MARIN COUNTY STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ACTION PLAN 2010 Stormwater Management Plan Fiscal Years 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 MARIN COUNTY STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Stormwater Management Plan ACTION PLAN 2010 Fiscal Years 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 May 2005 EOA, Inc. PRODUCED FOR MARIN COUNTY STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM (MCSTOPPP) MARIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS P.O. BOX 4186 SAN RAFAEL, CA 94913-4186 415-499-6528 415-499-3799 (FAX) www.mcstoppp.org PRODUCED BY EOA, Inc. 1410 JACKSON STREET OAKLAND, CA 94612 510-832-2852 For more information, contact the MCSTOPPP Countywide Program at the numbers listed above. May 2005 EOA, Inc. CREDITS This report is being submitted by the member agencies of the City of Belvedere Town of Corte Madera County of Marin Town of Fairfax City of Larkspur City of Mill Valley City of Novato Town of Ross Town of San Anselmo City of San Rafael City of Sausalito Town of Tiburon Marin County Flood Control District Implementation coordinated by: Marin County Department of Public Works With input and direction from the Citizens Advisory Committee: Carole D’Alessio, Jean Bonander, Stan Griffin, Kathy Lowrey, Linda Novy, Kristine Pillsbury, Aaron Stessman Report Prepared by: EOA, Inc. (Eisenberg, Olivieri, & Associates) ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Credits ii List of Tables and Figures iv Acronyms and Abbreviations v Definitions vi EXECUTIVE ES-1 SUMMARY Executive Summary CHAPTER ONE Protecting and Enhancing Marin 1 County’s Watersheds CHAPTER TWO Local Government Leads the Way 9 CHAPTER THREE Caring for Our Creeks and 17 Waterways CHAPTER FOUR Building and Renewing 37 CHAPTER FIVE Educating Ourselves at Work 53 CHAPTER SIX Educating Ourselves at Home 61 and School CHAPTER SEVEN Protecting the Future 69 APPENDIX A Performance Standards A-1 APPENDIX B Business Inspection Plan B-1 iii TABLES AND FIGURES Figures Figure ES.1 Street Sweeping: Total Volume of Material Removed (98-99 through 03-04)..................ES-4 Figure ES.2 Storm Drain Inlets: Total Volume of Material Removed (98-99 through 03-04).............ES-4 Figure 1-1 Urban Marin Watershed Map ...............................................................................................7 Figure 1-2 Major Creeks and Watersheds of West Marin County .........................................................8 Tables Table 2-1 Municipal Stormwater Ordinances......................................................................................13 Table 2-2 Schedule for Implementing Administration, Planning, and Financing Tasks ....................14 Table 2-3 Roles for Administration, Planning, and Financing Tasks..................................................15 Table 3-1 Summary of Local and Regional Monitoring Efforts ..........................................................27 Table 3-2 Creek Cleanup and Maintenance Activities Between 1995 and 2003................................28 Table 3-3 Summary of Outfall Mapping and GIS Development Status..............................................29 Table 3-4 Schedule for Implementing Municipal Maintenance and Illicit Discharge Control Tasks.32 Table 3-5 Roles for Municipal Maintenance and Illicit Discharge Control Tasks ..............................51 Table 4-1 Status of Local Program Review of Grading Ordinances ....................................................44 Table 4-2 Current Status of Creek Setback Requirements in Marin County .....................................47 Table 4-3 Schedule for Implementing New Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Site Controls Tasks .....................................................................................................................49 Table 4-4 Roles for New Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Site Controls Tasks......51 Table 5-1 Schedule for Implementing Business Inspection and Outreach Tasks ...............................58 Table 5-2 Roles for Business Inspection and Outreach Tasks.............................................................59 Table 6-1 Schedule for Implementing Public Information and Participation Tasks...........................65 Table 6-2 Roles for Public Information and Participation Tasks ........................................................67 Table 7-1 TMDL Development Schedule............................................................................................75 Table 7-2 Schedule for Implementing NPDES Permitting and TMDL Compliance Tasks................76 iv Table 7-3 Roles for NPDES Permitting and TMDL Compliance Tasks .............................................77 v ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments ACCWP Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program ACOE or COE or Corps United States Army Corps of Engineers Action Plan 2005 Stormwater Management Plan—Action Plan 2005 ASBS Areas of Special Biological Significance (per the Ocean Plan) ASC Agency Staff Committee (MCSTOPPP) Basin Plan San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Plan BASMAA Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association BMP Best Management Practice CAC Citizens Advisory Committee (MCSTOPPP) Cal/EPA California Environmental Protection Agency CASQA California Stormwater Quality Agencies (formerly California State Stormwater Quality Task Force) CCA Canal Community Alliance CCWP Contra Costa Clean Water Program CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CEP Clean Estuary Project CIP Capital Improvement Project CMSA Central Marin Sanitary Agency COE or ACOE or Corps United States Army Corps of Engineers COWM County Office of Waste Management CSAC California State Association of Counties (formerly County Boards of Supervisors Association of California) CWA Clean Water Act; the Federal Water Pollution and Control Act of 1972, as amended DA District Attorney DCIA Directly Connected Impervious Area DFG or Fish and Game California Department of Fish and Game DI Drop Inlet DPW Department of Public Works EIR Environmental Impact Report FSURMP Fairfield-Suisun Urban Runoff Management Program Fish and Game or DFG California Department of Fish and Game FishNet 4C Salmonid protection and restoration program involving Marin and five other Central California Coastal Counties (4C) Flood Control District Marin County Flood Control District Friends Local environmental creek groups (Generally, Friends of [creek]) GIS Geographic Information System vi SEED School Environmental Education Docent State Board or SWRCB California State Water Resource Control Board STOPPP San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program STRAW Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed SUSMP Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan SWAMP Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program SWMP Stormwater Management Plan SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWRCB or State Board California State Water Resource Control Board TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Water Board or RWQCB San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board WDRs Waste Discharge Requirements DEFINITIONS Attachment 4 Attachment 4 of the Phase II General Permit pertains to more intensive requirements for new and redevelopment projects. In Marin County, Attachment 4 requirements currently pertain only to the County, the City of Novato, and the City of San Rafael. Basin Plan San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Plan, By law, the Water Board is required to develop, adopt (after public hearing), and implement a Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the San Francisco Bay region. The Basin Plan is the master policy document that contains descriptions of the legal, technical, and programmatic bases of water quality regulation in the San Francisco Bay region. Baseline Program Before MCSTOPPP obtained coverage under the Phase II General Permit, it operated a Baseline Program as a result of Basin Plan requirements. The Baseline program was designed to ensure no net increase in stormwater pollutants from the area. BASMAA Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association, which is compiled of nine stormwater programs throughout the Bay Area to share information and resources and to find opportunities for joint projects. BMPs 1. Practices implemented by private industry and public agencies that prevent or reduce water pollution. 2. Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of “water of the United States.” BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures and practice s to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. (40 CFR 122.2) viii GPS Global Positioning System IPM Integrated Pest Management JARPA Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application JEPA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement JPA Marin Street Light Acquisition Joint Powers Authority KAPS Kid Animal Protection Squad LGVSD Las Galinas Valley Sanitary District MCC Marin Conservation Corp MCL Marin Conservation League MEP maximum extent practicable MCSTOPPP Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program MGD 1. million gallons per day. 2. A type of beer to drink after a long day. MMWD Marin Municipal Water District MPWA Marin Public Works Association MS4s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet NA or n/a not applicable NBRP North Bay Riparian Station NBWA North Bay Watershed Association NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NDC New Development Committee (a BASMAA Committee) NOI Notice of Intent NPDES National Pollutant
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