P-ISSN: 2303-2898 Vol. 6, No. 2, Oktober 2017 THE BATTLE BETWEEN ARJUNA ANDKARNA INMAHABHARATACOMICSBY R. A. KOSASIH AND KURUKSHETRAGAME: AN ADAPTATION STUDY Kriswanda Krishnapatria Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang e-mail: [email protected] Abstract This paper examinedan adaptation study of the longest Sanskrit epic, Mahabharata,from a novel by C. Rajagopalacharitocomics by R. A. Kosasih and an online game namedKurukshetra by 7Seas Technologies Ltd. This paper onlyfocused on the battle between Arjuna and Karna in BharatayuddhaWar. This Great War, a conflict that arose from a dynastic succession struggle between two groups of cousins, the Kauravs and Pandavs for the throne of Hastinapura, lasted eighteen day taking place in the famous battlefield: Kurukshetra. The framework used to analyse the mediawas taken from books and lecture notes, and the theory used is based on Ellestrom of modalities by analyzing the element changes in the adaptation study. The conclusion is that both comics and game are adapted differently from the original novel. The findings also show how the comic and the game made few changes due to their different media nature and purposes. Keywords: Arjuna and Karna, Mahabharata comics, online game, Kurukshetra, adaptation study Abstrak Makalah ini meneliti sebuah studi adaptasi epik Sansekerta terpanjang, Mahabharata, dari sebuah novel karya C. Rajagopalachari dengan komik oleh RA Kosasih dan sebuah game online bernama Kurukshetra oleh 7Seas Technologies Ltd. Makalah ini hanya berfokus pada pertarungan antara Arjuna dan Karna di Bharatayuddha. Perang. Perang Besar ini, sebuah konflik yang muncul dari pergantian suksesi dinasti antara dua kelompok sepupu, Kauravs dan Pandavs untuk takhta Hastinapura, berlangsung delapan belas hari yang berlangsung di medan perang yang terkenal: Kurukshetra. Kerangka yang digunakan untuk menganalisis media diambil dari buku dan catatan kuliah, dan teori yang digunakan didasarkan pada Ellestrom of capitalities dengan menganalisis perubahan elemen dalam studi adaptasi. Kesimpulannya, kedua komik dan game tersebut diadaptasi berbeda dari novel aslinya. Temuan ini juga menunjukkan bagaimana komik dan permainan membuat sedikit perubahan karena sifat dan tujuan media mereka yang berbeda. Kata Kunci: Arjuna dan Karna, komik Mahabharata, game online, Kurukshetra, studi adaptasi Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora | 115 P-ISSN: 2303-2898 Vol. 6, No. 2, Oktober 2017 INTRODUCTION Mahabharata epic story in the form of Either a work of literature or art novel. Thus, this study aims to explore hasmedia used to be appreciated. A novel how the battle between Arjuna and Karna uses text, while comics use‘silent’images, in Mahabharata novel by C. and video games usemotion animation Rajagopalachari was adapted into two drawings. Furthermore, the use of a work different media: comics (by R. A. Kosasih) media can also be transformed—for and online gameKurukshetra1. Elements instance: from novels to comics or from that are put into consideration by the writer comics to film with the same title.It is also, are changes in the plot, setting, needless to say, possible for a work from characterization, as well as heirlooms. one media to be adapted to other art media, like music, plays, etc. The Literature Review displacement of a work media can be Sapardi Djoko Damono in his book regarded as an adaptation or trans-genre Comparative Literature (2009: 121) states (the former is a more well-known term). that trans-genre is a transformation from Hutcheon (2006:2) argues, “Adaptations one art type to another type. The changes are everywhere today: on the television are not limited to one or two types of and movie screen, on the musical and literary works. Damono also stated that dramatic stage, on the Internet, in novels literary work is not only simply translated and comic books, in your nearest theme from one language to another, but is also park and video arcade.” adapted or converted into other forms. One of many works out there that Based on that statement, it can be hasundergonean adaptation is the concluded that a literary work can change Hinduepic Mahabharata, an ancient from one media to another media, not only literary work supposedly written by Vyasa limited to merely one direction, but can or Vyasa Begawan from India. also be transformed into a variety of Mahabharata tells the story of conflict forms—for example: from novel can be between five Pandavas with their cousins adapted to a movie or a comic or the other of the hundred Kauravas, fighting over way around, from filmsto novel or comic. thethrone ofHastinapur (Delhi). The climax In the process of a work of the conflict known asBharatayuddha adaptation—from a novel to comics and war took place at Kurukshetra battlefield. an online game in this case—some The location of this battle layon the changes are obviously inevitable. Such field ofKurukshetra, India. The war lasted changes are based on the assumption for 18 days. During the war, a fierce battle that, in adaptation, necessary adjustments took place between Arjuna,a handsome of the original form have to be carried out ksatria(warrior) of Pandavas, and his to suit the new form. Furthermore, Lars cousin Karna of Kauravas on battle days Ellestrom(2010: 15) statesthat media 16th and 17th. This very chapter is then modalities comprise four types, transformed by 7Seas Technologies Ltd., namelymodality of material, sensory agame developer, as an online modality, modality temporal space, and entertainment under the title ‘Kurukshetra’. semiotic modality. Lars Ellestrom in his Furthermore, due to its enormous bookThe Modalities of Media: A Model For popularity,Mahabharata has been Understanding Intermedial Relation (2010) completely rewritten in many further mentions that: versionsworldwide, includingIndonesia, in “Media and art forms are constantly being different media. Raden Ahmad Kosasih, a described and defined on the basis of one prominent Indonesiancomic writer, or more of these modalities. The madeMahabharata comics as many as 13 categories of materiality, time and space, volumes published by Elex Media the visual and the auditory, and natural Komputindo. In India alone, there are countless works of Mahabharata which 1 have been rewritten. C. Rajagopalachari http://www.onlinerealgames.com/play/Kurukshetra was one of Indians who has written .aspx Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora | 116 P-ISSN: 2303-2898 Vol. 6, No. 2, Oktober 2017 and conventional sign, have been wheels stuck half in the mud. Karna did reshaped over and over again, but they not care, and he cast a spell to rival the tend to be mixed up in fundamental power ofPasupati. However, the second ways...” curse is also fulfilled because all of Considering all of the above, it can sudden all knowledge he had learned from be clearly understood that, inform changes Parasurama is completely oblivious. (adaptation), there are elements becoming Karna promptly asks Arjunato the reason for such changes in the new refrain while he was down pushing the form. These are indeed related to stuckchariot in order to return normal. At materiality, physical form, and signs. In that moment, Krishna urges Arjuna to kill this adaptation research fromthe novel to Karna at oncefor this could be the best comics and online games, changes took opportunity. Arjuna hesitated because at place in the storylines, characters as well that time Karna was not alert and out of as the representation of characters’ his chariot. Krishna remindedArjuna that heirlooms. Karna had also acted unfairly when he contributed to the ganging up on Data Source Abhimanyu to death on day thirteen. Analyses of the data in this paper Recalling the tragic death of his are based on the novel Mahabharata son, Arjunathen released Pasupati arrow, written by C. Rajagopalachari. As for the beheading his arch rival; Karna was killed comic data analysed is famous instantly. Before this seventeenth day of Indonesianseries ofMahabharatabyR. A. the battle, Karna’s heirlooms such as holy Kosasih. The online gameanalysed armors (Kavacha) and earrings (Kundala) isKurukshetra which is a game developed were taken as alms by a priest (brahmin) by 7Seas Technologies Ltd. Therefore, who was actually god Indra in disguise. there are three different media that Indra thenuncovered himself and provided become the object of this study, namely: Karna with a new Indrastraheirloom, (1) novel, (2) comics, and (3) online namelyshaktiVasavior Konta (meaning games. “spear”) as a reward for Karna’s sincerity. Konta, however, can only be used RESULT AND DISCUSSION onceand will perishafterwards. Karna used Kurukshetra War Day 17: Battle Konta heirloom to kill Ghatotkacha, son of between Arjuna and Karna Bima, in early battle. One day before the sixteenth battle day, Karna greatly defeated Yudhisthira, Adaptation in Kurukshetra (online Bimasena, Nakula and Sadewa, and game) and Mahabharata (comics) made them barely alive as promised toKuntiin the past. Karna then competed Changes of Plot and Setting against Arjuna, the best archer of In Kurukshetra, changes occur in Pandavas, in which both are trying to kill the plot and setting of the story. In this each other. When Karna targeted Arjuna’s game version, the tale begins at the story neck using Nagasatraarrow, Salyasilently of Arjuna practicing archery in a beckoned Krishna. Krishna, Arjuna’sGuru forest.This scene apparently does not (mentor), moved hischariot so that Karna’s exist in boththe novel and comics. arrow just missed Arjuna and hit his crown Moreover, both Arjuna and Karna are also instead. The battle is eventually put off by not depicted riding a chariot as of those in the setting sun to next day. the novel and the comic versions. Arjuna On day seventeen, the duel is insteaddisplayed in a standing position between Karna and Arjuna resumed. After during both practicesession and ongoing a fight in a long time, the first curse upon battle. The comics,on the other hand, Karna became a bitter reality. When begins the story same as the original story Arjuna took aim using a magic arrow of the original novel.
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