April 2021 Major Projects Great Southern The Great Southern Development Commission provides this update on major industry, infrastructure and construction-related projects to better inform the community of the status of major projects and to maximise local and regional business and employment involvement. These projects are also listed at www.gsdc.wa.gov.au. Additional information can be obtained through the contact person noted for each project. Status: Construction was completed in February 2021. Final testing, Albany Ring Road Stages 2 and 3 commissioning and reinstatement work are under way. The head con- tractor for the project was the Georgiou Group. Contact: Adrian Stewart, Great Southern Regional Manager Address: PO Box 915, Albany, WA 6331 Telephone: (08) 9842 4221 Email: [email protected] Website: www.watercorporation.com.au Albany Waterfront Hotel Proponent: Foreshore Investment Albany, Hilton Hotels Value: $24 million Location: Albany Description: Construction of a 108-room, five-storey Hilton Garden Inn hotel at the Albany Waterfront, including restaurant, conference Stages 2 and 3 of the Albany Ring Road will link Menang Drive to room, guest gym and laundry. The construction contract was awarded Albany Port via a route west of town. to Pindan with Total Project Management as the project manager. Status: Construction commenced in June 2019 with completion tar- geted before mid-2021. Proponent: Main Roads Contact: Sheldon Turner, Project Manager Value: $175 million Address: PO Box 7752, Cloisters Square WA 6000 Location: Albany Telephone: (08) 9228 1500 Description: A heavy haulage route around the City of Albany for the transport of product including grain, fertiliser and woodchips to and Email: [email protected] from the Port of Albany. The ring road will link the existing major arte- Website: www.totalprojectmanagement.com.au rial roads and highways radiating from Albany, while bypassing urban areas and providing improved access to the Mirambeena Strategic Industrial Area. Stages 2 and 3 include $35 million from the State Government and $140 million from the Federal Government. Stage 1 (Chester Pass Road to Albany Highway on Menang Drive) was com- pleted in 2007 Status: Project is under construction starting with the Albany Highway-Menang Drive overpass. The contractor delivering the project is Decmil Southern Pty Ltd. Completion of the Ring Road is expected by late 2023. Contact: Lindsay McCartin, ARR Project Manager, Main Roads WA Address: PO Box 503, Albany, WA 6330 Telephone: (08) 9892 0531 Fax: (08) 9892 0510 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mainroads.wa.gov.au A new hotel is taking shape at the Albany Waterfront. Water Pipeline Proponent: Water Corporation Great Southern Housing Initiative Value: $25 million Proponent: Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup Location: Albany to Denmark Value: $22.1 million Description: Construction of a 43km pipeline to connect Denmark to Location: Shires of Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Gnowangerup, the Lower Great Southern Towns Water Supply Scheme. Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent and Kojonup April 2021 Major Projects Great Southern Description: The GSHI will deliver a total of 52 housing units, com- Status: Construction is under way and is expected to be completed in prising 21 units for independent seniors and 31 units for regional time for the 2022 school year. employees. The project will address the shortage of quality, affordable Contact: Chandima Hiyare-Hewage, Department of Finance housing across the Great Southern. The project has received $2.6 mil- Address: Optima Building, 16 Parkland Road, Osborne Park 6017 lion in State Government funding and $10 million from the Australian Telephone: (08) 6551 1844 Government. Email: [email protected] Status: The project is targeted for completion by 2021. Website: www.finance.wa.gov.au Contact: Keith Williams, CEO, Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup Address: 46-48 Norrish Street, Tambellup, WA 6320 Telephone: (08) 9825 3555 Fax: (08) 9825 1152 Western Power Depot Email: [email protected] Proponent: Western Power Website: www.shirebt.wa.gov.au Value: $15 million Location: Albany South Coast Highway Description: Construction of a new purpose-built depot to replace the Proponent: Main Roads WA old facility on Kelly Street. Value: $20 million Status: Construction is expected to commence in April 2021 and is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The building contrac- Location: Albany tor is Wauters Building Company. Description: Roadworks comprising a $5 million overlay and widen- Contact: Andrew Boots, Planning and Strategy Manager, Western ing from Montgomery’s Hill Wines to the Upper Kalgan Bridge and a Power $15 million upgrade between Bluff Creek Road and Kojaneerup West Road, including two passing lanes. Address: 363 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000 Status: The Kalgan section was completed in April 2020. The Koja- Telephone: (08) 9326 4496 neerup works are under way. The construction contract was awarded Email: [email protected] to Ertech Pty Ltd. South Coast Highway between Kojaneerup West Website: www.westernpower.com.au Road and Cheynes Beach Road is closed until May 2021. Contact: Andrew Duffield, Regional Manager, Main Roads WA Albany Health Campus Address: PO Box 503, Albany, WA 6330 Telephone: (08) 9892 0510 Oncology Ward Email: [email protected] Proponent: WA Country Health Service Website: www.mainroads.wa.gov.au Value: $13.1 million Location: Albany Mount Lockyer Primary School Proponent: Department of Education Value: $16.6 million Location: Albany Description: The redevelopment will include the construction of a new administration building, new classrooms and refurbishment of a cluster of classrooms built in the 1970s. Works will be undertaken in stages to ensure school operations and students’ learning are not dis- rupted while construction is under way. Once completed, the school will provide permanent capacity for 648 students and will have space to increase this to 700 if required. Albany Health Campus will host a new oncology ward. Description: The new oncology service will provide treatment closer to home for cancer patients in the Great Southern. Status: The tender was released in February. Following the award of the contract, construction is expected to be completed by the middle of 2022. Contact: Yuen Chong, Project Manager, Department of Finance Address: Optima Centre, 16 Parkland Road, Osborne Park 6017 Telephone: 0476 380 861 Email: [email protected] Mount Lockyer Primary School is undergoing a major upgrade. Website: www.finance.wa.gov.au April 2021 Major Projects Great Southern Description: The project will create improved event space and beach Leeuwin Coast Aquaculture experiences, pedestrian networks, environmental rehabilitation and Proponent: Harvest Road Oceans foreshore protection at Middleton Beach. The $9 million project is Value: $10 million supported with State Government funding of $2.5 million through Location: Albany DevelopmentWA, $4.5 million from the Australian Government and $2 million from the City of Albany. Status: Stage one commenced in November 2019 and included construction of a seawall, retaining wall, concrete wave reflector and upgrades to stormwater drainage. The second stage is now under way and involves the design and implementation of improved landscape and public amenities such as revised facilities, service infrastructure and access. Part of stage two is the development of a boardwalk and jetty link that will allow for a more convenient connection for pedestri- ans to go from the beach to the boardwalk with ease. The project is due for completion in the first half of 2021. Contact: Paul Camins, Executive Director Infrastructure and Environ- ment, City of Albany Address: PO Box 484, Albany WA 6331 Telephone: (08) 6820 3043 Email: [email protected] Website: www.albany.wa.gov.au Aquaculture developments at Emu Point will include a shellfish nursery and an oyster/mussel shed. Albany Secondary Education Description: A staged aquaculture development at Emu Point pro- ducing rock oysters, akoya oysters and mussels. Stage 1 comprises Support Centre and NASHS a nursery, oyster/mussel shed, pump station, seawater intake and Proponent: Department of Finance discharge, hardstand and stormwater infrastructure. Value: $8.3 million Status: Currently reviewing construction tender documentation. Location: Albany Contact: Justin Welsh, General Manager Aquaculture, Harvest Road Description: Construction of a double-storey classroom block com- Group prising six general learning classrooms and two science laboratories. Address: PO Box 3155, Broadway Nedlands 6909 The works also include refurbishments to existing facilities and a fire Telephone: 0418 661 450 service upgrade. Email: [email protected] Status: Practical completion was in March 2021. Website: www.harvestroad.com Contact: Karwai Wong, Building Management and Works Address: 2-6 Kelly Street, Orana Middleton Beach Foreshore Telephone: (08) 9892 6552 Email: [email protected] Revitalisation Website: www.finance.wa.gov.au Proponent: City of Albany Value: $9 million Location: Albany MSWA Multipurpose Facility Proponent: MSWA Value: $7 million Location: Albany Description: A new multipurpose facility for people living with a neu- rological condition in Albany. The new High Support Accommodation Facility and Services Centre will replace the existing Albany centre, which has been providing
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