S t r a t e g i c P l a n 2021 - 2025 Municipal Council of Roxby Downs Australia's most highly regarded mining town Acknowledgement of Tr a d i ti o n a l O w n e r s Legend explaining the elements of the Kokatha painting We acknowledge we are part of Kokatha land and recognise the Kokatha people as the traditional and continuing custodians of the land. This painting represents Roxby Downs, the Kokatha traditional owners are welcoming people from different communities and countries that come to Roxby Downs to live, work, visit or pass through . INTRODUCTION The Municipal Council of Roxby Downs is pleased to present the The community’s remote location, fluid population (≈ 20% churn per year) and Strategic Plan 2021-2025. It is the overarching document which guides interdependence with BHP’s Olympic Dam operations mean that there are Council’s planned operational activities and priorities over the next 5 many external influences outside of Council’s control. Having a plan that years. accommodates shifting priorities is critical for success. For this reason, the time horizon for this Plan is only 5 years. At the time of compiling the Plan, the COVID-19 pandemic has markedly impacted the Australian Community at every level. Content for this Plan has been informed by the extensive consultation that occurred in the development of the Roxby Downs Community Development As the focal point of contact within the community, Council recognises Plan 2020-2022. This document presents a further opportunity for community the key role it plays in supporting local businesses and community during consultation prior to consideration and adoption by Council. this extraordinary time and the future impacts it may have, In Roxby Downs, we recognise that change is constant, as a result Council Council will support important strategic priorities that will position Roxby has evolved into a flexible, responsive and resilient organisation. We look Downs for the recovery and the future beyond the pandemic with prudent forward to working with the Community, BHP, State Government and key strategic investment to ensure sustainability and resilience are at the stakeholders to achieve the aspirations and purposes outlined in this Plan. forefront of our approach and thinking. This plan is a dynamic document that Council will review from time to time. As we better understand the impact of COVID-19 on the medium Geoff Whitbread and short-term future, and the changing and emerging needs of the Administrator community, Council will further evolve and adapt its organisational response in line within the strategic framework and themes that we have proposed. The Plan shares Council’s aspirations and our approach to achieve the best outcomes for the community. We will continue to focus on the factors that contribute to the quality of life of our residents, enhancing our customer service and value proposition and the sustainability of our assets. OUR COMMUNITY Roxby Downs is located in outback South Australia, 560kms north-northwest of Adelaide. Covering an area of 110 square kilometres, the municipality operates as a service centre for BHP’s Olympic Dam operations. Roxby Downs also acts as a regional hub for the nearby towns of Andamooka and Woomera, and neighbouring pastoral stations. In addition to traditional municipal services, Council is also the authority responsible for delivering the town’s power and water supply through purchasing Roxby Downs contracts with BHP. South Australia Due to the highly mobile nature of employment within the mining and resources sector and with a strong fly in fly out (FIFO)/drive in drive out (DIDO) workforce, a high population turnover in Roxby Downs is a constant factor. This transience creates both challenges and opportunities for Council’s operations. The community’s unique demographic composition with a high proportionate representation of children and low numbers of senior citizens, means there is a corresponding focus on facilities and services for the younger age groups. However, Council recognises the importance of addressing the needs of all people in our community and continues to develop appropriate programs and facilities that cater for all ages. Estimated resident population with a transient population* of ≈4 ,500 approximately 500 persons *(FIFO/DIDO workers) Median age of resident 30y ears population Number of children and young people ≈ 3 0 % aged under 18 years S o u r c e : www.abs.gov.au and https://profile.id.com.au/roxby - d o w n S 2018 ( r o u n d e d ) STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK T h e S t r a t e g i c P l a n is t h e overarching d o c u m e n t t h a t g u i d e s C o u n c i l ’ s w o r k p r i o r i t i e s, g r o u p p l a n s and individual performance p l a n s. • Regi onal Publ i c Heal th Plan • A n n u a l B u d g e t • Quarterly B u d g e t Rev iews • Asset Management Plan • A n n u a l Business Plan • Operational Plans S T R AT E G I C PLAN • Long Term Financial Plan • 6 Month Report Cards 2021-25 • C o m m u n i t y Development Plan PRODUCTIVITY Council utilises a range of key performance indicators and benchmarking data to support decision-making and to evaluate performance. REPORTING Council uses quantitative, financial and qualitative and non-financial measures to analyse and assess performance against specified objectives. Regular reporting includes: • Quarterly financial reviews to Council and the independent Audit Committee • Annual Report and a range of statutory reports to Government agencies (eg: Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA), Environment Protection Authority (EPA), SA Health) • 6 monthly Report Card • Council reports, social and audio media • Frequent consultation with the Department of Energy and Mining and BHP COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS ENVIRONMENT & LEADERSHIP & HEALTH & COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE WELLBEING VIBRANCY An organisation t h a t A p l a c e w h i c h p r o v i d e s A v i b r a n t , a c t i v e , A t o w n w h i c h r e sp e c t s has a c u l t u r e o f serv i ces and facilities t o i n c l u s i v e and engaging i ts environment a n d accountability , a s s i s t our community to c o m m u n i t y t h a t f o st e rs o f f er s practical improvement and achieve positive connections b e t w e e n initiatives t h a t b e n e f i t a c t s w i t h a set of w e l l b e i n g o u t c o m e s . c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s . t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d s h a r e d v a l ue s and p r e se r v es t h e behavioural environment s t a n d a r d s . INFRASTRUCTURE ECONOMIC & ESSENTIAL COMMUNITY COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICES T i m e l y a n d consistent P r o v i d e efficient P r o v i d e q u a l i t y , The needs of our professional serv i ces t o t h e b u si n e ss contemporary , v a l u e f o r diverse community communication t h a t s e c t o r w h i c h w i l l m o n e y community are supported by the e n g a g e s c o m m u n i t y , contribute t o t h e i r assets and serv i ces. delivery of b usine ss a n d o t h e r success i n o u r l o c a l W e w i l l f o c u s o n responsive and stakeholders . e c o n o m y . sustainable relevant community F a c i l i t a t e opportunities infrastructure a n d s e r v i c e s . f o r c o m m e n t a n d i n p u t i n e sse n t i a l serv i ces. d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g . OUR ASPIRATION, VALUES & GUIDING PRINCIPLES OUR ASPIR AT ION Australia's most highly regarded mining town Policy, legislative Indenture , and regulatory BHP, State environment G o ve r n m e n t Legitim ac y OUR PURPOSE an d Support To work with the community to plan, develop and create a township environment that is engaging, and enriches the lives of the community Community expectation OUR VALUES AND PRINCIPLES As an organisation we will: • Act with integrity and take ownership and responsibility for our decisions Pu b lic Val ue • Treat everyone with fairness and respect. We value diversity and appreciate everyone’s strengths • Take pride in delivering value to our community • Engage with our community through collaboration, understanding Po s i t i ve Increase social and/or efficiency or H u m a n Financial and inclusiveness environment effec t iven ess reso u rc es reso u rc es a l i m p a c t • Strive for continuous improvement in all our operations and seek creative solutions Public Value Op erat io n al O utc om es Capacity • Meet the changing needs and priorities of our community and continue to build organisational and community resilience Increased public ICT and o t h e r • Adopt the public value model in our decision making as depicted e n g a g e m e n t resources in the following figure Adapted from Mark Moore (1995) Creating Public Value: Strategic management in Government LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: An organisation that has a culture of accountability, improvement and acts with a set of shared values and behavioural standards Strategies LG1 We will provide accountable and transparent decision-making LG2 We will ensure systems are in place to manage risk LG3 We will use a range of communication tools to improve how information is shared, how we engage with our community and understand their needs by seeking their feedback LG4 We will work with the Roxby Downs Community, BHP and other stakeholders to progress community aspirations Key Challenges LG5 We will work with the Kokatha community to recognise their connection High population turnover with the land as the traditional owners • Competition for staff increases workforce turnover and restricts LG6 We will assist in
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