November 22, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 33693 PERSONAL PRIVILEGE parading as a liberal and yet indulging HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in ethnic and many other varieties of Mr. FINO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ smear. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1967 mous consent to address the House on a point of personal privilege. As I am sure the Members of this The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The, SPEAKER. Is ithere objection to House are aware, Mr. Pearson operates The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, the request of the gentleman from New a manure and fertilizer sales operation D.D., offered the following prayer: in nearby Maryland. He delights in this, York? realizing that his reputation as a peddler 0 give thanks unto the Lord; for He is There was no objection. of dirt is thus increased. good: for His mercy endureth forever.­ Mr. FINO. Mr. Speaker, there was an May I suggest, however, that this Psalm 106: 1. article in this morning's Washington manure serves a more spiritual purpose Eternal God, our Father, creator of Post by Mr. Drew Pearson, discussing for Mr. Pearson? By his daily proximity the world and the ruler of men, on this the devaluation of the pound. I would to it, Mr. Pearson keeps up his journal­ Thanksgiving Eve we come to Thee with like to read just the part that pertains istic metabolism. I am sure that he has humble and grateful hearts. Thou hast to me. On page B-11 of the Washington received many an inspiration for a col­ been wonderfully good to us, Thy pres­ "Merry-Go-Round," Mr. Pearson says: umn downwind from his manure bins. ence has guided us, Thy power has made Factor No. 4--The llfe of the Export-Im­ Perhaps this is the reason why many port Bank ls jeopardized by the hamstring­ us strong, and Thy providence has sur­ ing amendments of Representative Paul Members of this House have been known rounded us all our days. We pray that Fino (R.-N.Y.) one of the few Italian-Amer­ to say of Mr. Pearson-and I will say it Thou wouldst make us ever mindful of ican undesirables in Congress. He would today-that he has an offensive odor. He Thy spirit, ever eager to do Thy will, and cramp the power of the executive to make smells of his product. ever grateful for Thy goodness. loans, by delegating much of the power We thank Thee for our country-for to Congress. It's another isolationist move similar to the Hoover crackdown on trade SPEAKER JOHN McCORMACK- the freedom we enjoy, for the rights which contributed to the great depression. ARCHITECT OF THE DECADE OF which are ours, and for the future which DECISION FOR AMERICA beckons us to higher aspirations. We Mr. Pearson-and I am sure that the thMlk Thee for those who fight that '1ibe English Government will be duly grate­ Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I ask flag of freedom may fly gloriously in·this ful-blames the devaluation of the unanimous consent to address ithe House day. Bless them with courage and pound on the Republican Party right for 1 minute and to revise and extend strength and give them to know that we here in the United States. my remarks. are with them and that they do not Among the factors which menace in­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to struggle alone. ternational financial stability, Mr. Pear­ the request of ithe gentleman from We thank Thee for our homes and for son says, is the jeopardy in which the Illinois? the love and understanding they provide Export-Import Bank has been placed There was no objection. for us. Keep us from being impatient, by the-and I quote-"hamstring Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, 2,000 impersonal, and impertinent. Make our amendments of Representative PAUL A. years ago a philosopher said, "Difficul­ hearts happy, our words good, and our Fmo." Evidently Mr. Pearson has not ties are things that show what men are." hands ready to help. By Thy spirit may been down to the Export-Import Bank In the past few weeks we have we be kind to those we love. recently; if their affluence and whole­ watched and read and heard with Accept our gratitude and make us sale loanmaking constitutes a state of amazement rumors of a move to replace worthy of Thy blessings; through Jes us jeopardy, I wish my financial affairs the Speaker of the House of Representa­ Christ our Lord. Amen. were so jeopardized. tives. I think it high time this House But I am not rising today to argue takes a moment or two to review the with Mr. Pearson's conceptions of in­ brilliant record of our Speaker since he ternational finance. Frankly, I doubt assumed the office on January 10, 1962, THE JOURNAL that he knows enough to sign a traveler's and why America needs his confirmed The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ check in the right place, but that is not leadership as Speaker of the House. terday was read and approved. the po·int I wish to make. The bills that have passed the House In referring to me, Mr. Pearson said of Representatives under Speaker Mc­ that I was-and I quote-"one of the few CORMACK's active, progressive, and in­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Italian American undesirables in Con­ spiring leadership are the core of what I gress." Now it is possible to interpret believe history will record as the decade A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ this sentence two ways. He may have of decision for America, both in foreign rington, one of its clerks, announced that meant that of the Italo-American Mem­ policy and domestic programs at home. the Senate agrees to the report of the bers of Congress, I am one of the few With Speaker McCORMACK at the committee of conference on the disagree­ whom he deems undesirable. On the other helm, the Congress has written legisla­ ing votes of the two Houses on the hand, he may have meant that I am one tion unprecedented in our history, un­ amendments of the Senate to the bill of the few-and there are 14 of us­ dreamed of even 10 short years ago, and (H.R. 13606) entitled "An act making "Italian American undesirables in Con­ undeniable in its awesome impact on appropriations for military construction gress." Construed this latter way, Mr. American history. for the Department of Defense for the Pearson has uttered what is legally Those of us who have served under fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, and for known as a group libel, a defamatory Speaker McCoRMAcK's leadership are other purposes." reference to Italian Americans as un­ proud to have been part of this legis­ The message also announced that the desirables. lative miracle. Senate agrees to the amendments of the Whatever interpretation you put on Critics may carp and journalists may House to the amendments of the Senate Mr. Pearson's remarks, it is obvious that cant, but we who were here writing this numbered 1, 3, 10, 11, and 12 to the fore­ he indulged his desire to make a gratui­ legislation know what happened. going bill. tous anti-Italian slur. If he does not like JOHN McCORMACK, of Massachusetts, The message also announced that the me or my politics, nothing requires him ranks with tbe foremost Speakers of our Senate insists upon its amendments to to refer to Italian American undesir­ history. His is the guiding force, his the the bill <H.R. 10805) entitled "An act to ables. I suggest that he knew full well hand that molds, his the words that en­ extend the life of the Civil Rights Com­ what he was doing, however, and that courage, challenge, and persuade an mission," disagreed to by the House; his phrase was carefully put together to overwhelming majority of his colleagues agrees to the conference asked by the insult Italian Americans. to support this farsighted legislation. House on the disagreeing votes of the I do not believe in tit for tat, so I am JOHN McCORMACK has established a two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. not going to call Mr. Pearson an Anglo- benchmark of excellence that will chal­ EASTLAND, Mr. McCLELLAN, Mr. ERVIN, Mr. Saxon undesirable. I recognize that his lenge any man who follows him in this DIRKSEN, and Mr. HRUSKA to be the con­ personal offensiveness transcends ethnic enormously trying position. ferees on the part of the Senate. origins. He is a unique species of vermin, He is a Speaker, not only for his politi- 33694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE November 22, 19 67 cal party, or his President, but for all of historic bills could have been enacted 10. The Community Mental Health Centers us and for the entire Nation. For more without his leadership. Act. That dynamic leadership continues 11. Cigarette package labeling. than 40 years he has served this House to 12. Automobile safety standards. proudly and with distinction rarely be evident to this day. We need only 13. The Highway Safety Act. equaled, and never surpassed, by the hun­ look to his spectacular leadership in 14. The Highway Beautification Act. dreds of men and women who labored nursing through the House a poverty bill 15. Bank deposit insurance increase. here before we arrived on the scene. no one expected to survive. 16. Reduction in excise taxes. Speaker McCORMACK deserved the hon­ Those who criticize Speaker McCoR­ 17. Social security benefits for persons over or bestowed on him by the 87th Congress MACK disclose a woeful lack of under­ 72 years, not previously covered.
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