OPHTIIALMIC ANTIQUES INTERNATIONAL COLLECTORS' CLUB NEWSLETTER INDEX Covering issues 116 - 135, July 20ll -Apriil20l6 Compiled by Valerie Mellor SUBJECT AUTHOR ISSUE DATE Advertising, PublicitS Tiade Cards, etc. Optical Advertising in the Early 20m Century Ingrid & Werner 124 July 2013 Weismueller ArcheologicaVHistorical finds: Re: The Bergen-opZoom Spectacles David Fleishman 116 July 2011 Discovery of Glasses During Excavations in Cologne Karl-Ludwig Steymans 12t October 2012 Cathedral Digging inAmsterdam Part2 (See Issue ll0 forparl l) Willem Banninga 131 April2015 Microscope Found in Delft Canal. (By Christian Huygens?) P & C Aangenendt 132 July 2015 Artificial Eyes: a) Eye-dropping Testimony Leads to Mistrial Philadelphia Daily tz) April2013 News 7 February 2013 b) Conviction of Theodore Schultze 1o1 Srnrr ggling Artifi cial Opticiqn,2 June 1898 123 April2013 Eyes Johannesburg Star 72 123 April2013 c) Stolen Diamonds Smuggled BehindArificial Eyes July 1939 and HindsightYol 12, July 1981 Auctions: Bonham's Sale 9 November 2011 John Gregory-Roberts 118 Jmruary 2012 Doyle New YorkAuctioneers; Sale I7 July 2012 Gordon Turner 122 January 2013 Leslie Hindman Auctioneers: Auction of Opera Glasses, 123 April20l3 Chicago USA,ll February 2013 (see Chairman's Chat) Fielding's of Stourbridge: Sale of F/og 1r items 29.11.2012 Ronald MacGregor 123 April2013 OAICC Auction - Commission/Absentee Bidding Allowed for 123 April2013 a Trial Period Auction on 16 July 2014, Catherine Southon Auctioneers 128 July 2014 patent Bonham's of Knightsbridge Sale (incl. Adams Valerie Mellor 130 January 2015 Spectacles 1797) OAICC Auction Help Vy'anted Alan Leach 131 April20l5 C & TAuctions - MemorabiliaAuction 19 September 2015 Joan Dunk r32 July 2015 Sale of Effects of Lord Attenborough to be Sold by Bonhams t32 July 2015 5 September and2l October 2015 BOAMuseum: Open House l8 September 2011 NeilHandley 116 July 201I BOA Museum Featured in 'Metro Travel' 18 August 201I Neil Handley It7 October 2011 BOA Museum Open House Neil Handley 118 January 2012 Spooks and Specs - Interview with Mark Dennis Neil Handlev 118 Januaw 2012 British College of Optometrists: Open House 18 September 2011 Neil Handley 116 July 2011 Members of the OAICC Will Not Have to Pay to use the 123 April2013 College Library Resources (reference-only bas i s) Open House September 2014: Neil Handley in 1914 costume; 131 April20l5 Mark Dennis in Period Naval Uniform Buying and Selling Optical Antiques; Gifting to Museums: Home Wanted for Norman Bier Contact Lenses Judy Pittrnan 132 July 2015 Catalogues and Collecting: Update 4: New Mentoring Service for Those Wishing to John Dixon Salt 120 Jnly 2012 Organise or Re-organise Their Collections How to Document a Collection Neil Handley 126 Janaary 2014 W Y McAllister Catalogue - Similar to that Sold by James W 129 October 2014 Queen, Philade$hia 1 884 Catalogue ofSocidtd des Lunetiers c.1920 r29 October 2014 Page of Catalogue - P & G Dollond BOAMuseum 130 January 2015 Page of Catalogue - P & J Dollond BOAMuseum 130 January 2015 Charity Cycling for Sight: Optoms Cycling for Sight 2013 - Cycle Round the World Tim Bowden t23 April2013 Editor's Bike Ride Tim Bowden t2s October 2013 OC4S: Optoms Cycling for Sight 24 Auglst2Dl4 Tim Bowden 128 July 2014 My OC4S Challenge Tim Bowden r29 October 2014 A Day in the Life of the Editor 133 October 2015 London-Paris Bike Ride for OC4S TimBowden 135 April2016 Contact Lenses: Japanese Contact Lenses David Fleishman ll6 July 2011 Death of Newton K Wesley Tim Bowden tt7 October 201I Karl Otto Himmler, Manufacturer of the First Contact Lens Richard Pearson t21 October 2012 History of Contact Lenses: See antiquesp€ctacles.com David Fleishman 132 July 2015 Fenestrated Norman Bier Contact Lenses Judy Pittman 132 July 2015 Photographs ofthe 44" Congress, International Society of Frank Petticrew 133 October 2015 Contact Lens Specialists, St Gallen, Switzerland, including Photograph ofFrank Petticrew delivering a Presentation eBay: eBay Window Feb-May 2011 Alan Leach 116 July 20ll eBay Window May-Aug 2011 Alan Leach 117 October 2011 eBay Window Sept-Oct 201 I Alan Leach 118 Ianuary2012 eBay Window Nov 201l-Jan 2012 Alan Leach 119 April2012 eBay Window Jan-Mar 2072 Alan Leach t20 JtuJy20t2 eBay Window Mar-Jul 20 12 Alan Leach r21 October 2012 eBay Window Jul-Nov 2012 Alan Leach 122 January 2013 eBay Window Dec 2012-Feb2013 Alan Leach 123 April20l3 eBay Window Mar- Apr 2073 Alan Leach t24 hly 2013 eBay Window Jul-Aug 2013 Alan Leach t25 October 2013 eBay Window Sept-Nov 2013 Alan Leach 126 Ianuary 2014 eBay Window Dec 2013-Feb2014 Alan Leach 127 April2014 eBay Window Mar-May 2014 Alan Leach 128 hrly 2014 eBay Window Jun-Aug 2014 Alan Leach t29 October 2014 eBay Window Sept-Nov 2015 Alan Leach 130 January 2015 eBay Window Jan-Feb 2015 Alan Leach t31 April20l5 eBay Window Apr-May 20 I 5 Alan Leach t32 July 2015 eBay Window Jun-Jul 2015 Alan Leach r33 October 2015 eBay Window Sept-Nov 2015 Alan Leach 134 Iwnary2016 eBay Window Jan-Feb 2016 Alan Leach 135 April20l6 Eyebaths: Help andAdvice Available, Dating and Valuing George Sturrock 116 July 2011 Illustration on Cover of Issue 123: Coalport Porcelain Eyebath 123 Apfl20t3 Review of Eye Baths - an lllustrated Survey by George Johl Dixon Salt 123 April2013 Sturrock Fairs: Gary Conway to Exhibit at the Antique & Scientific Instrument Gary Conway 123 April2013 Fak,28 April2013 Antique Scientific Instrument and Curios lnternational Fair, 135 April2016 29 May 2016 at Chabrat Stadium, Bwes sur Yvette, France ['or Sale/Exchange: Collection for Sale: Herbert Sorger, Duisburg, Germany I & WWeismiiller 117 October 2011 Books for Sale Valerie Mellor lI7 October 201 I Poster of UKO NHS Frames c. 1985 Lawrence Jenkin n7 April2014 Collection of Kees Kortland: See www.kortland-antiek.nl Kees Kortland l3l April20l5 Collection of Karl Heinz Hotstegs. Contact Petra Hotstegs I & WWeismiiller 131 April2015 Museum for Sale:Collection of Henk Bergmans, Netherlands Henk Bergmans 132 July 2015 Martin's Margins for Sale 134 January 2016 Books for Sale Louis Kolhoff 135 April2016 Books and Catalogues for Sale I & WWeismueller t35 April2016 From my Collection: Optical Shop Signs Lawrence Jenkin n7 October 2011 Spectacles Made by John Parkes, Birmingham and Belonging Charles Letocha 120 Iuly 2012 to The Revd. Dr. Ja. Kidd My Optical Collection (with Photographs) Don Ezekiel 129 October 2014 Goggles: Chicken Goggles John Dixon Salt 121 October 2:012 Honours: Peter Louwman Receives the Order of Orange Nassau Carla Aangenendt 116 July 2011 Frank Norville Awarded the OBE Tim Bowden r17 October 20ll Udo Timm Presented with the GoldAward of Honour of the Udo Timm t2'l October 2012 Guild of Opticians of Lower Saxony and the SilverAward of Honow from theAssociation of Augenoptikers Frank Petticrew Awarded the Herschel Medal by the Frank Petticrew t22 January 2013 lnternational Society of Contact Lens Specialists English Heritage Plaque for Dame Ida Mann 122 January 2013 Maurice Zack Elected a Distinguished Service Member of the t28 Jrrly 2014 Intemational Society of Contact Lens Specialists Ron HamiltonAwarded a CBE by the Queen, 2012 128 July 2014 hofile of Donald Ezekiel rn Clinical and Experimental Prof. Nathan Efron 130 January 2015 Optometry, the Journal of the Optometrist Association of Australia Information Technology: OAICC Discs Available Tim Bowden tt6 July 20ll Price List - OAICC Computer Discs; Printed Publications; 120 Iuly 2012 Ophthalmic Antiques Journal; OA Index 1982-2011; Atlas of Pince Nez lnstruments and Instrument Makers: A Quack Eye Massager Frank Barraclough 123 April2013 History of the Slit Lamp Vision Systems 12s Octobet 2013 Pupil Distance Rulers Through Time Piet Optiek 130 January 2015 Pupil Distance Rulers/Rules David High t32 July 2015 P D Measure and Height-of-Bridge Measure Combined R J S MacGregor 133 October 2015 1882 Catalogue of WYMcAllister: Measuring devices John Dixon Salt 133 October 2015 Plate 26 BOA Museum: Measuring Devices t33 October 201 5 The Continuing Story of PD Gauges John Dixon Salt 134 January 2016 Central Vision Scotometers Noxid Pepper 135 April2016 4 Theodore Hamblin Ophthalmoscope - Catalogue Theodore Hamblin 135 April2016 Jealousy Glass: TV News - Jealousy glass on 'Flog It', 3 November 2011 Ronald Macgregor 118 lanaary 2012 Leather and Other Materials: Free Lecture, Society ofAntiquaries, 21 November 2014: Stuart Talbot 128 Iuly 2014 Shagreen and Fish Skin on Old Scientific Instruments, Casings andEtui, c. 1700-1800 Shagreen-cased Claude Lorraine Black Glass Mirror 129 October 2014 Lenses: Pebble Lenses; The Chemist Optician, 1908; Defective Vision, Tim Bowden ll9 April2A1o 1891 (F J Bluett) Antique Glass Lens Cutter Ronald MacGregor 12l October 2072 P-3 Lens Shapes: Reply to a Query Lawrence Jenkin 123 April2013 Daily Disposable Lenses 20tr Anniversary (Reprinted from Tim Bowden 128 Jnly 2014 'Contact Lenses, The Story) Two Photographs of Hand Grinding Spectacles Lenses from Frank Petticrew 133 October 2015 Quartz in Sri Lanka Lorgnettes: Debbie Harry Tim Bowden 116 July 20ll Is This a Genuine OpticalAntique? (With illustration of an John Dixon Salt 129 October 2014 Aubock Lorgnette made in Vienna) Something Different Long-Handled Lorgnette with Lever in Ronald J S MacGregor t34 January 2016 the Handle for Opening the Frame Media/ Websites: BBC 'A Picture of Health' I March 2012 Neil Handley lr9 Aprll2012 'Labour of Love Collecting Optical and Ophthalmic Antiques' MichaelAitken, Don 119 April2012 - Australian publication'Mivision' Ezekiel, John Dixon Salt 'Watch Lorgnettes' inAntiquarian Horology, Vol 33 No.2 Neil Handley 119 Apm20t2 Have I Got Na,ys For You, BBC 1, 30 November 2012: The Tim Bowden r22 January 2013 OAICC Journal Featured as the Guest Publication Small Collection Sold on TV: BBC 2 'Flog It' 29Nov-2012 Ronald MacGregor 123 April2013 Udo Timm on German TV Udo Timm r23 April2013 Opticalworld's New scientific website: www.fleaglass.com Gary Conway 725 October 2013 www.
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