MEMORIAL HALL LIBRARY ANDOVER, f ' he ndover ownsman f A Anilo.rr m rrw hrri ami Aral, laal — Ihr manly, straight fury* art), an bar. pair In MrT Nrw England Town— I’lllLLirS ItllOOk* ONK YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 5, 1 9 3 6 VOLUME XLIX NUMBER School Employees This Sober Town Conduct Services LOCAL NEWS NOTES Abbot Graduation Resign Positions ' hats About You and Us on Memorial Day Miss Sarcnia Clark is ill at her home at Exercises Start j Unemployment Situation a n d th e Andover observed Memorial Day last 69 Park street. i |, • Folks Here In Andover The annual Abbot academy (ommcncc- Superintendent Snnl.nrn Aguin Saturday with its usual splendid turnout Hyman Krinsky of Kim street is a patient ment Week will start tonight with a school Unable to Attend School both for the parade and the exercises nt the at the Lawrence General hospital. rally at 7.45, including step-singing. Shows No Change various cemeteries. Starting off at the library V k-FI U ;’URE W.—Maybe it was the Bourd Meeting 'I he program for the rest of the week fol­ where Rev. Alfred C. Church gave a stirring David Scott of Harding street is confined lows: lit'al Mai " > i as the Princeton influence, patriotic address against such groups as the to the Lawrence General hospital. Superintendent of Schools Henry (’. San­ Saturday—Alumnae Day Third Shift in Mills Dropped and Only Few Working gut whatever etu ed it, it certainly was in­ Black Legion and those who refuse to salute born who has been ill in Franklin, N. H. for Dr. Guy W. Gilbert of Brockton was the 2..M) p.m. Almnnue .Association annual meet- teresting whUcit > ‘ed. the flag, the parade went to the Memorial in Seeond Shifts—Government Work several weeks, will probably be unable to guest of his brother. Architect Perley F. inn lhe boys had n limshcd supper, the Tower where Dr. Fuess spoke and then to the usual lym- of repast .-,'icn the fun began in return to Andover before the end of the school Gilbert, over the holiday week-end. Reception in honor of the graduat­ at a Minimum various cemeteries. ing claM the quadrangle just oi i dem street VVedncs- year. At the April meeting of the school The programs: John J. Bolten, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Iroard Mr. Sanborn asked for a two weeks’ 6.15 p.r Alumnae banquet Mill windows which were ablaze with light day nil; lib Oil to threat* Si rod a dorm named On Steps—At Memorial Hall Library Bolten of South Main street will graduate H 30 p.r after tin man who is n ytlied and at times leave of absence with the hope that he could Draper Dramatics in Davis hall every night a year ago are this month again Onward Christian Soldiers Band tomorrow from Stony Brook school. Sunday—Baccalaureate Sunday Officers Elected ji,reputed to have taken a rii<e from Boston recuperate from a throat ailment, but his Roll Call of the Dead in darkness as the town facet an unemploy­ condition was more serious than was at first Properties of all descriptions listed to sell. 10.45 a.in. Commencement sermon at the to Lexington one night long a t , ;n the north­ Frederick E. Cheever, Lemon Chaplain ment situation that is in marked contrast to thought. He missed the May meeting of the One to lease, with option of buying. Apply to South church by Rev. Sidney by Mothers’ Club east stood a science hall named ftcr one of Taps Legion Bugle and Drum Corps the hopeful conditions of June, 1935. The school board, the first meeting he had missed Miss Thornes, Rocky Hill road, Andover. Lovett, chaplain of Vale Uni­ Mrs. Alexander Crocket was elected presi­ third snift in the mills has been done away America’s greatest, Sam M o r i; t1..* old sem­ Address and Prayer Rev. Alfred C. Church versity inary building dedicated to r. -rory of in his long term here, and on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Eckman have dent of the Mothers’ club at the annual with, and only part of the second shifts are r ■ 7.30 p.m. Commencement concert in Davis old Eliphalet Pearson stood in the mn • Sweat. he was again unable to attend. Memorial Tower at Phillips Academy moved from 1 Kensington street to the meeting held Wednesday in the drawing­ running. hall room at the high school. Other officers elected But tin re on the west was Day hrII, . .it of A t the meeting Tuesday the resignation of Address Dr. Claude M. Fuess. Headmaster Caronel. Arrangements were made by Fred E. There has !>cen considerable demand for Monday—Commencement Day were: First vice-president, Mrs. Fred L. one window of which fluttered a H • wirH a Miss Helen Sargent, teacher, anil Miss Mar­ Placing of Wreath on Tower Base Cheever. work from the Board of Public Works but Frederick E. Cheever 10 30 a.m. Tree and ivy planting Collins; second vice-president, Mrs. J. swastika! ion Hardy, superintendent's clerk, were ac­ even the regular B.P.W. workers who have cepted. with regrets and best wishes. Both Salute Legion Firing Squad Mrs. David Milne and family of Cuba II.00a.m . Graduation exercises at the South Aubrey Polgreen; secretary, Mrs. Walter S. lxen employed by the town for twenty years Orators there were galore-wanting their r AT Taj>s Legion Bugle and Drum Corps street attended a dance recital Wednesday church. Address by Rev. James Downs; treasurer, Mrs. Asa Stocks; auditor, are only working four days a week. There arc evening that was held at the Eggleston Gordon Gilkey, D.D., minister of Mrs. Henry S. Albers; directors, Mrs. Annie no big projects this year which would take up the“dmc^l^^tUure^wui—wanting* theJr *«‘h . West Center school, is also resigningresigning At Boulder in Old South Cemetery Theatre in Boston. the South Congregational church, P. Davis, chairman; Mrs. James C. Soutcr some of the employment slack as did the for the same reason, but her resignation had V. F\ W. Ritual under Commander Alex Blamirc memorial tower now rather than later. But not lx*en received by the committee at the Springfield, M ass. and Mrs. Paul Simeone; flowers and cards, Salem street job last year. they didn’t get their bonus, they didn’t get Prayer Rev. Frederick B. Nous Miss Sara R. Dean of Andover was named 12 30 p.m. Commencement luncheon time of the meeting. as a member of the honorary intramural co-ed Mrs. Harold S. C ates; press correspondent, The town’s W.P.A. quota is 101, which in­ their,li,.ir lower. All they got was cheers of the Salute Lesion Firing Squad Mrs. Alexander Crocket; relief committee, On the written recommendation of Mr. archery team at an Honors Day Exercises at cludes 24 women engaged in the sewing pro­ u*ual tyi>e which shortly Irecamc cheers of a Top* Lesion Bugle and Drum Corps Mrs. Fred L. Collins, chairman; Mrs. Walter Sanborn, Miss Wilma Corliss was named Rollins college this week. Strawberry Festival at ject. Twenty men were this week taken from type familiarly associated with a borough superintendent’s clerk. She will start her West Parish Cemetery S. Downs, Mrs. Asa Stocks and Mrs. Alexan­ the Love joy road farm-to-market project down New York way. duties Tuesday and will work with Miss ProRram at Renny Lot James Finno, thirteen-v ear-old son of Mr. South Church June 11 der Crocket. and transferred to a state highway project. and Mrs. John Finno of 5 Harding street, It was voted to continue holding matinee Adolf was there; it’s fairly easy to similate Hardy until the end of the school year. British Veterans Ritual A strawberry festival will be held on the Some W.P.A. men are working on the Bal- a Hitler mustache but nobody evidently A special meeting will he called in the near Prayer Rev. Charles W. Henry returned home Tuesday after being confined whist jwirties during the summer to enable lardvale playstead and some on a Greenwood to the Lawrence General hospital for ten days lawns of the South church Thursday evening, the club to take care of all the needy cases could match the jaws of Benito. Then there future to act on bids for summer repair work Salute LeRion Firing Squad June 11, from six to eight o’clock. road water extension. was an old-timer with a musket and bayonet. and probably also on the new teacher ap­ British Last Post BuRler David Robb as a result of serious injuries sustained when and welfare work which it is called upon to do. The only large ILP.VV. job in prospect is a bus hit him. The time was carefully chosen so that The club will hold a party on June 15 at The latest report from the Isham infirmary pointments. Another matter to be taken up Legion Program in Front of Chapel everyone, including those who work in the River road reconstruction, but the would seem to indicate that neither musket will be the management of the new cafeteria Prayer Rev. Newman Matthews Stanley Cleveland, son of Mrs. S. M. the summer home of the president, ( amp county and state allotments have not yet Boston, will have an opportunity to enjoy Linger Long at Haggetts pond. A basket or bayonet was used.
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