Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005 Reviews of American Sämoa, Mäori in integrating country development Issues, Niue, Sämoa, Tokelau, Tonga, with region-wide economic develop- and Tuvalu are not included in this ment and in ensuring that the sustain- issue. able development of the Cook Islands actually benefits the people (CIN, 3 Cook Islands June 2004, 6). As part of this devel- The period July 2004 to June 2005 opmental process, the Cook Islands can be described as a year of many government signed an agreement with political twisters and natural cyclones the governments of Australia and that continue to impact economic, New Zealand. This Cook Islands political, and social programs in the initiative, the first of its kind in the Cook Islands. The country faced a Pacific Islands, requires the Australian series of cyclones, one drawn-out Agency for International Development general election, several closely fought (AusAID) to pay its financial contri- elections for parliamentary seats, bution and a management service fee court petitions, relatively regular to the New Zealand Agency for Inter- changes in cabinet ministers and port- national Development, which “will folios, two prime ministers, and three act as trustee of the funds to be put governments. The party that won the into projects of the single co-funded election resurfaced as the opposition program” (CIN, 3 Sep 2004, 1). Loan and the prime minister came from one reserves, projected to reach nz$20.1 of the smallest constituencies in the million by 30 June 2006, are also country. provided so that existing Asian Devel- June 2004 began on a positive note opment Bank loans can be serviced as with a three-day workshop conducted they come due (CIH, 25 June, 2005, 7). by the Cook Islands Ministry of For- Planning meetings alone did not eign Affairs and the Pacific Islands ensure financial responsibility, how- Forum, involving government agen- ever, and the Ministry of Finance and cies, nongovernmental agencies, and Economic Development reiterated its private-sector companies. The train- warning about overspending and ing reflected the spirit of the June spiraling personnel costs (CIN, 30 2000 Cotonou Agreement, which June 2004, 1; 17 Jan 2005). Even the marked the start of a new economic Chamber of Commerce warned of and political relationship between economic decline if government con- the European Union and its African tinued its overspending (CIN, 9 Mar Caribbean Pacific group for the next 2005, 1). Given this general appre- twenty years. Minister of Finance hension, the nz$2.4 million capital Tapi Taio described the Economic expenditure budget set for 2005–06 Partnerships Agreements as important was already receiving much criticism 128 political reviews • polynesia 129 from the public at the end of the Overall, the important tourism review period (CIH, 20 June 2005, 2). industry has brought mixed results Director of Audit Paul Allsworth for the Cook Islands. Increased Air noted that regular departmental over- New Zealand flights have led to more expenditures were primarily caused tourists, but also shorter lengths of by poor planning and political inter- stay. Lack of leadership and vision in ference (CIN, 17 June 2004, 1.). government’s management of tourism Ordinarily this problem could be development is sometimes cited as a solved through the Public Expenditure major concern (CIN, 14 May 2005, 1). Review Committee, which is generally The drawn-out recruitment of a chief seen as an important part of govern- executive and the impact of several ment’s public transparency. But the cyclones have also had a negative committee has had much of its budget impact on the industry. In June 2005, cut and has no powers to prosecute or the board of the Cook Islands Tourism expose wrongdoing discovered by its Corporation reappointed Chris Wong audits (CIN, 29 June 2005, 1). as its chief executive for a further Economic development remained a three years, launching a major post- major focus for the country, although cyclone recovery program. Media certain promising enterprises received teams from the United States, Canada, little public support. Tony Napa New Zealand, and Australia were unsuccessfully defended his proposal brought in to see that the cyclones to establish the island’s first helicopter had not damaged the islands’ tourism service, using a Raven 44 ii Clipper infrastructure. helicopter for tourism, commerce, The fisheries sector had some government, and emergency services successes during the year. Cook (CIN, 3 June 2004, 1). Other enter- Islands Fish Exports signed a multi- prises carried more public support, million-dollar deal with a Chinese including the Captain Bligh resort firm, Shanghai Deep Sea Fisheries. hotel in Aitutaki being built by the The deal came only a few months Tepaki group, and Virgin Blue’s sister after Sealords withdrew from the airline, Pacific Blue, flying from Aus- Cook Islands to concentrate on their tralia via Christchurch to Rarotonga. New Zealand operations. The Cook Meanwhile Aloha Airlines announces Islands Ministry of Marine Resources it was ceasing its flights into Raro- also issued more longline fishing tonga, ending the direct connection to licenses, to reach the current total of Hawai‘i. A bill allowing the issuance forty-four, but noted that the maxi- of titles to anyone owning a portion mum of sixty licenses had yet to be of a building without being a lessee reached (CIN, 19 July 2004, 1). Five (similar to time-sharing) awaits more Taiwanese boats arrived in Rarotonga discussion. Although ownership of to begin fishing in Cook Islands tourist accommodations is reserved waters under a tripartite agreement for Cook Islanders, foreigners can between Taiwan’s Gilontas Fishing access the industry by purchasing Company, Cook Islands Fish Exports existing businesses that fail to find Ltd, and the Cook Islands govern- local buyers. ment. The twenty-four-meter-long 130 the contemporary pacific • 18:1 (2006) fishing boats have twenty-ton storage beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) found was capacities, and each carries a crew of a black female measuring 4.5 centime- twelve (CIN, 15 Oct 2004, 1). ters long (CIN, 20 Jan 2005, 1). Other During the review period, three than that, the agriculture sector has Cook Islands registered ships were been relatively quiet, with much focus turned away from US ports for lack of on nono or noni (Morinda citrifolia), compliance with the United Nations vegetable gardening, and piggeries. In International Ship and Port Facility May 2005, Rarotonga hosted a suc- Security Code, which had come into cessful two-day regional meeting of effect a week earlier. The code the steering committee for the devel- “demands international ships have a opment of sustainable agriculture in signed certificate from their flag coun- the Pacific (CIN, 31 May 2005, 1). try that says that they comply with Environmental issues were under- the new standards aimed at foiling scored by a series of cyclones in terrorists” (CIN, 6 July 2004, 1). The February and March. Although the Picton Castle was on her way to a main force of Cyclone Meena missed tall ships festival in Rhode Island, Rarotonga, it caused serious damage and sailed instead to Nova Scotia to Mangaia Island harbor and airport in Canada. Cargo boat Kwai was (CIN, 9 Feb 2005, 1). A week later, expelled from Martha’s Vineyard Cyclone Nancy inflicted some major in Massachusetts, and cargo vessel wind and surf damage on Rarotonga Equuleus was denied entry at Provi- (CIN, 16 Feb 2005, 1). Super Cyclone dence, Rhode Island. Olaf proved even worse than Nancy Also during the 2004–2005 year, in terms of damage to Rarotonga two leading telecommunication (CIN, 18 Feb 2005, 1), while Cyclone companies (Eircom and Esat bt) Percy badly damaged Pukapuka and announced that they would be closing Nassau (CIN, 2 Mar 2005, 1). Cyclone all direct dialing calls to the Cook Rae caused serious damage on Palm- Islands in an effort to crack down erston and Pukapuka and prompted on Internet fraudsters targeting Irish suggestions for the evacuation of consumers (CIN, 22 Sep 2004, 1). women and children from Pukapuka Another important industry, offshore and Nassau to Aitutaki (CIN, 23 Mar banking, received a positive impetus 2005, 1). The sixth cyclone, Sheila when the Financial Action Task Force (tracked 20–23 April 2005), did not took the Cook Islands off its blacklist seem to receive the same attention as of uncooperative countries, leaving the others. The United Nations and only Burma and Nigeria on the list the governments of Australia, New (CIN, 12 Feb 2005, 1). Zealand, and France offered help to The agriculture ministry renewed storm-damaged Cook Islands, and concerns about the potential damage workers of Cook Islands descent from to the islands’ coconut trees after dis- New Zealand arrived in Rarotonga to covering a rhinoceros beetle on an Air assist with repairs to damaged houses. New Zealand flight from Los Angeles New Zealand cyclone aid amounted and Tahiti. The coconut rhinoceros to nearly nz$2 million even before political reviews • polynesia 131 super Cyclone Percy bore down on going on.” They also asserted, “Old the islands (CIN, 2 Mar 2005, 1). The habits, family ties, culture and tradi- government declared a state of emer- tion” set the scene for corrupt prac- gency, and problems with loiterers tices (CIN, 21 July 2004, 1). forced officials to issue warnings In July 2004, New Zealand Educa- (CIN, 3 Mar 2005, 1). tion Minister Trevor Mallard, noting Other environmental related issues that Cook Islanders were the second- that arose during the year included largest Pacific ethnic group in New lagoon pollution and fish poisoning. Zealand, announced the addition of Ongoing problems of irritation to the Cook Islands Mäori language as swimmers in the Titikaveka area were part of New Zealand’s educational finally linked to bacteria associated curriculum.
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