O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 526 November 10, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO UN’s Nimitz Finance Minister Says Offers New Greek Economy in “Good Ideas on Standing” Before U.S. Trip Name Issue By Aris Papadopoulos ports, while tourism and the inflow Special to the National Herald of income from maritime services also contribute to growth consider- U.N. Mediator Plans ATHENS, GREECE – A few hours ably. before his departure for the United He also focused on the role Trip to Athens and States, Greek Economy and Fi- played by Greece in the develop- nance Minister George Alogosk- ment of Southeastern Europe Skopje This Month oufis told TNH the Greek Economy through trade and direct invest- is in good standing and has the ments. By Dimitri Soultogiannis ability to attract Greek American “Southeastern Europe is turning Special to the National Herald investors. Minister Alogoskoufis into one of the fastest developing will be visiting New York in order to regions in Europe and Greece is fa- NEW YORK – U.N. mediator participate at “Capital Link” an Eco- cilitating the accession of these Matthew Nimitz has offered fresh nomic and Business conference countries to the global economy ideas but no ultimate answer for that concentrates on Greek invest- and to the European Union,” he solving the name issue between ments. Mr. Alogoskoufis will also said. Greece and the Former Yugoslav visit the New York Stock Exchange The finance and economy minis- Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). and meet with representatives from ter placed emphasis on fiscal ad- After meeting with the Greek Medi- large credit unions. justment achieved over the past ator and former U.N. Ambassador Mr. Alogoskoufis also referred to three years, that resulted in the Adamantios Vasilakis as well as prospects for the further improve- general governance deficit falling with FYROM Ambassador to the ment of the national economy. below the 3 percent GDP limit from U.N. Aleksandar Dimitrov, Mr. “The Greek economy can 8 percent in 2004. He reiterated the Nimitz said his new initiative didn't achieve even better performances assessment that the deficit will contain any concrete proposals, but in the medium term, since structur- reach 2.5 percent of GDP in 2007. it should be used as a starting point al reforms to further strengthen “As far as the future is con- for a just solution. competitiveness and to confront cerned, the Greek government re- Mr. Nimitz informed both am- the chronic weaknesses of the pub- mains focused on the continuation bassadors during a meeting at his lic sector are being promoted,” the of structural reforms, including the office in Manhattan on Thursday, minister said. reforming of the social security sys- November 1, 2007, about his initia- AP PHOTO/THANASSIS STAVRAKIS Mr. Alogoskoufis stressed that tem, continuing in parallel the ef- tive and asked their respective gov- Lawless Village the growth rate will continue to be fort to attain fiscal adjustment in ernments to consider it before he high, exceeding the eurozone's av- order to achieve balanced budgets visits Skopje and Athens later this Manolis Kavalos, in traditional Cretan costume, walks in front of police units during a raid at Zoniana, a erage, and it is expected to remain by 2010,” Mr. Alogoskoufis said. month. mountain village on the island of Crete on Wednesday, November 7, 2007. Scores of heavily armed police about 4 percent over the 2007- Commenting on the internation- “As you know I had a meeting sealed off on the village after suspected drug smugglers ambushed police, leaving three officers with gun- 2008 period. Growth is based on under the auspices of the Secretary shot wounds on Monday. See related story on page 9. private investments and on ex- Continued on page 9 General, under article five of the In- terim Agreement,” Mr. Nimitz said. “In our meeting, Ambassador Vasi- lakis presented the position of his government and Ambassador Dim- itrov presented the position of his Papadakis Receives Odysseus Award government. For my part, I urged the two parties to consider all pos- By Stavros Marmarinos “Other Greek communities Dr. Papadakis told the National sibilities so that a solution can be Special to the National Herald around the country should follow Herald that he has visited Saint found within a reasonable time- its steps,” Dr. Papadakis said. “If Demetrios Greek School before. frame. I believe a solution to an is- NEW YORK – “If we don’t have Greek Americans keep up the good “We need good High School stu- sue that divides two neighboring Greek schools around to promote work, 20 years from today the com- dents to join Drexel for their under- countries is in the interest of both our language, our heritage and the munity will be really powerful.” graduate studies,” he said. parties but also greatly contributes traditions of our community will The Odysseus Award was given According to Dr. Papadakis, to regional piece and security.” eventually fade away,” Dr. Constan- to Dr. Papadakis during a dinner Saint Demetrios students visited In an effort to assist both parties tine Papadakis, President of Drexel celebrating the community’s 80th Drexel a few years ago to learn in this process, Mr. Nimitz made University, told TNH in an exclusive anniversary and the 50 years from more about the school’s programs some suggestions in the form of a interview last week. the school’s founding. On Friday and scholarships. “Today, Drexel framework “for their consideration Dr. Papadakis was given the November 2, the school’s students University has Greek American and and for an honorable and fair reso- Odysseus Award by the Saint presented an entertaining and cul- Greek students pursuing their aca- lution.” Demetrios community in Astoria tural program at the Petros G Pa- demics,” he said. “I urged ambassadors Dimitrov recognizing his great contributions tridis Cultural Center in Astoria. On Drexel University, a 116-year- TNH/COSTA BEJ and Vasilakis to bring these sugges- to Hellenism. Sunday, November 4, Archbishop old Philadelphia institution Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis (third from left) tions to their governments to According to Dr. Papadakis, the Demetrios along with Bishop Evan- renowned for its leadership in high- was given the Odysseus Award by the Saint Demetrios community in study,” Mr. Nimitz said. “These dis- Greek community of Saint gelos of New Jersey took part in the er education innovation, is now ex- Astoria recognizing his great contributions to Hellenism during a din- cussions under the secretary gener- Demetrios in Astoria is a communi- traditional liturgy and later the ploring the possibility of establish- ner celebrating the community’s 80th anniversary on November 2, al’s auspices will continue in an ef- ty with many distinguished school hosted a reception for stu- 2007. Dr. Papadakis is the only Greek-born president among the na- fort to reach a conclusion. I indicat- achievements. dents and their parents. Continued on page 6 tion’s 3,300 colleges and universities. ed willingness to go to Athens and Skopje in order to consult with the two governments more intensive- ly.” According to Mr. Nimitz, both ambassadors will discuss these is- The Early Days of the Apostolos Pavlos School Armenian sues with their leaders back home. Mr. Nimitz said he couldn’t give a By Steve Frangos school. We had to learn a Greek po- los Pavlos School student body met The background story is far American specific timeframe, but he hopes Special to The National Herald em and recite it on stage… in front for Bible classes at 2-5 PM. It cer- more interesting than the mere within the next few months there of a microphone… as a 13-year-old tainly would not have escaped the identification of the graduating The Apostolos Pavlos School kid (when he attended his 1939 ever-watchful Greek parent’s eye class attendees. The every exis- Community Continued on page 9 curriculum, along with the lan- graduation).” that, given the travel time involved tence of this school was inspired by guage component, stressed learn- Like many other such Greek-lan- with taking a bus from public any number of local, as well as Di- ing the Bible. On Sunday after- guage schools, in its day, the Apos- school to attend Greek school, it aspora concerns. We know that the Confident in noons, Constantine DeFotis, one of tolos Pavlos School met after the would automatically mean their Greek immigrant parents of Chica- the founders of the school would students attended public school, to children would have little contact go’s northwest side wanted their teach children lessons from the which most people I spoke with re- with the surrounding American so- children to retain their Greek lan- Nancy Pelosi HACC Hosts Bible. Michael Nichols laughed ferred as “American School.” ciety. Unexpectedly, given that guage and culture. Yet the Aposto- softly when he told me, “I sent 8 Initially, Apostolos Pavlos Apostolos Pavlos School students los Pavlos School did not teach de- By Evan C. Lambrou NYC Greek years (when he first attended the School classes were four days a were drawn primarily from the motic Greek which children used to Special to The National Herald Apostolos Pavlos School), and it week, Monday through Friday from Lawrence Avenue area, nearly the speak with their parents, but was the best thing that ever hap- 3:30 PM until 5 PM. At some point, entire Greek school eventually taught katharevousa instead. For NEW YORK – The Washington- Film Festival pened to me.
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