Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 6-8-2005 Arbiter, June 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. c . ' 1 I' [: i I I ...' I . , . ;,' - . ; , ' ORIE T' .10 . 8'fNf" I I . i :' .' and enrich the lives of individu- assistance, stop by, visit our web education and child development. discuss your needs and to register and samples of student writing. To understand more about lin- als. If you are looking for ways to Prom prospective students to site at http://career.boisestate. Students from various academic/ for services. , guistic, cultural. and social is- enhance your career and enrich world-renowned experts, art- edu, or call us at 426-1747. vocational departments carry out sues faced by multilingual stu- your life, you have come to the ists or dignitaries, visitors' first Broncolobs is our web-based field placement and observations dents, please come to the ENGL right place. impressions of the Boise State job-referral system. We encourage in the Children's Center through- 123 conference, in which stu- The Center for Workforce University campus are generally you to register on Broncolobs out the year. dents give presentations about Training provides short-term formed by a student ambassador. at http://career.boisestate. Rates are available by call- their struggles and strengths training in a variety of areas, in- The ambassadors are an enthusl- edu to view both on and off- ing the Children's Center. Fees as second-language learners cluding computers, business, astic group of dedicated students campus, part and full-time em- Include a nutritious breakfast, The English Language Support of English. The conference is health care, apprenticeships in on the frontline representing the ployment and Internship oppor- lunch, and snack. Tuitlon assis- Program offers free tutoring, open to the public. The fall 2005 the building trades, professional president's office, the Alumni tunities. tance is available. courses and other support pro- conference will be held Nov. 15 development, and personal en- Association, enrollment services, We also sponsor these annual The Children's Center Is cur- grams for students whose native and 17,from 10:40a.m, to noon. richment. the BSU Foundation, university events: On-Campus Student Job rently enrolling for the fall 2005 language Is not English, Please watch for announce- You can focus on technical relations, and the student body of Fair (Aug. 25), the Graduate and semester. For further Informa- Courses offered by the English ments this fall. skills to increase your chances for Boise State University. Professional School Day (Oct. 27), tion, call the Children's Center at Language Support Program in- advancement or concentrate on Ambassadors are involved In all the Career/Job Fair (March 14, 426-4404. clude one cross-cultural section new skills to become the best that aspects of the university: volun- 2006), and the Student Employee each of ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Wrlt.mg you can be. Any adult Is eligible to teering to lead campus tours, stu- ofthe Year event (TBA). These are regular English compo- attend, and our classes are conve- dent recruitment, homecoming Are you looking for an on-cam- .Disabillt.y sition courses, but the students in :Cent.er: nient, flexible, and comfortable. events, career fairs, the annual pus job?Ihe Career Center will them are from around the world. _'11 ~ I ' ~ • Join the thousands of adults Gene Harris Jazz Festival, numer- be hosting the first annual On- Serulces - We hope to have a perfect mix The Boise State Writing Center is in Southwest Idaho who enjoy ous events at Taco BellArena, and Campus Student Job Fair on of native and nonnative English a free service open to all students lifelong learning opportunities countless other alumni and do- Thursday, Aug. 2?, 2005, from The Office ofDlsability Services speakers. To register, go to the at Boise State, a place where you through the Center for Workforce nor activities. 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. in the Student (ODS) at Boise State University writing program office, Liberal can find support for your writing To become an ambassador, Union Hatch Ballroom. The On- coordinates support services and. Arts Building, Room 256 (426- Training. efforts, at any stage of the writing We, offer a wide selection of candidates must be able to at- Campus Student Job Fair is a part equipment for BSU students with 4209). process. We'll talk with you about certificate classes and fast track tend bi-weeklyThesday meetings, of the Bronco Welcome Week temporary or permanent disabili- The English Language Support ideas for paper topics, help make career training non-credit pro- commit to providing 10 hours of activities. Plan to attend and con- ties. The goals of the office are to Program also offers three writ- suggestions for reorganizing your grams designed especially for service per month to Boise State, nect with department represen- provide services, accommoda- ing courses for credit, ENGL 121, paper, or discuss the best ways to busy adults. Registration Is easy and maintain a minimum GPAof tatives who are looking to fill both tions, and equipment to enable 122, and 123 - that prepare non- tackle sentence-level issues. - no forms or applications to fill 2.5. It's not too late to join the am- work-study (financial-aid' work- students with disabilities to par- native English-speaking students We offer both face-to-face ap- bassadors and help promote your study award required) and other ticipate in and benefit from all to take ENGL 101 and 102. If you out. pointments and online consulta- Our doors are open to anyone, university. student job openings. university programs and activi- pass ENGL 123, you can register tions. Check the Writing Center's regardless of previous education- For more information or to pick The Career Center Is located in ties. In addition, ODS helps pro- for English 101. website at www.boisestate.edu/ al experience. Classes are held up an application, please call the Alumni Center on the corner mote an environment at BSUthat, Many English language learn- wcenter for more Information, at our campus locations in Boise Jennifer Wray at 426-4352, or New of Grant Avenue and University is barrier-free of both physical ers take ENGL 123 instead of You'll find a list of our policies, a Student Information at 426-1820. Drive, across from Bronco and attitudinal barriers. Students ENGL 90. To find out the most and Nampa. Instructors are car- Stadium. are also encouraged to become appropriate level, you must take nest of online writing resources, ing professionals with years of ex- Independent and as self-reliant as an ESL (English as a Second a virtual tour, and our electronic perience in the topics they teach. 'car'eer possible. Language) placement exam at schedule. It was .only a few years ago that Students with documented dis- the assessment center, Technical The Boise State Writing Center training was limited to the class- ;.Cent.er .. abilities may benefit from accom- Services Building, Room 115.Call - make us central to your writing! room. Now the world is at a click modations. Accommodations 426-2762 to reserve a seat for the Liberal Arts Building, Room of your mouse. We offer over 400 The mission of the Career are services that provide equal next scheduled exam. Sections of 200,426-1298 very high quality online training Center is to provide career plan- The Children's Center is lo- educational opportunities UNIV 101and COMM 101are also programs and classes to Individu- ning and employment services cated on 1830Beacon Street. The for students with disabilities. reserved for nonnative English als and industry clients, thanks to to all Boise State students and Children's Center, accredited by Accommodations available to stu- speakers. our new partnerships with Ed2Go alumni. Our purpose is to fa- the National Academy of Early dents include, but are not limited For additional information and Gatlin. These programs are a cilitate partnerships among stu- Childhood Education and li- to, the following: letters ofaccom- about these courses or about in- great option for folks who want to dents, alumni, and employers, as censed by the City of Boise, serves modation' test accommodations, dividual tutoring, contact Dr. Gail train for a career, but cannot at- The Center for Workforce well as the campus community, children of students taking six or volunteer note-taking services, Shuck, coordinator of English tend a traditional class on cam- Training is the Treasure Valley's and to assist students in planning more credits, faculty, and staff. reading services, registration as- Language Support Programs, at pus. premier source for short-term, and implementing career objec- Children must be between the sistance, interpreter/real-time 426-1189 or gshuckeboisestate. We want to be your first choice employment-related training: tives, finding student and intern- ages of six weeks and five years. captioning services, orientation, edu. for personal and professional de- The center provided over 30,000 ship employment, and finding The Children's Center provides mobility training, and classroom Are you Interested in tutoring velopment training. You will find hours of training to Idaho work- post-graduate employment. an early childhood education accommodations. _ students ill English? !f so, you great information about all of the ers, businesses, and industries The Career Center is your re- program in a warm and nurtur- For further information about must have received at least a "B" programs we offer on our website, last year.
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