FLAG & WHI STL E Official Newletter of the BC Soccer Referees Association – Holiday Issue The Darren Clark Experience Major Leage Ref – “Kamloops This Week” newspaper by Marty Hastings This article has been edited for Flag & Whistle David Beckham is one of the best 90,500 fans at the Rose Bowl in soccer players in the world. To Darren Pasadena, Calif. A year later, he Clark, a 37-year-old assistant referee from worked a game between Costa Rica, Kamloops, the English footballing super- the home side, and Spain. star was just No. 23 in white at the MLS “There was basically the entire Cup on Saturday, December 1, 2012. Spain team on the field that had won “If somebody asks you, ‘How was that the World Cup in 2010,” said Clark, a game from a fan's perspective?’ and you teacher at Logan Lake secondary. can answer that question, you probably Clark, who started working MLS haven't been concentrating,” said Clark, games in 2008, did 13 matches last who patrolled the sidelines when the Los season, including two playoff games Angeles Galaxy downed the Houston and seven tilts featuring the Van­ Dynamo 3-1 at the Home Depot Centre in couver Whitecaps. An assistant ref- Carson, Calf. eree of his calibre in MLS is paid The entire on-field officiating group at $720 per game. Travel and accommo- the championship final was Canadian – a dation costs are also taken care of and Major League Soccer first. Daniel Belleau a per diem is provided. of Quebec was the game’s other assistant Clark’s Logan Lake students are referee, while Silviu Petrescu of Ontario aware of his activities away from was the match referee. school and occasionally find photos of “There’s that extra pressure,” said Clark, their teacher online. who found out minutes before The Kamloops High School gradu- the game it would be televised in 157 ate posed for a picture at the Cup final countries. alongside movie star Gerard Butler “They're looking at us and saying, OK, and Galaxy captain Landon Donovan, we've decided to give you this game, now among others. Clark might see that it’s up to you guys to perform.” one pop up in class in the near future. “We’re performing for ourselves, but “The ultimate goal is working a also for the possibility of Canadians being World Cup final or a FIFA tourna- appointed to a game like that in the ment, but you need a lot of luck and a future.” Darren Clark of Kamloops watches closely as David lot of people advocating for you,” Most of the final’s critical decisions – Beckham bursts up the sideline during an exhibition Clark said. including a pair of disallowed Robbie match between the Los Angeles Galaxy and Vancouver Working high-profile matches is Keane Whitecaps at Com monwealth Stadium in Edmonton goals and the two penalty kicks in 2008. good for the resumé, no doubt, but awarded – were not made by Clark. “They Walter Tychnowicz photo that alone is not enough to earn the were made at the other end,” he said. right to referee the world's most pres- “It turned out to be a very clean game in a variety of different leagues and divi- tigious tournaments. for our team. The new guy in charge of our sions. In 2006, Clark decided to take the “You also have to have a game that referee organization called PRO – Pro- assistant-refereeing path, feeling he was presents you with difficult decisions to get fessional Referee Organization – is Peter better suited to be a linesman (AR) than correct,” said Clark, president of the Walton. He came to the room afterward a referee. Kamloops Soccer Referees’ Association and said, “That was an outstanding perfor- The Canadian Soccer Association nomi- during the 2006-2007 campaign. mance from all of you.” nated Clark to the FIFA list of international “You could have a game with no mis- Clark started refereeing in Kamloops officials in 2007 and, by 2008, he was a takes but, if there wasn’t a lot in it for you when he was in Junior High School. FIFA-certified Assistant Referee. in terms of really, really difficult deci- He got serious about officiating in 1999, Clark said the Cup final – Beckham’s sions, it’s hard to separate yourself from a year before he moved to Victoria for last MLS match – likely tops the list of the rest.” university. high-profile games he has officiated. In Perhaps Clark is just a few controversial It was on Vancouver Island where 2010, Clark was on the pitch for a friendly calls away from reaching his goal. he began moving up the refereeing ranks, between Mexico and New Zealand. Stay tuned. earning praise for his work on the sidelines The international was played in front of Read P-2: Canadian Referees honoured President’s Message New FIFA List The new FIFA list is out!. The Members and referees; (and I hope you to dem- BC-based refs are as follows; that this F&W reaches many more onstrate to Michelle Pye is one of two female referees than just our members) I other referees refs for Canada, Paul Ward is one would like to wish you all a Happy the value of of three male refs and Darren Clark New Year, and a successful year in belonging to of Kamloops is one of the four male football for 2013. Make sure you set an organisa- assistants. The link to the FIFA website is yourself a challenging resolution for tion of your www.FIFA.com/associations/ the year: In December I scraped peers. associations=can/footballofficials/ through the provincial level fitness E v e r y referees/peoplekind=wor.html test. I really hadn't thought I would week I write make it at the age of 52, but with some a “thought for Nick Hawlwy serious training and a set of drills to the week” on the BC Soccer Referees Fraser Valley improve my sprinting I did it. facebook page – I would love to see I think I may be the oldest provin- all of you adding your own comments Meeting Dates cial referee in 2013! Now for next and thoughts to that page. The Executive of the Fraser Valley year – I think that I will also need to We are also actively lobbying BC Area branch (FVSRA) has finalized lose some weight if I want to succeed Soccer in many areas to encourage monthly meeting dates for the first half of 2013. and get another year as a provincial. better support for referees and we are They will be held on the first As an executive, we have set our- taking our famous education sessions Wednesday of each month: selves another resolution – to increase out to any club or league that wants to January 9, February 6, March 6, the reach of the BCSRA. We lost better educate it's referees. April 3, and May 1st. Kamloops Area last year which was a So, I wish you a prosperous 2013. A All meetings will be take place on great loss to us; and we realised that we year where you develop further as a the Ground Floor Meeting Room of need to do more for referees every- referee (even at 52!) and a year where the Langley Legion. Start time is always 7:30 pm. where. We cannot grow without your you find friendship in other referees Address: help – we need you to let us know what around the province. 20570 - 56 Avenue you value from BCSRA, what you Nick Hawley Langley. would like from BCSRA and we need President Canadian New Appointees to BC Soccer Board Referees (adapted from www.bcsoccer.net article of Nov 1,2012) honoured Fraser Valley Area Association up for election. The 2012 Major League Soccer (MLS) (FVSRA) Life Member Rob Brown is “As indicated in the article, Pre­ season has seen Canadian officials recog- one of two appointees to the BC Soccer viously a BC Soccer Board of Director, nized with two major honours: Canadian Board of Directors. Rob, also a Life Rob rejoins the Board with a wealth of FIFA Referee Silviu Petrescu was hon- Member of BC Soccer, joins Harjit soccer experience.” oured by the League as the 2012 Referee- Chima as new members on the provin- Having participated in soccer as a Of-The-Year. cial governing body’s board. player, coach, referee, board executive On the heels of this announcement, the The appointments come after the (including President of the Fraser Valley MLS Cup final was officiated for the first death of 1st Vice-President Les Sinnott Soccer League). time by an all-Canadian crew: Silviu as and Director Peter Vrankjovic, the lat- Rob is also a Life Member of BC the center referee with Canadian FIFA ter who resigned in October 2012. Soccer. In rejoining the Board Rob Assistants Darren Clarke of Kamloops The positions are to fulfill the remain- hopes to apply his knowledge and expe- and Daniel Belleau of Quebec (see arti- der of these former directors terms to rience to help in the development of the cles in this issue). The 2012 Referee-Of- June 2013, after which the positions are sport and BC Soccer Association.” The Year award is voted on by players, coaches, and members of the media. Silviu is the first Canadian to be Yellow and Red, its Introduction bestowed this honour. The MLS Cup final, played on December 1, 2012 be tween The initiative of Yellow and Red Yellow card when he booked Evgeni the Houston Dynamo and Los Angeles cards for player infractions started in Lovchev, USSR.
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