~uu Vol. V, No. 37 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 4 November 1950 VA ALL SET TO CUT MR. EVEREST NOEL SECOND NSLI PIE BASE COMMANDER GRAVELY ILL IN HAVANA TO LEAVE 9 Washington (AFPS) - Service- Mr. Everest Noel, venerable men and veterans of world War II Admiral A. M. Bled- Assistant Foreman Public Works, Rear is gravely ill in Havana. Long who are holders of National Serv- soe, USN received word this ice Life Insurance policies, may suffering from a serious stomach week that he is to be ordered ailment, Mr. share in a second insurance divi- to duty as Commandant of Noel recently went dend of about $1 billion. on leave seeking medical treatment the Fifteenth Naval District. in Havana. The Veterans Administration has Present Almost immediately indications are that 1 after his arrival he required emer- announced the tentative dividend he will be relieved as Base gency hospitalization and under- and set March, 1951, as the target Commander late this month date to begin payments. went two very serious surgical and will depart for Panama operations. Veterans Administrator Carl R. about 1 December. Gray, Jr. will make the final Commander L. M. Davis, Jr. visit- decision on the payments when ed Mr. Noel at the modern and he returns from Europe about highly regarded Centro Medico, November 20. ANNUAL PHYSICAL Vedado 86, Havana, last week. At The V. A. still is sending checks EXAMS FOR OFFICERS that time the patient was in feeble for the first N. S. L. I. dividend, post-operative condition, but re- which totaled $2,800,000,000. Up to ports from the medical staff were Beginning Monday November 6 encouraging for complete recovery. August 31, 15,100,000 checks had at 1300 and continuing Tuesday, been mailed, accounting for $2,- Mr. Noel has distinguished him- Thursday and Friday, November self as an outstanding employee 650,000,000 of this amount. 7, 9, and 10, at 1300 all Base offi- The Administration said the sec- whose ability and pleasant disposi- cers, excluding the Training Group tion have endeared him to military ond dividend will go to a maximum officers are to report to the Naval of about 6 million policy-holders. and civilian personnel alike. His Hospital for their annual Physical many friends on the Base wish It will cover dividends earned for Examinations. the three years 1948-51. Those for him a speedy and complete Training Group officers and recovery. whose policies elapsed before 1948 Training Group Officers only, will will be excluded. be examined on Saturday mornings commencing SWITCH HAS HIM Saturday November IN DILEMMA LITTLE THEATRE 18, and continuing through Satur- day December 2. Officers should consult the "Pa- Fort Worth, Texas (AFPS)- Be sure to see the coming Little Obie D. Boyd is a fellow much in Theatre production, "For Love or poose" for the schedule to see when they are to be examined. demand these days. Money", by F. Hugh Herbert. This It's this way. Boyd has been bright adult comedy just finished ordered to duty as a marine ser- a long successful run on Broadway. geant. He's also been called by the It is a sure-fire laugh-getter. The REWARD FOR Navy to report as a mailman, third story begins when a beautiful HARBOR ICE 9 class. The Marine Corps orders young girl stumbles almost by ac- directed him to report, September cident, into the home of a distin- 6. Orders from 8th Naval District guished, middle-aged actor who is In making a study of world ^ harbors, the Department of ' headquarters at New Orleans told immediately captivated by her him to report there on August 31. youthful charms. Defense has asked the Com- I mander, NOB Guantanamo The mix-up came about when he To give everyone a chance to "resigned" from the attend, regarding icing conditions in Naval Reserve the play will run three last year to go into the Marine nights: November the harbor here during thel 7, 8, and 9. Reserve with some friends. Marine Tickets are now on sale at all ex- winter months. Anyone seeing ice in the recruiters assured Boyd they'd changes, the price is 35 cents. wangle him a Navy discharge Remember-if harbor is requested to mea- if you live in Chi- he'd sign up. He did-but apparent- cago or New York, you may have sure it and report to the * NOB Administration Build- ly they didn't keep their end of many chances to see stage plays. the bargain. If you live in Gtmo. ing or better still to collect 9 you do not! Whatever happens, Boyd isn't Make the most of and bring in a sample. Re- your opportunity. worried. Says he, "They got Don't miss "For Love or Money". quest a crane if the ice is me too heavy to handle by hand. coming and going." A suitable reward will be The Department of Commerce Crater Lake estimates give to anyone who locates at Portland, Oregon, that $404 million was is six miles long and paid any ice in the harbor. four miles out in tips by the American wide, and is 6,000 feet public in 1949. above sea level but never freezes over. Pasve Two THE INDIAN Saturday. 4 November 1950 Pare Two THE INDIAN Saturday. 4 Novelnber 1950 TRAINING GROUP TRIVIALS I By Lewis, Yo Yo 1 Another week of sun, rain squalls, heat and work all mixed together, Sunday, 5 November 1950 Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., while about the most important Room 205 - Phone 254 event that happened was the re- Catholic Masses 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 4 November 1950 ceipt of the Montgomery Warbucks Christmas Shoppers' Catalogs in 0930-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE the Mail. This year's specialty will 1745-Naval Base Chapel Guantanamo Bay, Cuba include a gratis repair kit with Daily Mass - 0630 Rear Admiral A. M. Bledsoe, USN each toy, particularly those as- Confessions before all Masses Commander Protestant Services Allen Collier, J3----------------Editor sembled after receipt with instuc- tions that even a child can under- Sunday: 0930-Sunday School P. H. Teeter, LCDR--------- Staff Advisor 1000-Adult Bible Class THE INDIAN is published weekly, fi- stand. Then too, that unanticipated nanced by Station Welfare and Recreation damage in handling will definitely 1100-Divine Worship funds, printed on government equipment, simplify assembly of parts. Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal for free distribution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by Our orchid for the week to LCDR Chaplains at this activity order of the Base Commander. Williams who will soon be depart- CDR JOHN F. HAGEN, USN THE INDIAN is published in compliance ing our fold for duty in Wash- (Protestant) with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-25 ington. As manager of the Guest (Rev) 1945. House, LCDR Williams rates an LT P. J. MARRON, USNR THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press "Outstanding." The entire Base (Catholic) Service material which may be reprinted with the credit line: AFFS. will miss seeing the horseman cantering around (he's listed the A GOOD JOB EVERY DAY horse as a dependent and shipping HOSPITAL NOTES same Stateside). Along with our Reprinted from Pensacola GOSPORT t orchid, our sincerest wishes for "Make that splice extra good, Even the stork failed to cooper- many happy tours of duty in the son, it may have to last a long ate in helping to make a column future. time." of news. He'll probably have Dr. Another new fisherman joined The cable foreman who said that Shapard working overtime next the ranks-CDR Fisher is now a had something. He pointed out time. plotter against the elusive habit- that was the best thing that Ameri- Bennie Maestas, HM1 reported ants of the briny deep. It was been cans not in Korea can do to help for duty from U. S. Naval Medical overheard that the cost of hooks, in the present situation. Research Institute, Bethesda. C. B. leaders, sinkers and bait currently For, if the red fire there spreads, Archer, CSC, who has been at the lost keeps the cost of fish at it will take the full effectiveness Commissary Store on temporary about $2.00 per pound. Montgome- of every American to keep our duty for several weeks, has return- ry, RM3, was also seen sporting a country free and attain military ed to the hospital for duty. new set of gear off the cliffs. We victory. So that's one thing we R. Schimmel, HA, J. B. Nanna, anticipate that in the near future can do now-a good job every day. SA and W. W. James, HMC depart- there won't be enough fish to go A second thing to do is cut ed on leave, and M. J. Hadden, around to all the fishermen. The spending and increase savings. HMC and F. R. Scallio, SN return- "Fisherman" is proposing collect- This is no time for us to continue ed from leave. ing all data from all fishermen in the casual wastefulness that ac- Dr. Cronemiller and Dr. Shapard the form of notes to publish a companies our high standard of both returned from temporary duty "Gitmo Almanac" to currently ad- living. People from' other nations in the States; and, Dr. Moschella vise where to go to fish, the type are always amazed when they visit returned to duty after being on of fish running, feeding habits, type us, first at our tremendous pro- the sick list for several days.
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