•RELIGIOUS Orders decide to get tough P3 •EX-BEATLE Lennon affected church music.P7 •KNOW Your Faith: The Parish & People...P22-23 Archdiocese of Miami Volume XXII, Number 48 •December 12,1980 •Price 25f EL SALVADOR SLAYINGS Murdered nuns'in love with God' NGNews • Maryknoll sister !ta Ford and Maura - '•':•'• '- , Clarke^ who were found mure. ; in - '.: ••:.!,:-;: ;; rn J Z^yffr El Salvador Dec. 4, were "in love with was to build Christian community, Cod and people," said a Maryknoll Sister Mulroy said. "They lived with and as the people. It was a poor and sister who knew both of them wellv The dead nuns are the first Maryknoll meager existence. They were greatly Sisters to have been murderd since the loved." community was founded in 1921. Their burial was the latest event in a Their bodies were found with those of series of faction which brought con- Ursuline Sister Doothy Kazel and lay ditions in Ei Salvador to wond atten- volunteer Jean Donavan, both of tion, once again through the Cleveland, in a shallow grave by a assassination of church personnel. Last roadside between San Salvador and its March, Archbishop Oscar Romero of airport. The four women had been San Salvador was murdered during missing since Dec. 2 A-soldier at the Mass. scene said all four had been shot in the The killings of the missionary women back of the head. The Maryknoll nuns were deplored by American bishops were buried Dee. 6 at the village ot and resulted in a cut-off of U.S. military Chalatenango, where they worked for and economic aid to El Salvador until the poor. an investigation is complete. The aid SISTER FORD "was a gentle person, amounted to some $25 million. one of those sensitive people who FEAR SURROUNDED THE FUNERAL always have a youthfulness about FOR THE DEAD MISSIONARIES. them," said Sister Annette Mulroy, of Military personnel parked dark green Moving moment the Maryknoll Office of Social Concerns., trucks near the Church of. La Libertad, armed soldiers patrolled the square in Sister Clarke, 49, who had spent 15 During his ordination to the priesthood last week, the emotion became too front and a few minutes before the much for Father Joseph Cinesi who shed tears of joy. See page 3. years in Nicaragua, was "tall, with funeral Mass four peasants were taken tremendous energy and verve and a to military barracks in the town. Army lovely smile," Sister added. "She had a continued on p. 6 way with people, both children and St. Mary Cathedral: By George Kemon "This is a happy day for you, Fr. Turns a joyful LaCerra, and all of you here at the Cathedral," said BishopJ6hn Nevins 50 years old in his homily at St. Mary's Cathedral on Monday night. Nevins, celebrant of the Mass. The occasion was a concelebrated MORE THAN 40 members of the Mass in honor of the Feast of the Im- clergy of the Archdiocese of Miami maculate Conception and celebration also participated in the joyous oc- of the 50th anniversary of the founding casion. of St. Mary's. Fr. Gerard LaCerra is rec- Choirs, stationed at the altar, tor of the cathedral. represented the Haitians, the Spanish, With all the ceremony and pagentry the French, and the English-speaking that the Chuf'ch coula assemble for segments of the multi-lingual such a special occasion, the rafters congregation. <J*n the. rear of the shook to the grouodswefl of music cathedral, a large choir representing from trumpets, bongos, guitars, four several area churches also added their choirs and the joyful voice of more than voices to the panoply of sound which 600 people wno attended the Mass. echoed through the large interior. The Four bishops paid honor Bishop infectuous sound or the haitian Robert F. Joyce, Retired Bishop of bongos, guitars and their spirited Burlington and winter resident; Bishop music brought warm smiles and life to 'GOOD THINGS DO come is small packages at the Arch- Paul Tanner, Retired Bishop of St. the congregation whenever they diocese Respect Life Office and little Stephanie Ros seem to • Augustine; Bishop Agustin A. Roman, played and sang their native hvmns. know it. See page 8. Auxiliary Bishop of Miami, and John J. continued on p. 5 News At A Glance] NCC Developing "nonsexist" version of bible NEW YORK (NC) - In what is described as an important step toward developing a "non-sexist" version of the Bible, a division of the National Council of Churches has decided to prepare lectionary materials using new scriptural translations which minimize language that excludes women. Pope John Paul To Visit Switzerland in 1981 VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II is likely to visit Swit- Support for Workers - At a service for farmworkers, Dorothy Day, right, sits with Mrs. Coretta zerland in the summer of 1981 to discuss the possibility of King. Miss Day, a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement and an advocate of Christian greater collaboration between the Vatican and the World Council of Churches, Vatican sources said. Pacifism, died Nov. 29, at age 83, at Maryhouse, a Catholic Settlement House on New York's Lower East Side. Catholic Refugee Camps Teen dies; priest asks Raided by Armed Forces SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC) - One of seven refugee camps sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Salvador was raided by 40 armed soldiers who destroyed the camp's clinic vigilance on TV after beating six refugees and the man in charge of food sup- TRENTON, N.J. (NC) -The parishioners to bombard "We tell ourselves that our plies, according to church sources. deaths of two New Jersey teen- WOR-TV with protests over children at 12 or 13 are more agers imitating the Russian the showing of the film. He also advanced and they are used to Guatemalan Bishop's roulette sequences in the film admonished parents- to check the violence they-see on TV," "The Deer Hunter," which they carefully what their children Father Wojciehowski said. On Return to Guatemala Prohibited had seen on TV, prompted a watch on television. their own sets, children can GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (NC) - Native-born priest in Trenton to call on "Our lives are influenced by watch late night shows, mostly Guatemalan Bishop Juan Gerardi of Santa Cruz del Quiche was parishioners to supervise their those who love us and by • "R" rated, he added. • • prohibited from re-entering Guatemala by military authorities children's TV watching and to those who refuse to love us," - He sard that at two-and-a-half when he returned from Rome, where he had told the Vatican protest to the station which Father Wojciehowski told the years of age a child watches of persecution of the church in Guatemala by state security broadcast the film. congregations. The influence of more than five hours of forces and pro-government armed groups. The priest, Father Thaddeus J. living parents, he said, is coun- television a day and a 12-year- Wojciehowski, is pastor of Holy teracted by "the media, old sees more than 1,200 hours Pope Sends Greetings to Cross Parish in Trenton, where television, bad company, a year. What they see, he said, one of the dead youths, 13- pornography - external factors is violence, sex, lifestyles which Ukrainians in USSR and Outside year-old Gottfrey Saganowski, which influence all." are presented as the new was an- altar boy and an eighth Parents, he said, are often too American subculture and VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II sent greetings Dec. 1 grader in the parish school. busy with their other duties to "realism" with no discretion. to all Ukrainians in the Soviet Union and outside their Police reported that supervise the quality of the -I beg of y^ou," Father homeland, especially "those who still suffer today in the name Saganowski and his brother, television programs their Wojciehowski concluded, of Jesus." John, 12, were talking on Nov. children watch; and other in- "promise me that you will be 13 about "The Deer Hunter," dulgent parents allow children vigilant parents. Caution your Killing of six and bombing which they- had seen on TV. to have their own television children and really watch what they are watching. Take time. of Cathedral admitted by Terrorists Capt. Thomas Williams of the sets in their rooms, where SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC) - A right-wing terrorist Trenton police youth section supervision is, almost im- Talk to them and above all listen to them." group claimed responsibility for the killing of six leaders of an said the boys found a .38 possible. anti-government front and the subsequent bombing of the caliber revolver in a closet in Catholic Cathederal where funeral services for the slain people their parents' bedroom. Got- Canadian bishop asks were scheduled. tfrey placed a bullet in the chamber and was spinning the Irish Bishops ask Prisoners to end fast gun- in his hand and placing it boycott of war toys against his head, Williams said. OTTAWA (NC) - Canadian effect on the spiritual growth of DUBLIN, Ireland (NC) - Bishop Tomas O'Fiaich of Armagh He had apparently done it Catholics are being asked to the one who gives and the one and the five other Catholic bishops with dioceses wholly or several times before the refuse to buy war toys for who receives," he says. partly in Northern Ireland have appealed to seven prisoners at weapon fired. Rushed to St. children. The call comes from Bishop De Roo asks Catholics the Maze Prison near Belfast, Northern Ireland, to end their Francts Medical Center, he died Bishop Remi De Roo of Vic- to use the Advent season to in- five-week-old hunger strike.
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