II Technology and Culture The International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology • juLY 1988, VoLUME 29, NuMBER 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS I INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUIDRS Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate. Submissions are made with implied assurances that the material-in substance as well as form-has not previously been published, nor is it concurrently under consideration elsewhere. Drafts should either be processed on a letter-quality printer or typewritten on 8V2 x II white bond of standard weight, on one side only. They should be double-spaced throughout, including The Origin of the Sugarcane Roller Mill all abstracted quotations and the footnotes, which are to be numbered consecutively on separate pages following the text. Margins should be at least I inch on both sides, 2 inches top and bottom, and the right-hand margin should neither be justified nor JOHN DANIELS AND CHRISTIAN DANIELS have any hyphenated words. Illustrations should be numbered in the order they are referred to in the text, and the placement of each with respect to the text should be precisely indicated; halftones should be in the form of publication-quality glossy prints; line drawings should either be originals or glossies. Captions should be listed sequen­ Joseph Needham has described the cotton gin and sugarcane mill tially (double-spaced) on a separate page and include full information on sources and as "the ancestors of all steel-rolling mills, mangles and paper or textile acknowledgments. Tables and charts should each be on a separate sheet, with double­ machinery."' The ancestry and development of the sugarcane roller spaced captions and full source information; each one should be numbered and titled, and all arithmetic carefully verified. Footnotes are to follow the format exemplified in mill are clearly important for the history of technology, but they have any current issue of Technology and Culture; please pay special attention to the way been the subject of ~ur2rising,. <;!ijerpma for over thir_ty J:.~ars. The periodical articles are cited and to the method of referring back to previous citations. Eng~_!l~lteeaking wq,rld until recently has accepted as c!<?g,IpCJ.tJlat the Spelling and usage should conform to Webster's Third New International Dictionary and its chief abridgment, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. On all matters of form not three-ro er sugar~ was inve~~c;,tr_o,_~.t;S!~!eJJ:l .. Sicily specified here, refer to the University of Chicago Press's Chicago Manual of Style, thir­ inj449 without any evidence of two-roller ~illi~z.J!!].!:!.!'.2£e· In 1955, teenth edition ( 1982). a Brazilian scholar, SO_!l!:e.l!.. -~~~ira, dem_onstrated that this Because the manuscript evaluation process is anonymous, the only place an author's M<;>~<_:yr name should appear is on a separate title page; manuscripts cannot be sent to referees dogma, first formuJ.i.iteq_ by Edmund VOl.'!._ Lippmann in 1890, was if submitted in a form that renders the author's identity obvious. Full consideration of manuscripts is in all cases contingent on their conformity to the above instructions. COPYRIGHT POLICY JoHN DANIELS was a sugarcane researcher in Fiji for twenty years, the last ten as direC"iO"r of agncultural research for the Fiji Sugar Corporation and its predecessor, The code on the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's CSR Limited Australia. He returned to CSR in Australia in 1973 and participated in consent that copies of the article may be made beyond those permitted by Section 107 research in sugar technology and information science until retiring as manager of or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law provided that copies are made only for personal or information services in 1986. He and Christian Daniels are worki~a ljistory of internal use or for the personal or internal use of specific clients and provided that technology. CHRISTIAN is a lecturer in Chinese"hi:ry at the copier pays the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. su~r ~·IELS Sh.:i]i~~;;~w~~­ Operations Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970. To request per­ en'SU'mverslty, i'5kayama, and a research fellow of the Toyo Bunko, Tokyo. He has mission for copying for general distribution, for classroom use, for advertising or published articles on the history of the premo~~,g2z!~i~~~';,.~.'tS!.\~j!)_clustry promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale, kindly write W> and is the coeditor and translator of State and Society in China: Japanese Perspectives on Permissions Department, The University of Chicago Press, 5801 South Ellis Avenue, Ming-Qing Social and Economic History (Tokyo, 1984). He is also a collaborator on Joseph Chicago, Illinois 60637. If no code appears on the first page of an article, permission Needham's Scienre and Civilisation in China project and is drafting the section on agro­ to reprint may be obtained only from the author. industrial technology (e.g., sugar, indigo, oil crops). The authors thank Dr. Charles While it is our policy to require the assignment of copyright on most journal articles, Davis, formerly general manager technology, CSR Limited, Dr. Alex Keller of the we do not usually request assignment of copyright for other contributions such as book University of Leicester, and Dr. Joseph Needham of the East Asian History of Science reviews and communications. Although the copyright to such a contribution may re­ main with the author, it is understood that, in return for publication, the journal has Library, Cambridge, for a critical reading of an early version of the manuscript. They the nonexclusive right to publish the contribution and the continuing right, without also express their appreciation for valuable suggestions from the Technology and Culture limit, to include the contribution as part of any reprinting of the issue and/or volume referees and acknowledge stimulus from the publications of Drs. J. H. Galloway and of the journal in which the contribution first appeared by any means and in any format, Stuart Schwartz cited in the text. Finally, they thank CSR Limited for encouragement including computer assisted storage and readout, in which the issue and/or volume and help with information services. may be reproduced by the publisher or by its licensed agencies. 1Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China, vol. 4, Physics and Physical Technology, pt. 2, Mechanical Engineering (Cambridge, 1965), p. 92. © 1988 by the Society for the History of Technology. All rights reserved. 0040-165X/88/2903-0007$0 1.00 494 John Daniels and Christian Daniels The Origin of the Sugarcane Roller Mill 495 2 cle~o.Erect. Nevertheless, the controversy has continued be­ tative English-language publications. 6 In addition, the controversy was cause of the immense prestige of von Lippmann and because of the stili Q.e_i[lg~J{aill_i~~~ in. Portugl:l_~s~ '!~ !a~c: _a..s_ ! 980by Antonio Barros considerable authority of Noel Deerr, who independently advanced de Castro and continues with other English-speaking authors.7 the dogma in a series of piilihcatiOns culminating In h1s widely used O!!!.. ~s;.,.t.i~es are threefold: to review the evidence so that the 3 Tlie History of Sugar (1949-50). An additional factor has been the S,!silian cJa.i.JE for the origin of the three-roiier sugarcane miii can be genera 1 oran n Is -s eakin scholars in this field about finaiiy discarded in ~of a New World orig!D; to argue an_"i~i<ln. a..!l£l the iscussion on his findings Rublished So'!!.~J?s.u;i~'s w~k l!J origin ol rbC:iij{CWQl.le~!iiL,Qil~~r rp.ill..[ro.rrU.bS..£Q.tt9Q._gin: a::ll 4 Fr<:»s;~E.?. Portu~uese. £:venthough they were alerted to the con­ to suggest avenues for future research on residual problems still as­ troversy by the exceiJent study of J. H. Galloway in 1977,5 we still find sociated with the development of roiier milling of sugarcane between the 1449 Sicilian origin cited without reservations in recent authori- medieval times and the 19th century. Before proceeding further, let us define what we mean by roller mills. ~oller ~basicaiiy consist of two..Imx.qlldQ:.lLl.!QerSJ?~.S.~ES.!?se 2 together anctgeared so that.lhey rotate in OJ2J2~~-ili!:~E.i2.!2.s; Ma­ Moacyr Soares Pereira, A Origem dos Cilindros na Moagem da Cana (Rio de Janeiro, terials introducea between the rotating cylinders are flattened. Thest 1955 ). So,a~Pers.ira's .fuL<W!gs were"'announc~e'!!!i~I:.i~ Gil,.d<: Metlwdio Maranhao, "InvestiEo ~~~.Q!!pdros em Moagem da Cana," ~ types of mills are known as roiling miiis to metaiiurgists and roller A A(~ (January 1953): 59-6!, and this appeared as the preface to Soares Pereira mills to sugarcane technologists. They s~!,.B.~<;Q_P.fJlSeJ:L.wjth Pereira proposed an Asian orig;i.n.of the two-roller horizontal mill that (abo~)'."'Soares the edg;e ruq.n<'O.r.a. a large single <!,~sk roll~d o!l ~dge_~!2-~.El!'ltf?r,rn was made~~r added, in Brazil. We have _called the von Lippmann or withm -'!..J:S.CC· The three-rolTer sugarcane miiJ reTerred to in this hypotfi'esis a dogma ecause oft nc ca a e of a hypothesis that had obvious article has three wooden roiJers mounted in a row with their axes inconsistencies; see Edmund 0. on Li Geschichte des Zuckers: Seit den iiltesten Zeiten bis zum Beginn der Ril.benzuker- a 'kation (W esbaden, 1970, repr. of 2d ed., 1929), vertical.
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