The Greatest Show on Earth For an in-depth look at the circus, past THE CHRONICLE and present, check out this month's WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1998 ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 93, NO. 110 •JUKE UTUDENTUDENTI UOVERNMENU T Famous engineer shares tales of near-disaster Election '98 Structural engineer describes how miscalculations almost led to collapse of two famous skyscrapers TODAY'S ISSUE: QUALIFICATIONS By ROSS MONTANTE partments of civil and environmental Chronicle staff writer engineering, LeMessurier discussed The Chronicle asked the presidential candidates Unforeseen problems often appear his involvement with the John Han­ to discuss two issues that each have stressed in in even the best laid plans, but rarely cock Tower in Boston, Mass., and the their campaigns. Today, they answer the ques­ do they endanger many city blocks Citicorp Building in New York City. tion, "What best qualifies and prepares a vice and countless lives. But such was the The mistakes and problems that president for the presidency? What, then, makes situation William LeMessurier ad­ often plague massive construction you qualified?" dressed in a presentation Tuesday. projects were a main component of LeMessurier, who gave this year's LeMessurier's speech. "Engineers can annual Structure and Society Lec­ make big mistakes even when they > Bianca Motley ture, is a world renowned structural are seriously competent," he said. One of the mosl important factors that qualifies a vice president for the presidency is her knowledge of engineer who has studied and taught In his account of the construction Duke Studenl Government. As a vice president one at both Harvard University and the of the Hancock Tower, LeMessurier must leam the inner workings of DSG and discover Massachusetts Institute of Technolo­ described how a famous structural de­ how to circumvent problems. gy. His designs include the Treasury signer declared the rectangular- A vice president prepares for the presidency by dealing with the challenges dealt to her throughout her Building in Singapore, the Boston shaped building safe from high winds. term. By solving the problems that are mosl important City Hall and the Terry Sanford Insti­ Two months later, the designer real­ to students, a vice president is able to establish KARYN SINGER/THE CHRONICLE tute of Public Policy. In his "Tale of ized he had not considered the effects relationships with administrators and gain respect William LeMessurier Two Towers," sponsored by the de­ See LEMESSURIER on page 8 • trom the entire campus. I have the relationships with administrators that will allow me to hit the ground running. I earned the respect of my peers and f accomplished goals with Graduate student my tenacity and experience. These qualifies and Former CIA head addresses more make me the best candidate tor DSG president. group eyes new I Jeri Powell current security concerns Being a Vice President in DSG gives me the best possfcle preparation for the Presidency. In my housing changes By HELEN WOLFF campaign, I have been wary of stressing experience Chronicle staff writer as the most important qualification because 1 do Q The group, which is examining believe that my genuine interest in improving student "The world is changing, and life, as well as my strong desire to represent the true the housing concerns of graduate changing very quickly," said Stans- voice ol the students, should be most important and professional students, plans to field Turner, director of the Central However, there is no doubt that my record in two Intelligence Agency during the years with the organization could stand alone. I sit on a submit a recommendation to the Board of Trustees committee, and my committee has Carter administration, in a talk made significant headway on such issues as road provost by the end of the semester. Tuesday afternoon. "Who is the improvements on Central Campxis, parking and safety leader for this change? The U.S., and lighting. Thus, through a combination of strengths, I am best prepared, and certainly qualified, to be DSG By KADZI MUTIZWA that gives us a lot of responsibility." President Chronicle staff writer Turner's talk, titled "National Se­ With an eye toward the recently pro­ curity Issues and Insights," explored The two candidates for student affairs vice pres­ posed residential changes for under­ the retired general's views on the ident responded to a similar question: "What graduates, graduate and professional shifting role of the United States in best qualifies you for the position of vice presi­ students are currently discussing their reducing threats to the global com­ dent for student affairs?" own housing concerns. munity. The auditorium of The For­ Last fall, Provost John Strohbehn est at Duke, in which Turner spoke, | Sean Murphy and the Office of Student Affairs creat­ was crowded with people who came Vice President for Student Affairs is the combination ed a housing task force that has been to hear his views on nuclear defense of two important qualifies: experience and student examining general graduate student and international relations. HELEN WOLFF/THE CHRONICLE involvement Having been an elected student housing issues, with a primary empha­ For Turner, the primary responsi­ Stansfield Turner legislator tor two consecutive years representing both sis placed on the on-campus housing bilities ofthe United States are lead­ East and West campuses, I'm aware of Ihe internal organization and policies of DSG. situation. ing the international community by up in details in this treaty process Furthermore, one must have a character and point Heather Hayter, Graduate and Pro­ example and finding ways to reduce and be bogged down forever," he ex­ of view respected by both peers and the fessional Student Council president and the number of nuclear weapons the plained. "The only way ia quicker administration. The students need someone who will member of the committee, said the task United States stores. cutback] is achievable is ifyou and I represent their needs and concerns—one that will be force has examined residential concerns, start showing indignation." accessible and listen to them. My social nature, While America currently has understanding ot university life and genuine concern such as security, current housing costs 15,000 nuclear warheads, in 10 Turner explained he worries that tor making We more enjoyable here is what makes me and the state of housing information dis­ years it plans to cut back to 10,000. while countries with nuclear capa­ the best candidate. tributed to graduate students. The task To Turner, however, this cutback is bilities negotiate amongst them- force hopes to present a recommenda- not sufficient. "You can get wrapped See CIA on page 9 • I Sheri Shepherd See HOUSING on page 8 • My experience and proven leadership on the DSG Student Affairs Committee, coupled with my genuine desire to improve student life, qualify me for the office of Vice President for Student Affairs. As a legislator, I lave made proactive changes for students through :.. my creation and chairmanship of the financial aid car policy subcommittee. If elected, I plan to join Panhel in their quest for free Vote in the DSG The Marketplace meeting space. As a member of a selective house, I PRESIDENT VP-STUDENT AFFAIRS support the preservation of Sving groups. I also care runoff election from Trent Lobby about independent He and wil work to improve the 9 am-7 pm today - outside the C.I. independent residential experience. I will increase Jeri Powell Bianca Motley Sean Murphy Sheri Shepherd at these locations: a a a a campus-wide social events, such as Springfes[, which - outside Burger King ;,: : a .;,: ; :a,::.a MtfT ROSEN/THE CHROMCli benefit the entire student body. • GPSC DISCUSSES HOUSING, PAGE 3 • DSG PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES OUTLINE THEIR PLATFORMS: COMMENTARY, PAGE 11 THE CHRONICLE • PAGE 2 WORLD AND NATIONAL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1998 Newsfile Clinton accepts apology about Jones article Associated Press Bomb Injures: The third bomb in Magazine writer regrets inappropriate examination of president's personal life two days to explode in Pakistan tore By JAMES BENNET The president read the article," said she had rejected an advance by Clinton, through a train as it pulled into the N.Y, Times News Service Lahore station. Ten people died and Jim Kennedy, a White House spokesman, and declared that she would clear her more than 80 were injured. The gov­ WASHINGTON — It was a brief and "and he appreciates and accepts Brock's name. Clinton denied the account and re­ ernment blamed all three blasts on mild statement that underscored but left apology." He left unaddressed the possi­ fused to apologize. agents from neighboring India. The unspoken a thousand could-have-beens bilities of a Paula-Jones-less presidency. The rest is still becoming history—a Indian government has denied such about the Clinton presidency. In a December 1993 article in the fact, Brock said, that has become deeply claims in the past. With one sentence passed on by a American Spectator, Brock in passing troubling to him. spokesman, President Bill Clinton Tues­ mentioned a woman who he said was "re­ If s really bizarre," he said Tuesday. "I Investigators scrutinize: Feder­ day accepted the apology of the man who membered only as Paula"—but who came think I made a major misjudgment, in ret­ al regulators are taking a hard look at wrote the article that mentioned the to be remembered as so much more. In an rospect." In addition to forswearing his in­ whether WorldCom's proposed woman named Paula, who hired the article examining Clinton's sex life when vestigation, Brock said he should have takeover of MCI Communications lawyers, who filed the subpoenas that led he was governor of Arkansas, Brock said omitted the name Paula.
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