Alpine GArden Club of british ColumbiA seed exChAnGe 2015 We are very grateful to all those members who have made our Seed Exchange possible through donating seeds, and to those living locally who volunteer so much time and effort to packaging and filling orders. We especially appreciate those donors who made an extra effort in this difficult summer. We have fewer donors but still a good list and that is thanks to them. Read the following instructions carefully before filling out the seed request form. PLEASE KEEP YOUR SEED LIST, packets will be marked by number only. Please send the Seed Exchange Request Form (last page of booklet) by mail as soon as possible, but no later than DECEMBER 10. You can request your seeds on-line (see back page) and the complete seed list is available on the website for reference. This year you will find a special list of plants at the end of the ‘Native to North America’ section, of plants wild collected on Pink Mountain in northern BC. Please see the accompanying note in the November Bulletin. The Club would appreciate it if anyone who raises plants from these seeds and obtains seed from them would let us know. Those seeds may be useful in the future for revegetation projects. Allocation: Donors may receive up to 60 packets and non-donors 30 packets, limit of one packet of each selection. Donors receive preference for seeds in short supply. (USDA will permit no more than 50 packets for those living in the USA.) List first choices by number only, in strict numerical order, from left to right on the order form. Enter sufficient number of second choices in the spaces below, since we may not be able to provide all your first choices. Please print clearly. Seeds are garden collected unless marked /W/ = wild collected or /G/W/ = both garden and wild species available. When both are available you may indicate your preference in the space provided or, if you order online, in the ‘Add a Note’ box at the bottom of the online Order Form. United States members must include: 1) your permit for importation of small amounts of seeds (PPQ Form 587); 2) the provided inspection station address label; 3) a label with your name and home address; and 4) a clearly printed, alphabetical list of your first and second choices. Leave space on right side of the page for us to enter the information required by USDA. Australian members: please include a list of seeds requested as required by AQIS. New Zealand members: please include a list of seeds requested, as required by MAF. Mail seed requests to: Alpine Garden Club of BC c/o 2921 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2X2, Canada Any queries to: [email protected] or [email protected] thAnks to our seed donors Once again, very many thanks to the people who worked so hard to collect seeds in their gardens and in the wild. It is our donors who make our exchange possible and we are very grateful to them. 2015 seed donors G. Adam, R. Adams, M. Ager, J. Akerley, Alpine Garden Club of New Zealand, R. Anderson, L. Batt, E. Benedict, B. and C. Bischoff, M. Blake, G. Boehme, A. Carson, M. Charlton and C. Sale, A. Connell, P. Craven, A. Dies, S. Eriksson, S. Ferguson, FOGS, P. Frost, K. Gillanders, P. Healey, J. Hornburg, D. Hume, H-E. Jensen, A. Jolliffe, M. Kerk, P. Krystoff, K. Leishman, R. Long and M. Allen, S. Middleton, J. Miller, M. Miller, B. Monney, J. Nehring, R. Nitsche, P. Olsson, E. Pasche, K. Pettersson, M. Plant, J. Proctor, M. and R. Renton, W. van Riel, J. Schellingerhout, D. and W. Sellars, P. Slaby, M. Specht, P. Spriggs, J. Stack, STA Stockholmskretsen, J. Strandberg, L. and N. Verbeek, K. Wang, G. Ware, H. Watanabe, J. Weagle, B. Wilson, R. de Wolf. north AmeriCA 41. BRODIAEA coronaria ssp. coronaria 42. CALLIRHOE digitata 1. ACER circinatum W. North Shore, 43. CALOCHORTUS albus has pinkish Vancouver wash on shoulder 2. ACTAEA arizonica was Cimicifuga 44. CALOCHORTUS albus var. rubellus arizonica 45. CALOCHORTUS fimbriatus 3. ACTAEA pachypoda /G/ 46. CALOCHORTUS lyallii 4. AGASTACHE urticifolia /G/ 47. CALOCHORTUS macrocarpus /W/ 5. AGOSERIS glauca /W/ Cariboo BC Okanagan BC 6. ALLIUM acuminatum 48. CALOCHORTUS palmeri 7. ALLIUM campanulatum 49. CALOCHORTUS superbus 8. ALLIUM cernuum /W/G/ 50. CALTHA leptosepala /W/ 9. ALLIUM cernuum ‘Major’ deep pink 51. CALTHA palustris var. alba 10. ALLIUM textile 52. CAMASSIA leichtlinii cream form 11. ALLIUM unifolium 53. CAMASSIA quamash 12. AMSONIA tabernaemontana 54. CAPNOIDES sempervirens was 13. ANEMONE multifida Corydalis 14. ANEMONE occidentalis /W/ 55. CARPENTERIA californica 15. ANTENNARIA neglecta /W/ ‘Elizabeth’ 16. AQUILEGIA caerulea 56. CASTILLEJA rhexifolia /W/ 17. Aquilegia desertorum ‘Summer Star’, 57. CAULOPHYLLUM thalictroides selected and isolated clone 58. CHAENACTIS alpina /W/ 18. AQUILEGIA elegantula 59. CHAMAEDAPHNE canaliculata 19. AQUILEGIA formosa /W/G/ /W/ 20. AQUILEGIA laramiensis 60. CHELONE obliqua 21. AQUILEGIA longissima 61. CLARKIA amoena 22. AQUILEGIA saximontana 62. CLEMATIS crispa 23. AQUILEGIA scopulorum 63. CLEMATIS hirsutissima 24. AQUILEGIA triternata 64. CLEMATIS ochroleuca 25. ARABIS blepharophylla 65. CLEMATIS scottii 26. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS alpina /W/ 66. CLEMATIS viorna Italy 67. CLETHRA alnifolia 27. ARGEMONE ochroleuca 68. CLETHRA alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’ 28. ARGEMONE sanguinea 69. CLINTONIA borealis /W/ 29. ARISAEMA triphyllum 70. COREOPSIS grandiflora Baden Gold 30. ARNICA cordifolia /W/ 71. CORNUS canadensis /W/ 31. ASARUM caudatum 72. CORYDALIS scouleri 32. ASCLEPIAS incarnata /W/G/ 73. CUPHEA ignea 33. ASCLEPIAS tuberosa orange 74. DAHLIA coccinea 34. ASPLENIUM trichomanes 75. DARLINGTONIA californica /W/ 35. ASTER subspicatus now 76. DELPHINIUM glaucum SYMPHYOTRICHUM 77. DELPHINIUM novomexicanum 36. BAPTISIA australis 78. DICHELOSTEMMA ida-maia 37. BLOOMERIA crocea 79. DICHELOSTEMMA multiflorum 38. BOECHERA koehleri 80. DIPHYLLEIA cymosa 39. BOECHERA lemmonii 81. DODECATHEON dentatum /G/ 40. BOSCHNIAKIA strobilacea /W/ 82. DODECATHEON hendersonii 83. DODECATHEON jeffreyi /G/ 119. FRITILLARIA camschatcensis 84. DODECATHEON meadia /W/G/ 85. DODECATHEON meadia ‘Alba’ 120. GAILLARDIA aristata /W/ 86. DODECATHEON pulchellum /G/ 121. GAULTHERIA shallon /W/ 87. DRABA breweri 122. GAURA lindheimeri 88. DRABA smithii 123. GENTIANA andrewsii /G/ 89. DRABA streptocarpa 124. GENTIANA plurisetosa 90. DRABA subcapitata 125. GENTIANA sceptrum /W/ 91. DRYAS drummondii 126. GEUM rivale 92. DRYAS integrifolia /G/ light yellow 127. GEUM rivale Leonard’s variety form 128. GRINDELIA squarrosa /W/ 93. DRYAS octopetala /W/ 129. HABRANTHUS tubispathus Switzerland/G 130. HERBERTIA lahue 94. DRYAS octopetala yellow flowers 131. HEUCHERA chlorantha 95. EMPETRUM nigrum ssp. 132. HEUCHERA sp. ‘Bouquet Rose’ hermaphroditum /W/ 133. HEUCHERA villosa ‘Purpurea’ 96. EPIGAEA repens 134. HIBISCUS moscheutus 97. EPILOBIUM luteum 135. ILEX glabra /W/ 98. EPIPACTIS gigantea 136. IPOMOPSIS rubra 99. ERIGERON chrysopsidis 137. IRIS cristata 100. ERIGERON compositus 138. IRIS douglasiana dwarf f., deep 101. ERIGERON grandiflorum was E. purple blue, early simplex 139. IRIS douglasiana dwarf f., deep 102. ERIGERON karvinskianus purple blue, late 103. ERIGERON rydbergii 140. IRIS hookeri as I. setosa nana 104. ERIGERON vagus 141. IRIS innominata 105. ERIOGONUM douglasii /W/ 142. IRIS missouriensis 106. ERIOGONUM umbellatum ssp. 143. IRIS setosa subalpinum /W/ 144. IRIS setosa ‘Arctic Rebloomer’ 107. ERYSIMUM capitatum 145. IRIS setosa pale blue 108. ERYTHRONIUM grandiflorum 146. IRIS setosa v. arctica /W/ 147. IRIS tenax 109. ERYTHRONIUM hendersonii 148. IRIS versicolor /W/ Nova Scotia 110. ERYTHRONIUM oregonum 149. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid ,mixed /W/G/ 150. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, cream 111. ERYTHRONIUM revolutum 151. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, ex /W/G/ Dorothea’s Ruby 112. ERYTHRONIUM sp. western 152. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, lilac- species, pink or white flowers pink 113. ERYTHRONIUM X ‘White 153. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, two- Beauty’ toned ruffled purple 114. ESCHSCHOLTZIA caespitosa 154. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, white 115. ESCHSCHOLZIA californica 155. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, yellow 116. ESCHSCHOLZIA californica and brownish cream fls. 156. KALMIA polifolia /W/ Queen 117. FESTUCA californica Charlotte Isl. 118. FRITILLARIA affinis /G/ 157. LAYIA elegans 158. LEPTARRHENA pyrolifolia /W/ 200. PARNASSIA fimbriata /W/ 159. LESQUERELLA alpina 201. PARNASSIA palustris /W/Europe 160. LEWISIA cotyledon 202. PEDICULARIS ornithorhyncha 161. LEWISIA cotyledon magenta /W/ 162. LEWISIA cotyledon mixed 203. PENSTEMON albertinus 163. LEWISIA nevadensis rosea 204. PENSTEMON alpinus 164. LEWISIA pygmaea 205. PENSTEMON barbatus 165. LEWISIA rediviva 206. PENSTEMON barrettiae /W/G 166. LEWISIA tweedyi 207. PENSTEMON cardwellii /G/ 167. LEWISIA tweedyi yellow 208. PENSTEMON clutei ‘Sunset Crater’ 168. LEWISIA x ‘Norma Jean’ form 169. LIATRIS sp. /W/ S. Alberta 209. PENSTEMON cyaneus 170. LILIUM canadense 210. PENSTEMON davidsonii /G/ 171. LILIUM columbianum /W/G/ 211. PENSTEMON davidsonii var. 172. LILIUM michiganense davidsonii /W/ 173. LILIUM pardalinum 212. PENSTEMON davidsonii var. 174. LILIUM pardalinum ‘Giganteum’ menziesii /W/G/ 175. LILIUM pardalinum X humboldtii 213. PENSTEMON fruticosus /G/ 176. LILIUM parryi 214. PENSTEMON fruticosus ssp. 177. LOBELIA cardinalis fruticosus /W/ 178. LOBELIA inflata /W/ 215. PENSTEMON fruticosus ssp. 179. LOISELEURIA procumbens /W/ scouleri + ssp. fruticosus mixed /W/ Europe 216. PENSTEMON grandiflorus 180. LOMATIUM columbianum /W/ 217. PENSTEMON grandiflorus
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