i « niBM *rti iamtaa»*i>a*» fUf l.inM.k -ml Mftti Mt ttmttt In L.*i, ,.'.* II...I ,.*., — .I »«***.•—»**l*tf*. n.*itl. "•*'- •>» ete • • ji ~t i iwan a—i it . niatW rum. • Ai pe WAfffRfllf IP '*.'.11WJS f** Illftt I 1_M EVENING tm r\ _____________ 141 * m. at l>. ! 19:4* u.m., 0.1 It. LOOK N«w unfilff I:H iKfia I II MP —.>•!*. aaa ai«a* *NIMORMC>w—. HN aate « M n'rl—a I 4l*» o'lilO—t Member Associated Press VOLUME LVH NUMBER 806 SAMTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1832 PRICE TWO CENTS ODAY'S Bttt HOOVER ABANDONS WAR DEBTS PLAN Human Interest nmimnmmimmmiiimip inniHiiiniimttiimmiiiiip iiiiiiiHiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiHiiiimitiiHimiiiiimftitt T»Stor y *,•*»•• Here Are Important Provisions of 1st Gov. Roosevelt MAN'S name, signed by Police Hold 13 in Liquor Raid Series someone else, is nos Collier's Beer*_or*Revenue Bill as A worth tbe paper it is Declines Plea written on, much less $300 in STORES TO STAY Passed in House of Representatives back dues. This bit Sf funda­ OPEN AT NIGHT Henry to Face Drys Confident mental lara doe. not, of course, be* Truckloads of come effective unless the person UNTIL SATURDAY WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (AP)—The important provisions To Cooperate sued for tbat sum happens to recall 15 Accusations Senators Will Of the Collier 3.2 per cent beer Mil, passed by the house and the fact that he did not sign a paper Intoxicants to With aaata Claus" visit al­ sent to the senate, are: which happens to be the basis of most here, Jutt two short days President a Elect Refuses away, a survey of Santa Mon­ Legalizes beer, ale, porter aad lager beer of 3.2 per cent alcohol by litigation. lea stores showed tbe foreslght- weight or 4 per eaat by volume. Joint Responsibility in A Santa Monica man, not noted Form Evidence edness of merchants in having Of Grand Theft Kill Beer Bill Provides a tax of $5 on each 31-gallon barrel, at compared with the for the excellence of his memory, complete supplies ft gift, and existing war time tax of $6 a barrel. Situation, Wishing Free was sued by a certain local club for toys. The prevalent spirit of Sensational Suicide Note Provides federal protection to dry states on the basis of the Webb- Rein After Inauguration 1300 ln back dues. He engaged Five Cars Confiscated in buying at home is giving many Veto Predicted in Event Kenyon and Reed "bone dry" laws. counsel, and mapped his defense, Santa Monican. employment Tells of Attempts to v Measure, Submitted to Becomes effective 30 days after enactment. which waa substantially as follows: Biggest Mop-Up' Here and adding tc the merriment Of Cover Alleged Missing Increases existing occupational or license tax on brewers from $100 WASHINGTON, Dee. 22 (AP) Admits Joining Club tbt season. Upper House Today. Is to $1,000 annually. — President Hoover, having The citizen admitted that he had in Months; Webb Says New and interesting displays Bonds by Speculations Requires wholesale distributors to pay an annual federal license been Informed by President­ Joined the club. He maintained, Law Will Be Enforced and decorations are making Adopted by That Body fee of $50 aad retailers. $30. elect Roosevelt that the latter however, that in the course of an . their appearance dally as (hop­ LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22 (AP) Allows sale In any licensed place where such sale is not in conflict cannot accept "an apparent altercation with two officials ofthe pers' swarm about in The last —A sensational letter, describ­ BULLETIN with state or local laws. joint responsibility" between now organization, he had consigned Climaxing 11 -days of activ­ two 'days of preparation for the WASHINOTON, Oae. IS -ft—A Permits distribution of beer in barrels, bottles, casks, kegs or other and March 4 for war-debt and re­ them both to perdition, along with ity in which a man and happiest time of the year. ing a plan of suicide to bring I Mte ae the home 3.2 per eaat bear containers sealed and labeled. the club and all it. alleged privi­ ...Stores will remain open to­ lated policies, has abandoned his woman acted as police opera­ a life of "hell and madness" bill (a to be forced tomorrow ta Prohibits brewers from obtaining licenses to operate in dry states. plan for naming a commission to leges. night, tomorrow night and Sat­ the senate, bat —d-raeate* of the Provides penalties for violations. The upshot was, he maintained, tive- and made 27 "buys" in urday night to permit last min­ to an end and repay through deal .with war debts and other inter­ life insurance the losses of Mrs. I legislation ate ta dlM-reement aa Ia addition, advocates claim it will produce $300,000,000 annually la tbat tbe officials ln question had wet spots here, a police dry ute shoppers every possible thi* walked of procedure. revenue on a possible consumption basis of 60,000,000 barrels, as con­ national problems. typed out a letter of resignation, minute to select gifts. Charlotte Shelby, was presented to Correspondence between the two squad headed by Detective Clyde the district attorney's office today in trasted wttb treasury estimates at $125,000,000 to $i50,ooo,ooo, on . wbtah be signed witb enthusiasm. Brown commenced mopping up yes­ WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (AP) probable consumption of 35.000,000 to 30,000.000 barrels. lover the patt ttw days, made public He heard nothing atore of the mat­ terday afternoon and by 2 o'clock the investigation of Leslie B. Henry, this afternoon, showed them.at ter until he was notified that suit former bond executive and promi­ —The Collier bill to legalize sharp divergence. thl. morning had arrested 13 per­ nent citizen. had been filed, be declared. sons and confiscated five automo­ 3.2 per cent beer, passed by Situation at Standstill Caae Comes to Trial biles and several hundred bottles and Te Issue Complaint the houae yesterday, was pre­ Shortly after Mrs. Shelby, mother Holland Held Paul-Boncour It was said in administration quar-j Last week the case came to trial jug. of whisky, gin. alcohol and sented to the senate today and ters that dropping of the proposed Canadian ale. of the former film star, Mary Miles ln Loa Angeles. Minter, had surrendered the letter, referred immediately to the Judi­ commission plan meant the debts The defendant was ready with To Enforce Or—Inance which she said was written to her ciary committee without discussion. situation would be at a standstill till his counsel, witnesses and story. Defendants, aB of whom will be .by Henry, Buron Fitts, district at­ Meanwhile, tt develop—1 tbat house To Be Insane Reveals Plans after inauguration. He knew just what he would say. charged rlth violations of tba city torney, said a complaint would be democratic leaders plan to defer un­ President Hoover, in a statement The defendant himself was called liquor ordinance, were Frank Moran, issued Immediately, charging Henry til late January the consideration of announcing the correspondence, said: any tax legislation aimed to produce Actress Testifies Against New French Government to tbe stand. The oath was ad­ 29, 1930 Fourteenth atreet; Kenneth SHOPPING DAYS with 15 counts of grand theft and "•'Governor Roosevelt considers ttatt ministered. Odell, 23,1753 Eleventh street; Mack nine or 10 counts of forgery. revenue to supplement what they Sell-Styled 'Husband' to Continue Herriot lt is undesirable for him to assent to The attorney for the club "pro­ Anderson. 22, 2S34-A Beverly ave­ TO CHRISTMAS hope to be derived from -the beer my suggestions for cooperative ac­ D The former bond executive, prom­ MB. duced a document, the application nue; Harry Grieves. 19, 127 Marine tion on the 'foreign problems out­ inent in many civic enterprises, in­ Provide* $5 Vtt Barrel Ta* in Sanity Hearing Debt Necotiations for membership la which the ap­ street; Odlce M. Hunt, 80, Haw­ cluding the presidency formerly of lined in my recent message to con­ plicant bad undertaken to abide by thorne; John Baumgartner, 24, Colo­ the famous Pasadena Tournament f The Collier measure taxes beer at LOS ANOELES. Dec. 32 (JT) —Al­ PARIS, DeC. 22 (JB—Joseph Paul- gress. I will respect his wishes." tbe rules of tbe elub. to pay dues rado avenue and Third street; Ed­ of Roses and a district of Kiwanis $5 a barrel and plays a large part ln Want* Fr-- Band School Funds democratic fiscal plans. bert P. Holland, accused of annoy­ Boncour Intends to follow the poli­ of so much per month, and to de­ ward Wallack, 32, 319 Westminster Internationa], was taken into cus­ ing Bebe Daniels, film star, wat cies of the Herriot government with The president-elect took the de­ liver . such dues promptly. It was avenue, Venice; A. C. Thorquest. 40, tody last night after; two detectives Prompt consideration was prom­ found insane today In a court hear­ regard to negotiations in connec­ cided position that he wanted to just a matter of legal form. and-Mrs. Gladys Thorquest, 37, both said, he tried to escape. ised ia the senate, probably in mid- have a free hand to deal with the January, after a vote has been had ing and was commltteed -to ttte tion with ttae American debt; he re­ —'-Is this your signature?" be asked of 513 Fourteenth street; Doug­ Slash Scored Issues Ha Statement state hospital at Patton. Boll—nd vealed today in his first appearance debts and other difficulties as he the defendant, pointing to tho doc­ las Irvine, 21, of 2244 Bentley ave­ on prohibition repeal, tatt democrat­ sees fit, once the responsibility Is his.
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