The hurts just keep coming for the battered Panthers with losing streak up to five games THE VOICE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 TThhee CChhaarrlloottttee PPoosstt WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 VOLUME 47, NUMBER 11 WWW.THECHARLOTTEPOST.COM $1.50 Push for housing access equality By Herbert L. White [email protected] Advocates for the formerly incar- cerated want Charlotte’s fair hous- ing ordinance to include guarantees for people with crim- inal records. The Reentry Housing Alliance will hold a press conference Tues- day to urge Charlotte City Council to drop barriers to people with records to when it considers changes to its fair housing policy. The most efficient path, they argue, is to create a local amend- ment to the state Fair Housing Or- dinance that is then governed locally. Charlotte, the only jurisdiction in North Carolina working on reentry housing justice. An estimated 55,000 people with criminal records – 8% of the city’s adults – GERRY BROOME | THE ASSOCIATED PRESS could be impacted by a change in the ordinance. Lt. Gov.-elect Mark Robinson, the first Black North Carolinian elected to the post, campaigned on a right-wing platform that ran counter to the political “As citizens, it is time we all get mainstream of the state's African American voters. past being OK with incremental change,” the alliance said in a statement. “The opportunity to create true equity in rental housing ‘I don’t back up from them:’ is within reach. However, with competing interests vying for the City Council’s favor in lobbying the General Assembly, this opportu- nity to enact equity-focused hous- Lt. Gov-elect divides, wins ing reform is in danger of being shouted down.” Mark Robinson makes history with statewide campaign on right wing principles The RHA will petition the council to enact a local amendment to the By Kristen Johnson and his booming voice resonates as he Post. Fair Housing Ordinance that talked about goals, which include more As a Black Republican who openly em- FOR THE CHARLOTTE POST would: funding for law enforcement and sup- braces controversial right-wing ideo- • Defer any inquiry into criminal Mark Robinson stood in front of an porting school choice. logies, Robinson belongs to the small convictions of applicants and their American flag the night of Nov. 3 to dis- “We’re happy to make history and minority of African American neoconser- household members until after the cuss his historic win as North Carolina’s we’re happy to be making it for the Re- vatives in the age of President Donald applicant is qualified. first Black lieutenant governor-elect with publican Party,” Robinson told WFMY- Trump who believe making American • Allow applicants to provide ev- media. TV. “Very first things I want to take on is great again doesn’t necessarily mean ad- idence of rehabilitation and/or The Republican first-time candidate increased care of our veterans in our dressing systemic issues that divide the other mitigating factors. and former furniture worker from state, supporting law enforcement in country. • Guarantee the right of a rental Greensboro won 51% of the vote against this state, and working with the state "The North Carolina Republican Party applicant to file a complaint if dis- Democratic challenger state Rep. Yvonne school board to try to shore up our is excited that Mark Robinson won the qualified based on their criminal Lewis Holley with support from the state schools.” election for Lieutenant Governor,” history. GOP and a hefty base of social media fol- Robinson’s campaign did not respond NCGOP Press Secretary Tim Wigginton • Name or create an administer- lowers. Robinson is physically imposing, to multiple interview requests by The Please see LT. GOV-ELECT | 2A ing body to investigate and enforce all renter complaints. • Direct landlords to post and/or list in writing a description of cir- cumstances that may be consid- ered by the landlord as basis for Local nonprofits refusal to rent. earn $25K in Duke Executive Energy grants order lowers By Herbert L. White cap on indoor [email protected] Five Charlotte nonprofits are recipients of Duke gatherings Energy grants to organizations committed to social justice and racial equity in North Carolina. By Ashley Mahoney The utility company gave $1 million in grants [email protected] through the Duke Energy Foundation to 40 non- HANNA WONDMAGEGN | UNC MEDIA HUB profits in $25,000 gifts. North Carolina will remain in Earlier this year, the company committed to an an- Nicholas Clark, 31, poses for a portrait in his car in Durham on Oct. 30. By day, Clark Phase 3 during Thanksgiving, with nual social justice and racial equity grant cycle for runs his graphic design business, Cultured Brand, and works at a body shop. By night, a few changes. at least three years in North Carolina. The award is he helps out with Durhammeetz events, working to foster a positive community through Gov. Roy Cooper an- nounced Executive in addition to the more than $1 million the company a general love of cars. provided in support of racial equity across all juris- Order No. 176, which dictions in August. The $1 million in grants and ex- keeps the state in panded internal programs build upon previous Underground car culture is Phase 3 of reopening, efforts to support and encourage diversity, equity but also reduces in- and inclusion in the company and communities it door mass gatherings serves. from 25 people to 10 Cooper ‘like an escape from reality’ people for indoor so- “Racial equity sits at the core of our organization's cial events and indoor in-home purpose,” said Jason Terrell, executive director of By Drew Wayland custom painted to resemble a can Profound Gentlemen, one of the Charlotte non- gatherings. Families of 10 people UNC MEDIA HUB of Arizona Green Tea, in circles or more who live together are not profits. “We know that it takes a collective effort to DURHAM – The first car pulls into around the front left wheel, spin- create sustainable systemic change in the education subject to the order, which goes the pit, and white smoke fills the ning on a dime and leaving hot into effect on Nov. 13 at 5 p.m. and profession; we are grateful for the Duke Energy air within seconds. The crowd, black skids on the cold pavement. Foundation’s support as we build an education sys- runs through Dec. 4 at 5 p.m. Vio- about 60 people bundled up in He shifts the car into neutral, picks lating the directive is punishable as tem that our students and educators deserve.” winter coats and gloves, hold a new pivot point, and this time In addition to Profound Gentlemen, the other Char- a Class 2 misdemeanor. phones above their heads in hopes drifts the car in reverse. The rear “This reduction in our indoor lotte nonprofits to earn grants are Right Moves for they’ll capture the action on cam- of the car comes so close to the Youth, Greater Steps Scholars, NC Outward Bound gathering limit aims to slow the era. All they can see of the bright crowd they could make out the spread and bring down our School, and Center for Community Transitions, teal Lexus are its head and tail letters on his glowing neon license which aids the formerly incarcerated adjust to their numbers,” Cooper said. “It also lights, but the screeching of the plate, if any of them could read Ja- sends a serious signal to families, return to the community. tires and the scent of burning panese. “We all have a role and responsibility in advancing friends and neighbors across our rubber are unmistakable. Two more cars pull into the pit, state. Success in slowing the justice and equity,” Duke Energy North Carolina The driver, Nicholas Clark, is put- the makeshift arena set up in a cul- Please see DUKE | 2A ting on a show. He swings his car, Please see UNDERGROUND | 4A Please see EXECUTIVE | 2A INSIDE Please Digital edition: STAY IN TOUCH Sports 7A Snapchat: thecharpost www.thecharlottepostnewspaper.com Recycle Life 1B Twitter: @thecharpost A&E 6B To subscribe: (704) 376-0496 or online Facebook: The Charlotte Post Classified 5B http://tcppc.com/Subscribe Instagram: @thecharlottepost #PaperThursday 2A NEWS | The Charlotte Post Thursday, November 19, 2020 Lt. Gov.-elect Mark Robinson Executive order Continued from page 1A race that’s too close to call. more than 15% of the Black viral video recorded at a lowers cap on indoor told The Post in an email. Still, Black conservatives vote since Richard Nixon in Greensboro City Council “Lieutenant Governor-Elect like Danielle Robinson be- 1960. meeting of him defending Robinson will bring strong lieve African Americans “The real pivot point was his right to bear arms. He gatherings in NC conservative leadership support the Democratic in the 1972 presidential has also been active on campaign,” said UNC Char- that North Carolina desper- Party in error. Robinson Facebook and posted neg- Continued from page 1A ately needs, and we cannot sees the Republican Party lotte political science pro- ative comments about the wait to see what great as a better option and fessor Eric Heberlig. Obama family, calling spread will help our businesses.” things he will accomplish leads North Carolina’s “Richard Nixon developed former first lady Michelle North Carolina entered Phase 3 on Oct. 2, and a while in office." “Blexit,” or Black exit, ini- what was called the South- Obama “a man” and accus- number of components from Executive Order No. 169, As the country confronts tiative to think “more ern Strategy.
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