Group Ownership Grant Broadcasting System II Inc., Box 2127. Roanoke, Note: CJMD(AM) Chibougamau is rebroadcast by Petersburg) and WPBF(TV) Tequesta (West Palm Beach). VA (24009). (540) 344 -2127. Fax: (540) 345 -1912. Web CFED(AM) Chapais, PQ. (All stns located in Canada.) both FL: WBAL-AM Baltimore. MD; KQCA(TV) Stockton, Site: www.fox2127.com. Executives: Milton Grant, Ownership: Gestion Maley Inc., 50 %; Gestion Tremblay CA. Loc mktg agreement: KCWE(TV) Kansas City, MO. pres /sec/treas; Ben Klien, asst sec; Carol L. Callahan, asst & Leclerc Inc., 50 %. Ownership: The Hearst Corp., 66% sec. Stns: 3 TV. WJPR(TV) Lynchburg and WFXR -TV Groupe TVA Inc., Tele -4 /CFCM -TV, 1000 Myrand Ave.. Heartland Broadcasting Corp., 7891 U.S. Hwy 17 S., Roanoke, WBVA(TV) Roanoke-Lynchburg, all VA. (Both Ste. -Foy, PQ (G1V 2W3). Canada. (418) 688 -9330. Fax: Zolfo Springs. FL (33890). (863) 494 -4111. E -mail: 100% owned.) (418) 681 -4239. Dania! Lamarre, pres. wzzsedesoto.net. Web Site: www.desoto.net/wzzs. Ownership: Milton Grant. Stns: 5 TV. CJPM -TV Chicoutimi, CFCM -TV Quebec Harold M. Kneller Jr., pros; Janet K. Kneller, sec/treas; City, CFER -TV Rimouski, CHLT-TV Sherbrooke and Wm. D. Noel Jr.. VP. Grant Media Inc., 915 Middle River Dr., Suite 409, Fort -TV Trois PO. located in CHEM -Rivieres, all (All sins are Stns: 1 AM. 2 FM. WZTK(AM) Arcadia, WZSP(FM) Lauderdale, FL (33304). (954) 568 -2000. Fax: (954) Canada.) Nocatee and WZZS(FM) Zolfo Springs, all FL. (All 100% 568-2015. Barb Quillin, progmg mgr. Ownership: Groupe Videotron Ltee. owned.) Stns: 2 TV. WEUX(TV) Chippewa Falls and WLAX(TV) La Crosse, both WI. Gulf Coast Broadcasting Co. Inc., Box 679, Orange Heritage Broadcasting Co of MI, Box 627, Cadillac, MI Ownership: Milton Grant Beach, AL (36561). (251) 981-7671. Fax: (251) 981 -7680. (49601). (231) 775 -3478. Fax: (231) 775 -3671. Web Site: E -mail: lee @unisonmedia.com. R. Lee Hagan, pres; www.9and10news.com. Mario F. Lacobelli, pres. Grapevine Communications, The Pinnacle, 3455 Kathryn S. Hagan, VP. Stns: 2 TV. WWTV(TV) Cadillac and WWUP -TV Sault Peachtree Rd., Suite 875, Atlanta, GA (30326). (404) Stns: 3 AM, 2 FM. WIJK(AM)- WPGG(FM) Evergreen, Marie, MI. 760 -0921. Fax: (404) 760 -0899. Web Site: WABF(AM) Fairhope and WCSN(FM) Orange Beach, all Ste. both www.grpvine.com. Executives: Wendell Reilly, CEO. AL. (All 100% owned.) He's Alive Inc., Box 540, Grantsville, MD (21536). (301) 5 TV. WAAY -TV Huntsville, AL; WJCL(TV) Stns: and Ownership: R. Lee Hagan 895 -3292. Fax: (301) 895 -3293. E -mail: WJCL -DT Savannah. GA; KAAL(TV) Austin, MN; and [email protected]. KODE -TV Joplin, MO. Guyann Corp.. Box 1930, Flagstaff, AZ (86002). (928) 774 -5231. Fax: (928) 779 -2988. Web Site: www.kaff.com. Stns: 6 FM. WLIC(FM) Frostburg and WAIJ FM Gray Communications Systems Inc., Box 1867, Albany, Executive: Guy Christian. pres/owner /gen mgr. Grantsville, both MD; WRIJ(FM) Masontown, WRWJ FM; GA (31702- 1867). (912) 888 -9390. Fax: (912) 888 -9374. Murrysville and WPCL(FM) Northern Cambria, all PA; and Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KAFF -AM -FM Flagstaff and Web Site: E -mail: WV. www.graycommunications.com. KMGN(FM) Flagstaff, all AZ. (All 100% owned.) WKJL(FM) Clarksburg, patti.tomlinson @gcslink.com. Executives: James Ryan, %. Ownership: Non -stock, nonprofit organization. VP /CFO; J. Mack Robinson, chmn of bd/pres; Robert A. Ownership: Guy Christian. 100 Beizer, VP law & day; Wayne Martin, rgnl VP TV; Robert S. Bennie E. Hewett Stns, Box 907670, Gainesville, GA Prather Jr., exec VP acquisitions. (30501- 0911). (770) 536 -3890. Fax: (770) 532 -3828. Stns: 16 TV. WJHG -TV Panama City, FL; WRDW -TV Executive: Bennie E. Hewett, pres. Augusta and WCTV(TV) Thomasville, both GA; WYMT -TV H Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. WBMH(FM) Grove Hill and Hazard and WKYT -TV Lexington, both KY; KGIN(TV) WRJX(AM) -WHNB(FM) Jackson, both AL; WNGA(AM) HGF Media Group, Hotel Traylor, 1444 Hamilton St., Suite Grand Island, KGIN-DT Grand Island, KOLN(TV) Lincoln Nashville, GA. (All 100% owned.) 606, Allentown, PA (18102). (610) 435-5913. Fax: (610) both and KOLN -DT Lincoln, all NE; WITN -DT and WITN -TV 435 -8918. E -mail: wmgh @ptdpro606.net. Web Site: Ownership: Bennie Hewett. Washington (Greenville, New Bern), NC; WVLT-TV www.wmgh.com. Executive: Judith V. Fulmer, VP /dir. Knoxville, TN; KBTX -TV Bryan, KXII(TV) Sherman and High Country Radio Network Inc., Box 999, Dillon, CO KWTX -TV Waco, all TX; and WEAU -TV Eau Claire, WI. Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM. WLSH(AM) Lansford and WMGH -FM (80435). (970) 468 -2353. Fax: (970) 468 -2384. E -mail: (All 100% owned.) Tamaqua, both PA. comments @highcountryradio.com. Web Site: Ownership: Bull Run Corp., Datasouth Computer Corp. Ownership: Harold G. Fulmer Ill, 100%. www.highcountryradio.com. Al Martischang, pres; M. R. and affiliated companies. Other interests: Porta Phone Murray. gen mgr. Haliburton Broadcasting Group Inc., Box 960, Paging Inc. and Lynqx. (See also Cross -Ownership, Sect. Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. KHTH(AM) Dillon, KRKY(AM) Haliburton, ON (KOM 150). Canada. (705) 457 -3897. A.) Granby, KRKM(FM) Kremmling and New FM Leadville, all Stns: 1 AM, 6 FM. CHMS -FM Bancroft, CHOH -FM CO. (All 100% owned.) Great Lakes Radio Inc., 2025 US 41 W., Marquette, MI Hearst (Fr), CHYK(AM) Kapuskasing (Fr), CKAP -FM Ownership: Al & Fern Martischang (100 %). Note: Stns (49855). (906) 227 -7777. (906) 228 -6800. Fax: (906) Kapuskasing, CKLP -FM Parry Sound, CHYC -FM Sudbury are owned by Fernal Inc. and operated by High Country 475 -8888. (906) 228 -8128. Todd S. Noordyk, pres. (Fr) and CHYK -M Timmins (Fr), all ON. (All stns are Radio Network Inc. located in Canada.) (All 100% owned.) Stns: 1 AM, 3 FM. WFXD(FM) Marquette, WQXO(AM)- WHCH(FM) Munising and WKQS -FM High Desert Broadcasting LLC, 715 Broadway, Hall Communications Inc., Cuprak Rd., Norwich, CT Suite Negaunee, all MI. (All 100% owned.) 320, Santa Monica, CA (90401). (310) 451 -4430. (06360). (860) 887 -3511. Fax: (860) 886 -7649. Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. KWJL(AM) -KGMX(FM) Lancaster, Great 224 Maugers Mill Rd., Executives: Arthur J. Rowbotham, pres/CEO; Bill Baldwin, Scott Broadcasting, KUTY(AM) Palmdale and KLKX(FM) Rosamond, all CA. Pottstown, PA (19464). (610) 326 -4000. Fax: (610) sr VP; Edd Monskie, VP engrg; Evelyn Wolf, business (All 100% owned.) 326-7984. E -mail: mlicata @wpsz.com. Web Site: mgr; James Reed, VP news & progmg/gen mgr. www.1370wpsz.com. Fay Scott, CEO. Stns: 7 AM, 10 FM. WNLC(FM) East Lyme, WKNL -FM Ownership: Point Broadcasting Co., 95 %; Jeri Lynn Broadcasting, 5 %. Sins: 3 AM, 8 FM. WJYN(FM) Bethany Beach, New London and WICH(AM) -WCTY(FM) Norwich, all CT; WWRZ(FM) Fort Meade, WLKF(AM) Lakeland, WJWL(AM) -WZBH(FM) Georgetown, WQJH(FM) Laurel, Hill Broadcasting 2125 Baker WONN(AM) Lakeland and WPCV(FM) Winter Haven, all Country Corp., Sidney WZEB(FM) Ocean View and WJWK(AM) -WGBG(FM) North, Kerrville, TX (78028). (915) 446 -3371. (830) FL; WNBH(AM) and WCTK(FM) New Bedford, MA; Seaford, all DE; WOCQ(FM) Bertin and WKHW(FM) 896 -1230. Fax: (830) 792 -4142. Jim Handley, gen mgr. Pocomoke City, both MD; WPAZ(AM) Pottstown, PA; and WKOL(FM) Plattsburgh, NY; WLPA(AM)- WROZ(FM) Stns: 2 AM, 4 FM. KMBL(AM) -KOOK(FM) Junction, WKHI(FM) Exmore, VA. (All 100% owned.) Lancaster and WHBO(FM) Starview, both PA; WLKW(AM) West Warwick, RI; WJOY(AM) and WOKO(FM) KERV(AM) -KRVL(FM) Kerrville, KYXX(FM) Ozona and Greater Media Inc., Two Kennedy Blvd., East Brunswick, Burlington, VT. KHOS -FM Sonora, all TX. NJ (08816). (732) 247 -6161. Fax: (732) 247-0215. Web Ownership: Kent Foster Site: www.greater -media.com. Frank Kabala, chmn /CEO. Hampton Roads Radio Group, 5589 Greenwich Rd., Virginia Beach, VA (23462). (757) 671-1000. Hispanic Broadcasting Corp., 3102 Oak Lawn, Suite Stns: 4 AM, 14 FM. WMJX(FM) WTKK(FM) Boston, 215, Dallas, TX (75219). (214) 525 -7700. Fax: (214) Boston, WBOS(FM) Brookline, -FM Framingham Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WCHV(AM)- WWWV(FM) WROR 525 -7750. Web Site: www.hispanicbroadcasting.com. and WKLB -FM Lowell. all MA; WCSX(FM) Birmingham, Charlottesville and WXEZ(FM) Yorktown (Norfolk- Newport McHenry T. Tichenor Jr., pres/CEO. WMGC -FM Detroit and WRIF(FM) Detroit, all MI; News), both VA. (All 100% owned.) WWTR(AM) Bridgewater, WDHA -FM Dover, WMTR(AM) Ownership: William L. Eure, 51 %; W. Bradford Eure, Stns: 13 AM, 38 FM. KKMR(FM) Arizona City Morristown, WCTC(AM) -WMGQ(FM) New Brunswick and 21 %; C. Wesley Eure, 21 %; Sue S. Eure, 7%. KMRR(FM) Globe, KHOT -FM Paradise Valley, KOMR(FM) WRAT(FM) Point Pleasant, all NJ; WMMR(FM), Sun City and KHOV -FM Wickenburg, all AZ; KSCA(FM) WMWX(FM) and WPEN(AM)- WMGK(FM) Philadelphia, Haugo Broadcasting Inc., Box 1680, Rapid City, SD Glendale, KRCD(FM) Inglewood, KTNQ(AM)-KLVE (FM) PA. (57709). (605) 343-0888. Los Angeles, KZOL(FM) Merced, KLNV(FM) San Diego, KLQV(FM) San Diego, KEMR(FM) San Francisco, Ownership: Bordes family, 100 %. Stns: Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KSQY(FM) Deadwood and KTOQ(AM)- KIQK(FM) Rapid City, both SD. KSOL(FM) Santa Clara, KZMR(FM) Santa Cruz and Washington counsel: Schwartz. Woods & Miller KRCV(FM) West Covina, all CA; WRTO(FM) Goulds, Hearst -Argyle Television Inc., 888 7th Ave., 27th FI., WAQI(AM) Miami and WQBA(AM)- WAMR -FM Miami, all Greater Nebraska Television, Inc., Box 749, North New York, NY (10106). (212) 887 -6800. Fax: (212) FL; WIND(AM) Chicago, WLXX(AM) Chicago and Platte.
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