2007 Buyers’ Guide Buying for Ultra-Broadband The best places to buy equipment, software, construction and design services for Cable, Telcos, and Government re you a developer seeking a Fiber-to-the-Home net- fiber to increase bandwidth. Ethernet technology is making it work provider? Are you at an independent telephone easier for vendors to mix-and-match copper technologies with Acompany, investigating ideas for serving your custom- fiber as well, especially on the side of the network closest to ers quadruple-play fiber? Are you a municipal official or Private customers – the first mile. Cable Operator having trouble with VoIP or data quality of service? Are you searching for content, or for a merger partner? We’ve arranged the guide for easy clip-and-save, but it is also on Are you a contractor thinking about blown fiber or directional line at www.bbpmag.com. Visit us there as well. drilling to avoid digging up streets for a fiber overbuild? Next month: Our expanded annual guide to programming This Buyers’ Guide is for you. content. Don’t miss it. This year’s guide is our biggest yet, 161 companies – more than double last year’s guide. The big increase is in firms offering In the index table, featured suppliers are in boldface. Fiber-to-the-Home or other fiber services specifically – 132 this year, almost triple the 49 we listed last November. Most firms About the Authors servicing the FTTx market also serve the telecommunications Staff members participating in the production of this section in- and cable industries. In fact, all broadband providers look to cluded Irene Gonzales, Phil Cook and Brooke Mercer. Buyers’ Guide Abbreviations and Technical Terms Private Cable Operators, MSOs (Multiple or independent franchise Cable Operators, using coax at the premises, but often using fiber Cable to the neighborhood or curb. Construction Includes design services as well as construction, for developers, property owners, and/or system builders. Distributor Most distributors are also value-added resellers, providing design, specification, and product integration services. Fiber, almost always to the home or premises, but also to the curb or neighborhood. Can include telephone, data, video and other FTTx services. Sells substantial volume to state or federal government. In the fiber world, Homeland Security and the Department of Defense are Government major purchasers. Hospital Specialized, high-reliability. Does not necessarily include assisted-living facilities (see MDU). Hospitality Typically hotel-room video and broadband data services. MDU Multiple dwelling unit structure. In this guide, includes MTUs, assisted living, academic campus, or multi-tenant office buildings. Municipalities Can include municipal-run systems for residents, or only for town services such as emergency response. Private Cable Operator; typically a supplier of video to an apartment complex or college dorm, but almost always offering data PCO services and sometimes phone services as well. Usually refers to video programming, or to on-screen programming guides, but may refer to special network functions; see specific Programming listings for details. RF Distribution of video services over cable or fiber, using an analog signal rather than direct Ethernet. System management and billing software. Does not include software that is inherent with standard Ethernet functions such as Software remote management of a multi-service access point (MSAP). Supplier of (at a minimum) voice services, either switched or VoIP, as a RBOC (former Regional Bell Operating Company), ILEC (Incum- Telco bent Local Exchange Carrier), or CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier). Wireless Cellular, WiFi and WiMAX systems, indoors or metro-area. Can include fiber-based backhaul. NOVEMBER 2006 | www.broadbandproperties.com | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | 33 2007 Buyers’ Guide FTTx Telcos Wireless Wireless Software Cable TV Cable Hospitality PCO/MDU Inside plant Municipality Outside plant Test equipment Test Opto-electronics Design/construct Structured wiring Company Netwrk services/programming 180 Connect Network Services ˚ ¸ : ´ w ∂ C : ✤ ▲ ✭ ■ ♣ ♠ 3M ¸ ∂ ✤ ♠ 3SAE Technologies ¸ ∂ C ▲ ♠ Adams Global Communications ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ∂ C : ▲ ADC ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ w ∂ C : ✤ ✭ Adesta ˚ ¸ : w ∂ C : ▲ ✭ ♣ ADVA Optical Networking ¸ ▲ Advanced Media Technologies ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ´ w ∂ ▲ ♠ AFL Telecommunications ˚ ¸ : w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ✭ ■ ♣ ♠ Alcatel ¸ ♥ w ▲ Alliance Fiber Optic Products ¸ ∂ Allied Telesis ˚ ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C ▲ ✭ Alloptic ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ´ w ▲ Alpha Technologies ˚ ¸ : ´ w ∂ C : Amedia Networks ¸ C ✤ ✭ American Polywater Corporation ˚ ¸ ♥ w ∂ C ✤ ♣ American Power Conversion ¸ w ✤ ♣ Anritsu Instruments ¸ : ♥ w ∂ : ♠ Antronix ˚ ¸ ´ w ∂ ▲ APA Cables & Networks ¸ : w ∂ C : ✤ Applied Micro Circuits ¸ : : ▲ ✭ Applied Optoelectronics ¸ : µ ▲ Aptiv Digital µ ■ Arnco ˚ ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C ♣ Artel Video Systems µ ▲ Astec Underground ¸ w ♣ ATCi ˚ ¸ : ´ w ∂ C ♣ ♠ Atlantic Engineering Group ¸ w ∂ C ▲ ♣ ATX ˚ : ´ w ∂ C : ▲ Bechtel Telecommunications ¸ : w ∂ : ▲ ✭ ♣ ♠ Blonder Tongue Laboratories ˚ ¸ µ ´ w ∂ ▲ ♣ x Bookham ¸ ♥ ▲ ˚ ¸ : µ ´ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ♣ ♠ Bravo Communications Broadcom ˚ ¸ : ∂ C : 34 | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | www.broadbandproperties.com | NOVEMBER 2006 FTTx Telcos Wireless Wireless Software Cable TV Cable Hospitality PCO/MDU Inside plant Municipality Outside plant Test equipment Test Opto-electronics Design/construct Structured wiring Company Netwrk services/programming BroadLight ¸ ♥ ∂ C ■ Broadweave Networks ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ∂ ♣ C9 Networks ˚ : µ ´ w C : ▲ ✭ ■ Cable Technologies International ˚ ¸ : µ ´ w ∂ : ▲ ♠ Calient Networks ˚ ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C ▲ ✭ Calix ˚ ¸ ♥ w ▲ ✭ ♣ Canon USA Broadcast & Communications Div. : : Carlon ˚ ¸ : ´ w ∂ C ✤ Casero ˚ : w ∂ : ■ ♣ CCI ˚ ¸ ´ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ✭ ♣ C-COR ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ∂ ▲ ✭ ■ Centillium Communications ¸ ∂ C ▲ ✭ Channell ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ∂ CipherOptics ¸ : ♥ ✭ ClearMesh Networks : ∂ Codale Electric Supply ¸ w ∂ C ✤ ♠ Comverse Netcentrex Converged IP ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w : ✭ ■ Communications Condux International ¸ ∂ C Corning Cable Systems ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ∂ C : ✤ ♣ ♠ CP Technologies ¸ : ♥ µ ´ C : ✤ Daniels & Associates ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ Direct Optical Research ¸ ♠ Ditch Witch; Charles Machine Works ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ♣ DragonWave : w : Draka Comteq ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ w ∂ C ✤ DynamicCity ¸ w ✭ ■ ♣ EMBARQ Logistics ¸ : w ∂ C : ✤ ▲ ✭ ♣ ♠ Emerson Network Power – Energy Systems North ˚ ¸ : ´ w ∂ : ✤ ▲ ✭ ♣ America Enablence ¸ ▲ Entrisphere ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ▲ Ericsson ˚ ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C : ▲ ✭ ■ ETI Software Solutions ¸ ♥ µ ´ w ■ NOVEMBER 2006 | www.broadbandproperties.com | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | 35 2007 Buyers’ Guide FTTx Telcos Wireless Wireless Software Cable TV Cable Hospitality PCO/MDU Inside plant Municipality Outside plant Test equipment Test Opto-electronics Design/construct Structured wiring Company Netwrk services/programming Evertz Microsystems ˚ ¸ µ ▲ ♠ EXFO ˚ ¸ ♥ w ♠ Fiber Optic Association, The ˚ ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C ✤ ♣ Fiberdyne Labs ¸ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ♣ ♠ Fujitsu Network Communications ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ∂ : ▲ ✭ ■ ♣ General Machine Products ˚ ¸ w ∂ C ✤ ♣ Great Lakes Data Systems ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ■ HDNet ♥ µ ✭ Hitachi Telecom (USA) ˚ ¸ : w ∂ C : ▲ ♣ HomeMovie Corp., dba stashSpace.com ♥ µ ✭ InfiniSys ˚ ¸ : ∂ C : ✤ ♣ JDSU ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ w ♠ JFW Industries : : ✭ ♠ Kingfisher International ˚ ¸ ♥ ´ w ♠ Krell Technologies ¸ ♥ µ w ∂ C KT Communication ♥ µ ´ w ✭ Light Brigade, The ¸ ♥ w ∂ C ▲ ♠ Light Connection, The ¸ w C ✤ Lightguide Productions ¸ ♥ w ∂ C ▲ LTS Group ¸ ♥ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ✭ ♣ MagicBox ˚ ♥ µ ✭ Martin Group ¸ ♥ ✭ ■ ♣ Mega Hertz ¸ ♥ µ ▲ ✭ ♣ ♠ MET Laboratories ¸ : ♥ µ ∂ C : ▲ ✭ MetaSwitch ˚ ¸ ♥ w C ✭ ■ Michels Communications ¸ ♥ µ ∂ Mohawk ¸ ´ w ∂ C ✤ Montclair Fiber Optics ¸ µ w ∂ C ▲ MRV Communications ˚ : ´ w : ▲ Multicom ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ´ w ∂ C ▲ ♣ ♠ NCS Industries ˚ : µ w ∂ : ▲ ♠ NEC ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ w : ▲ NEPTCO ˚ ¸ w ∂ C North American Cable Equipment ˚ µ ∂ ✤ ♠ 36 | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | www.broadbandproperties.com | NOVEMBER 2006 FTTx Telcos Wireless Wireless Software Cable TV Cable Hospitality PCO/MDU Inside plant Municipality Outside plant Test equipment Test Opto-electronics Design/construct Structured wiring Company Netwrk services/programming Northstar ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ■ NuVisions (a Telkonet company) ˚ : : ✤ ✭ Occam Networks ¸ ♥ w ∂ ✭ OFS ˚ ¸ ♥ µ w ∂ C ♣ Omega Optics ¸ ♥ w ∂ ▲ Optical Cable Corporation ¸ ´ w ∂ C Optical Design Manufacturing ¸ ♥ µ w ♠ Opticomm ¸ µ ´ w ∂ C ▲ ✭ ♣ Optoway Technology ¸ ♥ ∂ ▲ OZ Optics ¸ ∂ C ▲ ♠ PacketFront ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ▲ ✭ ■ ♣ Pannaway Technologies ¸ ♥ µ w ∂ C ♣ PCT International ˚ ¸ ♥ µ ´ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ♣ Power & Telephone Supply ¸ : ♥ ´ w ∂ C : ✤ ♠ Preformed Line Products ˚ ¸ ∂ ✤ Quanta Services ¸ : w ∂ C : ♣ RAD Data Communications ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w : ▲ ✭ Redcom ♥ ∂ ✭ ■ Remee Wire and Cable ¸ w ∂ C ✤ Sabritec : µ C SCCI w ♣ Spot On Networks ˚ : ♥ ´ w : ✭ Stratos International ˚ ¸ ♥ w ∂ ♠ Streamlined Home ¸ : : ▲ ♣ Structured Cabling Association ¸ ✤ Sumitomo Electric Lightwave ˚ ¸ ∂ C ✤ SureWest Communications ¸ : ♥ µ ∂ : ✭ SY TEK ¸ ∂ C ✤ ▲ ♣ Talley Communications : : ♠ Tandberg Television ¸ ♥ µ ✭ ♣ Team Fishel ˚ ¸ : w ∂ C : ✤ ✭ ♣ Telco Systems ˚ ¸ : ♥ µ ´ w ∂ C : ▲ Telecast Fiber Systems ¸ µ ✭ Telect ˚ ¸ : ♥ w ∂ C : ✤ ▲ ♣ NOVEMBER 2006 | www.broadbandproperties.com | BROADBAND PROPERTIES | 37 2007 Buyers’ Guide FTTx Telcos Wireless Wireless Software Cable TV Cable Hospitality PCO/MDU Inside plant Municipality Outside plant Test equipment Test Opto-electronics Design/construct Structured wiring Company Netwrk services/programming Tellabs ˚ ¸ : w ∂ : ▲ ✭ ■ TelStrat ¸ ♥ w ∂ ▲ ■ Tetra Tech ♥ w ♣ Toner Cable Equipment ˚ ¸ ´ w ∂ C ✤ ▲ ♣ ♠ Transition Networks ¸ : ♥ ▲
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