An assessment protocol for water quality integrity and management of the Nyl River Wetland System By Richard Greenfield Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree PHILOSOPHIAE DOCTOR In Aquatic Health In the DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY University of Johannesburg Promoter: Professor J.H.J. van Vuren University of Johannesburg Co-Promoter Professor V. Wepener University of Johannesburg October 2004 Acknowledgments There are many people who helped me in the completion of this research project ranging from those who helped with fieldwork, those who helped with funding to those who gave me moral support. I appreciate all the help that they provided and would like to thank them all for their time and patience. The staff and students at the University of Johannesburg have been a great help and their input has been invaluable. A special word of thanks must be extended to Professors Johan van Vuren and Victor Wepener. Thank you for all your support and advice; I really appreciate it. A word of thanks must be extended to Dr. Wynand Vlok, Clayton Cook and Support Chavalala for the valuable help they provided on field sampling trips. Sampling trips with you guys were great; it is hard to say you are working when you are having that much fun at the same time. I would also like to extend a word of thanks to Dr Steve Mitchell and the Water Research Commission for funding the project. A final word of thanks must be extended to my family and friends, without their understanding and patience this project would have been much tougher. Thank you for all the motivation provided when things went off track. If I have forgotten anybody I apologise and thank you. i Abstract The Nyl River floodplain is one of the jewels in the arid Limpopo Province. The conservation and protection thereof is thus vitally important. The Nyl River Floodplain is an ephemeral floodplain and the largest of its type in South Africa. The wetland is a Ramsar site and provides habitat for a number of endangered species of birds and animals. The aims of this project were to (1) assess the water and sediment quality in the Nyl River system, (2) to determine baseline levels of pollution, (3) to develop a rapid wetland assessment protocol for biomonitoring and (4) to provide a framework for wetland management. Eighteen sites in the Groot Nyl and Klein Nyl rivers, as well as in some of the larger tributaries were selected. Water and sediment were sampled and analyzed to determine metal and nutrient levels. Bacterial analysis also took place at five of the sites along the course of the system. The results obtained from the water analysis indicate that bacterial levels in the system are cause for concern. Although metal levels in the water and the sediment are higher than Target Water Quality and Sediment Guideline Ranges, the metal levels remained relatively constant throughout the system. The metal levels indicated that they pose no potential threat to the system. The comparison between the present and historical ecological state indicated that nutrient levels are increasing in the system. The levels of toxic ammonia did not increase and thus the water quality in the system can thus be classified as fair. The sequential extraction of the sediment indicated that the majority of the metals in the sediment are not readily bioavailable. They were released by the fourth and fifth fractions and will only become available in the presence of strong reducing or oxidizing agents. Organic contaminant levels were also analysed in the sediment. The results indicated traces of PCB’s (Poly-chlorinated Biphenyls) and pyrethroids (Cypermethrin), but concentrations were too low to quantify. ii The third aim of the project was to develop a Wetland Assessment Protocol. A draft version of the protocol was developed using a modified version of the South African Scoring System version 5 (SASS5). Due to the lack of biotopes in the system, the vegetation biotope was chose as sampling habitat. Aquatic invertebrates were collected and a total score was given to each sampling site. The total site rating was determined using a combination of the SASS5 scoring system, a newly developed habitat assessment system and a human impact assessment system, The Wetland assessment protocol identified changes in water quality, but more refinement is required on a system with a greater pollution gradient. The fourth aim of the project was to set up a draft framework for wetland management. The framework is based on the National Estuary Programme of the USEPA. It has been interpreted and adapted for use in wetlands, in a similar way to which USEPA ecological risk assessment guidelines have been adapted for the South African scenario. This research project was thus able to (1) provide baseline values for the Nyl River System, (2) to produce a first draft of a Wetland Assessment Protocol and (3) provide a framework for wetland management. It is envisaged that the information in this thesis will provide useful information in the protection and management of the Nyl River. iii Opsomming Die Nylrivier vloedvlakte is een van die juwele van die droë Limpopoprovinsie. Die bewaring en beskerming daarvan is dus baie belangrik. Die Nylrivier- vloedvlakte is ‘n efemerale vleiland en die grootste van sy soort in Suid Afrika. Die vleiland is ‘n Ramsar gebied en verskaf habitats vir verskeie bedreigde voël- en dier-spesies. Die doelwitte van hierdie projek was (1) om die water en sediment kwaliteit van die Nylrivier stelsel te assesseer, (2) om basisvlakke van besoedeling te bepaal, (3) om ‘n vinnige vleiland assesseringsprotokol vir biomonitering te ontwikkel en (4) om ‘n raamwerk vir vleilandbestuur op te stel. Agtien lokaliteite in die Groot- en Klein Nylriviere, sowel as in vyf van die groter sytakke, was as monsterneemingspunte gekies. Water en sediment was versamel en vir metaal en nutrient-inhoud geanaliseer. Bakteriële analises is ook by vyf van die lokaliteite gedoen. Die resultate van die bakteriële analise het aangedui dat bakterie-vlakke in die water moontlike probleme kan skep. Alhoewel metaal-vlakke in die water en sediment hoër as die teiken water- kwaliteit en sediment-gids-waardes was, het hulle relatief konstant deur die loop van die stelsel gebly. Die metaalvlakke het daarop aan gedui dat dit geen moontlike gevaar vir die stelsel inhou nie. Dit word ondersteun deur die lae vlakke van toksisiteit wat deur die uitvloeisel toksisiteits-gebaseerde toetse uitgewys is. ‘n Vergelyking tussen die huidige- en historiese ekologiese toestande van die water in die stelsel dui aan dat die nutriënt-lading in die water besig is om te styg. Die vlakke van toksiese ammoniak het nie gestyg nie en dus kan die water as van goeie kwaliteit beskou word. Sekwensiële ekstraksie van die sediment het aangedui dat die meerderheid van die metale hierin nie biologies beskikbaar is nie. Die metale is in die vierde en vyfde fraksies vrygestel en sal dus slegs in die teenwoordigheid van sterk reduserende en oksiderende agente beskikbaar word. Organiese iv besoedelingstof vlakke van die sediment was ook geanaliseer. Die resultate van hierdie analises dui die teenwoordigheid van Poligechlorineerde Bifenole (PCB’s) en Pyretroïdes (Cypermethrin) aan, maar in konsentrasies te laag om te kwantifiseer. Die derde doelwit van die projek was om ‘n Vleiland assesseringsprotokol te ontwikkel. ’n Konsep-weergawe van die protokol was ontwikkel deur van ‘n gemodifiseerde weergawe van die akwatiese invertebraatindeks-protokol (SASS5) gebruik te maak. As gevolg van die lae biotoopverskeidenheid in die vleiland, is die plantbiotoop as monsternemings-habitat gekies. Akwatiese invertebrate was versamel om ‘n waarde aan die verskillende lokaliteite toe te ken. Hierdie punt was bepaal deur van ‘n kombinasie van die SASS5 punte- stelsel, ‘n nuut ontwikkelde habitatsassesserings stelsel en ‘n menslike impak assesseringstelsel gebruik te maak. Die Vleilandassesserings-protokol het verskille in waterkwaliteit aangedui, maar verfyning is nodig in ‘n stelsel met ‘n groter besoedelingshelling. Die vierde doelwit van die projek was om ’n konsep-raamwerk vir bestuur van vleilande optestel. Hierdie raamwerk is op die USEPA Nasionale Strandmeer- Program gebaseer. Dit is geïnterpreteer en aangepas vir gebruik in vleilande, in ‘n soortgelyke wyse as die USEPA Ekologiese risiko analisegids vir Suid Afrikaanse aanwending aangepas is. Hierdie navorsingsprojek het dus (1) inligting oor basisvlakke van besoedeling in die Nylrivier-stelsel verskaf, (2) ‘n Vleiland assesserings-protokol ontwikkel en (3) ’n bestuurs-raamwerk vir vleilande daargestel. Daar word beoog dat die inligting in hierdie tesis as ‘n bruikbare instrument in die bestuur en bewaring van die Nylrivier gebruik kan word. v Table of Contents List of Figures Ix List of Tables Xvi Chapter 1: Introduction 1 References 10 Chapter 2: Locality Description 13 2.1 General 14 2.2 Site Description 18 2.3 References 40 Chapter 3: Materials and Methods 41 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 Practical applications 45 3.3 Water 46 3.4 Sediments 52 3.5 Statistical Methods 57 3.6 References 59 Chapter 4: Water quality: Results and Discussion 61 4.1 Historical data 62 4.2 Water parameters 87 4.3 Inorganic constituents 99 4.4. Total metal concentrations in the water samples 107 4.5 Bacteriology 137 4.6 Toxicity Testing 145 4.7 Integrated water quality 150 4.8 Present ecological state of the system 154 4.9 Conclusion 159 4.10 Reference 161 Chapter 5: Sediment: Results and Discussion 168 vi 5.1 Introduction 169 5.2 Aluminium 172 5.3 Chromium
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