora " George (Veryl) interne TCMHosp r517 n Henry J emp NYSE&GCorp r765 S S Albany Aurora " Gladys E (Mrs Donald B) emp GLF h214 " Law Hall 23 East av Stewart av " William (Lucille) student CU h215 Dry­ " Helen P wid Edward N h128 Hudson den rd " Helen Piatt emp NYCity r128 Hudson Jameson Everett W asst CU res Snyder Hill " James const wkr r103 Fourth " Mabel Clara bkpr DB&Co r108 Hudson 1949-ITHACA DIRECTORy-1949 233 " Mary G wid Melvin H h108 Hudson " Peter V student CU rll16 EState Jamieson CA asst CU r304 Stewart av " Robert (Nancy) pilot Robinson Airlines JAMIESON-MC KINNEY CO INC plumbing Car- r107 Giles rier air conditioning steam vapor and hot " Robert C r204 Utica water heating 116-121 S Cayuga pres­ " Warden L (Catherine) porter 108 S Cay- treas Frederick L Brown Jr sec Andrew uga h512 N Meadow S Betzer v-pres Leon M Bonnett see p 72 " Wayne S (Anna M) emp MCCo r204 Utica Jamison Alan K student CU r808 Overlook Jenks Dorothy Hemp GLF res RD3 ter "G Schuyler (Elizabeth) student h317 Eddy " Charles (Dorothy K) emp MCCo h Over­ (4) look ter " Harry mech CU res RD2 Jane::, Charles H retired r217 Utica " Lloyd B (Mabel R) mgr Seely Feed Store Janosov Michael J (Anna) (Mark Beverage Inc res Pine Tree rd RD2 Co) 1223 Cliff " Robert J student r Pine Tree Road RD2 Janowsky Carl E (Margaret) emp CU h309 " William C (Theo H) mech Cayuga Motors Utica h812 N Cayuga " Donald F r326 N Titus Jenne Barbara R student IC r413 Mitchell " Jennie E Mrs h326 N Titus av " Harry E (Helen) emp NYSE&GCorp M13 JANSEN HAROLD E reporter Ithaca Journal Mitchen and director publicity Ithaca College " Helen 0 (Mrs Harry E) sten CU M13 r310 Hudson Mitchell " Lewis emp HMB Mem Hosp res RD3 Jenner H fireman CU res Trumansburg " Sarah E wid William L h310 Hudson Jennings AE asst librarian CU r123 Highland Jaquish Alva S (Louie) retired M38 N Geneva pi " Louie (Mrs Alva S) emp AWAMCorp " BA prof CU rllO E Falls h438 N Geneva " Benjamin J (Cassie) retired h410 W Green Jararusty Rocco retired M13 W Buffalo Burton A (Clara) prof CU hllO E Fan Jarnagin Joyce emp Robinson Airlines r121 W " Dorothy (Mrs Howard) emp GLF r322 Court N Titus Jarvis Emily wid Warren H r209 E Jay " Howard K (Dorothy B) emp MCCo h322 " Emily B emp I Laundries r209 E Jay Titus av " Florence G h108 Elston pI " Jean Mrs clk CU d308 Cayuga " Mary E chaperon Westminster Hall h do " Laura asso librarian CU r636 Stewart av Jaryc Marc J Mrs inst CU h7 The Circle (2) " Laura r514 S Aurora " --see Jarvis " Marjorie student rllO E Fan Jayne Arthur F (J\Iary A) emp Stallman h " Mildred J (Mrs Norman R) sten CU h1308 Coddington rd N Cayuga Jedigar Zurlefa tchr h5 The Circle " Norman R (Mildred J) student CU h1308 Jedra Jessica emp Singer Sewing Center r202 N Cayuga N Cayuga "RE asst editor CU r504 N Aurora Jeffers Emma emp GLF r427 N Geneva " Ruth E assoc editor C Alumni News r215 " Kenneth W (Lillian B) emp IGCo h515 S N Geneva Chestnut " William E (Inge) lieut col USA (CU) Jefferson Clarence B (Minnie I) ins agt h422 h1019 Hanshaw rd RD1 W Buffalo Jensen Emma L Mrs r1l3 Lake Jeffery Joseph 0 prof CU res Trumansburg rd " Fay A emp IC r444 N Aurora Jehring J James (Phyllis) asst prof CU h908 " Frances asst CU 1223 Thurston av (3F) N Cayuga " Kenneth r308 Stewart av Jehu Fannie J wid Frank J h517 S Aurora " Lulu J Mrs emp Traveler's Hotel h310 " Kenneth F emp Middleton r517 S Aurora Stewart av " R Raeburn r517 S Aurora " MW Mrs emp CU r214 Eddy Jenkins Albert E retired h617 W Court " Martin G (Nona M) retired h505 N Cay­ " Alice emp GLF tllO N Aurora uga " Arthur K (Marsaille V)carp and furn repr " Neal F (Mary) assoc prof CU 1214 Eddy h614 Hudson " Vernon H (Esther C) prof CU h326 Fall " Arthur W (Grace) mech CU 1204 Utica Creek dr " Edith F emp GLF r617 W Court " Victor (Mary C) truck driver Slaterville " Edward M (Stella E) emp R&C h811}2 1213 Columbia N Tioga Jernigan Effie J wid William h512 N Tioga " Edythe (Mrs Walter) nurse HMB Mem Jerome Kenneth student IC r316 Fair (61) Hosp r do " Leeman (Mary Julia) student IC r316 " Grace (Mrs Arthur W) mgr Mark's Candy Fair (61) 1204 Utica Jervis-see Jarvis " Grace Blanche wid William r204 Utica Jessup Frances H (Mrs George P) nurses' " Helen emp GLF rllO N Aurora aide TCM Mem Hosp 1202 Fayette " Herbert T (Mary E) assoc prof CU h1116 " George P (Frances H) physiotherapist EState 1202 Fayette " Mary Anne emp GLF r617 W Court JENKINS MARY E (Mrs Herbert T) asst libra­ Jewell Anna L wid George W r315 Columbia rian Cornell Public Library h1116 " Burt W (Lillian R) bldg supt Seneca Bldg StatE h315 Columbia 234 1949-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-1949 Jewell Duncan H (Ruth M) major USMC "Arthur r115 Cleveland h505 Wyckoff rd Cay Hts " Arthur janitor CU res RD4 " Edwin E (Celia) parts mgr Lincoln Mer- "Arthur C (Helen E) emp I Ry Inc r423 cury Sales h708 Hector Cascadilla " Henry H r206 Farm " Bessie S lib Christian Science Reading " Ruth A public health nurse r206 Univer- Room r8 Woodland pi sity av " Betty Mae r134 Cleveland av Jewett DM instr CU r309 Farm " Beverly emp CU hll0 N Main " William A Jr (Irene) teach fellow CU JOHNSON BOAT YARD Leslie R Pierce prop h708 E Tower rd boat yard and marine supplies 708 Willow Jillson Margaret L wid Freeman 0 nurse 815 av see p 118 N Tioga h do " Charles H barber shop 109 EState r126 " Peggy E student r815 N Tioga S Cayuga Jim's Oriental Cafe and Hotel Vincenzo Mac- "David L (Gene) student h210 Hudson era prop 130 S Tioga " Donal D (Ruth B) asst CU h104 Maple av " Place James J Floros prop ice cream and Donna r311 S Cayuga conf 400 Stewart av " Doris elk CU 1125 Heights ct " Tap Room James J Floros prop 402 Stew- "Earl (Marjorie) student CU h109 Summit art av av Jimrusti Phillip emp NYSG&ECorp r206 E "Ed Rhea (Eva M) emp Alpine Rest res Lincoln trailer 7 mile dr • JOB LEONARD BLISS (Edith M) pres Ithaca "Edward T slsm EssoJ tandard Oil Co College and 1st v-pres Chamber of Com- res Trumansburg merce h2 Fountain pi
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