December, 1922 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. Redwood Special Sawn ?i| Shingles rpHESE new style sawn shingles are fast com- -L ing into use for side walls of residences in the Middle West and in the East. They are 24 inches or 26 inches long, as desired, both sizes being 5K inches wide and $4 inch thick at the butt. Laid 13 inches to the weather and painted, they give the ap- of wide as will be seen from the pearance clapboards, Redwood Special illustration. Sawn Shingles Sawn from clear Redwood and properly seasoned, these shingles do not warp. They take paint well and hold it indefinitely. They are recommended for high class resi- dential work, where their ultimate economy will be proved by a practically unlimited period of service. Redwood should be for While Redwood adds greatly to the permanent soundness specified and of any frame structure, it can be had at Exterior Construction appearance Including- -Colonial siding, prices little higher than for lumber which cannot compare clapboards, shingles, door with Redwood in of clear ters, eaves, water tables rot-resistance, percentage and mudsills-porch rail. balusters and columns- lumber, uniformity, or freedom from shrinking, warping pickets and fencing per- or swelling. Kolas and greenhouses. Interior Finish For the convenience oj architects and builders, we have Natural, stained or painted recently issued our "Construction Digest" and our "Engineer- Wood Block Floors. ing Digest" which either our New York or Chicago office will Industrial Uses gladly forward, together with additional Tanks and vats for any information water,- which desire. Write for them. chemicals and oil fac- you may tory roofs and gutters- wood block flooring. CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO Wood Specialties 2069 McCormick Bldg. 311 California St. Suchas -Caskets and bur- NEW YORK ial boxesincubators and LOS ANGELES ice cream cabinets cigar 830 No. 40 Rector St. Bldg. Central Bldg. 6th and Main Sts. and candy boxes, etc. THE PACIFIC LUMBER CO. of Illinois THE PACIFIC LUMBER CO. Railroad Uses Such as-Railroad ties and wire conduits and water tanks-car siding and roof- Qfp Pacific Lumber Co. ing. Farm and Dairy Uses Such as--Silos, tanks and troughs hog feeders and implement sheds wood block floors, etc. The Largest Manufacturers and Distributors of California Redwood 'The Western wood for Eastern homes' THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. December, Yout fireplaces The tapering throat at the top of the fireplace gives force to the draft. It is like the nozzle of a hose. Torct to water. Strength Dntft 'SarncPrinciplc Some builders are unfamiliar with the correct meth- ods of fireplace construction. Their fireplaces with no pretense of throats or with improperly constructed throats are sluggish, smoky and useless for heating purposes. But when the architect specifies the Peerless Dome Damper, the builder is provided with an iron form around which he must build. The throat is automati- cally given the proper width, height and taper. The opening into the chimney may be contracted or en- larged as necessary to conform to the size of the flue and interior air conditions. Write for working drawings and complete dimension tables pEEPLESS ^NUFACTURING @ Operated from chimney breast at right LOUISVILLE, KxU&A. of fireplace, as In illustration above. The dampers are Identical except In mean* of operation, which are interchanyeabla Largest manufacturers offireplace equipment in the world P EERLESS DOME DAMPERS The Architectural Record December, 1922 No. 291. Published Monthly $3.00 a Year 119 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter May 22, 1922, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in U. S. A. December, 1922 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. Saves 400 trips to the basement every heating season year architects find new desired point, when the drafts close. EVERYways to make living more com- There is nothing you can add to a fortable. In every part of the home hot-water heating system that will able to about they have been bring do so much toward making it oper- that have meant real refinements ate as it should, and the daily saving progress. of coal soon pays for its cost. And now comes this ARCO Water You wouldn't accept a steam boiler Regulator that saves half the trips without a Steam Regulator. The to the basement to regulate dampers. ARCO Water Regulator is as neces- sary to the hot-water With it the water in boiler as the steam reg- the system may be kept A RCOJunior Water Reg - ulator is to the steam at desired ** any temper- ulator keeps the tem- boiler. ature between 100 and perature in the hot-water supply boiler at any point When you make 220 degrees. When desired between 120 and ARCO Water Regula- the temperature of the 180. It can be easily in- stalled in any hot-water tor part of your speci- water the supply boiler old or new decreases, fications, you are go- and it not saves coal drafts only automatically but keeps the fire from ing along waytowards open. The temperature burning out. insuring real comfort rises until it reaches the for your clients. ARCO-Water Regulator AMERICAN RADIATORCOMPANY IDEAL Boilers and AMEKJCA^C, Radiators for every heating need 1807 Elmwood Avenue Dept. W-120 Buffalo, N.Y. THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. December, 1922 A Steel "Hand Tailored" Boiler Each and every Kewanee Boiler is a "hand tailored" boiler. Each boiler is cut out individually, from ac- curate steel patterns, and each rivet is individually driven with tremendous hydraulic pressure. Each piece of steel plate that goes into a Kewanee Boiler is carefully se- lected. And after the boiler is built it is given a pressure test far in excess of any pressure at which it will ever be Hydraulic operated. The result of all this is unquestioned strength and durability. We don't know how long Kewanee Boilers will last we have only been making them 30 years. KEWANEE, ILLINOIS Steel Heating Boilers, Radiators, Tanks, Water Heating Garbage Burners BRANCHES: CHICAGO Washington and Market SU. SALT LAKE CITY 204 Dooly Bldg. NSW YORK 47 W. 42nd 81 MILWAUKEE DBS MOINE8 315 Hubbell BldK. 835 Merch. * Mfn. Bldg. KANSAS CITY 2014 Wyandotte St. PITTSBURGH 945 Olirer Bldg. INDIANAPOLIS DENVER 514 Boston Bldg. 509-10 Occidental Bids. DALLAS 809 Southwestern Life BldK. ST. LOUIS 1212 Chemical Bldg. DETKOIT 1772 Lafayette Bird. MINNEAPOLIS TOLEDO 1121-22 Nicholas Bldg. 708 Builders Exchange CLEVELAND 706 Roae Bldg. COLUMBUS ATLANTA 1524-25 Candler Bldg. 808 First Nat'I Bank BldK. SAN FRANCISCO 72 Fremont St. CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVES The Dominion Radiator Co., Ltd. Toronto. Ont., Montreal. Qua., Winnipeg, Man. Hamilton, Ont. St. John. N. B., Calgary, Alt*. December, 1922 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. Library, W. L. Velle Residence, Moline, 111. Architects, Le Beaume & Klein, St. Louis, Mo. NUMBER S I X O F SERIES Putting Human Feeling Into Walls American Walnut was The mantel, of walnut, is chosen for this room, say exquisitely carved in the the the designing architects, Renaissance manner, red Numid- "because of its richness of fireplace being ian marble. The walnut fur- color and appropriateness niture is Italian Renaissance, in the scheme of de- general although period is not close- sign." ly observed. Hangings and The character of the upholstery are wine-colored, house, a show place of the the carpet in the same tone, Middle West, is Italian Ren- blending delightfully with aissance. The chief orna- the walnut wall panels. mentations in the library are The ensemble feeling of the heavily coffered ceiling the room is warm and pleas- and the fireplace. The dec- ant, with a rare touch of orative frieze between cor- quiet and seclusion, sooth- nice and wainscot consists of ing and refreshing by its a repeated motif painted on sheer artistic merit. canvas in dull gold and sub- Like their masters of old, dued reds and blues. The leading architects today find same colors are used, with in walnut the most satisfac- different design, between the tory medium for furniture solid walnut beams in the and interior finish, combin- ceiling, whose mouldings and ing its fourfold virtues of soffits are also treated in being light, stable, durable these colors. and handsomely figured. "The Walnut Book" and "Real Walnut Furniture" Will Interest Every Architect The first an accurate treatise on the development of walnut furniture and woodwork through the ages; the second an example of educational literature distributed to the public. Copies mailed free to architects, archi- tectural firms, schools, societies or technical and professional libraries. Room 1001, 616 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. December, 1922 REZNOR r GAS BATHROOM HEATER MEMBERS THE NATIONAL TRADE EXTENSION BUREAU OF THE PLUMBING AND HEATING INDUSTRT The Problem of Bathroom Heating Solved The Reznor Bathroom Heater is a perma- nent installation, burning either natural or artificial gas. It supplies instantly the extra heat needed for bathing, dressing or shaving. The Reznor Bathroom Heater may be in- stalled in houses already built, but should not be omitted in any new home where either natural or artificial gas is available, and should be included in the blueprints and specifications. The Reznor is easily installed in any stand- ard stud partition. It occupies no floor-space, is handsomely finished in permanent white por- Write for this book giving celain enamel to match the fixtures, and is the complete information and of this kind on the list only appliance accepted standard specifications for of the underwriters' laboratory, established installation of the Reznor and maintained by the National Board of Fire Bathroom Heater. Underwriters. Reznor Manufacturing Company 51 Main Street, Mercer, Pa. EgiaMiEiMg^lff^^ December, 1922 WESTERN VENETIAN BLINDS Installed in the Salesroom of the (jencral Cigar Co.
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