--:---.---.~.--- -~------ STORY BY MADDIE HANNA AND JOE HETTLER he issues that concern young voters most have assumed a prominent role in the 2004 presidential election as both John Kerry and George W. Bush strive to secure the youth vote. _ T "Younger voters are particularly interested in what the future might hold," American Studies professor Robert Schmuhl said. "Whether the candidates have addressed these concerns in compelling ways is an open question. .. Historically, economic issues tend to assume dominant importance in a presidential campaign. This year is different, with the war in Iraq and the threat of terrorism vying for voter concern." Media organizations be especially interested in young people, such as the will directly affect us if cult to determine which such as Rock the Vote and the policy decisions that status of Social Security, either party doesn't do candidate is most closely Vote or Die emphasize the we're making right now," should be considered, said something about it," aligned with their own environment, gay rights, he said. Tom Guglielmo, an Rippinger said. views. health care, education and Particularly at Notre American Studies assis­ Health care also con­ "[For] younger voters, terrorism as the most Dame, with its Center for tant professor. cerns young voters, mostly occupied with col­ prominent issues facing Social Concerns and "You could make the Rippinger said, in light of lege and work - it's hard voters under 30. For many strong emphasis on case that Social Security is recent debates over creat­ to actually take the time to Notre Dame students, Catholic social teaching, for older people, but ing a government-based do the research and make national security is their issues of social welfare there's the question that health care system. an informed vote," top concern. also tend to become a pri­ this will even be around," Other students are con­ Rippinger said. "I think that everybody ority. Kerry and Bush's he said. cerned with issues that But Guglielmo believes in the country, including respective sta-nces on Like Guglielmo, deal with Catholic values. students must take time to young voters, is concerned these social issues will Rippinger cited Social "On Notre Dame's cam­ educate themselves so about security issues," determine for whom many Security as a concern, not­ pus, there's always a lot of they can make an said Nicola Bunick, co­ young people vote, said ing that the Social issues over abortion and informed decision on Nov. president of Notre Dame's Bunick. Security trust fund might stem cell debate. For 2 College Democrats. "A lot of people are real­ become bankrupt by some people, that can be a "There are some really Co-president of Notre ly involved in social justice 2018, according to infor­ big factor," Bunick said. big issues on the table," Dame's College - it strikes a chord with mation provided by the While some students are he said. Republicans, Tom them," she said. Institute for Policy impelled to become Contact Maddie Hanna at Rippinger, agrees. Even issues that don't Innovation. activists in such hotbed mhannal @nd.edu and Joe "Younger voters should directly seem to affect "That's something that issues, others find it diffi- Hettler at [email protected] r-- -------------,---------,--------,-----~------- page 2 The Observer + IN FOCUS Monday, October 25, 2004 "lie's got this little shtick, you know." former Presidfmt Clinton WASIIIN<;TON - (;norge W. says. "Because he's not a ~~on­ Bush lovns to tPII pnopln about ventional political intellm:tual, hn th P ti llH~ .I a pan nse l'ri me set it up so he gets eonsist(mtly Ministnr .Junichiro Koizurni com­ u nden~stimat«~d." parPd him to ( ;ary CoopPr, lwro Bush is orw of the most out­ of tlw WPstPrn rnovin "lligh wardly religious presidents of Noon." modern times - a subtnxt of his Anwrica's 4:{rd prPsidmJt culti­ presidnncy that became morn vatPs tlH' tough-guy imag!\ ofl'l~r­ pronounc1~d in the aftl'rmath of' ing hirnsPif as a blunt-spoknn the Sept. I I attacks, as lw man of action. 'Tm a gut play(~r." framed tim light against terror lw says. as a battle of good vs. evil. Arnnricans do want tlwir prnsi­ "It would lw very dillicult to bP dnnts to lw strong and dncisivn. the president without believing,'' But with l'n•sidnnt Bush. the he says. qualitiPs his supportnrs find Bush said earlier this year he appnaling can also be kindling wants to ld God's light shine lin· the bonlirns of' his critics. through him - but as a "secular Stnadfast becomes stubborn. politician." lie says he draws Conlident bm:omes eocky. strength from the Americans Bush is the n~solutn prnsident who are praying for him. who gripped a bullhorn at Steven Waldman, editor in Ground Znro and called out to chief of Beliefnet, a multifaith rescue workers straining to hear religious Web site, said Bush's him: "I can hear you! The rest of religious convictions feed into his tho world hears you!" image as a steadfast president in Less attractive to some is the a time of war. But, Waldman swaggering commander in chief says, "clearly some people feel who darnd militants attacking that we're seeing the negative U.S. forces in Iraq by taunting, underbelly of that trait, that his "Bring 'em on." steadfastness has turned into "Those who love him say stubbornness and unwillingness 'leader, decisive, passionate.' llis to face disappointing facts." dntractors say 'angry, petulant,"' Wead, who worked with Bush says Doug Wead, a family friend to court evangelicals during the who worked with Bush on his 1988 campaign, says the presi­ fatlwr's 1988 presidential cam­ dent's expressions of faith are paign. "But everybody agrees both sincere and calculated: "I that there's something in his gut, don't think George Bush knows something that's really driving which sometimes." him." Laura Bush jokes that her hus­ Whatever the motivation, that band has such a strong "Alpha drive is now propelling Bush male" personality that even her through what his wife sentimen­ dog, Barney, pays more attention tally calls their last campaign. to him than to her. Bush himself. never one for But she also says he "has a reflection, shows no sense of heart of gold, which doesn't nostalgia- rather a gritty deter­ to be." reads it every other year.) "maybe that woman was right," always come across." Aides mination to, as he puts it, bring But at age 58, he is in excellent On a typical day, Bush heads to referring to author Gail Sheehy's mention private meetings that everything to the field, leaving physical condition. When his the Oval Oflice by about 7 a.m., theory that he might be dyslexic. don't appear on the president's nothing in the locker room. knees gave out this winter after toting the 50- to 70-page briefmg Bush can be almost defiantly schedule in which he comforts Four years after the Supreme years of running, Bush switched book on the day's events that inarticulate. Nuclear ever will be the families of those serving in Court sealed Bush's victory by to riding a mountain bike. was his bedtime reading the nuk-u-lar to him. Iraq and Afghanistan or who delivering him Florida's electoral "He attacks that thing," says night before. He will start his At a Celebration of Reading have lost loved ones. votes, friends and critics alike Charlie Younger, a longtime meetings by 8, and carve out ceremony in 2001, the president The president loves to keep say he has been remarkably friend from Texas. "His pop-off time during the day to exercise rattled off a dozen of his own tabs on what the rest of the Bush unchanged by his first term in valve is exercise. He's serious - on the elliptical trainer, per­ lulus to a delighted audience. family is up to, although he is oflice. about it." haps, if biking is not an option. "The way I see it," Bush joked, quick to dismiss the notion that ''I'm the kind of person who The statistics from his latest Meetings are short and to the "I am a boon to the English lan­ he seeks much advice from his doesn't change," he says flatly. physical: 6 feet tall, 194 pounds. point. They start on time - early guage. I've coined new words father, the ex-president. But Laura Bush says in an Resting blood pressure: 110/62 if most of the players are there. like 'misunderestimate' and Still, there are plenty of echoes interview that the terror attacks (below 120/80 is healthy). Cabinet meetings begin with a 'Hispanically.' I've expanded the of the first President Bush. of Sept. 11, 2001, and the Hesting pulse: 45 beats per prayer offered by one of the definition of words themselves, When the son prepared for nation's response to them have minute (60-100 is normal for department heads. Suits and ties using 'vulcanize' when I meant war after the Sept. 11 attacks in "added a solemnness and a seri­ adults, 40-60 for a well-trained are required in the Oval Oflice. 'polarize,' 'Grecians' when I 2001, he declared: "This act will ousness" to her husband's per­ athlete). Longtime friend Clay Johnson, meant 'Greeks,' 'inebriating' not stand." The same words his sonality. She hastens to add, Ask the first lady for three who served as Bush's first per­ when I meant 'exhilarating.' And father had used in 1990 after though, that he still likes to words to describe her husband sonnel director in Washington instead of 'barriers and tariffs,' I Iraq invaded Kuwait.
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