Bullr aln o( The Un~ln N•liona l life Found• •ion • . • Dr, R. Cn.ld Mdturlry, £clitor P.Wtbh~ or•~h monlh by The Unco1n N•tion• l l.i(<: J ~u ,.. nee Compa n7, J'CM"l Wa7ne, lndi• na Number 1582 F ORT WAYNE, INDIANA December, 1969 LINCOLN LORE INDEX January 1969 through December 1969 Numbers 1571-1582 Titles of Bulletins .............................................................. Index to Subjects ................................................................ 11 Index to Persons .................................................................. 111 [ n No. 1571-January - A March 4, 1861 (A Newly Discovered Lincoln Letter) A. Lincoln's Letter to Fa1my McCullouglt, 1575 Did uCoughdrop J oe" Ratto Hold Booth's Horse? A Natioltal Banking Scheme, 1576 Coins Minted During the Administration of Abraham "Abraham A/ricattttiJ /" President Lincoln Throt(gh tlte Lincoln Eyes of a Copperhead E<!it?r• 1575 . " • Dire Political Prediction 1860 Ab,·a.ham Lincol1a and a Mtssutg Pr()fnUJsory Note, la7., The F irst Known Publication in Pamphlet For m of Ab>·oham L-it~col>l and Others at the St. Nichola$. 1575 the Get tysbur~ Address Ab.,·aham Lincoln's Belo-ved Springfield, 1575 Cumulative Bibliography 1961-1968 Abraham Lincoln's LMt Hourt, 1575 . McMurtry's ltinorary 1969 An Analy8i8 of Lincoln and Douglas As Publtc Speakers, No. 1512-February- 1575 Lincoln's Promotion of J ohn L. \Vorden Animals, 1576 The Wide Awakes and Their Torch Light Parades Artists, 1573, 1574 (see Index of Persons) No. 1513 - March - "President Lincoln Writing The Proclamation of Free­ Assassination: dom, J anuary 1, 18G3" P lot to assassinate Lincoln, 1569 No. 1574-April - Booth's escape, who held his horse?. 1571 Some Early Lithographs of Abraham Lincoln . B A Bibliographical Problem-The Works of Adm Baber Another Comrnent on the Lithograph F-rom Blythe's Ba ltimore Plot, 1569 Painting Banking legislation, proposed, 157G No. 1515 - May - . Barefoot Abe, 1569 Lincoln Visited By A German Delegnt10n of Workmg­ Behind the Scenes, t a7U men In Cincinnati, Ohio, February 12, 1861 Bibliography (see Books) No. 1516 - J une - Bookplate Collectors, 1581 Most Significant Lincoln Cartoons-F ebr uary 1969 Bookplates, Lincolniana, 1581 Most Timely Lincoln Editorials February 1969 Books : _ A National Banking System Cumulative Bibliography, 1571, 157> Odds & Ends The Works of Adin Baber, 1574 Booth's Escape, 1571 No. 1577-July- Booth's horse. 1571 Was Thomas Lincoln Photographed! Buchanan Letter, March 4, 1861, 1571 Thomas Lincoln Fur niture Buildings: Thomas Lincoln's Tools and Supplies Linco1n-Herndon, 1515, 1579 T homas Lincoln Manuscripts Tinsley Building, 1579, 1580 No. 1578-August - Burnet HouseJ 15?'5 Places, Villages, Towns and Cities Where Lincoln Lived and Visited c No. 1579 - September- Campaign (see. Presidential Campaign) Lincoln's Law Offices in The Tinsley Building Campaign Kisses, 1576 History of The Tinsley Building Cartoon Selection, 1576 No. 1580- October - Cincinnati, Lincoln I n~ 1575 The Hardin Thomas House Ci ..· il War: History of The Tinsley Building (cont.) Promotion of John L . Worden, 1572 No. 1581 - November­ Civil War An~dotes, 157G Lineolniana Bookplates Coins Minted Du ring the Lincoln Administration, 1571 Collectors' Bookplates Collectors' Bookplates, 1581 Places Lincoln Visited Corr-espondence : No. 1582- Dccembcr ­ Buchanan Letter, 1571 ... lndex for 1969 A. Lincoln's Lettc-t to Fanny McCuUotcgh, 157o Lincoln's Portrait on Stone "Coughdrop Joe" Ratto, 1571 2 LINCOLN LORE D 0 Death of Lincoln (see Memorial Services, Newspaper Odds & Ends (of Lincoln information), 1576 Coverage, Autopsy, Embalming, Funeral, Burial, Tomb, etc.) p Photograph of Thomas Lincoln, 1577 E Pictures: Eagle Torch, 1572 Paintings, 1573, 1574 Editorial Selection, 1576 Lithographs, 1573, 1574 El~tion of 1860, 1571 Cartoon selection, 1576 Emancipation Proclamation, 15'13, 1574 David G. Blythe Painting, 1573, 1574 Engravings (see Pictures) Pittsfield, Ill. Visit, 1575 Enlow's Mill, 1577 Places, ViJiages, ett. Lincoln Visited, 1578, 1581 Political Prediction of 1860, 1571 F Political Advancement (see Presidential Campaigns) Portraits (see Pictures) Family: "President Lincoln \Vriting The Proclamation of Free.. Father, Thomas Lincoln, 1577, 1580 dom, January 1, 1863," 1573, 1574 Furniture made by Thonlas Lincoln, 1577 Presidential Addr·esses: German Delegation1 Cincinnati, 15'75 G Presidential Campaign or 1860 Germans and Lincoln, 1575 Wide Awakes, 1572 Gettysburg Address (see Presidential Address<;;) Cincinnati, 15'75 Gettysburg Address, First Known Publication of, in Pamphlet Form, 1571 Q,R Gifts Received, 1576 Reminde-rs of Lim;;oln itr a Corncr•tou~, 1575 Robert Todtl Lincobt A Man In Hi• OwR Right, 1575 H Hotels Where Lincoln Stayed : s Burnet House (Cincinnati), 1575 Songs (Wide Awakes Rallying Song), 1572 Huffman's Mill, 1577 Sons, (Bibliography), 1575 Speeches (sec Pres idential Addresses) I Swimming (in Potomac), 1576 lmm.ort.ala of Hiatoryf 1575 Inaugural, (1861), 1571 T Index (see Lhu:oln Lore) Tanner Testimony (bibliography), 1575 Itineraries (McMurtry) (see Lincoln NatUmal L1f~ Theatrical Interest, 1576 Found.) Thomas Lincoln Furniture, 1577 Thomas Lincoln Manuscripts, 1577 J Thomas Lincoln's Tools and Supplies, 1577 Tinsley Building, 1579 Jutie Harlan LintUJln I n fotva., 1575 Torch Light Parades, 1572 Totem Poles and Mr. Uttcoln, 1575 K Travels, 1578, 1581 Kittens, 1576 u, v L Visit to Cincinnati, 1575 Lamon's Resignation, 15'76 Visit to Pittsfield, Dlinois, 1675 Law Offices, 1575. 1579 Visit to Stepmother, 1576 Letters (see Correspondence) Visits to towns and plnces, 1578 Library, Lincoln's (see Books) Lincoln He--,.ald, 1571 w Lincoln Heritage Trail (tee Memorial Enterprises) Was Tlunnas Lincoln Photographed?, 1577 L-incobt Lore : - WMltt LinMin Lay Dying, 1575 Indexes, ( 1968) 1570 Wide Awakes, 1572 Numbers Grouped by Years: (1969) 1571·1582 Worden, John Lorimer (Promotion of), 1672 Linc·oln National Life Foundation: Dr. McMurtry's Speaking Engagements, 1571 X, Y, Z Lincolniana Bookplates, 1581 Lincoln's L(lw OJJicea in the Tinsley Building. 1579 Lincoln Vi8ited by Gorman Dclt-gation in Cincinnati, 1U7S Lithographs of Lincoln (see Pictures) III Literature: Editorial Selection, 1576 A Bibliography (see Book~) Adams, John Wolcott, 1581; Agnew, Spiro, 1576; Albert, Littl~ Kno-w n Boyhood Advcntl(rt.s of Abraham Lin· Mrs. J. F .. 1580; Anderson, (Maj.). 1571: Angle, Paul coin, 1575 M., 1571, 1573, 1575; Anthony, Henry B., 1571; Atherton, Peter, 1577; Axtoby, Robert B., 1580. M B M crrimack, 1572 Baber. Adin, 1574: Backofen, Donald W., 1581: Bailey, Jllonitor and the Merrimack, 1572 Louis J ., 1581: Baker, Edw. D., 1571: Balch, Benjamin, 1576; Bangs, E. L., 1581: Banks. N. P .. 1581; Baringer, Me Wm. E., 1573; Barnard. George Grey, 1581; Barrett, Jas. McMurtry Hinerary, 1571 A .. 1580; Barry, Chas. Alfred, 1581; Bartholf, H. B. (Mrs.). 1580; Barton, RobertS., 1581; Barton, Wm. E., 1577, 1581; Basler, Roy B., 1571, 1573, 1575: Bates, Edw .. N 1571; Beets, Ed 0., 1581: Bell, James & Co., 1579: Bell, Naval Battles, 1572 John W., 1571, 1580: Bellows, (Dr.), 1676: Bernard, Ken­ Newspaper CoYerage: neth A., 1571, 1573, 1575; Bernhein, Henry C .. 1581; Cincinnati papers, 15'75 Berret, (Mayor), 1571: Berry, George, 1580; Bicknell, Niagara Falls Visit, 1578 W. H. W., 1581; Bishop, Richard M., 1575; Bissett, Clark Numismatics, 1571 P., 1581; Bjorkman, Valentine, 1581; Blair, (Col.), 1576; LINCOLN LORE 3 Blair, Montgomery, 1572: Bleakley & Montgomery, 1577; Haverlin, Carl, 1571, 1574, 1575; Hawley & Loose, 1579; Bledsoe, A. T., 1579; Block, Gordon A., 1581; Blythe, Haycraft, Samuel Jr., 1580; Haycraft, Samuel, Sr., 1580; David G., !573, 1574; Bobbs·Merrill Co., !571; Boling, Hayden, Jacob B., 1580; Haynie, Hugh, 1576; Helm, (Mrs.), 1680; Bollinger, Jas. W., 1681; Borglum, Gutzon, Benjamin Hardin, 1577, 1580; Helm, Emily Todd, 1Ji78; 1581; Borgstedt (cartoonist). 1576: Brackenridge, G. W., Herndon & Weik, 1579; Herndon, Wm. H., 1515, 1579, 1581; Brady, Mathew B., 1674, 1581; Brandenburg, 1580; Hertz, Emanuel, 1581; Hickey, Jas. T., 1571, 1573, Ru1us, 1580; Breck (see Breckinridge); Breckinridge, 1575, 1579; Hickman. John, 1571; Hicks, James L. (see John C., 1571; Brown, James, 1676; Brown, John, 1573, Hycks); Hill, John WesleyJ 1581; Horner, Henry, 1581; !575; Bruner, Jacob, 1580; Buchanan( James. 1571, 1573, Bostick, King V., 1573: Howe, Henry, 1575; Hurst, Chas. 1574; Bucklins (Books), 1671; Bul ard, F. Lauriston, R., 1579; Hurst & Matheny, 1580; Hurst & Taylor, 1580; 1581; Burke~ Harlan F., 1581: Burnett, Frank, 1580; Hyman, Harold M., 1573. Burroughs, "Yeanuts" John, 1671; Bush, Sarah (see John· ston); Butler, Henry, 1581; Byram, Stanley H., 1581. I, J Jackson, Andrew, 1573, 1574, 1580; Jackson, Stewart W., c 1581; Jansen, Nels, 1581; Jefferson, Thomas 1581; Campbell, A., 1579; Carman, L. D., 1571; Carr, Jos. B. Jenkins, B. F., 1580: Johnson, Andrew, 1571; Johnson, (Col.), 1576; Carr, Wm. A., 1581; Carson, 0. T., 1581; Eastman, 1581; ,Johnson, Philip C., 1580: Johnston, John Case, Richard G., 1571; Catton, Bruce, 1573; Cecil, Lester D.. 1577; Johnston, Sarah Bush ("Sally"), 1576, 1577; J .. 1581; Chalker, Jas. S., 1572; Chase, Ernest Dudley, Johnston, Thomas, 1577; Jonah. David A., 1573; Jones, 1581; Chase, Salmon P., 1576; Chesney, Earle 0., 1581; Frank H., 1580: Jones. Warren L., 1571, 1573; Joseph, Chittcnde~ H. W., 1576; Clark, A. H., 1574; Clark, Dan Louis P., 1577. C., 1572; <.;lark, George Rogers, 1580; Clay, Cassius M., 1575; Clay, Henry, 1574; Clayton,
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