- - w w w s m a gg H i ^ a l l e y ^ m ----------- - ---- m m Tw in Falls,Is. ldaho/99th year,r.m N o . 306 leS^ • M o n dclav, N ovem ber’1,. 200^ 4 - ' _ ______.‘iO ccilo n e s GOQD-MOLOKNING_ J g J - Spirituald a e g e ^ ^ ’Wfotn-iER: k f.S.' piI a n s I j a h si ................. 9 . Todaylay: Cool. 1 Los Angelos . explosions o f 2.(H)0H)() p o u n d s in more of ■■■ t]y to mostly >s Times rhetoric T n i T i M i captured weapon11 ccaches from Saddam udy and i m M l U NliAIt I-AlALLUIAIl. Iraq-H ie Marlrirines Hussein's forces, -breez':ezy. Higli 44, ■ . | ^ H T are ; nready f(5r im a!l-out-is«mlit. lt. pii Saturday, nineline Marines were killed . | low2f - I 'IVoops ire disassembling and clean!:ming a n d n in e o diers wer,vere w ounded w hen in- heats* up PageA 2 ■ ■ ■ I tlicirweapo)on.< slocking up on suppliplies, surgents ambushedled a>feJ.S. convoy o n the P .. I studying tacactics and participating, inn rn u - outskirts o f I'allujiilt.iilt. The car bom b attack ' Los Angoles TItnc s ■ ____ ^ ■ inerous drillrills in prepitnition for a laqlarge- w;is tlie deadliestI incidentin< involving U.S. '. ()n a d riy ii‘iVi.i!l\''!:ivi.-noV4‘t)V4‘fir> — M a g i c : V^a A n r ; K Y ■ scalc assavtltUt. Ascnse of cxlillaratlon is(Is ev- ■ troops In'nearly iiiriiiiriemoiiths. I idem amorong the Marines training:ig at Marine comniamanders stress diat they reretlectioii aiKl ilHi(<%|ii:<litK'titm. H dusty bases!S n e a r I'allujah. a rebel sirorrong- are still awaidng{ finidfli orders, a n d will mm illions *>i Anu rir;m s iiitcinleinled firmly in die cross-liairs ofjf td ie abide by a negotiatea(ed settlem ent if a deal churchcii servici-s Siniday.• tlthat U.S. m ilitarjiry and die Iniqi inierim gov-gc em erges from oiigoiigoing talk-s betw een I-al- galvanizedga them politi» :iHyly a nd ernm ent. lives and lr:u|i govern- tuiderscoredui the naiion’s. deileep eii—waiting Jbc-Uiis-fi}yil~e'.ever— iitent-ol^ciall——— ^ ------ ... ■ • . - -ddivlsiutison4h(u:vu.ul'.4t-hiiiu i' littutlv_________ iCirufLTvTarriTCsrT«n!T>iiirrs lurence ^unuay, interim cnnTORtcd'prcsidpnriaiTlccrincn rrin rr— :------- r D ennis isli, a n 11-year M arine veterteniii Iniqi Prime Minister'iter Ayad Allawi w arned P'rom pulpits across th e•Unil- I Jii w hose itoon has been fine-tuningng its that ilie w indowwas wa^ closing for reaching edeil States, there weie tlentinc,iincia- skilLs. " Lliisis batde is going to he writlritten a negotiated resoliiiuliition with tlie insur- lionstic of abortion, criticismsins of about listory lio o K . •I'hc lerroriorists gents, calling it "thehe final I phase" of effo as .th th e ivnr in Iraq a nd - above■•e alall - __ ______ wlio w ant to fl^ it u s are in that city, a n d to avoid a n all-outIt attack.ai •' remrei inders 10 voti‘ Tuesday.iiv. ^Yet we're g to g e t’em ." ...................... U sing m uch thele s:sam e language a s th e • mostnii chiircli ollicials sioj)i) a n d n ig iu are filled w idi deto-del Americans, he des(lescribed I-alhijah resi- •ihortsh of endorsing Presidea tleiu nations: Molortars coming in. artilleryy ffire dents as viaimsof of foreign figiiters and liuBi sh o r Sen, lolui I-i KeiKerry, «p«M« R«‘«l9 o » ‘-, 'airstrikes. on 1-alhijah, sotsome' eager to be rescueded fromI them. mindfulm tiiat such atiivi>liviMii'- diree m iless tot die .east. U.S. tro o p s are opopenly skeptical of any ;;(>uldco endanger their congre^Hrega- A larlne^f the 1 st Division gestuniturosdililnga nuiicpa-ter rotors ruini)le and I-* Ifi set dem en t. "'H ieterrorists ten are i>arking u p lion'stie t!ix-exempt status. patroloutslitslde Fallulah, Iraq. Sunday. AmericanAm figliier jets; /v 0 0 m overhead, 'llic grouound , llie wrong tree.”said sai C|)l. Anibal I’ll/., a Sunday's spiritual rlu‘iojeiorie Mock election:: SiStudents forces arere (preparing for a major assaultult on Fallujah shakes; a sli|ilight wind ri])|)lcs imd musuisli- A’as especially lieiiled in thhes.).^ e s Please see IRAQ. Page A2 -•ailed swingsiaie.s. iviiich nun ' crucial national electlotfs due10 fcby Jan. 31. room cloudsds rise from massive controll■olW P'® m any w e i ^ in on ihee eelection. ' ahead of cr bejclieve hold th e key 10 elecii»ictoial ___ EageiJd------- : /ictory.--------------------------------- In (irove ('ity. Ohio, parisarisli- Court records: FindPi out oners got a pro-Busli 'messii■ss;igi- ► iu'It theCluirclioftiu'Nazaiene ene. a whai happeneddinTWin i: UDEK SI p 5.().(»JO-nieml)er evangelKlelical ■ Falls, Minidokaa anda] Cassia rrSAD .• ch:lutrcl) on tlie 'outskirts;ts (.1 counties courts.s. ;.*oliiihbus'. I'heyfouiidaChrisiianCDiilloali- _______________ .. Pag>ages C3,4.7 p i ri ' ‘__________ iici'ion voter guide »inside theirthi .veekly service leallft. wiihh thetl j.\plaiialion: " Itiis voii'i guidegiii( iM A C l - . s j)rovided I'lir educationalIpur- pii ____________, BBe e happy: poloses only and is not to be eoi itrued as an .endoisenieni•ni (il. --- - ^7-7 -ncst-sclling— nc; -H jW B ^91 m y candidate or party." m W nuiauthor Dan . L d & H f ^ J . Nor did tlie senior pasioilor of Hal J ' th(h e church. Hob 1 Iiillakei. men-,mei bringingbri his ion any.particular names wlteiiwlti h a p p in e s s boloiV tiieir heads in prayel:: '’l"I :!- herr-!iis-wt-w.>llr-tnu.-l!«.>-ll»o-»t" - ' to S u n Viilley boKiotlis w e pray yt)iu i loly SpiiSpirit nne: e x t w e e k . H j ^ ^ H v«)uki go w iih'iis and ui-WU.lll.l iui Page B1 nake tlie ri^Hii decisions." lieI • >aid. "Vuu .alieaitv.kiunvV tiletl .. (HImtconieoftliis. We dom. _____________________________ - At -Divine M erry <;:iiiinlliinlic - — .. .. Cl'::hureh in -Soutli M ilw atih i . TWenty-one and t - )lue cijllar comiiuiiiiu b.-iii^:!i<'ii Steelers put ahlend.tq^diu. cr . Bk" ^ k p - — taiurgeted-liy bolh canilidattilates. -------------- ------------ Patriots^NFL-/ee<•ecdrd------------- — i'*'parish ioneiH-goi-mixed-signagnaU,--------------- streak. s I'hc ltev. Hob Hetz iLse<itl tlthe :liurch bulletin, not the pulpiiilpli, Page 04 o g e t out iiis l-:iLrlioii Day m e Sige:------------------------------=------ While lie pieaelii'd at1 theil O p i n i o n meHorning lna^^. a parisliioivioiiei Middle road Justlt )ut a "Voter's ( aiitli- lor Seriot•rious ‘d ic tio n s — ____ ===—=Doomsday.predi« t f i h e narTnnjrioi- I In- giiiiliiiiile aside, tlie Supren•erne Court ___^ivi:vliicitdidJiuuiamc.eiliiei.aiiLCiltl: ___ ______ ^niwll'stayrnoclerafrate, today's lidaie. V as piililished byy thetl guest editorial sa;says. CORTMItn/TMThnnNm - Sai>an Dieg<)-I)ase<l advn<Mi •roup Cathollr'Ansivers: !!ii irsi--!r> - 3n story to stiidents Thursday.lay. Shoshone School added1 a third class of kinder- — P^e~A 6 shoshoM'ile lilndergarton teaclier Monicaca Coombs1 Teatis a Halloween ?d five "noii-iiegotiahh'" i-.sui .......... ' --------^ a rte tt'tWWs'yaarUusto-a-Jump-ln^nrolln s ollmentio-53^udentrcompaparBd-wlth-36-|B5t^year.— - th at are inirinsicallv i‘=viTa7H u u \-------------- misi never lie [iionii’ieLl ii\1\ M-he •• (JOMINC aw"; alioriitiii.eiillianasia.’i'iil.’i'IU ^,l'-Enrrollment risesr\ in mlany area1 school ddistricts lin)ryonii' sU'iii cell le^in Digital llfes lu m an cloning am i "iioiTrfisi' I Kowalski f lure might hold motlo re increases At thee same: time, otiieH uallal marriage." __________Apple.introduG Find a chart outlinings ----- —if-several-proposetl-lid-liousing-de----- sehools-ha'•liave-lost-p«)pulatiinh--------—1i:hiiru-vva>>.;ustarkly-dillcn:i^ Icrtui ____ • 7 screen iPodJan ai d U 2 • - “ UHlSEIlSJS South-central Idaho' velopm ents b ecomn e reality. T h e Minid<lidoka County School minessiigi- in llouslon. aiI ili^-il collaborati SItOSIKI lONli-School enroll- SC.Isc.hool enrollment insidtde. School enrollmeile n t ch an g es District lustlost about 12.’> stu d en ts Ne>Jew Mouni Calva-y Ha|'ii;i|.lls: . • are taking many fo:forms in the and enrolln)llmeiit also was down' c:h:hureh, ilie iheini' lor'i!r ' l!ii- I Tuesday IIn inuniissuiiitatic in Shoshone coni- P«rud vviti/iti) last year, b ut d ial' See page A2 M agic Valley. Over;'erall. enroll- in QissiaI County,C Cllenns Perry ni<n o rn in g service \v;is l\.-l\.-il T h e T Ims-News e ^ lio^sn’, mean some classes mcnt at 21 districtscts is u p 36(j aiui severaliral o d ier districts. W1Vhite a n d Hliie Inr 1 )cii'.(')c_i. aren't growD^viUR. ’artn ers last y ear students, or almost)st :i p ercent. "We've.• beenbi dj)wn since w e cy.'y." and tlie woiking'Class, pii-fn 'H ie school is m im ing thr iN O IiX . , . Supcrlntintendcnt Mel Wise- .. *' h ree from n)il() a n d aboulOut 1 percen t o p e n e d Iheilx doors Ihis year." niinarilv black congregaiinnII) 'il d n dergarten classes to keen I r,. e■• «nan saidd th: e (iistricVs kinder. > from last year. ’l\vlr,vin I'alls h a d said PainMl Wade, the Cassia abiibotit’ :U)I1 people ua?.
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