Bonnies Take Friars' Scalp—See Page Eight HOW IT STARTED: NO FAVORITISM WILL YOU BE TO ATHLETES MY VALENTINE? EVIDENT AT PC See Page 3 See Page 2 VOL. XXII, No. 11 — EIGHT PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R.I., FEBRUARY 10, 1960 10 CENTS A COPY FRIARS WIN 2nd N.I.T. BID Mullaneymen Frosh Plan Weekend; Invited Back To Tourney Committees Announced Reverend Aloysius B. IBegley, O.P., Athletic Di• Preliminary plans for the Johnston, just a few miles from ! rector, announced earlier annual Freshman Weekend the College. The unavailability 1 this week that Providence were an nou need today by of hotel space in Providence necessitated this move. College had received and Lombard Gasbarro and accepted an invitation to Maurice Bosse, co-chair- ¡ A committee will also be or- ! ganized to help plan rides for1 the National Tournament to men of the event. The resident students with day-hops. be held in New York March dates allotted to the week• Permission may be given for 10-19. end by the Student Con- ' freshmen resident students to press of the College are have cars on campus for the1 This marks the second May 13, 14, 15. The theme ; Weekend. successive year that PC, coached by Joe Mullaney, will be "Weekend on the Committees Announced has received such recogni• Riviera." The following is a list of com• mittee members for the week• tion. Providence became On Friday evening a Fresh• end. It was endeavored to have the fourth team to be tendered man Ball will be held at resident and day-hops equally a bid, and shortly after, Mem• phis State became the fifth. Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet. The or-1 represented on the commiltees. chestra for the Ball is still to: Any freshman who has not yet [ Discounting last night's en• be announced. The committee j registered for committees is counter with St. Bonaventure, will make its choice from1• urged to do so with the co- both the Friars and Memphis several New England name i! chairmen or any class officer. held identical 13-3 records. bands. The ticket committee is com• ART MASTERPIECE given to Providence College by an Earlier, Villanova, Detroit, Picnic and Dance Saturday posed of Maurice Loontgens, anonymous donor is displayed to two admiring students by and Dayton had been selected (Continued on Page 3) Saturday afternoon a picnic (Continued on Page 3} the Very Reverend Robert J. Slavin. (Story on Page Two) will be held for the freshmen and their dates. Several local i parks and beaches are under consideration for the location PURLOIN FLAGS of this event. On Saturday eve- ; Dorsey Band Drops Contract; Many of the students were ning an informal dance will be ¡ surprised yesterday when they held at PC with an orchestra approached the cafeteria and yet to be announced. saw the company flags of the Sunday morning, a Mass will Replacement Not Yet Chosen ROTC units at Brown Uni• be held in Aquinas Hall Chapel versity and the University of to close the weekend. After the I The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra der Agency of N. Y., has can- band at popular prices for the Rhode Island hanging over Mass, a breakfast will be served under the direction of Warren celled all of its engagements, Prom." the stairway. to the participants. Covington has cancelled its con for April, May and June, to; Co-chairmen John Mcllduf of The Pershing Rifle pledges, Plans are being made to tract for the Junior Prom Week• go to Hollywood to produce the the Junior Prom accommoda- as part of their training pro• end in favor of a Hollywood gram, had to "borrow" the house the girls invited by dorm music for the "Tommy Dorsey tions committee advises all jun- students from out of the state movie contract. Story" iors who are planning to attend Brown Navy flag, the Brown Air Force flag, the flag of the It the Colonial Motel which is The Dorsey band, which is Prom to rooms r Warren Covington's own con- J*. ( "*f™ £ Air Force Honor Society and located on Hartford Avenue, handled by the Willard Alexan• heir dates earl due to th tract calls for him to bow out . >'f f the flag from URI. of any engagement at his dis- Iimited number of rooms avai1' ame Eighteen p 1 e d g es were cretion. The cancellation, there- ' selected for the task and they fore, was not the doing of the • In lieu of the Sheraton- were dividel into three six- band committee. Covington's Biltmore, the committee has ac- man teams. Freshmen Elect Graham And Wall New England agent, William ¡ quired the Colonial and the. ¡lllllllllillllllllillW Kerns, has severed his connec- Golden Gate Motels on Route tion with the band and promised i 6. Both of these motels have Carolan Club Representatives an early replacement for the enough room to accommodate prom. ! the expected large crowd. The After going a semester without freshman repre• • Biltmore has been reserved by Dance Is Announced sentatives, the frosh dorm students chose Joseph Wall Another NY. agency has also the Jeweler's Convention and 1 and Robert Graham to air the voice of the class in the entered the bidding and as- Brown's Spring Weekend, For February 20th sured the band committee the Co-chairman Dick Panagrossi Carolan Club. Elections took place on January 20 in choice of several top flight ¿ j h Mcllduf have re- Joseph Cianciolo, president Raymond Hall. * — an 0 n bands. This agency handles. quested Juniors to make their . of the Cranston Club, has Joe Wall, a business major many of the nationally known reservations at their rooms, announced plans for the from Medford, Mass., had this from Centereach, New York, bands and promises to provide Stephen Hall 113 and Aquinas "Winter Frolic" to be held on to say after elections: wished to thank all the mem- one for a price considerably jjau 419 Saturday, February 20. Co- "I would like to take this bers of the class who voted for less than what was to be Coving- chairmen of the evett, Mel Stairman and Jim O'Leary. time to thank all the freshman him and stated that he would tons fee Fall River Club Gift members of the Carolan Club do his utmost to give the best have reserved the Valley The final selection will be Sec. Richard A. Costa has an- Club on the Lcdgemont for for their support and for their i to his.class, made on Wednesday by the band nounced that the Fall River great turnout on election night. | '-IT freshman dorm stu- the evening. Dancing will be any committee from a field of the Club has donated $50 to the I would also like to thank Pete d an idea or thinks of from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. ent nas five or six bands that have been library for the purpose of pur- Martin for his help in the last, something that will benefit the in the recently renovated offered, chasing books. club. most timely, snowstorm. dorm students, I certainly would Class president Charles Mc-, The choice of the books Only 75 tickets are avail• "As I have said before my y^e t0 near about it. After all, work is just beginning and I that's what representatives are Aree noted that the Covington will be left to the discretion of able. The price is $2 per cancellation, which at first had the librarian, Rev. Ernest Ho- couple. Tickets may be pur• hope to do all I can to be a ¡, ,r >• sam* j ;., ¡, worthwhile representative of the ! been a large disappointment, "islgan, O.P. It was also announced chased from Chairman freshman class." NinetyJtwo per cent of the beginning to take on the as-1 that this policy will be con- O'Leary, or one of the of• The second representative, ! freshman dorm students voted pects of a real benefit from the tinued throughout coming school ficers. There will also be a Bob Graham, a history major for the representatives. standpoint of obtaining a good | years. door prize awarded. 2 THE COWL, FEBRUARY 10, 1960 Pr«vidence College Editorial Office NIT BID... Von Braun May Appear Here (Continued from Page 1) Space Age figure Dr. Wernher Von Braun may be signed by the NIT directors, of whom MEMO FROM THE EDITOR: for a speaking engagement at Providence College, according to Kenneth Norton serves as a special three-man Congress committee investigating the chairman Norton and his selec• Last semester this writer over• matter. tion committee were no doubt heard a hall-walker wondering out loud . If Von Braun is available to appear on Sunday night. influenced by the tremendous about the academic staying power of one March 9, the student government has secured Administration showing put on by the Friars approval to sign a contract for the appearance. The scientist's in last year's tourney. member of the varsity hoop squad. The Boston booking agent will inform the committee of Von athlete in question won't ever make Braun's availability within two weeks. PC fans will recall that the summa cum laude, but his grades have been The noted German-born physicist made headlines during Mullaneymen scored upset vic• respectable. I also happen to know that I the past few years for his role in the U. S. Army's rocketry tories over Manhattan (coached by the same Norton, incidental• he got them the hard way—the honest program. He is now connected with the National Space Ad• ministration.
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