146 SHAFTESBURY. DORSETSHIRE. in each month, with the exception of September, in Workhouse, St. James's, is of stone, built in 1840, to hold which month there is no court held. The district com­ 200 inmates; Rev. Richard Thurlow :M.,!. chaplai¥; prises the following places in Dor&et :-Ashmore, ~llnn, George Osbaldeston Genge, master; Adam Wilkinspn otherwise Shaston St. Rumbold, Bourton, Bourton :\LD. medical officer; Mrs. Elizabeth Burlton, matron West, Caundle Stourton, Compton Abbas, East Or­ &; school mistress; Miss EIIen Mary Burlton, nUfse chard, East Stower, Fifehead Magdalen, Fontmell School Attendance Committee. Magna Gi11ingba.m, Hammond, Iwerne Minster, Man­ &ton, Marnhull, Margaret Marsh, Melbury Abbas, )lot­ Meets as occasion requires, at the Workhouse. combe St. James (Shaftesbury), Silton, Stalbridge, Clerk, James Burbidge, Bell street, Shaftesbury Stower Provost, Sutton Waldron, Todber, West Or- Attendance & Inquiry Officers, the Relieving Officers chard &; West Stower; &; the following in Wilts:- Rural District Council. Alvediston, Anstey, Berwick St. John, Berwick St. Leonard, Cricklade, Chilmark, Donhead St. Andrew, Meets at Workhouse monthly at I p.m. Donhearu St. :Mary, East Knoyle. East Tisbury, Fonthill Clerk, James Burbidge, Bell street, Shaftesbury Bishop, Fonthill Giffard, Hindon, Mere, Pertwood, Treasurer, Theodore Lovell de Behr, Wilts &; Dorset Bank Sedghill, Semley, Stourton (with the hamlet of Gasper, ~fedical Officer of Health, Robert Henry Saw}'er, Cann in Somerset), Sutton Manderville. Swallowcliffe, Tef- Sanita.ry Inspector &; District Surveyor, Wltr.Ge-nge, Cann font Evias, Teffont Magna, Tollard Royal, Wardour, Public Officers. West Knoyle, We-st Tisbury &; ZeaIs Assessor of Taxes, James Burbidge, Bell street For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Assis,tant Overseers &; Collectors of Taxes, for St. Peter's of Salisbury, Frederick Aston Dawe,s, Oity chambers, &; St. James's, Alfred WiIIiam W<Jodcock, I Angel sq.; Salisbury, official receiver ,. Th ' Hi h Certified Bailiffs under the" Law of Distress Amendment for Holy Tnmty, omas Pmney, 11 g street Olerk to the C<Jmmissioners of Income, Property &; Land Act," Herbert Stowell, high bailiff, Shaftesbury county Taxes, Mervin Alford, Salisbury street court; William Thomas Buckland, Parson's pool, Certifying Factory Surgeon, Robt. Hy. Sawyer, Canq Shaftesbury; George Henry Gtltehouse, Enmore green, Lessee of S'tteet Market Tolll;l, S. W. Oram, Parson's pool. near Shaftesbury Inspector of Police, George Louis EHord, Bell street 'County Police Station, Bell street, George Lauis Elford, inspector, I sergeant & 9 constables Places of Worship, with times of Services. Fire Engine Station, Bell street; Herbert Stowell, capt.; Holy Trinity Church, Bimport street (consolidated with Edward James :Morton, lieut. &; about 16 men St. Peter's, High street), Rev. Frederick Ehlvers, Inland' Revenue Office, Haines lane, Bartholomew A Crow, rector; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; children's service at 3 officer p.m. 3rd sun. in the month Literary Institute, Bleke street, Right Hon. Lord Stal- St. James' Church, Rev. Richard' Thurlow M.A. rector &; bridge, president; Herbert H. Hacker, sec surrogate; John Hayter, clerk; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; 1farket House, High street &; Bell street 1st sunday in the month at 3 p.m. ; 7.30 p.m. on wed- Temperance Hall, James Wescott, hon. sec. &; treasurer, nesday during Advent &; Lent Bell street Friends' Meeting House, St. James' street, 10.30 a.m Town Hall, William Samuel Oram, keeper Cungregational, Muston's lane, Rev. James William Westminster Memorial Cottage Hospital, Park road, I Pointer; 11 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p. m Adam Wilkinson M.D., F.R.C.S.E. &; Charles Silvester Wesleyan, Parson's pool, Rev. William P. Ellis &; Rev. • Evans M.A., M.B., B.C. hon. medical officers; Rev. Thomas Pinfield; 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Frederick Ehlve:r.s, hon. chaplain; Theodore Lovell de Brethren's Meeting House. Ebenezer hall, Salisbury st.' Behr, hon. treasurer; WiIliam L. Chitty, hon. sec. f 11 a.m. &; 6,30 p.m.; mono &; thurs. 7.30 p.m ' :Miss L. Wand', matron Primitive Methodist, St. James' st. 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m Volunteers. Schools. 1st Volunteer Battalion Donetshire Regiment (I Co.), The Endowed Grammar School stands on the eastern ~mourYJ Bell street; Colour-Sergt. Geo~ge Hacker, outskirts of the town, in the parish of St. Peter's on In command; Sergt. Wm. EdWfaJI'd Mozley mstruct& an elevated &; extremely healthy position: it was built Shaftesbury Union. in 1878, in the Queen ~ne style of architecture: the The union comprises the following parishes :-Alcester, school has b~en reorga:llz.ed under a scheme sanctIOned Ashmore, Buckhorn Weston, Caun, O>mpton Abbas, by the CharIty, C~mmlsslOne~s, &; was opened January East Orchard, Eas.t Stower, Fontmell Magna, GiIling~ :879: .new bmldmgs hav~ been erected f~r 60. boys, ham, Iwerne Minster, Kington Magna, Margaret Marsh, mcludmg 15 boo.rders, 'WIth .head . master s reSIdence Melbury Abbas, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Stower attached: ther~ .IS. an extensIye .crlcket field.- of ab?ut Provost. Sutton WaIldron, Todber, West Orchard, West four acr~s adJommg the. bmlding; two FoundatIOn Stower. The population of the union in 1891 was Sch~l~r~hlps, each of .the annual val~e .of £4, &; two 11 840' area 37 247 acres' rateable value at Lady dav Exh,IbItIOns on the Blmport FoundatIOn, each of the 1895 181 168 " •, annual value of £3, tenable at the school for two years, Board day, ~t the Workhouse, at 11 a.m. alternate thurs are a~arded every.August. The Right Ho~. Lord Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, James StalbT1dge P.O. chQlrman of the governors, H. C. Burbidge, Bell street, Shafte,sbury Forrester, clerk. to the governors; Pryce Thomas Tay- Treasurer, Theodore LO'Vell de Behr, Wilts &; Dorset Bank 101' M.A. cla.sslcal honours Exeter Co,uege, Oxford, Relieving Officers &; O>Ilootors to the Guardians, No. I head master ~ Leonard R. Treasure, certIficated second 'st . t H G N rt S I' b t t master; Chnstopher John Thurlow, student roaster d1 nc, enry eorge 0 on, a IS ury s ree, N t' 1 ( . d) St J 'b 'It' 8 f Shaflesbury" No. 2 district WiIliam Edward Hiscock a I?TIa mIxe, . ames, m 1U I 73, or 220 East Stower" , c~lIdren ; average atten~ance, IS?; S~muel ,Ro~ert Vaccination Officer~, J.obn Tapper, Twyford; Henry T F~sher, master; ¥rs. El~zabeth FIsher. lI~fan!s mut. George Norton, Salisbury street, Shaftesbury; &; Wm. :NatIOnal (~oys &; ~rls~, ]~hmport st~eet! built m 1871 : Edward Hiscock, East Stower 134 boys &; 134 gIrls, (mfants) l;lUil~ 1U 1847 ~or 122: Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, FontmeU district, average attendance, 100 boys, 91 gIr~8 &; 9? mfants, Charles Silvester Evans M.A., M.B., B.C. Shaftesbury; G~orge :earson B~rter, ma.ster; ,Mis,s Ehza Baker, GilIingham district, Theophilus Woods, Wyke street, mIstress, Mrs. Emily Gale, mfants mIstress Gillingham; Shaftesbury district, Adam WilkinMn Conveyance. M.n., F.R.C.S.E. Bell street, Shaftesbury Omnibus fr?m the <;trosvenor Arms hote~, to & from Superintendent Registrar, James Burbidg.e, Bell street, Semley raIlway .statlO~ to ,meet all the trams ~xcept the Shaftesbury; deputy, Ernest Yates, Bimport street, 7·3 a.m. up tram, which IS only met by appomtment Shaftesbury Carriers. ltegistrars of Births & Deaths, Fontmell sub-district, Ashmore Bealing, from 'Mitre,' sat interim registrar, John Tapper, Twyford; Gillingham Berwick St. John-Jenkins, from 'Crown,' sat sub-district, William Edwardi Hiscock, East Stower; Donhead-Ingram from 'Mitre,' sat.; Isgar, froQl 'Rose deputy, Albert Foote, High street, Gillingham; 'Shaftes- & Crown'; Jenkins, from Grosvenor hotel, sat bury sub-district, Henry Georgoe Norton, Salisbury st. East Knoyle Snook, from' Crown,' sat Shaftesbury; deputy, Benj. Hill Norton, Enmore,Green Ebbes'borne O>ombes, from' Mitre,' sat Registrars of Marriages, Yervin Alford, Salisbury street, Fontmell Magna-Chick, from 'Mitre,' sat Shaftesbury; deputy, Alfred! \V. Woodcock, Angel King-ton Magna-Lanning, from' Rose &; Crown,' sat square, Sliaftesbury; WiIliam Edward Hiscock, East London-)fitcheIl &; Sons (goods agents to South-Western Stower; deputy, Albert Foote, High st. Gillingham; railway), to &; from Semley station, daily; Petty &i John KinO'sley Rutter, Bell street, Shaftesbmy' reO'is- Son (agents for Sutton &; Co.), Bimport tering officer for the Society of Friends 'b Ludwell-Ingram, from 'Mitre,' sat.
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