The Republic of Uganda MINISTRY OF HEALTH STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 2008/09 MINISTRY OF HEALTH P.O. Box 7272, Kampala – Uganda Tel: +256 414 340874, +256 414 231563/9 Fax: +256 414340877, +256 414 231584 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.health.go.ug ii The Republic of Uganda MINISTRY OF HEALTH STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 2008/09 December 2009 Citation: Uganda, Ministry of Health Statistical Abstract 2008/09, December 2009, Kampala. iii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________________________________________ v FOREWORD _________________________________________________________ vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT _______________________________________________ viii ACRONYMS __________________________________________________________ ix LIST OF TABLES ______________________________________________________ xi LIST OF FIGURES ____________________________________________________ xii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ______________________________________________ xiii 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ________________________________________ 1 1.1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS _____________________________ 1 1.2. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION _____________________________________ 3 2.0 HEALTH INPUTS ___________________________________________________ 6 2.1 HEALTH FACILITIES _____________________________________________ 6 2.2 HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH______________________________ 16 2.3. FINANCING IN THE HEALTH SECTOR ____________________________ 21 3.0 PERFORMANCE OF HEALTH FACILITIES IN FY 2008/09 _____________ 23 3.1 HOSPITALS PERFORMANCE IN FY 2008/09 _________________________ 23 3.2 HEALTH CENTER IV FUNCTIONALITY FY 2008/09 __________________ 29 4.0 HEALTH OUTPUTS ________________________________________________ 31 4.1 KEY HEALTH INDICATORS FOR FY 2008/09 _____________________ 31 4.2 DISTRICT LEAGUE TABLE _____________________________________ 31 4.3 TIMELINESS AND COMPLETENESS OF HMIS REPORTING ___________ 32 4.4 OUTPATIENT INDICATORS ______________________________________ 32 4.5 IMMUNISATION INDICATORS ____________________________________ 33 4.6 OTHER CHILD HEALTH INDICATORS FY 2008/09 ___________________ 34 4.7 HOUSEHOLD PIT LATRINE COVERAGE FY 2008/09 _________________ 36 4.8 LABORATORY INDICATORS FOR FY 2008/09 _______________________ 37 4.9 HIV/AIDS INDICATORS FY 2008/09 ________________________________ 39 4.10 MATERNAL HEALTH AND FAMILY PLANNING INDICATORS FY 2008/09 ____________________________________________________________ 42 v 4.11 STOCK OUT OF ESSENTIAL DRUGS BY DISTRICT IN FY 2008/09 ____ 45 5.0 CAUSES OF MORBIDITY FOR FY 2008/09 ___________________________ 50 5.1. ALL CAUSES OF MORBIDITY FOR FY 2008/09 ______________________ 50 5.2: CAUSES OF MORBIDITY BY AGE GROUP FOR FY 2008/09 __________ 51 5.3: CAUSES OF MORBIDITY BY GENDER FOR FY 2008/09 _____________ 53 5.4: NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES FOR FY 2008/09 ________________ 54 5.5: DISEASES OF EPIDEMIC POTENTIAL FOR FY 2008/09 ______________ 55 5.6: MATERNAL AND PERINATAL CONDITIONS FOR FY 2008/09 _______ 55 APPENDICES ________________________________________________________ 56 APPENDIX I: SERVICE AVAILABILITY AT HC IV LEVEL FOR FY 2008/09 _ 56 APPENDIX II: SELECTED SERVICE OUTPUTS FOR HC IVS IN FY 2008/09 _ 62 APPENDIX III: AVAILABILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AT HC IV LEVEL FOR FY 2008/09 __________________ 69 APPENDIX IV: THE DISTRICT LEAGUE TABLE FOR FY 2008/09 __________ 73 APPENDIX V: TIMELINESS AND COMPLETENESS OF OUTPATIENT REPORTING 2008/09 ________________________________________________ 79 APPENDIX VI: TIMELINESS AND COMPLETENESS OF INPATIENT REPORTING 2008/09 ________________________________________________ 83 APPENDIX VII: OUTPATIENT INDICATORS BY DISTRICT FOR FY 2008/09 87 APPENDIX VIII: IMMUNISATION INDICATORS BY DISTRICT FOR FY 2008/09 ___________________________________________________________________ 89 APPENDIX IX: PROPORTION OF HEALTH FACILITIES REPORTING BY MONTH BY DISTRICT FOR THE FY 2008/09 ___________________________ 92 vi FOREWORD The Ministry of Health hereby presents the Statistical Abstract for the financial year 2008/09. It is a comprehensive summary of statistics generated from routine health management information system and health surveys in the sector. It gives highlights on morbidity and mortality status, health infrastructure, drug logistics, human resource and financial summaries among others. It is a convenient volume for statistical reference in both print and electronic (http://library.health.go.ug). This statistical abstract is one of the platforms for health statistics dissemination and will enable the sector to formulate strategies for consolidating the achievements and overcoming bottlenecks identified. This abstract aims to arouse interest of all stakeholders in the use of health information generated for policy formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation. We shall continue to be grateful for any valuable comments/contributions about this publication so as to improve future presentations. Dr Francis Runumi Ag. DIRECTOR HEALTH SERVICES (PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT) MINISTRY OF HEALTH vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Ministry of Health (Resource Centre Division) wishes to acknowledge and appreciate the valuable technical input and dedication of the Resource Centre Team towards the development of this Statistical Abstract. The Ministry further wishes to acknowledge in a special way the following people and institutions who have contributed immensely towards the development and finalization of this Statistical Abstract. Name Title and Organization 1. Dr.Eddie Mukooyo ACHS/Resource Centre, MOH 2. Mr. Amos Nzabanita Principal Biostatistician, MOH 3. Dr. Rachel Seruyange Principal Epidemiologist, MOH 4. Mrs. Juliet Nansonga Kaggwa Senior Information Scientist, MOH 5. Mrs. Caroline Kyozira Senior Biostatistician, MOH 6. Mr. Herbert Mulira Data Management Officer, MOH 7. Mr. Didacus Namanya Geographer, MOH 8. Eng. Martin Kiyingi Systems Administrator, MOH 9. Ms. Zaituni Nassanga Computer Operations Assistant, MOH 10. Mr. Paul Bamwoze Assistant Computer Operator, MOH 11. Mr. Moses Doka Librarian, MOH 12. Mr. Fred Katunguka Health Educator, MOH 13. Mr. David Mutegeki Health Educator, MOH 14. Mr. Nasan Natseri Data Manager, WHO 15. Mr. Nathan Lubowa Statistician, MOH 16. Ms. Connie Nangobi Data Manager, MOH The Ministry is equally very grateful for the support, cooperation and collaboration rendered by WHO towards the development and printing of the Statistical Abstract 2008/09. viii ACRONYMS ACP AIDS Control Program ALOS Average Length of Stay ANC Antenatal Care ARI Acute Respiratory Infection ART Anti Retroviral Therapy BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine BOR Bed Occupancy Rate C/S Caesarian Section CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CTX Cotrimoxazole CYP Couple Years of Protection DOTs Directly Observed Treatment DPT-Hep+Hib Diphtheria, Pertussis,Tetanus, Hepatitis B + Haemophilus Influenzae b ENT Ear Nose and Throat FDS Financial Decentralization Strategy FY Financial Year GoU Government of Uganda HC Health Center HCT HIV Counseling & Testing HIV Human Immune Virus HMIS Health Management Information System HRD Human Resources Development HSDs Health Sub-Districts HSSP Health Sector Strategic Plan IPD In Patient Department IPT Intermittent Presumptive Treatment ITN Insectiside Treated Net JMS Joint Medical Stores KIU Kampala International University LTFP Long Term Family Planning methods MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development ix MOH Ministry of Health MTEF Mid-Term Expenditure Fund NHA National Health Assembly NMS National Medical Stores NTLP National Tuberculosis & Leprosy Program OPD Out Patient Department ORS Oral Rehydration Salt PHC Primary Health Care PHC-CG Primary Health Care-Conditional Grant PHP Private Health Practitioners PMTCT Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission PNFP Non-Governmental Organization PNFP Private Not For Profit STI Sexual Transmitted Infections SUO Standard Unit of Output SWAP Sector Wide Approches TB Tuberculosis TT Tetanus Toxoid UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UNMHCP National Minimum Health Care Package USD United States Dollar x LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Demographic characteristics ______________________________________________ 1 Table 2: Distribution of Target Population by District, Mid - 2009 _______________________ 3 Table 3: Distribution of functional Health Units by district, level and ownership ____________ 6 Table 4: Hospitals by District ____________________________________________________ 9 Table 5: Health Centre IVs by district ____________________________________________ 12 Table 6: District staffing – 2009 (Comparison between actual and norm) ________________ 16 Table 7: Staffing levels of selected* staff in Regional Referral and large ________________ 19 Table 8: Staffing levels in General hospitals _______________________________________ 20 Table 9: Health Sector Financial Performance in FY 2008/09 __________________________ 22 Table 10: Outputs from Regional and Large PNFP hospitals FY 2008/09 ________________ 23 Table 11: Outputs from General Hospitals FY 2008/09 _______________________________ 25 Table 12: Selected service outputs for HC IVs in FY 2008/09 _________________________ 30 Table 13: Summary of Key Health indicators for FY 2008/09 ________________________ 31 Table 14: Outpatient Indicators _________________________________________________ 32 Table 15: Immunisation Indicators _______________________________________________ 33 Table 16: Child health indicators by district FY 2008/09______________________________ 34 Table 17: Laboratory indicators by district for
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