NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 07 September 2019 Week 1 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Portavogie Colts Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs Donaghadee Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Ards Academy vs Ballywalter Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Comber Rec vs Bangor YM Pitch 2 9:00 AM Ballywalter Colts vs Holywood Colts Pitch 3 9:00 AM Portaferry vs Comber Rec Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Abbey Villa Colts vs East Coast Colts Pitch 2 10:00 AM Bangor Rangers Jets vs Ards Rangers Colts Pitch 3 10:00 AM Killyleagh Colts vs Abbey Villa Jets Pitch 1 11:00 AM Portaferry Colts vs Bangor Swifts Colts Pitch 2 11:00 AM Castle Colts vs Portavogie Jets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers Colts vs Groomsport Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM Groomsport vs Portavogie Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers vs East Coast Return Nets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Abbey Villa vs Bangor Swifts Return Nets Pitch 4 11:00 AM Castle Juniors vs Ards Rangers Pitch 5 11:00 AM Killyleagh vs Holywood Pitch 6 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 1 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 14 September 2019 Week 2 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Portavogie Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs Groomsport Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Ards Rangers vs Abbey Villa Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Holywood Colts vs Donaghadee Pitch 2 9:00 AM Comber Rec Colts vs Ballywalter Colts Pitch 3 9:00 AM East Cost Colts vs Bangor Rangers Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Ards Rangers Colts vs Portaferry Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Colts vs Abbey Villa Colts Pitch 3 10:00 AM Bangor Swifts Colts vs Bangor Rangers Jets Pitch 1 11:00 AM Portavogie Jets vs Killyleagh Colts Pitch 2 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Pitch 3 11:00 AM Abbey Villa Jets vs Portaferry Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM East Coast vs Portavogie Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Bangor Swifts vs Groomsport Return Nets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Ballywalter vs Bangor Rangers Return Nets Pitch 4 11:00 AM Holywood vs Ards Academy Pitch 5 11:00 AM Bangor YM vs Castle Juniors Pitch 6 11:00 AM Comber Rec vs Killyleagh Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 2 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 21 September 2019 Week 3 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs East Coast Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs East Coast Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers vs Holywood Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Donaghadee vs Groomsport Colts Pitch 2 9:00 AM Holywood Colts vs Comber Rec Colts Pitch 3 9:00 AM Ballywalter Colts vs Ards Rangers Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Bangor Rangers Colts vs Killyleagh Colts Pitch 2 10:00 AM Portaferry vs Bangor Swifts Colts Pitch 3 10:00 AM Abbey Villa Colts vs Portavogie Jets Pitch 1 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers Jets vs Abbey Villa Jets Pitch 2 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Pitch 3 11:00 AM Portaferry Colts vs Castle Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM Portavogie vs Bangor Swifts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Portavogie Colts vs Ballywalter Return Nets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Groomsport vs Ards Rangers Return Nets Pitch 4 11:00 AM Abbey Villa vs Bangor YM Pitch 5 11:00 AM Ards Academy vs Comber Rec Pitch 6 11:00 AM Castle Juniors vs Killyleagh Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 3 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 28 September 2019 Week 4 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Bangor Swifts Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs Abbey Villa Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Bangor YM vs Groomsport Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Comber Rec Colts vs Donaghadee Pitch 2 9:00 AM East Coast Colts vs Groomsport Colts Pitch 3 9:00 AM Ards Rangers Colts vs Holywod Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Bangor Swifts Colts vs Ballywalter Colts Pitch 2 10:00 AM Portavogie Jets vs Bangor Rangers Colts Pitch 3 10:00 AM Abbey Villa Jets vs Portaferry Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Colts vs Bangor Rangers Jets Pitch 2 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Pitch 3 11:00 AM Portaferry Colts vs Killyleagh Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM Ballywalter vs East Coast Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Ards Rangers vs Portavogie Return Nets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Holywood vs Portavogie Colts Return Nets Pitch 4 11:00 AM Comber Rec vs Bangor Rangers Pitch 5 11:00 AM Killyleagh vs Abbey Villa Pitch 6 11:00 AM Castle Juniors vs Ards Academy Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 4 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 05 October 2019 Week 5 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) - *** SILENT SIDELINES *** Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Ballywalter Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs Portavogie Jets Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Portavogie Colts vs Comber Rec Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Donaghadee vs East Coast Colts Pitch 2 9:00 AM Comber Rec Colts vs Ards Rangers Colts Pitch 3 9:00 AM Abbey Villa Colts vs Portaferry Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Holywood Colts vs Bangor Swifts Colts Pitch 2 10:00 AM Ballywalter Colts vs Abbey Villa Jets Pitch 3 10:00 AM Bangor Rangers Colts vs Groomsport Colts Pitch 1 11:00 AM Portaferry vs Castle Colts Pitch 2 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Pitch 3 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers Jets vs Killyleagh Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM Bangor Swifts vs Ards Rangers Pitch 2 11:00 AM East Coast vs Holywood Pitch 3 11:00 AM Portavogie vs Bangor YM Pitch 4 11:00 AM Groomsport vs Killyleagh Return Nets Pitch 5 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers vs Castle Juniors Return Nets Pitch 6 11:00 AM Abbey Villa vs Ards Academy Return Nets Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 5 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 12 October 2019 Week 6 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Ards Rangers Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs East Coast Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Killyleagh vs Portavogie Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM Ards Rangers Colts vs Donaghadee Pitch 2 9:00 AM Killyleagh Colts vs Portaferry Pitch 3 9:00 AM Bangor Swifts Colts vs Comber Rec Colts Pitch 1 10:00 AM Portavogie Jets vs Groomsport Colts Pitch 2 10:00 AM Abbey Villa Jets vs Holywood Colts Pitch 3 10:00 AM Castle Colts vs Ballywalter Colts Pitch 1 11:00 AM Portaferry Colts vs Bangor Rangers Colts Pitch 2 11:00 AM No Fixture vs No Fixture Pitch 3 11:00 AM Bangor Rangers Jets vs Abbey Villa Colts Londonderry Park (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 11:00 AM Holywood vs Ballywalter Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Bangor YM vs Bangor Swifts Return Nets Pitch 3 11:00 AM Comber Rec vs East Coast Return Nets Pitch 4 11:00 AM Castle Juniors vs Portavogie Colts Pitch 5 11:00 AM Ards Academy vs Groomsport Pitch 6 11:00 AM Abbey Villa vs Bangor Rangers Correct as of: 2nd Sep 2019 6 NDA SSG 2010 Fixtures (2019-20) Block 1 - (Sep, Oct & Nov) 19 October 2019 Week 7 2010 Age Group (7-a-side) Bangor Aurora (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games MUST finish 5min before the hour Pitch 1 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 2 9:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Set Up Nets Pitch 1 10:00 AM 2011 Fixture vs 2011 Fixture Pitch 2 10:00 AM Castle Ladies vs Holywood Pitch 1 11:00 AM Castle Ladies Colts vs Portaferry Colts Return Nets Pitch 2 11:00 AM Portavogie vs Ards Academy Return Nets Bangor Sportsplex (3G) x3 periods of 15min - all games
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