Issue1326.02.16 thegryphon.co.uk Views p.11 TheBig Debate:Should LUU Societies be allowedtoendorse Lead LUUcandidates? Science Science explore the importance of y p.15 le funding, and whyit’ssomething we ad ro too easily take for granted [Image: Teri Pengilley]mB [Image: Warner Bros Pictures] Sa Sport TheGryphon Meet JooilKim :The man In theMiddle explorewhy Howto p.19 Allthe latest news and resultsfrom •defying Pyongyang p.8 •be Single is more than just another this weeksBUCSfixtures ‘chick-flick’ITM p.15 [Image: NickRaikes] Israeli Spokesperson Sparks Protests onCampus Benjamin Cook committeestated: “Our University should obviouslybeenaheatedtopic forusall Editor-in-Chief notbeendorsing or givingaplatformtoa in thecommittee butwejustwanttosay representativeofanoccupying force. that it wasashame that POLISmembers MembersofLeeds University Union’s ‘How canwesit back andallow this to were denied thechance of listeningto PalestineSolidarityGroupstageda be representedoncampus,inour lecture Mr Curiel speak, even from astrictly silent protestonWednesday to show theatres, in what isportrayed as asafe educationalbasis.Webelieve politicsat theiroppositiontoYiftahCuriel, a spacefor learning.” Leedsshouldbeabout open andhonest spokesperson forthe Israeliembassy in Earlierinthe day, POLIS, the debate, andtherefore this cancelation has London,speakingatanevent organised departmental societyfor Politicsand reallydisappointedus.” by LUU’sJ-Soc andPOLIS. InternationalStudies announcedthey ALeeds University Unionspokesperson PSGmembers staged asit-inprotest at were cancelling an eventfeaturing Yiftah said:“YiftahCurielvisited campus on theevent,‘Yiftah Curiel-The Pathways Curiel in discussionwithDrJames Worrell Wednesdaytoaddress an open student to Peaceinthe Middle East’, gagging on theIranian nucleardeal. In astatement meeting, co hosted by J-Soc&POLIS.A themselveswithIsraeliflagswhich posted from thesociety’s Facebook secondevent involvingthe same speaker accordingtoPSG,‘[depicted] thesilencing page,the society’s committeeclaimed wasunfortunately cancelled duetoalate of opposition’. they believed an open letter published changeinthe speakerline-up.The Union Onememberofthe protest speaking by thePalestinianSolidarityCampaign, will continue to work in partnershipwith on behalf of PSGtold TheGryphon,“We with signatoriesincluding academicsin both societies to ensurethat theirfuture felt that giventhatheisarepresentative theSchoolofPoliticsand International events andactivitiesare able to go ahead of theIsraelistate -astate whichracially Studies, hadforcedLeeds University as planned.” discriminates,which is an illegal occupier, Unionintocancelling theevent,despite J-Sochavebeeninvited to commentby andwhich commitscrimesonthe people beingtold acancellationwas only advised TheGryphon butatthe timeofprinting it occupies -itwasn’tappropriate to by theUnion duetoachangetothe areyet to reply.Any response will be welcomehim on campus.” event’sformat. addedtothe online editionofthisarticle. Postingonthe society’sofficialFacebook Speaking to TheGryphon a page earlierinthe day, amemberofPSG’s spokespersonfrom POLISsaid: “Thishas 2 News Editor’sLetter: As someone whospends alot of time Brussels. It wasbeing decided some- lowing century,The Channel kept him on the East Coast mainline Ifind my- where else. This shouldn’tbythe way away. Europe’sproblems have always self reflecting on ‘Englishness’ pretty be taken as the sort of UKIP-esque rant been at once our problems and not our 26.02.16 often. It must be something about be- about howthe European Court of Hu- problems. ing forced into an enclosed space with man Rights is undermining the sover- Englishness is anational identity Weather packs of middle-aged men drinking eignty of our proud nation. It’smerely formed in spite of Europe. Aturning up HI LO tins of lager in the middle of the day an observation about what it means to of the nose at the ideals of the French Fridayy cloudy 50 whilst gazing at twohundred miles of be ‘English’. and the Germans. Be it liberte, egalitie, Saturday cloudy 61 flat fields that are for some reason in It strikes me that in fact the whole de- fraternetie, or ever closer union. Sunday cloudy 6-1 places perpetually flooded in places, bate about the European Union brings But we can’tgoonlikethis surely? Eng- that brings it out in me. During these up another crucial element in defin- lishness can’tbeMcCoy’sonaVirgin Quoteofthe Week “ travels I’ve come to the conclusion that ing ‘Englishness’. Iwas consulted this train that will no doubt be late because ‘Englishness’ (not ‘Britishness’) is the afternoon by aBelgian student news- we’re too stubborn to renationalise the We have to keep theballbetterand feeling that everything of importance is paper as to whyIthought the British railwaysbecause the Europeans did it. we have to move theballquicker – that’s always what we have to do. alwayshappening somewhere else. misturst the EU. Idon’tthink the British It can’tbeaploughman’sbecause who Desire... it is agreat word.Ioften usethe word “horny” withmy Over the last few weeks this must do. Ibelievethe English do. Ibelieve wants frenchbrie in asandwich. For players. “ be howmost of the country has felt. this comes from adeep historical de- god’ssake let’sfind something to be Manchester United manager We’vebeen sitting around twiddling sire to define ourselves as ‘everything proud of in English culture other than Louis vanGaal issues a bizarre rallying call ahead of his side’sEuropaLeague our thumbs and endlessly speculating France and Germanyaren’t’. not being the French. clash with Midtjylland on what deal David Cameron would We’vealwaysdefined ourselves strike with European leaders on our against Europe. TheChannel has en- Contents renegotiaiton of membership of the sured that we’ve alwaysbeen ‘part of Benjamin Cook European Union. Here it was, the deal Europe...but not really part of Europe’. Editor-in-Chief 3-7 News that would redefine our national char- When Napoleon swept across Europe acter.Only it wasn’tbeing hammered in theearly 19th century,the Chan- 8-10 Features out in Whitehall, or London, or even nel kept him at bay. When Hitler blitz- Runnymede. It wasbeing decided in krieged his wayacross Europe the fol- 12 Society 14-15 Views 16-17 Science PhotoofThe Week: Second year Cinema and Photographystudent Tammi Nowell caputured this beautiful sunset overHyde Park earlier this month. 19-24 Sport Credits Editor-In-Chief ~Benjamin Cook Associate Editor ~Greg Whitaker News ~ElliPugh, Jess Murray,ShamimaNoor, SamRobinson Society -Avigail Kohn Features ~Stephanie Uwalaka,Molly Walker- Sharp Views -RachelKing, Freya Parr,Dom Johnson Science ~Sam McMaster, Dougie Phillips Sport ~AlexBowmer, JamesCandler,Nancy Gillen,Fiona Tomas Head of Photography ~Jack Roberts Image: Tammi Nowell thegryphon.co.uk News 3 Junior Doctors Announce Further NHS Strike Action [image: Jason Lau] ish Medical Association on Tuesday, terms of the contract but not the imposi- working hours. JonnyChard also stressed an intention to seek a ju- tion of it. David Cameron’s official spokeswom- Junior doctors have defied the Health dicial review as the government appears Ministers are said to be convinced an said: “It’s regrettable if they are going Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, by declaring a to have failed to carry out an equality that the opposition of junior doctors to strike again. I’m sure discussions will further three 48-hour strikes following impact assessment, as required under will start to ebb away once the contract continue.” the government’s plan to impose new the Equality Act of 2010, before impos- comes into force, but don’t deny that The dates planned for the industrial ac- contracts on them. The decision repre- ing the contract. there is a lot of anger among junior doc- tion are 9 March, 6 April and 26 April. sents an intensification of the already It is understood that the Department of tors. There is a belief in Whitehall that All are scheduled to begin at 8am, but long-running dispute over pay, working Health are prepared for alengthystand- this will calm down once doctors have will not affect emergencycare. hours and patient safety. off with the BMA, after NHS employers started working under the new arrange- The announcement, made by the Brit- distanced themselves from the Health ments, arguing that most will see a small Secretary, saying they supported the rise in pay and an improvement in their Police Investigate Sexual ForumTo Assault In Pryzm Debate: “Should Equality Mean Equality?” Elli Pugh because, in campaigns of equality and diversity,“the Aproposalhas been made majority are looked upon to LUU’s‘Better Union’ fo- as the enemywhose issues rum that the Union should are minuscule by compari- [image: pryzm.co.uk] “give avoice to those who son and have life almost too are being silenced by those easy.” He specified his further whoclaim their voices are belief that Union campaigns Detective Sergeant Rob Stabler,ofLeeds District too loud”. should “[also] help everyone Katy Frodsham Safeguarding Unit told the Yorkshire Evening Post Gary Heyes, aLeeds Uni- by asking the Union to focus “The victim had become separated from her friends versity student, has submit- on issues that attain solely to Police are hunting aman after a18year old girl was shortly after midnight and the incident occurred ted aproposal titled ‘Should men.” allegedly sexually assaulted in aLeeds nightclub in sometime between then and when we were con- equality mean equality?’, de- Themotion will be pro- the early hours of Tuesdaymorning.
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