MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER IN THIS AREA RED CROSS "The Voice of the Raritan Bay]'District VOL. V.—No. 37 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS Boosted For Post Aliens Warmed 1941 RELIEF State A.B.C. Commissioner Grants LAST RITES DESMOND IS Liquor License To Township Club Failure To Register Be- "I fore December 26th Club Lido Takes Fight To Newark After Being Refused HELD TODAY BOOMED FOR , Will Cost $1,000 By Township Board Of Commissioners FORDS — As the deadline BIG WORRY RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Edward W. Garrett, acting FOR TOTACK COUNTY POST for the registration and finger- printing- of all aliens approaches, a commissioner of the State Department of Alcoholic Bev- .Object 0! Meeting Is To decided increase in registrations Fear State May Quit Hand- erage Control, announced this week that his office had Vogel Employee Dies When Petitions Urge Appoint- has been noted in the local post- reversed a recent action ,of the township Board of Com- office, .according to Edward Sey- ment of A. D. Desmond Have Both Groups Plan ler, postmaster. ling Problem Worries • missioners and ordered that a plenary consumption license Burner Overheats And Equipment Purchase Mr. Seyler urges that all aliens Local Officials be granted the Club Lido located on the super highway. Causes Suffocation Asf Assist. Prosecutor residing in Fords who have not The decision was made at a hear- registered to date, do so at once as the Christmas rush will be start- ing in Newark at which time the LOCAL COUNSEL GIVER .COMMISSIONER DUDICS ing soon at the postoffice and '.t PRESENT SETTLEMENT tavern was represented by Attor- FIRE BOARD PLANS VOGEL DISCOVERS FIRE will be difficult to take care of a ney H. E. Romond and the town- DEMOCRATIC SUPPORT, JO EXPLAIN long stream of registrants at the TO END DECEMBER 31 ship commission by Borough At- same time. The deadline for regis- torney Thomas L. Hanson. Pre- TO GIVE BONUSES Survived By MotheF And tration and finger-printing is De- Desmond's Backers Want cember 26. Aliens may be finger- viously, the commission refused to* $800 Appropriation Will Brother; Interment In To- Distribute Equipment printed at.the postoffice any busi- Lack Of Information De- Andrew D. Desmond grant a license on grounds that two Be Awarded Township Woodbridge Man To Among Fire Districts ness day from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. laying Completion/, Of of the stockholders were nonresi- Linden Cemetery A fine of $1,000 and imprison- dents of the township. Volunteer Firemen Succeed Wight Of Township ment of six months is the penalty Year's Budget The commissioners, at the hearing prescribed by law for the failure of PISCATAWAYTOWN — The FORDS — Funeral services DUNHAM HAS BEST quoted form a section of the laws Board of Fire Commissioners of for Steve Totack, 47, of King an alien to register, for refusal to WOODBRIDGE — Woqdbritfge"4 RARITAN TOWNSHIP — John be 'finger-printed or for making which requires an applicant to be fire district No. 1 announced this George's Road, Fords, who was suf- Dudies, president of the Board of WOODBRIDGE—-With a tenta- week that approximately $800 has focated early yesterday morning ATTENDANCE MARK Township is boosting- another fa- false statements knowingly. • a resident of the municipality for vorite son, this time on the Demo- Fire Commissioners of the Clara tive budget already being pre- at least two years or to have main- been made available for the pay- when an oil heater caused a fire in Barton section, announced this the Vogel Distributing Company Attended 61 Of 65 Fires cratic side, for ths position, of first pared by the Township for 1941, tained an establishment for a pe- ment of annual bonuses to volun- assistant prosecutor, a post now week that a joint meeting of all a snag- has been reached in rela- teer members of Raritan Engine building, -will be held this after- riod of a year prior to the grant- noon in the Flynn Funeral Parlors, The Past Year; Other held by James S. Wight, of Linden fire commission members and the tion to the relief problem. At the Company No. 1. Avenue, Republican incumbent, fire chiefs of the township to con- ing of a license. These bonuses will be awarded Perth Amboy. Burial will be in Ratings Announced present time the Township relief whose appointment runs Out in sider plans for improving fire Garrett interpreted the law as the volunteers on the basis of the the Rosehill Cemetery, Linden. February. administration is: under the direc- applying only to individual appli- number and percentage of fires at- KEASBEY—An almost perfect fighting equipment has been called Totack is survived by his mo- attendance record was culminated for Wednesday evening, January 8. tion of the state, but the arrange- cants and not to corporations or tended by each member of the com- ther, Mrs. Julia iSz-abo, of North Petitions are being circulated No Further Questionnaires their stockholder. pany. Fire Chief Thomas Swales, here this week, when Harry Dun- throughout the Township in "behalf Dudies stated that the purpose of ment comes to ah end on Decem- Brunswick Township and a brother ham, a member of the Keasbey of Andrew D. Desmond, local at- ber 31. In his communication he point- Jr., and member? of the board of Stephen Szabo, of South River. the joint meeting is to permit the To Go Out Until Janu- fire commissioners have .already Protection. Fire Company No. 1, torney. It was learned today, fire officials of each district to be- ed out, "Moreover, even if the The victim was born in Keasbey attended 61. of the 65 possible fire through a very reliable" source, that ary, Bird States Township Treasurer O. J. Mor-~ residence provision were applicable compiled the percentage record, and lived for a number of years come more faouliar with equip- ganson said yesterday to date he no announcement- have been made calls the past year. Secretary 500 names have already been affixT ment available in other districts, in WOODBRIDGE—The last fifty to corporate applicants, it nevei- on King George's Road, Fords. Leon Jeglinski made the announce- ed to the petitions. Although , has received no word from the theless appears that applicant ha? as yet. case of need, and also to plan pur- questionnaires, before the first of state and did not know whether Recently, Totack, who has been ment at the recent meeting of the Henry. Berg is said to be out in* chases to prevent duplication of the year, were mailed by the Local held a license in the municipality It is believed that the top amount working' for the Vogel Distributing- company, stating that the results front for the appointment, Mr. or not the Legislature will pass since April 25, 1939, and there- possible will not be more than tho expensive equipment. Board ( No. 3, to prospective Company and has been in the em- were compiled until November SO. Desmond's backers point outHhe na3 another bill giving State Director fore has maintained an established $40 paid last year for the perfect ploy of the Vogel family for 22 Under the present plan, special- draftees this weekend. No fur- Charles R. Erdman supervision of attendance record and that th« Ratings of the other members long been active in the Democratic ized equipment will be purchased ther questionnaires will be sent out place of business for at least onu years, made his home in a small are as follows: party and is entitled to the posi- local relief. If such a measure is year, and that since the require- average bonus will not be more room in the rear of the offices of over a period of several years in until after the first of the year, ac- not passed, the Township will be than $20 per man. The bonus Joseph Dambach and John Va- tion. the fire districts, but that different cording to Eugene Bird, secretary ments of the cited section are in that company which are in a frame The fact that Mr. Wight is a forced to appropriate a large sum the alternative, it follows that ap- checks will be distributed some mos, 59; John Deak, 58; A. Per- equipment will be provided in each of the board. building. The p!ace was heated hatch, 57; Zolton Papp, 56; August Woodbridge man and comes from for relief in 1941. Last year, ?15,- plicant would be entitled to a li- time between December 15 and 20 with an oil burner which had a of the districts. Those who received the last 000 was allotted, most of which by the company treasurer, Albert Pfeiffer, 54; Michael J. Parsler, 53; this end of the county, establishes Dudies pointed oat that at the forms for 1940 v/ere as follows: cense upon satisfying either of small tank attached to it. a precedent, they feel. They are was used up when the State took those requirements." I Frederick. John Sabo and Albert StaTk, 51; present time none of the companies 701, Edward Michael Gocze, over. According to Captain John Egan William J. Bert-am, Charles D. also confident, that Governor-JSleet are equipped with, lighting systems, Remsen Ave. Avenel; 702, Albert and Detective Sergeant George Ba- Pfeiffer, Joseph Nailer and Henry Charles Edison will take Mr. Des- foamite or acetyline torch systems, Dalessio, 27 Turner St., Port Read- In the meantime, it has been lint, who investigated, it is evident Kress, 5Q. mond's fine record into account* announced that New~Jersey*s 1941 that the stove became overheated Copies of the petitions will T>& gab- all of which are necessary at times, ing; 703, Clifford George Jaeger, Leon Jeglinski, 49; Steve Fac- and that none of the individual dis- 462 West Ave., Sewaren; 704, relief requirements will total ap- Past Presidents Guests Of P.
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