600 W .ADDING WORTH. LINCOLNSHIRE. [ KELL1:'s • WADDINGWORTH is a pa-ri.Bh, 5 miles north from by Mrs. Baker in 1848, and distributed in cora.l8 &t Southrey station on the Lincoln and Boston branch of Chriistrrnas. 'J1he principal J.and<JwneM are Mies Trafford, the Great Northern railway and 6 norlili-west from Horn­ wlh'O is lady of the manor, William Henry Trafford esq. caiStle, in the East Lindsey division of the county, parts J.P. of Wro:xlha.m. Hall, Norfolk, a.nd Robm Oha-rlM de of Lindsey, aoutbern division of Ga.rtree wapentake, Grey Vyner esq. of Fa.irfie1d, Skellbon, N. Yo.rb. The union, petty ~JMSional divilrion and county oourt district !K>il i.s s.trong loa.m and olay; sub!lOil, olay. The c.hi.ei of Rarnoasble, rural doonery of Horncastle, archdooconry crops are whetalt, b&l'ley, owts o.nd ooaus. Tthe area ia of Stow and diocese of 'Linooln. The chu:rch of St. 941 acrlll!!; mtea.ble value, /,482; the population in rgox Margaret is a. very smaJJ edifice of stone, .in the Got.ohic was 55· style, OOIIISi.sting of chancel! and nave, and a. belfry oon­ tainnn.g one bell: it is now used 'onlly as a mortuary Pa.risJh Clerk, Ri~hard Houlden. chapel, having been closed by Facul!ty when the benefices 'l1he dhildlren of this place wlitend the scloool8 a.'t Minting of Waddingwoi"~tJh and Gautby were unitOO. The register dates !Irom the year 164o, and the registers of Banmber & BucknaJrl contain en1tries re~at.Ung to t>hi-s and other parishes from Letters through Hornc&'!ihle, the nearest money order A; 1695 to 1779. The poor have the interest of £3oo, l~t teleg.mph office, a:rnive at 10 a.m G-aunt John Herbert, farmer, Red Houlden Richard, farmer & parish ISorfieet John, farmer House farm clerk, Glebe farm Turner William, farmer WAINFLEET ALL SAINTS is a small and bo about £25 yearly, for the benefit of rthe poor; of tfuese ancient market town and port, with a station on the tJhe most i:mip'Or<llant a.re a. sum of £9 derived from 4a.. l''irsby and Skegness branch of the Grealt Northern rail- 2r. 24p. of land! car'Nerd "the poor's plot"; and £ro 611. way, 9 muea south-east from Spilsby and 18 north-east from 28.. 2rp. called "the poor'!! yard," Il!OW buiJt upon; from B{)ston, in the South Lindsey division of the county, Rice'.s charity, left ,in 1818, produces £4 :zs. and by wi1l parts of Lindsey, Marsh divis·ion of Oandleshoe wapen- is given to tthe poor in melllt on Feb. 2nd; ros. was left take, Spilsby petty sessional division, county court dis- by ·the Rev. Thomas Sha.w and other small don{)rs. trict and union, rural deanery of Candleshoe No. 2 and William of Waynfiete, Bishop of Winchester and Lord arehdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The town is in a Chancellor of England, a natiV'6 of 1Jhis town, was the plefl'sant po.sition on the bantk.s of the Steeping river, or, son of ona Richard Patten or Barbour, and was educated as it is called, the WainHeet haven, which enters the sea art Wioohe.ster a.nd Oxford; about. 1420 be became a.t Gibraltar Point, 5 miles distant, and is navigable fur master of Wi.nchel!lter sdhool, and was provost of Eton small omH and lighters. The Witham General Corn- 1 in 1442: in 1458 be founded Magd:alen College, Oxford, missioners under their .Act, 1885, straightened and im· and in 1459 est,a,blished a Free school in his mtive proved the river between Salem Bridge and the sea, and place: !he die·d .Augu.&t IIth, 1486, aiJJd W88 buried constructed a new staunch at Croft Bank and a new sea- in Winchester Cathedral. During t·he construction of· &nice alongside the old one in Wainfleet haven; the cost the railway from Wainileet to Firsby, a cutting was of this work, completed in Dec. r886, was £1s,ooo. The made through a field adjoining the Wainfleet staliion, town consists principally of one street, with a market place bisecting a large mound or barrow situated in it, and in the centre, and is lighted with gas by a company exposing to view seven singular graves of a circular fcmn, formed in r858. .An .A.ct of Parliament for the more but widenting towards the bottom, and lined with clay effectual drainage of this and neighbouring parishes was worked to a perfectly smooth surface; the spaces around passed 23rd May, r8r8. The old church of .All Saints, contained cockle and mussel shells, fragments of bone, having become ruinou~. was taken down in 1820. The pottery and burnt erarbh, and within were other remains present church of .All Saints, built in 1820-1, on a .site of bones and pottery; each gra.ve seems to have had a given by the late Colonel Sibthorpe, at a cost of £2,6oo, double clay floor, the uppermost being concave, and three and construct€d in part from the materials of the former inches in thickness. The manorial rights belong to the church, and otherwise of brick, is in the Perpendicular Duchy of L:mcaster. The principal landowners a,re the Btyle, and consists of chancel, nave, north transept, trustees of the late JMlles Martin esq. and !Henry George serving as an organ chamber, and an open bell-cot on Maddison esq. of Partney Hall, Spilsby. The !!Oil is a the Wtlstern gable, containing one bell, and !lurrnounted rioh luam clay; subsoil, clay.. The chief crops are by an ancient cross, dug up in excavating the new haven wheat, beans, oat-s and potatoes. The pa;rish contains in 1821: the tranrsept wa.s added in 1E87, at a cost of 1,805 a-cres of land, principaHy ~en and mar&h, and 14 £r,ooo: the fine altar tomb of .Richard Patten, erected of water; Tateable value, £4,380; the population in 1gox by his son William of ·wayneflee-t, bishop of Winchester wa.s 1,233 in the ecclesiastical and 1,055 in the civil (1447-86), was removed in 1883 to Magdalen College. parish. .. Oxford, and now stands in a small chantry on the north Sexton, Henry Westerman. side of the College chapel, the recumbent effigy, figures Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, of angels bearing sihields and other fragments. are pre- Wa.infteet, Lincolnsbire.-Francis Batema.n, postJmaster. M!rved at the old school-house; and the President an.d Mails arrive a.t 4.40 a. m. & 1.3 p.m. Lettel'S delivered Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, have erectec! in the ut 6 a..m.; by rllhe second mail 1.20 p.m. in town new church an inscribed marble tablet in lieu of the tomb: only; sundays, 7; dispatched at 9-30 a.:m. & 3.20 & 8 in r895 the church was thoroughly restored and rP- p.m.; with a late fee up to 8.20 p.m. Office hom~ seated, and a new oak pulpit and oak chancel screen for all business 7 a..m. till 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to ro provided, at a cost of £700: there are 400 sittings. a.m The rP.gister, including Northolme, dates from the year PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. 168g. '!'he living is a r·ectory, net yearly value £262, A!!'lembly Rooms, St John's .street, Wlilliam CN>H, sec including 20 acres Qf glebe, in the gift of the Lord Firre Brigade, Herbert Oooke, superintendent OM.ncellor, and iheld since 1907 by t.he Rev. William Lirtern.ry Insrflitnrti'()n, OhapmiB.n Luoos, sec Sumpter Beevor M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, Police Station, J,ohu H. Weston, sergeant who is also incumbent of Nortbolme. or Wa.infieet St. Thvmas. There are two Primitive Mertrhodist chapels, one in St. John's street, built in r86g, with 200 Soittings; PUBLIO OFFICERS. and one 11t Wainfieet bank, erected in 1838, with 6o .Assessor & Collector of Taxe>S & Oohlector of ~oor'B Raw, s.ittings. The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1804, was rebuilt Ma.rshall Scupholm, Hig;h street in r 820, and has 6oo ~rittinrgs. The Salvabon .Army Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Wainfieet District. barracks, erected in r884, will hold roo persons. The Spilsby Union & Certifying Factory Surgeon, Geo:rge Assembly room, built in 1878, is used for lectures and Herber<t Doudney M. B .. St. Lawrence enterta~nments, and will se·at 6oo person!'<. The Literary Registrar of Births & Deaths for Wainfieet Sub-District, Institute, established in r858, is self-supporting, and Spilsby Union, Marsihall Scuphnlm, High street; contains a good library of 1,ooo volumes. The Police deputy, George Mar~hall Scupholm, High <Street Station was erected in 1866, at a cost of £6oo. The Sub..J>if!Wi·butor of Sta.mp~ Francis B111teman, Post office; clock tower in the Market place was erected in r899, in High street memory of the late Walter Martin esq. of Wainfleet St. Mary, the cost of both clock and tower amounting to SCHOOLS. £r7S• being defrayed by his widow. The Fire Brigade Margdalen College Sohool, founded in 1459, by Willia.m eonsiet.s of 13 membeT!!, who !have a manual engine. The of Wainfiete, bishop o.f Winchester, is now a mixed market is held on Saturday, and theTe is a market for secondary school under the Board of Education: the fat OO'btile every aUernwte Thursday during tthe summer building is a rectangular structure of brick, 76ft.
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