
Brought to you by 9-10 July 2018 | Manchester Central Translating policy and theory into practice SPEAKERS INCLUDE The Rt Hon Professor Sir David Dalton Jeremy Hunt MP Alison Leary Professor Julie Bailey CBE Ruth May Sidney Dekker Dr Bill Kirkup CBE Kevin Fong Keith Conradi of attendees in 2017 came away with an actionable idea they could implement – make sure you’re in this group in 2018! FOR BOOKING ENQUIRIES Contact Syed Ali at [email protected] or on +44 (0)20 7608 9072 or visit patientsafetycongress.co.uk TANGIBLE SOLUTIONS 7 NEW IDEAS 7 EXTRA CONTENT 7 NATIONAL UPDATES 7 PATIENT INVOLVEMENT Brought to you by PATIENT SAFETY POSTER COMPETITION The poster competition recognises safety and quality improvement initiatives and provides an important platform for patient safety advocates to WHY ATTEND? exchange safety and quality breakthroughs with peers and stakeholders. 4 TAngiBLE SoLuTionS 4 PATiEnT invoLvEMEnT In 2017, 84% of attendees came away with an Patient speakers are contributing across the whole If you or your team have had success with an actionable idea they could implement – make sure programme, putting their insight at the heart of evidence-based and innovative quality or safety you’re in this group in 2018! safety and quality improvements initiative we want to hear from you! 4 nATionAL uPDATES 4 ExTRA ConTEnT For more information and to enter, visit Hear from policy makers and senior leaders to An additional two-day stream of content, shared patientsafetycongress.co.uk/patient-safety- understand how the national picture will impact your with Rapid Response 2018, focused on improving congress-2018-poster-competition work on the frontline care for the deteriorating patient 4 nEw iDEAS Be challenged and inspired by speakers from international healthcare systems and safety critical industries PROGRAMME DAY 1 – MONDAY 9 JULY 2018 08:00 REgiSTRATion oPEnS • Learn how human factors impact the work of NASA, and processes they use to reduce risk • Understand how safety critical industries implement effective safety systems 09:00 – 09:10 wELCoME FRoM ConFEREnCE CHAiR • Make changes in your practice to improve safety in your organisation Shaun Lintern, Patient Safety Correspondent, HSJ 10:10 – 10:50 JoinT DEBATE wiTH RAPiD RESPonSE SySTEMS 09:10 – 09:50 JuST CuLTuRE: Moving BEyonD BLAME in youR oRgAniSATion r a p id r esponse SAFETy in HEALTHCARE, wHo DRivES CHAngE? system s 2018 Professor Sidney Dekker, Author of Just Culture: Restoring Trust and Accountability in Your Organization, P Chair: Shaun Lintern, Patient Safety Correspondent, HSJ griffith university Professor Ken Hillman, Professor of Intensive Care, university of new South wales Joe Rafferty, Chief Executive, Mersey Care Foundation Trust Julie Bailey CBE, Founder, Cure the nHS (the campaign group that exposed the Mid Staffs care scandal) Dr Josephine ocloo, Patient Representative and Researcher in Patient Safety Peter Homa CBE, Chair, nHS Leadership Academy • Hear the key principles of just culture from one of the leading thinkers in this area Kevin Fong, Consultant Anaesthetist, university College London Hospitals Foundation Trust • Learn how Mersey Care Trust put the principles into action to drive a cultural shift invited: Dr Celia ingham Clark, Medical Director for Clinical Effectiveness, nHS England • Understand and learn how to develop just culture practices • Do the best patient safety improvements come from the top or the frontline? • What should policy makers, leaders and frontline staff be doing to make hospitals safer? 09:50 – 10:10 JoinT PLEnARy wiTH RAPiD RESPonSE SySTEMS • How can we work together to drive improvements? DRiving CHAngE in SAFETy CRiTiCAL inDuSTRiES rapid r esponse system s 2018 Kevin Fong, Consultant Anaesthetist, university College London Hospitals Foundation Trust P 10:50 - 11:20 MoRning BREAK in ExHiBiTion HALL HUMAN FACTORS: DRIVING A CULTURE IMPROVING PATIENT SAFETY THROUGH DELIVERING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT BRIDGING THE GAP: BEYOND THE THEORY OF PATIENT SAFETY GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE ON THE FRONTLINE POLICY AND CLINICAL PRACTICE Chair: Martin Bromiley oBE, Chair, Clinical Chair: Shaun Lintern, Patient Safety Chair: Dr Mike Durkin, Senior Advisor on Joint stream with Rapid Response Systems Human Factors group Correspondent, HSJ Patient Safety Policy and Leadership, rapid r esponse imperial College London system s 2018 P 11:20 - CREATing A SuSTAinABLE FoCuS wHy wE nEED A RELEnTLESS THE iMPoRTAnCE oF LiSTEning THE iMPACT oF gEnuinE MAKing iT EAS y To Do THE 12:00 on HuMAn FACToRS AS PART oF A DRivE on SEPSiS To PATiEnTS AnD RELATivES PARTnERSHiPS BETwEEn STAFF RigHT THing wHoLE HEALTHCARE SySTEM • Learn from an evidenced approach to • Understand the role of Duty of Candour AnD PATiEnTS • Examine how approaches from • Understand how Scotland has adopted and reducing admission to ITU, length of stay, in learning from accidents • Learn from the experience of the West behavioural science can be adopted into implemented a human factors approach readmission and mortality from sepsis • Learn from Susanna Stanford’s London Collaborative, which is working your work • Find out how human factors thinking has • Improve sepsis outcomes by simplifying endeavours to ensure that what with service users from West London • Use nudge theory and ‘doing the right been moved from individual projects to large processes and empowering staff happened to her doesn’t happen again Mental Health Trust thing’ to encourage consistent, good scale application • Hear Melissa Mead’s story – her son • Understand how healthcare professionals, • Improve experience of care by finding out practice • Reduce the impact of the human condition William died of sepsis at 12 months old. government, lawyers and patients can what really matters to service users and • Learn techniques to implement affecting patients by creating a long-term, His death spurred her to lead a campaign work together to improve safety and co-producing ‘Always Events’ interventions to improve patient consistent approach to save lives justice • Learn about the national resources outcomes Professor george youngson CBE, Melissa Mead, Ambassador, The uK Sepsis Peter walsh, Chief Executive, available to support co-production, and Stephen Bolsin, Adjunct Professor & Staff Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Trust Action Against Medical Accidents input ideas for future resources Specialist, geelong Hospital university of Aberdeen Joan Pons Laplana, Transformation Nurse, Susanna Stanford, Patient Speaker Jane Mcgrath, Chief Executive, west Hannah Burd, Senior Advisor, Simon Paterson-Brown, Consultant General James Paget university Hospitals London Collaborative Behavioural insights Team Surgeon, Royal infirmary of Edinburgh Foundation Trust Helen Lee, Head of Quality Improvement and Siri Steinmo, Patient Safety Programme Paul Bowie, Programme Director - Patient Safety Dr Matt inada Kim, Consultant Acute Experience, Lancashire Care Foundation Lead, Royal Free London Foundation Trust & Quality Improvement, nHS Education for Physician, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust Scotland Trust and National Clinical Advisor for Sepsis David Mcnally, Head of Experience of Care, (Stephen and Hannah are speaking again at Dr Shelly Jeffcott, Human Factors Specialist, nHS England 12:05 in the ‘Human Factors’ stream) nHS Education for Scotland Invited: nikki Maran, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal infirmary of Edinburgh FOR BOOKING ENQUIRIES Contact Syed Ali at [email protected] or on +44 (0)20 7608 9072 or visit patientsafetycongress.co.uk 12:00 – 12:05 TiME To MovE BETwEEn SESSionS 12:05 - BEHAviouRAL inSigHTS: uSing How BETTER uSE oF CoMPLAinTS EFFECTivE govERnAnCE in A iMPRoving THE CARE AnD EnD oF LiFE CARE in An ACuTE 12:45 THE PowER oF nuDgE THEoRy CAn DRivE LEARning AnD MuLTi-AgEnCy EnviRonMEnT ouTCoMES oF vuLnERABLE SETTing • Examine how approaches from behavioural ACCounTABiLiTy • Hear about effective partnership working in a PATiEnTS • “Talking DNACPR” - how to have difficult science can be adopted into your work • How to embed an open, transparent community setting • Meet the needs of vulnerable patients, in the conversations with patients • Use nudge theory and ‘doing the right thing’ complaints culture, to ensure learning from • Understand how collaboration achieves community, primary and acute settings • Have effective conversations in an to improve patient outcomes mistakes effective governance • Work in partnership with other organisations emergency - the national Recommended • Learn from real-world evidence to • Understand what is working well in NHS • Adopt partnership working in your area to to improve the care of vulnerable patients Summary Plan for Emergency Care and understand what is possible complaint handling in England and what isn’t improve patient journey and outcomes • Improve outcomes for vulnerable patients in Treatment (ReSPECT) Stephen Bolsin, Adjunct Professor & Staff • Hear from the new Ombudsman on his vision your care Dr Caroline Stirling, Clinical Director, End of Life Specialist, geelong Hospital for complaint handling in the NHS Care, nHS England Hannah Burd, Senior Advisor, Behavioural Rob Behrens CBE, Parliamentary and Health Jillian Hartin, Senior Nurse, Patient Emergency insights Team Service Ombudsman Response and Resuscitation Team (PERRT), (speakers also speaking at 11:20 in the ‘Bridging the Scott Morrish, Patient Speaker university College London Hospitals Gap’ stream) Foundation Trust 12:45 - 13:45 nETwoRKing LunCH BREAK in ExHiBiTion
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