Publikationsverzeichnis Prof. Reinhard W. Holl Originalarbeiten (Peer-reviewed) 527) Hoyer-Kuhn H, Huebner A, Richter-Unruh A, Bettendorf M, Rohrer T, Kapelari K, Riedl S, Mohnike K, Dörr HG, Roehl FW, Fink K, Holl RW, Woelfle JHydrocortisone dosing in children with Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia – Results of the German/Austrian Registry In press, Endocrine Connection 2021 [IF: 2.592] 526) Sherr J, Schwandt A, Phelan H, Clements M, Holl RW, Benitez-Aguirre PZ, Miller KM, Wölfle J, Dover T, Maahs DM, Fröhlich-Reiterer E, Craig ME Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Trajectories of Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Over 10 Years Post-Diagnosis from Three Continents In Press, Pediatrics [IF: 5.417] 525) Kamrath C, Rosenbauer J, Tittel S, Warncke K, Hirtz R, Denzer C, Dost A, Neu A, Pacaud D, Holl RW Frequency of Autoantibody negative Type 1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents, and young Adults during the first wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany In Press, Diabetes Care 2021 [IF: 16.019] XXX) van Mark G, Tittel SR, Welp R, Gloyer J, Sziegoleit S, Barion R, Jehle PM, Erath D, Bramlage P, Lanzinger S. The DIVE/DPV registries: Benefits and risks of analogue insulin use in individuals 75 years and older with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Im Druck BMC Open Diabetes 2021. [IF: 3.742] 524) Müller-Godeffroy E*, Mönkemöller K*, Lilienthal E, Heidtmann B, Becker M, Feldhahn L, Freff M, Hilgard D, Krone B, Papsch M, Schumacher A, Schwab KO, Schweiger H, Wolf J, Bollow E, Holl RW Zusammenhang von Bildungsstatus und Diabetesoutcomes: Ergebnisse der DIAS-Studie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Typ-1 Diabetes in Deutschland Im Druck, Diabetes und Stoffwechsel 2021 [IF: 0.795] 523) Matejek N, Tittel SR, Haberland H, Rohrer T, Busemann EM, Jorch N, Schwab KO, Wölfle J, Holl RW, Bettendorf M Predictors of Transient Congenital Primary Hypothyroidism: Data from the German Registry for Congenital Hypothyroidism (AQUAPE "HypoDok") Im Druck, European Journal of Pediatrics, 2021 [IF: 2.305] 522) Geirhos A, Lunkenheimer F, Holl RW, Minden K, Schmitt A, Temmering S, Baumeister H, Domhardt M Involving patients’ perspective in the development of an Internet- and mobile-based CBT intervention for adolescents with chronic medical conditions: Findings from a qualitative study Internet Interv. 2021 Mar 16;24:100383. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2021.100383. eCollection [IF: 3.513] 521) Karges B, Prinz N, Placzek K, Datz N, Papsch M, Strier U, Agena D, Bonfig W, Kentrup H, Holl RW A comparison of familial and sporadic type 1 diabetes among young patients Diabetes Care 2021;44:1116–1124 [IF: 16.019] 520) Auzanneau M, Fritsche A, Icks A, Siegel E, Kilian R, Karges W, Lanzinger S, Holl RW Diabetes im Krankenhaus: eine bundesweite Analyse aller stationären Fälle mit und ohne Diabetes zwischen 2015 und 2017 (Diabetes in inpatient care: an analysis of all hospital admissions with and without diabetes between 2015 and 2017 in Germany) Im Druck, Ärzteblatt 2021 [IF: 4.796] 519) Segerer H, Wurm M, Grimsmann JM, Karges B, Neu A, Sindichakis M, Warncke K, Dost A, Holl RW Diabetische Ketoazidose bei Manifestation eines Typ-1-Diabetes mellitus im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Häufigkeit und Einflussfaktoren Im Druck, Ärzteblatt 2021 [IF: 4.796] 518) Thomann J*, Tittel SR, Voss E, Oeverink R, Palm K, Fricke-Otto S, Kapelari K, Holl RW, Woelfle J, Bettendorf N Guideline adherence and registry recruitment of congenital primary hypothyroidism: Data from the German Registry for Congenital Hypothyroidism (HypoDok) International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 7, 10. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijns7010010 [IF: 0.43] 517) Hammersen, Tittel SR, Warncke K, Fritsch M, Placzek K, Pacaud D, Karges B, Woelfle J, Holl RW, for the DPV Initiative Previous diabetic ketoacidosis as a risk factor for recurrence in a large prospective contemporary pediatric cohort: Results from the DPV initiative Pediatric Diabetes 2021;22:455–462 [IF: 3.052] 516) Eckert A, Domhardt M, Reinauer C, Berger G, Galler A, Böckmann A, Henn M, Haak T, Holl RW Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes: clinical characteristics from the DPV registry. Psychiatry Res 2021 Mar;297:113733. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113733. [IF: 2.118] 515) Reinehr T, Tittel SR, Holle R, Wiegand S, Gellhaus I, Hebebrand J, Greber-Platzer S, Denzer C, Linke S, Kiess W, Holl RW Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors between children and adolescents with class III and class IV obesity: findings from the APV cohort Int J Obes (Lond) 2021 May;45(5):1061-1073. doi: 10.1038/s41366-021-00773-x. [IF: 4.360] 514) Reinehr T, Kulle A, Barth A, Ackermann J, Holl RW, Holterhus PM Transition from gynaecomastia to lipomastia in pubertal boys Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021 Apr;94(4):583-589. doi: 10.1111/cen.14403 [IF: 3.38] 513) Xu Y*, Grimsmann JM*, Karges B, Hofer S, Danne T, Holl RW, Ajjan RA, Dunn TC Personal glycation factors and calculated HbA1c for diabetes management: Real-world data from the DPV registry In press Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 2020 [IF: 4.488] XXX) Eckert A, Galler A, Papsch M, Hess M, Holer M, Döring C, VBierkamp-Christophersen, D, Hammer E, Pappa A, Lanzinger S Are psychiatric disorders associated with thyroid autoimmunity in adolescents and young adults with type-1-diabetes? In press, Journal of Diabetes 2020 [IF: 3.28] 512) Mönkemöller K*, Kamrath C*, Hammersen J, Biester T, Warncke K, Pappa A, Fink K, Raile K, Rohrer TR, Holl RW für die DPV Initiative Kann die Ketoazidose bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit Manifestation eines Diabetes Mellitus Typ 1 vermieden werden? Lehren aus der COVID-19-Pandemie. Is it possible to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of pediatric type 1 diabetes? Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 169(5), 451-460, 2021 [IF: 0.239] 511) Schöttler H, Auzanneau M, Best F, Braune K, Freff M, Heidtmann B, Jung R, Karges B, Klee D, Müller A, Schierloh U, Vogel C, Holl RW Insulinpumpe, kontinuierliche und kapilläre Glukosemessung bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Diabetes mellitus: Daten des DPV-Registers zwischen 1995 -2019 Insulin pump, continuous and capillary glucose monitoring in children, adolescents and adults with diabetes mellitus: DPV registry data between 1995 -2019 Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 15: 477-486, 2020 [IF: 0.795] 510) Galler A, Tittel SR, Baumeister H, Reinauer C, Brosig B, Becker M, Haberland H, Hilgard D, Jivan M, Mirza J Schwab J, Holl RW Worse glycaemic control, higher rates of diabetic ketoacidosis, and more hospitalisations in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes and anxiety disorders 1 Pediatr Diabetes. 2021; 22: 519–528. [IF: 3.052] XXX) Alonso GT, Fink K, Maffeis C, Svensson Jannet, S Krepel-Volsky, Elizabeth D, Jarosz-Chobot Przemysława, Patel Yash, Smart Carmel Variation in nutrition education practices in SWEET pediatric diabetes centers—an international comparison Pediatr Diabetes. 2021 Mar;22(2):215-220. doi: 10.1111/pedi.13161 [IF: 3.052] 509) Tittel SR, Dunstheimer D, Hilgard D, Knauth B, Fröhlich-Reiterer E, Galler A, Wurm M, Holl RW for the DPV Initiative Coeliac Disease is associated with Depression in children and young adults with Type 1 Diabetes – Results from a multicentre Diabetes Registry Acta Diabetologica (2021) 58:623–631 [IF: 3.418] XXX) Warncke K, Prinz N, Iotova V, Dunstheimer D, Datz N, Karges B, Jali MV, Linsenmeyer D, Olsen BS, Seiwald M, Prahalad P, DeSousa G, Pacaud D for the SWEET and DPV study groups. Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia related diabetes: long-term clinical outcomes in 23 patients from DPV and SWEET registries In Press, Canadian Journal of Diabetes [IF: 2.400] 508) Auzanneau M, Karges B, Neu A, Kapellen T, Wudy SA, Grasemann C, Krauch G, Gerstl EM, Däublin G, Holl RW on behalf of the DPV Initiative More hospital days with insulin pump therapy? A ten years analysis in 48,756 pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes from the German DPV registry European Journal of Pediatrics 2021, 180: 597–606 [IF: 2.305] 507) Eckert AJ, Zhou FK, Grimsmann JM, Pettus JH, Kerner W, Miller KM, Stechemesser L, Edelman SV, Spiesi C, Holl RW, Ibald-Mulli AM Demographic characteristics and acute complications among adults with type 1 diabetes: comparison of two multicentre databases from Germany and the United States. J Diabetes Complications, 2021 Mar;35(3):107812. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2020.107812. [IF: 2.781] 506) Baechle C, Stahl-Pehe A, Castillo K, Holl RW, Rosenbauer J Association of family structure with type 1 diabetes management and outcomes in adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional survey Pediatric Diabetes, 2021;22:482–494 [IF: 3.052] 505) Jasser-Nitsche H, Bechtold-Dalla Pozza S, BinderE, Heidtmann B, Hee Lee-Barkley Y, Raile K, de Sousa G, Schmid SM, Holl RW Inflammmatory bowel disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a multicenter analysis from the German-Austrian DPV database Acta Paediatr . 2021 Apr;110(4):1353-1358. doi: 10.1111/apa.15643 [IF: 2.111] 504) Biester T, Grimsmann JM, Heidtmann B, Rami-Merhar B, Ermer U, Wolf J, Freff M, Karges B, Agena D, Bramlage P, Danne T, Holl RW: Intermittently scanned glucose values for continuous monitoring: Cross-sectional analysis of metabolic control and hypoglycaemia in 1809 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes Diabetes Technol Ther. 2021 Mar;23(3):160-167. doi: 10.1089/dia.2020.0373. [IF: 4.488] 503) Kamrath C, Tittel SR, Kapellen TM, von dem Berge T, Heidtmann B, Nagl K, Menzel U, Pötzsch S, Konrad K, and Holl RW Early versus delayed insulin pump therapy in children with newly diagnosed type 1 dia-betes – results from the DPV registry Lancet Child and Adolescent Health 2021 Jan;5(1):17-25 [IF: 8.543] 502) vMark G, Tittel SR, Sziegoleit S, Putz FJ, Durmaz M, Bortscheller M, Buschmann I, Seufert J, Holl RW*, Bramlage P* Type 2 diabetes in older patients: an analysis of the DPV and DIVE databases Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab 2020, 11: 1–14, https://doi.org/10.1177/2042018820958296 [IF: 2.173] 2 501) Addala A* Auzanneau M*, Miller K, Maier W, Foster N, Kapellen T, Walker A, Rosenbauer J, Maahs DM* and Holl RW* A Decade of Disparities in Diabetes Technology Use and HbA1c in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: A Trans-Atlantic Comparison Diabetes Care 2021 Jan;44(1):133-140.
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