area sboidd someday be returned to residential use, for wMch It is School Board Spending Power About Town Powell to Propose Aronson Many Oppose Boned.. FREE REUVERY Maneheeter A City o f ViOoge Charm Pantaleo’s uaed auto parts yard fA JU ln f P J I. AM mmabm at it» SigM li Di** now on Packard St does not con­ Upheld by State High Court For Acting Manager's Post Pantaleo Bid (daorifiod Advorthdag m Poga IF) PRICK ffiVE N CENT! tiiot F m OapMtimnt w<U taatA form to the Residenco Zone B re­ voG. ixxxn, m Ml (TWINTY PAGBS) MANCHB8TBR, OONM., Wn>NB8DAT, AUGUBT T, 1»M tonight «t r a o ait flM headquar- quirements which prevail there. When Bmil Pantaleo appeared HAiRmPORE) (A P ) — A uary 1968. tera and prooifed to tho Hotmaa Appohitmant a t tbs town ooun^dUkmal few mtUa agalnat d o r ­ Ih tbe eyes of tbe oouit, when before the Town Planning Com­ boaird o f finance oan t toll the Fraidc T. Herfey ortmaa the FtUMral Honta, 400 lla ln S t, to sal'to aerve aa acting general man­ town property ownera to jHWide Pantaleo leaves his businees, the t r a ile r a t the fw d a HM octkBi new parktog lots in tiie area. mission (TPC) last night to request board of edueatkm bow to apeisd pay Miatr i iinninhi tothaiaita Mack ager, appropriation of funds for property should revert to the in­ Ms mesMy, the Stata Supcetne was upheld by tbe State Mpraae HohBaa. The other proposed law, for a change to Industrial Zone for tended reeidential uee Instead of lease and improvement of three which a healing date may be set, Court of ferrora ruled today. Court. two tracts on Horace St., his re­ being, further devrioped for in­ State Iww prov4dea that “aO ap- downtown parking areas, and would make it illegal to move The high tribunal’s rulliig oon- Hoaa Oo. No. 2 DIglath X>iBtik3t dustrial purposes. oemed an action by the EUUngton propriatkm for school purposes hearing dates fo r two proposed or­ from town without a permit blow­ quest was buttressed by a petition .•'ira Dapartmant will meet tomor- The TPC set its next meeting town Board o f Flneince, which, the ihaB be made to tbe Board of Kdu- Deepening dinances will provide the interest ing proof that property taxee have signed by neighboring residential Crisis; W o rld PerSp C C tive ..-vw at 8 pen. at fire headquartera, date for Aug'. 12,- at which time court said, “misconceived the low” cation to be expended tay that Invaders Cutting Off at a meeting of the town direotors been paid. land holders. .Main and HMUard Sta., for am aat- the aprpUoetion will be decided. in 1961 when it retained control board,” tbe court said. at 8 tonight at the Municipal Tax Collector P aul Oervlni During the course of the hearing, EDITOR’S NOTE — America’s scene in the past decade a laiga mg. Approved last night was a re­ over the expenditure o f 846,800 If the school board flrili in Mb Building hearing room. thinks it could save the town a his support slowly ebbed as about racial crisis has damaged the na­ contingent of new nations adtoae Isuge part o f the almost uncoUect- quest for re-aubdivision for two appropriated for educational pur­ duties, the voten osa do acme- tion: s image among emerging na­ people had been under the white **Bayond Thaaa Skies," a film Democratic Director Theodore ten of the signers asked by letter atole taxes that people leaving or in person that their names be lots at Parker and Nye 8ta., for poses. thing about H by voUng Mb mem- tions of Africa and Asia and di­ man’s rule for generations. In produoad at tiM SaatUa World’s Powell aaid this morning that he which Barney P e te rm a n and The finaiwe hosuxl recommend­ bera out of office, the coort noted. will move the board name Town town forget to pay. Some public withdrawn. luted the idea that the United' many cases there were sU-mg ra­ Fair, will.tM shown Saturday at Charlea PonilcMU have a bond for ed that the money be included in And if Slegal expeadMnres are Oouns^ Atty. Irving Aronaon to opposition to the ordinance has They had not understood the ex­ States Is a leader of world free­ cial resentments. tha Touth for Cltrist Summertime been expressed. tent of the change requested, they deed from owner Mary Lent!. the town’s general aervicea budget mode, civfl suMs can be filed dom. Tet there is a growing un­ The personal experience of Film R a ^ , wMch ia being held at the acting manager post, and that rather than in the acfaool budget, he expects approval for the mo­ T ji.ot year Uie total of loot reve­ all said. Pantaleo was asking for A t present the lota face Porker againet members of tbe board. derstanding of the problem, not many Aslan and African vioitora, tha Flatnvilla Camp Grounds, and this was agreed to by the town The sobod board does bowc tbe Haiti’s North Coast nue exceeded 810,000, Cervlni says. rezoning of a strip 150 feet deep St.; the re-subdivision aa approved only am cog our allies, but amemg especially diplomata, who came Cang> Rd., otf U R . R t 6, at the tion. meeting. When OonlroUer Jay EXIinger AJso on the agenda are; and 435 long between Maxwell and by the ’TPC will face the lota on power however, to spend Ms budg­ soms U.N. diplomats who twye face to face with racial discrimi­ Briatol town line. The program Tentative approval of a time Packard Sts., in Residence Zone Nye St., increartng the frontage The Bosod of Ftaonoe had al­ et oaM aew fit wtthia legal flmlta experienced racial discrimination nation in the United States and wiB begin at 7:80 pen. resigned in February—he was also ready slashed the school bosird’s DOUBLE table for a number of town proj­ B, as well as for the corner of frim 54 to 75 fe e t tbe court aoid, and the EUngten first hand. Eighth article in a spe­ were left with a bitter taste. Rusk the acting manager—the Demo­ proposed 1966-63 budget from crats named Police Chief James ects which mueit be brought for Bldwell and Horace Sts, in Rural Bocud o f Finance bod no anflbor- cial Associated Press series on reported scores of such incidents tp a a , 4 Raymond Marovonicb of referenda in November; Residence Zone. 8609487 to 8606404.43. ’The pur­ Hy to hdd back may edaeatl~~ WORLD GREEN integration in the past two years. 56 Kanakigtoo S t, Spec. 5 Bernard Reardon to the poet for the re^ pose of holding back the 846400 Rebels Ask mainder of the fiscal year, bypass­ Proposed purchase of property As the Pantaleo petition waned, funds from the school board. The preoccupation of the Afri­ R. Jefanaon o f 163 Biroh St., and Detour Two Days and keeping It in the general serv­ ing Atty. Aronaon, who the Re­ o t f Union St. adjoining the town- a petition from opposing neighbors Tbe aoUon a t the IMtngtnn By MAX HARRELSON can and Asian countries with the Span 4 Wemar L, GlaU of 63^ owned dam; ices bu^et was to prevent the Board of Finaace "conab tated an Apartheid (racial segregation) publicans nominated. waxed. When Atty. Paul Marte school hoiud from imendkig the STAMPS UNITED NA’nONS, N.Y. (AP) PiaatM 8 t saw receiTing their an­ In the past, it had been custom Acceptance of six stomi sewer brought it to the ’TPC, there were For Road Paving iHegal restriction on aa approprla^ —Few events in the United States policies of South Africa. This not Free World nual taro waeita of summw field 6 ____ money on anything the board of tion for strictly sduoothBisl por- only makes them more conscious 146 names in opposition to the re­ finiutce dHmpproveg of, tbe eoort have commanded such wide at­ trniaing wMh tha Oonneotieut Ax- ler or town counsel to take over area, and of a m,l.tcUlmquitclaim deed from ------ - ” the court said. of the developments in the United quest. Some of Pantaleo’s defectors BMst Hartford’s highway de­ noted. A U . wme tention abroad aa the developing St. Bartholomew Church; n^ National Guard at Cam p when the general manager is indicated they were now also op­ partment, starting at 7 a.m. to­ crisis over integration, States, but it renders it difficult Uempaey, Niantic. Acceptance o f a quitclaim deed One of the thinga tbe flaanoe REED JOINS GOT for the United States to form its Baek Them away. posed to the change. ’The impact of the violent and from the Manchester Water Co. morrow, will pave Tolland St. board did disapprove of was the own independent policies on South Opposition all spoke the same GREENWICH (AP) — Gordon W. dramatic conflicts at Little Rock, Atty. Aronson had a small claim for property at the southwest cor­ from Dong Him Rd. to the Man­ school so’stem's 80,700-a-year “our- Africa and related world prob­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Moo- language. "I thlnk^^lt would depre­ Reed, the chairman of dm Ckn- Oxford, Miss., Blrmlngfliam, Cam­ against the town at the time, how­ ner of Parker and LydaM Sts.; rteuhm cxxndlnator,” wbose salary lems.
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