Life-history traits of long whisker catfish Mystus gulio (Siluriformes: Bagridae) in the coastal water (Maloncho river) of southern Bangladesh. Item Type Journal Contribution Authors Rahman, Obaidur; Hossain, Md. Yeamin; Islam, Md. Akhtarul; Rahman, Md. Ataur; Khatun, Dalia; Parvin, Most. Farida; Sarmin, Most. Shakila; Tanjin, Sumaya; Rahman, Md. Ashekur; Mawa, Zannatul; Hasan, Md. Rabiul; Zannat, Khatune; Sabbir, Wasim; Samad, Md. Abdus Rights Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Download date 02/10/2021 06:45:25 Item License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/17954 Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 29(2), 99-114, 2020. LIFE-HISTORY TRAITS OF LONG WHISKER CATFISH MYSTUS GULIO (SILURIFORMES: BAGRIDAE) IN THE COASTAL WATER (MALONCHO RIVER) OF SOUTHERN BANGLADESH Obaidur Rahman, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Md. Ataur Rahman, Dalia Khatun, Most. Farida Parvin, Most. Shakila Sarmin, Sumaya Tanjin, Md. Ashekur Rahman, Zannatul Mawa, Md. Rabiul Hasan, Khatune Zannat, Wasim Sabbir and Md. Abdus Samad Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (OR, MYH, MAI, DK, MFP, MSS, WS); Department of Fisheries and Marine Bioscience, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, Jashore University of Science and Techology, Jashore, Bangladesh (ST, MAR, ZM, MRH, KZ, MAS). email: [email protected] ABSTRACT: This analysis illustrates the life history traits of Long whisker, Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822) including sex ratio, length-weight (LWRs) and length-length relationships (LLRs), condition factors (KA, KF, KR), relative weight (WR) and form factor (a3.0), empirical based size at first sexual maturity length (Lm) and natural mortality (MW, year-1). Total of 407 individuals were scarcely collected from January-December 2017 using different fishing gears. The sex ratio (M/F) was calculated as 1:1.26 (p<0.05). The overall sex ratio did not differ significantly from the expected 1:1(p>0.05). The minimum-maximum total length and body weight were observed as 5.20-15.50 cm and 2.11-33.60g for male, 5.20-17.50 cm and 1.25-57.12g for female. All LWRs were very significant with all coefficients of determination (r2)>0.967. The allometric coefficient indicated negative allometric growth in male (b<3.0), positive allometric growth in female and also in combined (b>3.0). All LLRs were significant with r2 values >0.965. The KF indicated the best condition of this species for their well-being. The WR was not significantly diverse from 100 for males (p = 0.552) and females (p = 0.249), which indicate suitable condition for habitat. The a3.0 were 0.0103 and 0.0108, and the Lm were 9.13 and 10.46 cm in total length for male and female, respectively. Moreover, MW was 1.16 year-1 for male and 1.02 year-1 for female. The results will be operative for the sustainable conservation of M. gulio in Bangladeshi coastal waters and also nearby countries. KEYWORDS: Mystus gulio, population structure, condition factor, size at first sexual maturity, natural mortality, Maloncho River INTRODUCTION The long whiskers catfish, Mystus gulio is a small indigenous species under the Siluriformes order and Bagridae family. This genus is innate to the coastal waters of Bangladesh and the countries of the East Indian Ocean, from India to Indonesia and Vietnam, as well as Pakistan (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991). It is also known as nuna tengra 100 Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 29(2), 2020. in Bangladesh, Nga-zin in Mayanmar and long whisker cat fish in India and Srilanka (Froese and Pauly, 2018). It is categorized as least concern in Bangladeshi water-bodies (IUCN, 2015). This is mainly coastal water fish that enter fresh water and live there. Adults M. gulio are found in freshwater, especially in larger water bodies (Rivers and streams), with soil or clay matrices that are difficult to found in smaller streams. This fish are rarely exported as an ornamental fish (Ng, 2010). This species is playing a great role in commercial and local fisheries in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Its catch is gradually more decreasing due to the mutual effect of various factors such as destructive fishing pressure, over-exploitation, habitat degradation and different ecological modifications (Alam et al., 2006). Basic information constitutes sex ratio and size structure in assessing stock size of fish populations (Vazzoler, 1996). Deviation from a 1:1 sex ratio is not regular for most aquatic species, but some fish populations may possibly indicate strong dissimilarities (Hossain et al. 2012a). These variations might be due to thermal effects on sex determination, selective gender-specific mortality and sexual behavior, growth rates or longevity (Conover and Kynard, 1981; Schultz, 1996). Furthermore, length-weight relationships (LWRs) are useful for applied and basic needs to convert the length distribution into weight for biomass estimation in fisheries management (Pitcher et al., 1982; Gerritsen and McGrath, 2007). In addition, LWRs is necessary to evaluate the weights from the lengths, because direct weight measurements at the site may take more time and the parameters are essential in fish biology and may provide information on stock or stock status of the organism (Koutrakis and Tsikliras, 2003; Acosta et al., 2004; Ecoutin et al., 2005). Besides, length-length relationships (LLRs) are more applicable than age; a number of ecological and physiological aspects are more length-dependent than age-dependent Hossain et al. (2006a). Essentially, conditions of aquatic animal reveal environmental (abiotic and biotic) statuses, fluctuation of feeding conditions in which they interact, physiological factors, and infections of parasites (Le Cren, 1951). Moreover, the relative weight (WR) allows to detect environmental changes as well as physiological components of fish (lipid storage and growth) and to evaluate the overall health and ecosystem disturbance (Rypel and Richter, 2008). Also, the form factor (a3.0) used to determine a particular body shape of a species (Froese, 2006). Several studies have been accompanied on different aspects of M. gulio containing age and growth (Pantulu, 1961), biometry and length-weight relationship (Dasgupta,1997) growth and survival (Islam et al., 2007), length-weight and length-length relationships (Hossain et al., 2016), reproductive biology (Lal et al., 2016), spawning biology (Kaliyamurthy, 1981) fecundity and gonadosomatic index (Sarker et al., 2002), embryonic and larval development (Begumet al., 2009), formulation of quality fish feeds ( Begum et al., 2008c), stocking density (Begum et al., 2008a), disease (Guchhait et al., 2017), accumulation of heavy metal (Senarathne and Pathiratne, 2007). Based on authors’ awareness, there is no available literature on life-history traits of least concern species M. gulio. Description on life-history traits of eurihalaine estuarine cat fishes asM. gulio is crucial for the sustainable management techniques in the Maloncho River, Southern (SW) Bangladesh and closest countries. Therefore, this work reported the comprehensive and instructive information on life- history traits containing sex ratio, population structure, LWRs, LLRs, condition factors, Rahman et al.: Life-history traits of Mystus gulio 101 relative weight, form factor, size at first sexual maturity, and natural mortality of M. gulio using individuals with small to large body sizes from the Maloncho River, Southern Bangladesh. MATERIALS AND METHOD Sampling and Laboratory Analysis: This work was accompanied in the Maloncho River (Latitude 21° 40' N; Longitude 89° 35' E), Satkhira region Bangladesh. A total of 407 individuals of M. gulio were obtained from the Maloncho River of Bangladesh during January-December 2017 from the fisher’s catch. Samplings were conducted by the commercial fishermen’s gill net (mesh size; 1.5–2.5 cm), cast net (mesh size; 1.0–2.0 cm), and seine net (mesh size; ~1.0 cm). The collected samples were promptly preserved with ice at the spot and then subsequently fixed with 10% formalin solution upon arrival in work place. Total length (TL), standard length (SL) and fork Length (FL) were measured through digital slide calipers and total wet body weight (BW) by a digital balance. Sex ratio and Population Structure: Fishes were sexed by observing the gonads under microscope. To defined the sex-ratio deviance from the expected value of 1:1 (male: female), a chi-square test was followed. The population structure separately for males and females constructed with 1 cm intervals of TL. Based on maximum-likelihood method (Hasselblad, 1966) the normal distribution was fitted to TL frequency distributions. Length-weight and Length-length relationships (LWRs and LLRs): Using W = a*Lb equation, the relationships between length and weight (LWRs) were determined, where W is the total body weight (BW, g); L is the total length (TL, cm) and parameters a and b were estimated by ln (BW) = ln (a) + b ln (TL). Extremes outliers were deleted from the regression analyses according to (Forese, 2006). Furthermore, on the basis of the b values of LWRs (TL vs. BW, SL vs. BW, and FL vs. BW) and LLRs (TL vs. SL, TL vs. FL, and SL vs. FL) for both sex of M. gulio were determined. b Condition Factors: The equation of KA = W/L (Tesch, 1968) was used to calculate 3 allometric condition factor. Fulton’s condition factor was obtained by KF=100*(W/L ) where 100 was used as scaling factor. Relative condition factor was calculated with KR = b W/(a×L ) equation given by (Le Cren, 1951). The relative weight (WR) was determined by WR = (W/WS) × 100 (Froese, 2006), where WS is the predicted standard weight for the b certain individual as estimated by WS = a×L . log a-s (b-3) Form Factor (a3.0): According to a3.0 = 10 equation (Froese, 2006), form factor (a3.0) was calculated where s is the regression slope of log avs.b.
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