
H28 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 23, 2002 Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise though we say good-bye to him at age Mr. EVERETT (at the request of Mr. this afternoon to pay tribute to a great 94, we will not forget his contributions ARMEY) for today and the balance of American and great Arizonan. It is my to our way of life, and encompassing the week on account of official busi- sad duty, Mr. Speaker, to report to the all of that was Paul Fannin the person. ness in the district. House of Representatives that former As a private citizen, I had the privi- f United States Senator and former Ari- lege of being involved in Rotary Inter- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED zona Governor Paul Fannin passed national and being in the same club, away during our district work period Phoenix 100, as Paul Fannin. And upon By unanimous consent, permission to and holiday recess. We laid him to rest our first meeting I said, sir, please help address the House, following the legis- in Arizona last week. me with the protocol. I am confused. lative program and any special orders Mr. Speaker, Paul Fannin, a native How should I properly address you? heretofore entered, was granted to: of Arizona, a success in business, chose Should I call you Senator? Should I (The following Members (at the re- to move from the arena of business to call you Governor? He answered, oh, quest of Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas) to elected office in the year of my birth, JD, just call me Paul. In an endeavor revise and extend their remarks and in- 1958. Sworn in as Governor in 1959, he where many of us have an excessive clude extraneous material:) served 3 terms; and then upon ascen- dose of self-esteem, where the people’s Mr. SKELTON, for 5 minutes, today. sion of our favorite son, Barry M. Gold- business can often take a back seat to Ms. NORTON, for 5 minutes, today. water, to the nomination of his party headlines and photo opportunities and Mr. DOGGETT, for 5 minutes, today. for President of the United States, press conferences, the living legacy of Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, for 5 min- Paul Fannin ran and was elected to the Paul Fannin is that of a humble public utes, today. United States Senate. servant; and though we bid him fare- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, for In our history of Arizona only two well at age 94, his contributions to this 5 minutes, today. have served our State both as Governor country and to the State of Arizona (The following Members (at the re- and United States Senator. Paul will last forever. quest of Mr. AKIN) to revise and extend Fannin’s place in history is assured. f their remarks and include extraneous And yet when people think of Arizona material:) and think of Goldwater and Udall and LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mr. MORAN of Kansas, for 5 minutes, John Rhodes, they would be wise to add By unanimous consent, leave of ab- today and January 29. the name of Paul Fannin to the pan- sence was granted to: Mr. SHIMKUS, for 5 minutes, January theon of political giants from our Mr. BECERRA (at the request of Mr. 24. State. GEPHARDT) for today and the balance of Mr. WOLF, for 5 minutes, January 24. the week on account of official busi- (The following Members (at their own b 1600 ness. request) to revise and extend their re- It was Paul Fannin in the late 1950s, Mr. DICKS (at the request of Mr. GEP- marks and include extraneous mate- before it was politically correct to un- HARDT) for today on account of official rial:) derstand the role of international co- business in the district. Mr. FOLEY, for 5 minutes, today. operation and cross border cooperation Mr. DOYLE (at the request of Mr. Mr. HAYWORTH, for 5 minutes, today. and to reach out to the Mexican State GEPHARDT) for today and January 24 on f of Sonora for the Sonora Arizona con- account of a death in the family. SENATE BILLS REFERRED ference, which is now more than 40 Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon (at the request years old, not in a diminution of sov- of Mr. GEPHARDT) for today and Janu- Bills of the Senate of the following ereignty for either State or their re- ary 24 on account of personal reasons. titles were taken from the Speaker’s spective Nations, but for the Nation, Mr. KIND (at the request of Mr. GEP- table and, under the rule, referred as that people can understand and coexist HARDT) for today and January 24 on ac- follows: and prosper through trade and coopera- count of family matters. S. 392. An act to grant a Federal charter to tion. And, indeed, during his time as Mrs. NAPOLITANO (at the request of Korean War Veterans Association, Incor- governor, that may remain as Paul Mr. GEPHARDT) for today and January porated, and for other purposes; to the Com- Fannin’s greatest contribution to the 24 on account of illness. mittee on the Judiciary. S. 990. An act to amend the Pittman-Rob- State of Arizona. Mr. ORTIZ (at the request of Mr. GEP- ertson Wildlife Restoration Act to improve As United States Senator, coming HARDT) for today and the balance of the the provisions relating to wildlife conserva- here to Washington, it was the tenac- week on account of important business tion and restoration programs, and for other ity of Paul Fannin, working with, at for the district. purposes; to the Committee on Resources. that time, the Senate President pro Ms. SOLIS (at the request of Mr. GEP- S. 1099. An act to increase the criminal tempore Carl Hayden and Barry Gold- HARDT) for today and January 24 on ac- penalties for assaulting or threatening Fed- water and John Rhodes and Mo Udall count of official business in the dis- eral judges, their family members, and other to bring the Central Arizona Project trict. public servants, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. from the drawing board to life, the re- Ms. WATERS (at the request of Mr. S. 1400. An act to amend the Illegal Immi- ality that water is necessary to make GEPHARDT) for today on account of offi- gration Reform and Immigrant Responsi- the desert bloom would be there, for cial business. bility Act of 1996 to extend the deadline for jobs and for quality of life. Paul Mrs. MINK of Hawaii (at the request aliens to present a border crossing card that Fannin worked tirelessly to see that of Mr. GEPHARDT) for today on account contains a biometric identifier matching the that was done. of en route from the district. appropriate biometric characteristic of the Senator Fannin also worked tire- Mr. LUTHER (at the request of Mr. alien; to the Committee on the Judiciary. lessly on behalf of the first Americans. GEPHARDT) for today after 12:30 p.m. S. 1622. An act to extend the period of So often the first Americans, our and the balance of the week on account availability of unemployment assistance American Indians, become the forgot- of family matters. under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act in the case of ten Americans. Paul Fannin worked to Mr. BALLENGER (at the request of Mr. victims of the terrorist attacks of September maintain their sovereignty, to main- ARMEY) for today on account of meet- 11, 2001; to the Committee on Transportation tain their treaty rights. In fact, Paul ing with constituents on economic de- and Infrastructure. Fannin worked in a bipartisan way for velopment matters in the 10th district S. 1637. An act to waive certain limitations the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy of of North Carolina. in the case of use of the emergency fund au- New York. Indeed, stories recount how Mr. BURTON of Indiana (at the re- thorized by section 125 of title 23, United Senator Kennedy would come in unan- quest of Mr. ARMEY) for today and the States Code, to pay the costs of projects in nounced into the back of Paul Fannin’s balance of the week on account of ill- response to the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City that occurred on suite of offices and work on Native ness in the family. September 11, 2001; to the Committee on American issues. Mr. ENGLISH (at the request of Mr. Transportation and Infrastructure. His is a living legacy for the State of ARMEY) for today on account of attend- S. 1803. An act to authorize appropriations Arizona and for this Nation; and ing a funeral. under the Arms Export Control Act and the VerDate 10-DEC-2001 02:45 Jan 24, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JA7.062 pfrm02 PsN: H23PT1.
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